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Dynasty trade opinions (1 Viewer)


I have a trade offer, that by the Dynasty trade value chart on FBG's says I am getting a robbery, but our league setting negate a lot of that, so I wanna ask opinions!

The offer is Mixon and a 1st round pick (3rd or 4th overall)


Garopolo and Breida

As I said the value chart has Mixon at 25 and whoever I grab at 3 or 4 will have a 15 or so value as well, Garopolo only has a value of 9 and Brieda's not even listed.

Here's the kicker though - ours is a start 2 QB's a week league and we also have a 5 QB roster max, so QB's are premium

I have Brees, Winston, Carr, Garopolo and Brisset (Probably dump Briss for a rookie QB) and my RB's are kind of weak (Except Johnson)

Is this a trade I should be jumping on??

Since you are weak at RB I would. You already have 3 other good QB's and with that first round pick you can have Penny or Jones who could turn out to be really good RB's given their situations and Mixon is a solid RB2. It is a steal even in a 2 QB league. As far as Brisset goes unless you think you are going to get one of the top rookies he is one of the better back ups to own since Luck is no sure thing going forward. 

My RB's are (We start 2, plus I favor RB's in my Flex - we are not PPR) ... it's an 8 team league - as I said we start 2 QB's every week and there are rarely any streaming options on the wire (Obviously 1 or 2 backups will get into jobs and become available near the beginning, but they are hard to come by)

D Johnson, Ajayi, Collins, Lewis, Cohen, Montgomery, Dixon, Booker, Brieda (Would be gone in this deal obviously).

After Johnson, they're all in committees and I'm not sure I can trust any of them on a week to week basis, I think Mixon would step in instantly as my #2, then

(As for the rookies, yea, I have to see how the draft is going, but I would only go for one of the top 4 or 5 - of course if I trade Garo, then I will need to replace him anyway and that will keep Briss on my roster for the near future)

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I would make this deal. Mixon would be your #2 in my opinion. You have a number of players who could be camp and preseason names. Pretty much everyone outside Johnson and Ajayi could have significant fluctuation in hype. Between the hype and other team roster needs, you might find a trade for your replacement QB. Moving Lewis or Collins/Dixon for a RB+QB might be a deal to make down the road. But acquiring Mixon for your roster gets my vote. 

THX - I did the deal.

I made him give me 3rd pick (He has both 3rd and 4th, but I insisted on 3rd cause this particular GM has a habit of snatching my guys in drafts)

so Mixon and 3rd overall for Garopolo and Breida! :-) I like the deal!!


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