Inspired by Chet’s thread on send his daughter to Europe, and her considering getting a fake ID for said trip.
From what I understand it is very easy to get one these days via mysterious Chinese outlets. I have several college-aged nieces and nephews who have fake MA license that are spot-on. You’re not going to present them to TSA officials but to buy booze and get into bars they’re foolproof. Simply send a pic and some money to China and a month or so later an ID arrives in the mail. So easy. I fully expect my HS senior daughter to get one for herself sometime soon, it's what 18 year olds do and I'm fine with that.
Back in my day (late 80s) there were a few options. If you were lucky you had an older (ideally by 3 or 4 years) same-sex-as-you/look-alike sibling to simply give you their old driver’s license. If you had big balls and a willing accomplice you could take that sibling or someone who looked like you's birth certificate, SS card, etc., go to the DMV, impersonate him and get a new license with your pic and their name/birthdate, etc. If neither of those were options, like in my case, you had to get more creative. So when I was a freshman in college we designed a board made to scale that looked like a RI license. We hung it on a wall with a blue sheet behind it and you would stand in the cutout and get a pic snapped with a Polaroid instant camera. Then we would cut that picture out, glue a print-out of some official language that appeared on actual RI licenses onto the back of it, laminate it, then go get liquored-up at the bar.
Last month I was going through some old boxes of crap and found a Polaroid of me posing in front of the board. We would put our real names and signatures (which I've redacted) on it so we could use credit cards as back up. Changed a few digits here and there on the license number, birth date, etc so not everyone's was the same. Pretty crude-looking in hindsight and the finished product was embarrassingly bad by today's standards, but they worked like a charm in and around Boston back then.
Tell me about your fake ID.
From what I understand it is very easy to get one these days via mysterious Chinese outlets. I have several college-aged nieces and nephews who have fake MA license that are spot-on. You’re not going to present them to TSA officials but to buy booze and get into bars they’re foolproof. Simply send a pic and some money to China and a month or so later an ID arrives in the mail. So easy. I fully expect my HS senior daughter to get one for herself sometime soon, it's what 18 year olds do and I'm fine with that.
Back in my day (late 80s) there were a few options. If you were lucky you had an older (ideally by 3 or 4 years) same-sex-as-you/look-alike sibling to simply give you their old driver’s license. If you had big balls and a willing accomplice you could take that sibling or someone who looked like you's birth certificate, SS card, etc., go to the DMV, impersonate him and get a new license with your pic and their name/birthdate, etc. If neither of those were options, like in my case, you had to get more creative. So when I was a freshman in college we designed a board made to scale that looked like a RI license. We hung it on a wall with a blue sheet behind it and you would stand in the cutout and get a pic snapped with a Polaroid instant camera. Then we would cut that picture out, glue a print-out of some official language that appeared on actual RI licenses onto the back of it, laminate it, then go get liquored-up at the bar.
Last month I was going through some old boxes of crap and found a Polaroid of me posing in front of the board. We would put our real names and signatures (which I've redacted) on it so we could use credit cards as back up. Changed a few digits here and there on the license number, birth date, etc so not everyone's was the same. Pretty crude-looking in hindsight and the finished product was embarrassingly bad by today's standards, but they worked like a charm in and around Boston back then.
Tell me about your fake ID.