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Thread update:

Game is out. Spoiler tags are still being used. 


animal pelt map


Trinkets and amulets (tailasmans, not amulets)

Gold bar glitch 


This game comes out soon and it will dominate the Video game thread... 

Day one purchase for me. I’m even considering buying a new xbox for this one. 

Who wants to be in my gang?

  :tumbleweed: :gang2: :deadhorse:

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Nobody is buying what might be the best game to come out since (name your favorite game here)???

All the previews are saying how much depth and immersion this game has. Sounds like Rockstar is about to hit another home run.

I think I am going to pull the trigger on the One X for this game as well. I've never been more excited about a video game. 

around the time we had the last FFA RDR online group is around the time I stopped playing games online.  

I will probably be in for this.    I just remember the entirety of my online experience with you guys was being on a handicapped donkey and falling of a cliff for 2 hours straight.   I was pretty good (good enough, anyway) at the campaign but the online stuff was...not good.  

Most anticipated game in a handful of years.

I'll be there at my local gamestop at midnight. I love how Friday releases are finally becoming the norm.

Think the first game should be completed before playing this one?  I played the first one for a while but never finished it.

This game comes out soon and it will dominate the Video game thread... 

Day one purchase for me. I’m even considering buying a new xbox for this one. 

Who wants to be in my gang?

  :tumbleweed: :gang2: :deadhorse:
I'd love 2 but PS4. Yeah I I was pissed I issued out on the collectors addition of this. Thought I was getting it in time at GS but they sold out however found out I was going to be paying $99 and it didn't even come with the game. SO I'm not that upset now. I remember playing the 1st one and thinking we need more Western Video games 

Most anticipated game in a handful of years.

I'll be there at my local gamestop at midnight. I love how Friday releases are finally becoming the norm.
Me too but it's also how Europe releases stuff too. Even the music industry is releasing stuff on Friday's now. I remember back when you still could only get CD's since iTunes didn't have all the bands I listened to yet and if I wanted to get the album from a European band the day of it's release I had to order it from the Band's website or wait until the NA Release that next tues. Probably taking off that whole weekend using Fri and Sat as Vacation days and take off Sunday with the Eagles game in London. 

Is it worth getting the Special Edition?  I think it's just a faster horse to start out on.
You also get some outlaw survival kit things and I think loot money. This is from Gamestop's Website it seems well worth it. I'm getting picky with "Special editions" for games these days. Don't really do them for Sports games anymore as I could careless about Ultimate team and that nonsense. 

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition delivers exclusive content for Story Mode including a Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout, Dappled Black Thoroughbred, Talisman & Medallion Gameplay Bonuses, Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & Discounts, and the Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit, plus free access to Additional Weapons.

You also get some outlaw survival kit things and I think loot money. This is from Gamestop's Website it seems well worth it. I'm getting picky with "Special editions" for games these days. Don't really do them for Sports games anymore as I could careless about Ultimate team and that nonsense. 

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition delivers exclusive content for Story Mode including a Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout, Dappled Black Thoroughbred, Talisman & Medallion Gameplay Bonuses, Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & Discounts, and the Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit, plus free access to Additional Weapons.
Oh dang, bank robbery mission?  I might have to get it also.  They had some treasure map as well, but you had to pre-order by a certain date that is long gone.

if you know anyone let them know we'll all exchange gamer tags and everything. Currently trying to look into a new mic. Look for something durable but cheap as I rarely use it. I lost my old one and never really replaced it
If you don't mind the in-ear style, the cheap mono one that comes with the PS4 is better than some ones that cost twice+ as much

Just got an email that the PSN and pretty much everything on there (Vue) is starting to charge sales tax in my area starting Oct 1st.   I'll probably pull the trigger before then and save a few bucks.

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WTF? I have to basically delete all my other games just to play this?

Edit: Yes, maybe its time for an external hard drive. Ive been putting it off for so long because I usually only play 1 or 2 games at a time so deleting old games never causes me issues.
Yep. I basically play the same as you. Only 2 or 3 at a time then basically delete. 105 is legit anywhere from 3-5 games. I got the external HDD a few months ago, and its been awesome. And switching games back and forth between external and system storage is quick and easy. So never have to fully delete games anymore, at least the ones I know I'll go back to at some point.

Oh dang, bank robbery mission?  I might have to get it also.  They had some treasure map as well, but you had to pre-order by a certain date that is long gone.
I find it hard to believe these aren’t features that will be available to all down the line, even free eventually. 

I just buy the standard edition of games and the catch the dlc or season pass on sale later. 

WTF? I have to basically delete all my other games just to play this?

Edit: Yes, maybe its time for an external hard drive. Ive been putting it off for so long because I usually only play 1 or 2 games at a time so deleting old games never causes me issues.
This is kind of like me but I have like 3-4 games at a time on my drive. I don't understand how you do the external hard drive to the system. Does it have a USB support plug you plug the hard drive in? 

I find it hard to believe these aren’t features that will be available to all down the line, even free eventually. 

I just buy the standard edition of games and the catch the dlc or season pass on sale later. 
True but I've seen a few games charge for them. For example I bought WWE one of the 2K games a few yrs ago. If you pre ordered there was two wrestlers you got for pre order but didn't get if you didn't. It was a very popular CAW so 2K put them on the online store for like 1.99 each or something. 

In. PS4. PSN: Bordman

I’ve started waiting for games to release the “GotY Edition” that includes all the DLC but this game will break that trend. It will also break my “no preorder” policy. Pre-Ordering the highest tier package. 

In. PS4. PSN: Bordman

I’ve started waiting for games to release the “GotY Edition” that includes all the DLC but this game will break that trend. It will also break my “no preorder” policy. Pre-Ordering the highest tier package. 
Well I get the standard but agree with the other stuff

This is kind of like me but I have like 3-4 games at a time on my drive. I don't understand how you do the external hard drive to the system. Does it have a USB support plug you plug the hard drive in? 
Yes. There's nothing to it - buy an external HDD, plug it into the usb port, Xbox essentially does the rest. 

stupid board posted twice.

Yes, this will almost certainly be a digital pre-order, and I may even spring for one of the "bigger" versions, which is something I almost never do.

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Agree with others, this is a very rare preorder for me. I got the standard edition but early enough to get some freebies. A map and something else. 

PSN - Cortimus

I probably won't jump into online right away, don't think they have committed to a date for online just after release. 

Oh and I will probably ghost this thread at launch. No spoilers for me. 

Old man questions.  Are there still perks if I pre-order now?  I just bought my own XBox One as I just shared with the kids; but want to be able to play II with them online.  If I do pre-order now, will the game begin to download right at midnight on the 26th or do I need to trigger up something for it to begin?  I plan on having it ethernet wired off the router; any idea how long a game of this potential size will take to download?  

Old man questions.  Are there still perks if I pre-order now?  I just bought my own XBox One as I just shared with the kids; but want to be able to play II with them online.  If I do pre-order now, will the game begin to download right at midnight on the 26th or do I need to trigger up something for it to begin?  I plan on having it ethernet wired off the router; any idea how long a game of this potential size will take to download?  
usually, these are pre-downloaded / installed, and are ready to go on release date.

I preordered on Xbox what seems like forever ago. Kind of disappointed that the PS4 Pro bundle they announced for this is so no frills (just a regular black PS4 Pro.) After the Spider-Man bundle that’s a let down.

Regretting I didn’t get the Spidey Bundle, those are almost $600 resale now.

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