[SIZE=11pt]We've already filled up one of our highest-stakes HallofFamer, aka, "Grandaddy of them all!" leagues today, and are now working on an overflow second one as well. It needs just a few more teams, and will draft with either 10 or 12 teams; depending upon how many we get for it. It is scheduled to draft at 8:30pm if full, and if not full by then will draft at 9:15pm ET with either 10 or 12 teams. To reserve your team in this prestigious league, please click here now![/SIZE]
*** Drafting TODAY, Sunday, September 1st at 8:30pm ET!
*** Starting lineup of 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 1K, and 1DT.
*** 12 teams; 20 round draft; up to 2 minutes allotted per pick.
What are you waiting for?! This is a once-a-year league! Click here to grab your team to participate in it NOW!
[SIZE=11pt]12, Live, Traditional, HallofFamer: [/SIZE]
*** "The Granddaddy of Them All"! Our LAST $2,999 highest-stakes league! *** Drafting TODAY, Sunday, September 1st at 8:30pm ET!
*** Starting lineup of 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 1K, and 1DT.
*** 12 teams; 20 round draft; up to 2 minutes allotted per pick.
What are you waiting for?! This is a once-a-year league! Click here to grab your team to participate in it NOW!