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How many draft picks would it take to get a top 10 QB ......? (1 Viewer)


Just curious, how many draft picks would it take to get a legitimate, not end of his career QB from another team? Obviously this is unlikely to happen, but think about what it would take. To spark the discussion, I'll pose the following starters:

Aaron Rodgers 5 First round picks??? would that even be enough?

Matt Ryan ? Maybe 3-4 first rounders?

Big Ben Two firsts, a second, and a third?

Josh Freeman Two firsts? (why I started this thread)

Jay Cutler went to the Bears for two 1st and a 3rd. I'm not sure how Freeman compares to Cutler at this point in his career.

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It would depend on contact obviously, but a player like Vick or freeman could be had for a first and a second while a player like Rogers or Bree's wouldn't be traded for anything.

If you're talking NFL trades then it would be dependent on the QB class that year. I think it would have cost less last season with Luck and RG3 etc as opposed to this season without any high quality QB prospects

Youre talking NFL right?

I dont think you can do it because of cap implications

I want to say there's no way Rodgers would be traded for any number of firsts, but I hesitate because I think if a team offered 10 or so, Green Bay would have to listen.

Remember, Robert Griffin III went for three firsts (at least one of them guaranteed top 10) and a very early second before he'd ever taken an NFL snap.

I want to say there's no way Rodgers would be traded for any number of firsts, but I hesitate because I think if a team offered 10 or so, Green Bay would have to listen.Remember, Robert Griffin III went for three firsts (at least one of them guaranteed top 10) and a very early second before he'd ever taken an NFL snap.
Not even close. Once you get "The Man" you don't trade "The Man" ... you find ways to keep him. Do you realize how many first round picks have been spent trying to find "The Man" over the years?

I would virtually guarantee that the Packers would not trade Rodgers for even 10 first-round picks.

Many teams out there have spent 20 years or more without a true, top franchise QB. Why trade him away just to have to spend at least 10 more to find him again? Stupid.

The problem is that whatever team you trade one of the good guys for is going to really improve, so those first round picks suddenly become picks in the 1.20 and above range. Which makes it really not worth it.If you could guarantee the 1.01 for 10 years, that might be something to consider for Rogers.

I want to say there's no way Rodgers would be traded for any number of firsts, but I hesitate because I think if a team offered 10 or so, Green Bay would have to listen.Remember, Robert Griffin III went for three firsts (at least one of them guaranteed top 10) and a very early second before he'd ever taken an NFL snap.
Not even close. Once you get "The Man" you don't trade "The Man" ... you find ways to keep him. Do you realize how many first round picks have been spent trying to find "The Man" over the years? I would virtually guarantee that the Packers would not trade Rodgers for even 10 first-round picks. Many teams out there have spent 20 years or more without a true, top franchise QB. Why trade him away just to have to spend at least 10 more to find him again? Stupid.
Some of it has to be the fan reaction. Many fans were upset to see Montana leave, the colts fans weren't quite as upset but they still had some negative vibes. And those were toward the end of their career with a young stud to take over. Can't imagine the fans reaction if green bay dealt Rodgers now.
It would depend on contact obviously, but a player like Vick or freeman could be had for a first and a second while a player like Rogers or Bree's wouldn't be traded for anything.
There is no way a team would give a 1&2 for Vick. A single pick higher than a 3rd would shock me.

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