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Is now is the time to trade Cato June? (1 Viewer)


I have him in a dynasty league and I'm sure I could get alot for him. Do you think he can keep up this performance?

I traded him straight up for Todd Heap yesterday in a dynasty league.The other guy made a post saying he was looking to unload one of his TEs for a stud LB. I was in desperate need since Steve Heiden was my top TE. June was the perfect bait. He has played way above expectations and couldn't possibly keep up his current pace.

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I have him in a dynasty league and I'm sure I could get alot for him.  Do you think he can keep up this performance?
No one could keep up this pace. And, he's ? this week with a groin injury.
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If you can find people who will give up the farm, June's a definite "sell high" candidate.

I would trade him. There are at least 20 LBs in the NFL I would rather have than him. And 20 is very conservative.

Deal him for anythingCato June might be one of the few top-position players you can get very little for because everyone knows this performance is a fluke- so target those owners who know very little about IDP and youll get exceptional value.

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The Colts think he has a sports hernia injury. They are going to check tomorrow to see how serious it is. I think his value just went down the drain. :(


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