1 spots left
League was formed in 2007 we're looking to start our draft around the 15th
Scoring very balanced and high
We use Divisional Play & VPs
Weekly Line ups *Lineups may be submitted or changed up to a player’s game time without penalty.
*A full line up is required every week. 11 Offense: (1 QB, 3 WR, 2 RB, 1 TE, 1 PK, 2 flex (1 W/R, 1 W/T), & 1 KR*
11 IDPS: (3 DL, 3 LB, 2 CB, 2 S, 1 DL/LB) so you can go 4 - 3 - 4 or 3 - 4 - 4
any questions or interest email me at
League was formed in 2007 we're looking to start our draft around the 15th
Scoring very balanced and high
We use Divisional Play & VPs
Weekly Line ups *Lineups may be submitted or changed up to a player’s game time without penalty.
*A full line up is required every week. 11 Offense: (1 QB, 3 WR, 2 RB, 1 TE, 1 PK, 2 flex (1 W/R, 1 W/T), & 1 KR*
11 IDPS: (3 DL, 3 LB, 2 CB, 2 S, 1 DL/LB) so you can go 4 - 3 - 4 or 3 - 4 - 4
any questions or interest email me at
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