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New ESPN 12 team IDP Auction, Draft is Sun (1 Viewer)

Sky E

New Auction IDP with written Blog, 6 keepers, draft Sun
I am helping the LM (Jon) recruit owners. This is a great looking league. IDP auction is the way to go. No needing to guess when to take IDP players, as in a auction the order doesn't matter. Plus with 6 keepers you can build your team and keepers for years to come.

1st year, start up League
Auction Draft, this Sun (18th) @ 8Pm Est.

Looking for serious and active owners. No cash because it's for pride. Email to jayang21@gmail.com or sky@summitside.com to join. Or just respond here. Thanks.

League Site (ESPN): http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/leaguesetup/settings?...

Selling Point: A hand written blog for the league! Owners should be open to contributing articles and analysis too, even if occasionally. It'll be like a mini-ESPN for the league! Samples: http://maizeandblueleague.blogspot.com and http://catchthedamnball.blogspot.com

Pretty standard except for fractional scoring, half point PPR, half point total tackles...
(follow above link and go to settings to see details)

Total: 28 players
Starters: 16 total, 8 offensive (1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 RB/WR/TE) and 7 defensive (2 DL, 2 LB, 2 DB, 1 DL/LB/DB) plus 1 kicker (K)
Bench: 12 slots, plus 2 IR slots
Using ESPN's Free Agent Auction system for in-season pickups

Six keepers. (escalation undecided. Can be voted on once full)

Playoffs: Top three teams in each conference make playoffs, Bye for #1 seeds.
Toilet Bowl: Bottom three in each conference participate in a Toilet Bowl for next year's #1 and #2 picks

*Proposed scoring quirk (can be implemented if people like the idea): Home team gets +X points for playoffs. "X" is designated as the difference in number of wins betweens the two team, times two.
Example: A 10-3 team facing off versus a 7-6 would get a +6 for that week.

Join up! Let's do this!


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