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I am not sure of this is in the right place, but I have sent emails and asked the question and I cannot get an answer and my draft is upon us.  The question on its face seems stupid, with that said, I need some help.

I want to use the DD, either on my iPad or my desktop all depending if I am able to make the draft or if I am doing it from home.  It is my understanding from what I have read and the vides that I have watched that these two are basically the same thing just a little different because of the operating system I will be using.  Here is what I don't understand.  When I go to my draft, do I use the draft dominator app or online app in place of using the ESPN app, which is what I would usually draft from.

Our league plays through ESPN.  I normally would log into my account and use the ESPN app to draft my team with the other 11 members of my league.  If I am using the DD do I run this program by itself and draft?  I have loaded my league settings into it already.  So if its draft night I am using the DD app and the other 11 members of my league are using the ESPN app......right?

I know this is basic and maybe borderline stupid, but I don't want to be missing something and discover it when my draft starts.  Any help on this is greatly appreciated.  

I no longer use the app but when I used to use it I had to run both the app and the website I was drafting on at the same time.

Damn, that really seems confusing and too much going on when you are drafting.  I hope this is not the case but I really appreciate the input.  Anyone else?  Leaning more towards hitting the draft as I always do, with a piece of paper.  I think there is to much to chance here.  Someone prove me wrong as I really want to use this thing.

When using the DD on the PC I usual have split screen. One half is the website your league is on and the other window open is DD. I split it so when others draft I can just stay on the DD and pick the players for the other people in the league. It is a lot of work and as the draft goes on you have to be fast to keep up with picks. 

You will still have to draft thru the ESPN draft lobby and manually pick every pick in the DD.  It sounds difficult but its very easy to keep up with in the DD.  I personally use the online version.   If you have time, practice by mock drafting on ESPN and live drafting on the DD.  The only time its difficult is when everyone goes on auto-pick but this shouldn't be the case in your real draft.  Just change your drafting position to where you are drafting on ESPN.  Hope this helps.

Jk1116 said:
When using the DD on the PC I usual have split screen. One half is the website your league is on and the other window open is DD. I split it so when others draft I can just stay on the DD and pick the players for the other people in the league. It is a lot of work and as the draft goes on you have to be fast to keep up with picks. 
Thank you!

smillstid said:
You will still have to draft thru the ESPN draft lobby and manually pick every pick in the DD.  It sounds difficult but its very easy to keep up with in the DD.  I personally use the online version.   If you have time, practice by mock drafting on ESPN and live drafting on the DD.  The only time its difficult is when everyone goes on auto-pick but this shouldn't be the case in your real draft.  Just change your drafting position to where you are drafting on ESPN.  Hope this helps.
Yes this has helped a ton.  Thanks everyone that took a minute to respond, this has been going on for three or four days and I was about to give up.

Gonna be hard to do I think unless I had two devices.  I have that here at home but he wants to do the draft at a restaurant, I may just stay home.  If I stay at home I can run the ESPN actual draft on my iPad and the DD on my desktop.  As the draft progresses I must actually manually account for everyones picks on the DD so that the DD will be accurate, obviously including mine.  I would just figure out who I want on the DD and make the selection on the actual app.....correct?  I think I read above that I can manually set the draft order correct?

I cannot thank you guys enough for the help, I really appreciate it. 

Well I just tried it and I don;t see how you can do this.  I have my desktop running the DD and my iPad on ESPN.  Can you guys explain to me how you do it.  Someone above said it weans that hard, how the heck do you keep up?  

Alright, thanks for all of the help.  The DD is not a tool that is usable in a real situation.  Thanks for the help everyone.

Alright, thanks for all of the help.  The DD is not a tool that is usable in a real situation.  Thanks for the help everyone.
I've used the DD many times during drafts. You're only making a pick in a website once a round. The rest of the time you're just following along with the website and making the pick in DD. When it's your time to pick, make the pick in DD and then make the pick through the website. 

If average pick time is 15 seconds, that gives you 15 seconds in DD to make the selection, which is more than enough time. Just make sure your league is set up correctly before the draft starts.

The problem I ran into was on a pick or two the player selected on ESPN had to be searched for on DD and I got behind.  Im trying it again tonight. Thanks for the support everyone.

Tried it again tonight, just cant keep up.  Searching for the players I get behind and I'm trying to x them out and then I run out of time on my picks.  Why the ********** is this such complicated tool.  ***********.

merdok14 I am having the same problem, I am in 3 leagues, I tried DD in my 1st live draft on yahoo, split screen, and you cannot keep up! Once you get behind putting in picks, especially if your having to look up players, your done, stick a fork in ya. After the 2nd or 3rd round I got behind and had to wing it for the rest of the draft...which suck.  This could be an awesome tool when their able to automatically load all the other players draft picks from the popular fantasy websites(espn, yahoo, nfl, etc.). Then you can draft without all the stress. I hate it because I paid for this service and its looking like its not going to work in a real draft. It would be great if they get it straight this season or hopefully next season.

Sorry your having this problem as well Capt_Weekend.  Sounds like are stories are exactly alike.  Great potential, wish we could make it work.


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