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Paging Dentist - Toothache - meds arent helping AAArggghhh (1 Viewer)


Dear lord my tooth is killing me....

Lower right side. Temporary crown. Im on Amoxicillin 500MG and Hydroco/acet 7.5-500 TB MA

The directions say to take 1 every eight hours - after 4 my mouth is KILLING me. Even during the four the pain isn't totally gone. I'm about to go into a hulk rage.


Should I call my dentist back?

Can I take two of these?

Ive never had a toothache /infection like this where it didn't get better almost immediatly after taking the anti-biotics. I normally never even take pain meds but this time its something special. Im also a little swollen, somthing I wasnt prior to taking the medicine.

Im not allergic to anything and Ive ben on theese meds before with no issues.

Dear god somebody help me.

root canal !!!!!!
or extraction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sign me up!
Seriously though, if you have vicodin, I would take one or two every 4 hours. Should at least lessen the pain. Your dentist likely wont be able to do anything until tomorrow morning.
Is that what I have?

Im taking 1 every 4 hours. Even doing that I have about 30 minutes of excruciating throbbing pain before the new pill kicks in.

Im paranoid about taking too many pain pills.

If you live in the Boston area I can give you the name of a first-rate Endodontist. Otherwise you'll have to find your own.

Sounds like you probably have an irreversable pulpitis, probably caused by mechanical/thermal trauma from the crown procedure. The tooth is going through an inflamatory process, causing that mofo to hurt. You need A root canal.

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sorry, just got back.. update?

you need a root canal and/or extraction
Yes but why isn't the pain going away? WHY? TELL ME!!!!!!!
Because the decay has gone straight to the nerve... oral painkillers aren't going to help very much. Go to the endodontist. He'll hit that with a local and kill the nerve with a root canal. After that you'll have relief.
Tomorrow my good man, tomorrow.
You could get it done tonight.

There are back alley dentists, I know a guy that knows a guy...

Motrin 800mg will help, your current meds don't do anything for inflamation. Call your dentist, he/she probably has an answering service.

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You could also try one of the 24-hour emergency rooms for some beefier meds until you get to the dentist for your root canal or extraction. Don't take the extra Tylenol that's in your pain pills. It's easy to OD on that stuff, and it really won't help at this point. You need better meds.

Tie a string around the tooth and the other end on a door knob. Then get Buckwheat to slam the door shut. This always worked for toothaches on The Little Rascals.

Oh and be sure to tie a white bandana around your jaw and over the top of the head.

Paging Dentist...

2-3 weeks ago had major hot/cold sensitivity on a tooth that was previously root canaled. Did ABs and then a deeper rc re treatment.

The second rc relieved the tooth pain, but then there was pain just from pressure on that tooth. Lasted for several days. Later, pain isolated in the maxilla above the tooth.

Secondary sinusitis? Will it heal itself?

Pain has persisted for almost two weeks. Pain is finally starting to lessen though. Can I wait a few more days to see if it gets better, or is this something I need to have looked at?


Tom Skerritt said:
Paging Dentist...

2-3 weeks ago had major hot/cold sensitivity on a tooth that was previously root canaled. Did ABs and then a deeper rc re treatment.

The second rc relieved the tooth pain, but then there was pain just from pressure on that tooth. Lasted for several days. Later, pain isolated in the maxilla above the tooth.

Secondary sinusitis? Will it heal itself?

Pain has persisted for almost two weeks. Pain is finally starting to lessen though. Can I wait a few more days to see if it gets better, or is this something I need to have looked at?

I'd give it a little more time.

if in another week to 10 days it's still bothersome have it checked out.

Secondary root canals can leave the tooth sore a long time


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