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Patriots being investigated after Colts game (3 Viewers)

Percent of NFL teams actively trying to steal play sheets?

  • 0%

    Votes: 90 33.0%
  • 25%

    Votes: 91 33.3%
  • 50%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • 75%

    Votes: 16 5.9%
  • 100%

    Votes: 57 20.9%

  • Total voters
Newsflash - its not over and the idea that they rubbed down the balls with enough force without using a dryer or tumbling machine to raise the PSI by a full pound while the ball was at room temperature sounds a bit far fetched. The NFL will surely have a response.
newsflash -- it'll be over a week from sunday

then it's on to 2015!!!!!!!

I mean for us -- it was over for you a long time ago
Nah, it was over for the Steelers a long while ago. They never had the defense this year to compete in the playoffs and weren't a serious contender. Having two Super Bowls since the Pats won their last Spygate tainted one has been pretty nice though.

My guess is the NFL won't issue any statements before the Super Bowl because they won't want to turn this into a pissing match this week. But they'll conclude their investigation and the results will come out in a few weeks. And they'll end up changing a rule or two based on whatever the Patriots did to either break or bend a rule this time.

Granted, Pats fans will disregard anything that comes out that contradicts Belicheck's words today, but we'll end up knowing what they know unless the NFL chooses to sweep this under the rug.
All I know for sure is the only team with a player that has admitted to cheating by deflating balls after they were inspected by the refs is the Steelers. Thanks Terry. :towelwave:

I can't wait for the next super cold game the Patriots play in. They need to stop play and ask for measurements on the opposing teams footballs just as a final "gotcha" to the NFL.

I agree with Al Michaels. With everything going on in the world, people are fixated on how much air was in a bunch of footballs. Really?

Always cracks me up when people say this. You could apply this to almost anything. Heck, you could even say "With everything going on in the world, people care about a couple journalists getting lit up with AK-47s?" I mean, wasn't an entire Nigerian village massacred on the same day?

"With everything going on in the world", this forum shouldn't even exist. Or any other forum. Because no one is allowed to talk about anything except the single most important thing.
This story has been leading every news show, been the headline in practically every newspaper, and featured story on many websites, even ones that have nothing at all to do with sports. It has consumed social media and has been trending in the top three globally since the story broke. That is atypical of sports stories.

So Pats fans are saying end of story. Don't think so. This cover up is going to cost the Pats big time. Next round will be a different set of "experts" that debunk the Pats "story". Bottom line the Colts balls did not deflate like the Pats.

This has gone beyond the game and it's on the ego of the Pats organization. Let's see if the NFL has the stones to stand up to the Pats.
Like BB, I am not a scientist either. But if his math and science is accurate, why the Colts footballs didn't drop PSI also needs to be explained.
Of course they dropped, we just don't know if the league measured them before or after the game.
We don't know anything, except that PSI's can vary based on a number of factors.

Another thing any member of the sports media with a brain will quickly realize, is that PSI's in extremely cold weather games are likely FAR under the 12.5-13.5 PSI range that the media has made out to be the holy grail of football perfection.....meaning every team in the NFL has played with "under-inflated footballs" on a regular basis.
Extremely cold???? It was 50 degrees during the 1st half. At most a 20 degree delta from locker room temp. Notice BB cites the Ravens game in his example (temp of 15)

Suddenly Belicheat is a physics professor schooled in atmospheric pressure?? Theyre going to get killed on media day this os NOT going away.question for the Professor...how come all Colts balls were at the absolute correct weight throughout the entite game???

Dopes gonna be dopes..and Belicheat is the master..

Sinple answer to him and Tommy Asterisk: take a polygraph .if youre as innocent as you claim put it all to rest right now, nice and quick..take a polygraph..and i hope a reporter asks both of these clowns this very question..

Stay clasdy Pats fans you're backing the biggest bunch of cheaters in pro sports history.theyve been doing for a decade since they cheated the Rams Eagles Panthers out of SB victories..
If they were so confident in their little science experiment to figure out what happened, why didn't they document it by video recording it and releasing the video to the media today? That would have put an end to it. Instead they came up with a lame cover story to try to cover their tracks, hoping the media would buy it. Instead, only the gullible and blinded Pats fans are going, "See, told you so"
LOL. Now they are being called out for not videotaping their investigation? When the NFL, who is making the accusation and has the burden of proof here, has released NOTHING?The only one blind here Pawn is you. Always have been when it comes to the Pats.
What? Link?

You watch "A Football Life" and you see this presser, and you see why guys play for the guy.

People had said Belichick "threw Brady under the bus" in his earlier press conference. I thought there was a comfortable fraternity expressed when he talked about "Tom" in this one.

(tired of things getting thrown under the bus. trite and worn out)
That news conference is why NE loves this guy.

And I guarantee you all the haters on this board would to if he was on their side.

Video of the press conference

Transcript including Q&A courtesy of /u/vgman20 of /r/patriots:

"How we doing?"

I want to take this opportunity to share information

I spent a significant amount of time this weekend learning what I could about letters, air gauges, stitches, ball preparation, etc.

Trying to be as helpful as I can and share what I learned. Having coached for several years, growing up in a football family, being around this game the entire life, it's clear I don't know very much about this area. I've learned a lot more, exponentially more, than I have ever known.

There have been questions raised, and I believe now, 100%, that I have personally, and we as an organization, has followed every rule to the letter, and on behalf of the organization, we have to say something

I've talked to and gathered a lot of information from staff, talked to other people familiar with this subject in other organizations, and we have performed an internal study of the process and there are other things we can do, but i have enough info to share with you

based on the events of today, this is the time to do it, it's impromptu but w/e

first of all, the process

as Tom said, the most important part of the ball for the QB is the feel of the ball, exterior. It's critical and easily identifiable. You can tell how broken in it is, etc. Easy to identify. That's the essence of the prep. We prepare the balls over time, use them in practice, that process continues right up until balls are given to officials. Thats when theyre finalized

In that process, I've handled dozens of balls over the past week the texture is very easy to identify. The pressure is a whole different story

It's much more difficult to feel or identify. So the focus of our prep is based on feel and texture. Tom went into that and he's the one who can go through it in more detail than I can

We simulated a gameday situation in terms of prep of footballs and where the balls were at various times of the day, and our preparation process for the footballs is what we do, can't speak for other teams, and that process raises the PSI approximately 1 pound. (psi, i assume). The process of creating the feel they want elevates the PSI approximately 1 PSI, based on what our study showed, doing what we would do for a game.

When the balls are delivered to the locker room for the refs, we asked them to bring them down to 12.5. That's what we did in the study, but we don't know what the refs do with them. That's done in a controlled climate. Prepared in our locker room, delivered to official's locker room, which is also controlled environment. When the balls go outside into the elements, that's where the footballs are played with, and thats where the measurements would be different then what they are in a controlled environment, and thats what we found. When the footballs were on the field for an extended period of time and adjusted to temp and reached equilibrium, they were down approximately 1.5 psi.*

When we brought them back in after and retested them in a controlled environment, those measurements rose approximately 0.5 PSI. The net of 1.5 back to a half is about 1 PSI.

Now, we all know air pressure is a function of atmospheric conditions. If there's activity in the ball relative to the rubbing process, that explains why, when we gave them to the officials, if they put them at 12.5 psi, once it reached equilibrium state, it was closer to 11.5. Those were our measurements, we can't speak to what happened on that day. We don't touch them after the officials have them

it's similar to when your car says check tire pressure when its been out and cold

the atmospheric conditions relative to the ball is critical

At no time were any of our footballs prepared anywhere other than the locker room. never in a heated room or heated condition. that has absolutely never taken place to anyone's knowledge. didn't happen.

when you measure a football, there are a number of different issues that come up. Gauges (different types, accuracy, etc.), all footballs are different.

Each ball has it's own characteristics. It's an animal skin, it's a bladder, it's stitching, and each has it's own unique characteristics. When you do the same thing to different balls, there will be variance.

Footballs do not get measured during the game. We have no way of knowing, til we did the study, that this has taken place. When we give them to the officials, they put them to what they put them at, let's say 12.5, the air pressure from then to the rest of the game, we have no knowledge of. It's never been a concern. the concern is the pressure.

We had our QBs look at a number of footballs. They were unable to differentiate a 1 PSI difference in those footballs. They were unable to do it. On a 2 PSI difference, there was some differentiation, but not consistent. They could pick out some of them, but not all of their guesses were right. I can't tell the difference if there's 1 PSI or 0.5 PSI in any footballs.

Anyone who has seen us practice knows me make it harder to handle the ball. players train in conditions some people would say you shouldn't drive in. They're a mentally and physically tough team that works hard and has met every challenge I put in front of them. I know that because I work them every day. Best team in the AFC, beat 2 good teams in the playoffs, best team in the postseason. That's what this team is. I'm proud of this team.

I just want to show you what I've learned. I'm embarrassed to say how much time i've put into this vs. super bowl prep. i'm not a scientist or an expert in measurements, just telling you what i know. Not Mona Lisa Vito of the football world.

At no time was there any intent, WHATSOEVER, to compromise the integrity of the game. We feel we followed to letter of the rules in procedures, regulations, and every game we played in as it relates to this matter

We try and do everything right, we err on the side of caution. it's been this way for years. Anything that's close, we stay away from the line. In this case, we did everything as we could do it. We welcome the league's investigation, there are a number of things to be looked into, but that's not this conversation.

This is the end of this subject for me for a long time, ok? we have a huge game, and that's where this focus is going to go. I've spent more than enough time on this and im happy to share all that i've learned over this week. The matter is very complex, we're not landing a guy on the moon but there are a lot of things that are hard to get a handle on.

Alright, i'll take a couple questions then moving on

Q: Did NFL share...

A: talk to the NFL

Q: you don't know if they documented the pressure at various..

A: Tom, we could talk about this for 2 hrs. If you want to ask the league about what they do, ask the league. I'm just saying what I've learned. That's all I can say, I'm not a scientist nor a league official

Q: Do you feel after this work, you'll be exonerated

A: I just told you what I think

Q: usually this is spent on gameplanning

A: I have spent time game planning

Q: Do you think time's been compromised from gameplanning?

A: It has to be done

Q: it's a combo of atmospheric pressures and trusting the officials inflated the balls to 12.5 is that correct?

A; you can take the atmospheric conditions out of it. If there taken in the same conditions, they should be the same. If you expose them to elements, they'll be different. That's not the issue. Depending on where/how balls were measured, that's a whole different discussion. The prep caused the ball to be artificially high when it was set to the regulation level, then reached it's equilibrium at some point during the game, which was below what was set. anyone who wants to do the experiment, go ahead

Q: You try and err on the side of caution. You were pushing the envelope on video taping, has that changed?

A: The guy's giving signals in front of 80k people, we filmed that like a lot of other people were at the time. 80k people saw the guy, everyone saw us. It was wrong, we were disciplined for it, that's it. We're not going to do that again. We always will err on the side of caution.

Q: did you have any "science people" help with your investigation

A: we talked to a lot of people

Q: How much time spent?

A: didn't log it

Q: are you relieved by what you found?

A: on thursday i said i didn't have answers. We went through everything, im confident in what i've told you.

Q: so is that a yes?

A: i did what i did. I'm not using those adjectives

Q: Do you know what made the pressure rise?

A: You rub it to get to the texture, etc. (Bill's getting really pissed here). Does that stimulate something inside the ball to raise PSI, i would say yes

Q: based on research, what will you do differently

A: that's another whole area here. its a very important question

he finished here

This week has been like a second Christmas. Somewhere in that presser bb said the balls reached equilibrium without any rubbing and I damn near fell off my couch.

This is only going to get more fun. Unless the NFL has the greatest, most irrefutable smoking gun ever seen we can expect a great big mea culpa from the consistently inept NFL HQ.

I agree with Al Michaels. With everything going on in the world, people are fixated on how much air was in a bunch of footballs. Really?

Always cracks me up when people say this. You could apply this to almost anything. Heck, you could even say "With everything going on in the world, people care about a couple journalists getting lit up with AK-47s?" I mean, wasn't an entire Nigerian village massacred on the same day?

"With everything going on in the world", this forum shouldn't even exist. Or any other forum. Because no one is allowed to talk about anything except the single most important thing.
This story has been leading every news show, been the headline in practically every newspaper, and featured story on many websites, even ones that have nothing at all to do with sports. It has consumed social media and has been trending in the top three globally since the story broke. That is atypical of sports stories.
team getting caught cheating at this level is atypical in sports, well except for the Pats

Belichick today reminded me of Walter White explaining to Skylar why there was gasoline all over the carpet. Wish I could've seen the reporters looking at each other with puzzled expressions while he flung that bs.

Suddenly Belicheat is a physics professor schooled in atmospheric pressure?? Theyre going to get killed on media day this os NOT going away.question for the Professor...how come all Colts balls were at the absolute correct weight throughout the entite game???

Dopes gonna be dopes..and Belicheat is the master..

Sinple answer to him and Tommy Asterisk: take a polygraph .if youre as innocent as you claim put it all to rest right now, nice and quick..take a polygraph..and i hope a reporter asks both of these clowns this very question..

Stay clasdy Pats fans you're backing the biggest bunch of cheaters in pro sports history.theyve been doing for a decade since they cheated the Rams Eagles Panthers out of SB victories..
You want some fries with that salt? :) It's over, and the only clown is you. Even the non Pats fans are agreeing. If anyone cheated it was probably the Colts, who knew the refs were going to check the balls so they kept them fully inflated the whole game.

Belichick today reminded me of Walter White explaining to Skylar why there was gasoline all over the carpet. Wish I could've seen the reporters looking at each other with puzzled expressions while he flung that bs.
Probably because most of the reporters had no idea what he was talking about.

This deserves to be posted over and over again. Can't remember who posted it earlier, but I feel like it's worth posting again.

"We took 12 brand new authentic NFL footballs and exposed them to the different elements they would have experienced throughout the game. said Thomas Healy, founder of HeadSmart Labs. Out of the twelve footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions. During testing, twelve brand new footballs were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree Fahrenheit room. This was to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50 degree Fahrenheit environment to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game. In addition, the footballs were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions. HeadSmart Labs found that on average the footballs dropped 1.1 PSI from the 25 degree temperature change alone. The Lab also found that when the leather was wet, the ball dropped an additional 0.7 PSI. In combination, it was found that on average the footballs lost 1.8 PSI with a max of 1.95 PSI from exposure to game day elements."

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This deserves to be posted over and over again. Can't remember who posted it earlier, but I feel it's worth posting over and over again.

We took 12 brand new authentic NFL footballs and exposed them to the different elements they would have experienced throughout the game. said Thomas Healy, founder of HeadSmart Labs. Out of the twelve footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions. During testing, twelve brand new footballs were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree Fahrenheit room. This was to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50 degree Fahrenheit environment to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game. In addition, the footballs were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions. HeadSmart Labs found that on average the footballs dropped 1.1 PSI from the 25 degree temperature change alone. The Lab also found that when the leather was wet, the ball dropped an additional 0.7 PSI. In combination, it was found that on average the footballs lost 1.8 PSI with a max of 1.95 PSI from exposure to game day elements."

All I can think of is Jim Irsay as Boris from Bullwinkle and his plan to frame the Pats goes terribly wrong. Of course BB is Bullwinkle and Brady Rocky.

This deserves to be posted over and over again. Can't remember who posted it earlier, but I feel it's worth posting over and over again.

We took 12 brand new authentic NFL footballs and exposed them to the different elements they would have experienced throughout the game. said Thomas Healy, founder of HeadSmart Labs. Out of the twelve footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions. During testing, twelve brand new footballs were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree Fahrenheit room. This was to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50 degree Fahrenheit environment to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game. In addition, the footballs were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions. HeadSmart Labs found that on average the footballs dropped 1.1 PSI from the 25 degree temperature change alone. The Lab also found that when the leather was wet, the ball dropped an additional 0.7 PSI. In combination, it was found that on average the footballs lost 1.8 PSI with a max of 1.95 PSI from exposure to game day elements."
Nah, just the equipment manager pumping them up over and over again all game :)

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo

You watch "A Football Life" and you see this presser, and you see why guys play for the guy.

People had said Belichick "threw Brady under the bus" in his earlier press conference. I thought there was a comfortable fraternity expressed when he talked about "Tom" in this one.

(tired of things getting thrown under the bus. trite and worn out)
That news conference is why NE loves this guy.

And I guarantee you all the haters on this board would to if he was on their side.
also, an assload of winning

Unless the NFL comes out with some compelling evidence quickly, this thing is over. What Belichik did today was slap a beat down on the NFL and the media the likes of which I've never seen. If this were a prize fight the refs would have stepped in and put a stop to it.

The NFL has knowingly allowed a franchise, a fan base, it's greatest coach, and maybe it's greatest quarterback - to be dragged through the mud for 6 days while they should be preparing for a Superbowl. After what Belichik did today, Goodell has to respond with something. The fact that he hasn't seems to point to what I've suspected all along - that the NFL has nothing here, and that once again Roger Goodell is showing how incompetent and incapable he is - hopefully for the last time.
Yep. One of the greatest smackdowns I've seen. Kudos to BB for taking the fight to the league and a ridiculous media.

I've always been a huge Brady fan, and while I've been an admirer of Belichick, I've never considered myself a full-fledged Patriots fan. But I think that's finally changed today. Proud of the Pats organization and the way they've handled this ridiculous week. Pats gained a new fan today. Too bad I'm finally joining the fanbase at the likely end of the Brady/Belichick era.
well, it's kind of too bad you couldn't become a fan of the greatest dynasty in sports, but we'll take fans of deflated footballs, too.

all are welcome

You watch "A Football Life" and you see this presser, and you see why guys play for the guy.

People had said Belichick "threw Brady under the bus" in his earlier press conference. I thought there was a comfortable fraternity expressed when he talked about "Tom" in this one.

(tired of things getting thrown under the bus. trite and worn out)
That news conference is why NE loves this guy.

And I guarantee you all the haters on this board would to if he was on their side.
also, an assload of winning
apparently loaded into tanner9919s ###.
This deserves to be posted over and over again. Can't remember who posted it earlier, but I feel like it's worth posting again.

"We took 12 brand new authentic NFL footballs and exposed them to the different elements they would have experienced throughout the game. said Thomas Healy, founder of HeadSmart Labs. Out of the twelve footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions. During testing, twelve brand new footballs were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree Fahrenheit room. This was to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50 degree Fahrenheit environment to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game. In addition, the footballs were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions. HeadSmart Labs found that on average the footballs dropped 1.1 PSI from the 25 degree temperature change alone. The Lab also found that when the leather was wet, the ball dropped an additional 0.7 PSI. In combination, it was found that on average the footballs lost 1.8 PSI with a max of 1.95 PSI from exposure to game day elements."

"How we doing?"

I want to take this opportunity to share information

I spent a significant amount of time this weekend learning what I could about letters, air gauges, stitches, ball preparation, etc.

Trying to be as helpful as I can and share what I learned. Having coached for several years, growing up in a football family, being around this game the entire life, it's clear I don't know very much about this area. I've learned a lot more, exponentially more, than I have ever known.

There have been questions raised, and I believe now, 100%, that I have personally, and we as an organization, has followed every rule to the letter, and on behalf of the organization, we have to say something

I've talked to and gathered a lot of information from staff, talked to other people familiar with this subject in other organizations, and we have performed an internal study of the process and there are other things we can do, but i have enough info to share with you

based on the events of today, this is the time to do it, it's impromptu but w/e

first of all, the process

as Tom said, the most important part of the ball for the QB is the feel of the ball, exterior. It's critical and easily identifiable. You can tell how broken in it is, etc. Easy to identify. That's the essence of the prep. We prepare the balls over time, use them in practice, that process continues right up until balls are given to officials. Thats when theyre finalized

In that process, I've handled dozens of balls over the past week the texture is very easy to identify. The pressure is a whole different story

It's much more difficult to feel or identify. So the focus of our prep is based on feel and texture. Tom went into that and he's the one who can go through it in more detail than I can

We simulated a gameday situation in terms of prep of footballs and where the balls were at various times of the day, and our preparation process for the footballs is what we do, can't speak for other teams, and that process raises the PSI approximately 1 pound. (psi, i assume). The process of creating the feel they want elevates the PSI approximately 1 PSI, based on what our study showed, doing what we would do for a game.

When the balls are delivered to the locker room for the refs, we asked them to bring them down to 12.5. That's what we did in the study, but we don't know what the refs do with them. That's done in a controlled climate. Prepared in our locker room, delivered to official's locker room, which is also controlled environment. When the balls go outside into the elements, that's where the footballs are played with, and thats where the measurements would be different then what they are in a controlled environment, and thats what we found. When the footballs were on the field for an extended period of time and adjusted to temp and reached equilibrium, they were down approximately 1.5 psi.*

When we brought them back in after and retested them in a controlled environment, those measurements rose approximately 0.5 PSI. The net of 1.5 back to a half is about 1 PSI.

Now, we all know air pressure is a function of atmospheric conditions. If there's activity in the ball relative to the rubbing process, that explains why, when we gave them to the officials, if they put them at 12.5 psi, once it reached equilibrium state, it was closer to 11.5. Those were our measurements, we can't speak to what happened on that day. We don't touch them after the officials have them

it's similar to when your car says check tire pressure when its been out and cold

the atmospheric conditions relative to the ball is critical

At no time were any of our footballs prepared anywhere other than the locker room. never in a heated room or heated condition. that has absolutely never taken place to anyone's knowledge. didn't happen.

when you measure a football, there are a number of different issues that come up. Gauges (different types, accuracy, etc.), all footballs are different.

Each ball has it's own characteristics. It's an animal skin, it's a bladder, it's stitching, and each has it's own unique characteristics. When you do the same thing to different balls, there will be variance.

Footballs do not get measured during the game. We have no way of knowing, til we did the study, that this has taken place. When we give them to the officials, they put them to what they put them at, let's say 12.5, the air pressure from then to the rest of the game, we have no knowledge of. It's never been a concern. the concern is the pressure.

We had our QBs look at a number of footballs. They were unable to differentiate a 1 PSI difference in those footballs. They were unable to do it. On a 2 PSI difference, there was some differentiation, but not consistent. They could pick out some of them, but not all of their guesses were right. I can't tell the difference if there's 1 PSI or 0.5 PSI in any footballs.

Anyone who has seen us practice knows me make it harder to handle the ball. players train in conditions some people would say you shouldn't drive in. They're a mentally and physically tough team that works hard and has met every challenge I put in front of them. I know that because I work them every day. Best team in the AFC, beat 2 good teams in the playoffs, best team in the postseason. That's what this team is. I'm proud of this team.

I just want to show you what I've learned. I'm embarrassed to say how much time i've put into this vs. super bowl prep. i'm not a scientist or an expert in measurements, just telling you what i know. Not Mona Lisa Vito of the football world.

At no time was there any intent, WHATSOEVER, to compromise the integrity of the game. We feel we followed to letter of the rules in procedures, regulations, and every game we played in as it relates to this matter

We try and do everything right, we err on the side of caution. it's been this way for years. Anything that's close, we stay away from the line. In this case, we did everything as we could do it. We welcome the league's investigation, there are a number of things to be looked into, but that's not this conversation.

This is the end of this subject for me for a long time, ok? we have a huge game, and that's where this focus is going to go. I've spent more than enough time on this and im happy to share all that i've learned over this week. The matter is very complex, we're not landing a guy on the moon but there are a lot of things that are hard to get a handle on.

Alright, i'll take a couple questions then moving on
So he can say all of that to convince people but this is all he can say when questioned:

A: talk to the NFL

A: Tom, we could talk about this for 2 hrs. If you want to ask the league about what they do, ask the league. I'm just saying what I've learned. That's all I can say, I'm not a scientist nor a league official

A: I just told you what I think

A: I have spent time game planning

A: It has to be done

A; you can take the atmospheric conditions out of it. If there taken in the same conditions, they should be the same. If you expose them to elements, they'll be different. That's not the issue. Depending on where/how balls were measured, that's a whole different discussion. The prep caused the ball to be artificially high when it was set to the regulation level, then reached it's equilibrium at some point during the game, which was below what was set. anyone who wants to do the experiment, go ahead

A: The guy's giving signals in front of 80k people, we filmed that like a lot of other people were at the time. 80k people saw the guy, everyone saw us. It was wrong, we were disciplined for it, that's it. We're not going to do that again. We always will err on the side of caution.

A: we talked to a lot of people

A: didn't log it

A: on thursday i said i didn't have answers. We went through everything, im confident in what i've told you.

A: i did what i did. I'm not using those adjectives

A: You rub it to get to the texture, etc. (Bill's getting really pissed here). Does that stimulate something inside the ball to raise PSI, i would say yes

A: that's another whole area here. its a very important question
One of the great things about science is you don't have to actually prove your experiments results, you can - and should provide your variables and how you performed your experiment and see if others can reproduce the results.

Since thats already been done, multiple times - suck it.

Last edited by a moderator:
I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.

Belichick say he followed the 'letter of the law'...and I believe him. He didn't violate the 'letter of the law' if he heated the balls to 12.5 in a hot room knowing they'd rapidly lose pressure once they hit the cold.
Keep grasping at straws.

That's all everyone has.
Last night when I realized that MIT professors and anyone with a YouTube account were proving that psi changes due to weather, I knew the patriots were one press conference away from ending the whole controversy, which is what they did today.

All they had to prove is that psi levels don't remain constant and can fluctuate based on weather. That's it. That's what they did and so there is nothing left, unless of course you get a confession from the mythical rogue ball boy.
as many have stated from day one. So sad that there are so many ignorant Pats haters and media that were too stupid to even think of how weatrher could effect the PSI..Many ran simulations that clearly showed how the PSI would drop. Some in the media wanted Brady to apologize..really? What has become of our society?..I'm embarrassed for how ignorant so many have become.

If twitter is any judge, media silence on #deflategate since the press conference. Anyone watching ESPN? I predict they will move on rather quickly by Monday.

Also, any media member brave enough to ask any #deflategate questions this week will look like a loony conspiracy theorist.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
I still want to hear this from the NFL.

But I'd guess that they just watched that presser and said, "Um...duh...we should have thought of that."

Odds are good that they can't find any significant differences from what the pats found and this will be put to bed.

The only risk is at this point is if TMOZ finds a ball boy and pays him a million bucks.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do realize the burden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings to prepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....

Last edited by a moderator:
I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do mrealize the byrden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings tomprepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....
Exactly. He doesn't have to prove anything, except that psi levels vary based on a number of factors.

Once you open the door to weather, humidity, rain and other factors, you realize that accusing the Patriots of cheating without any proof at all is probably a pretty bad idea.

One of the great things about science is you don't have to actually prove your experiments results, you can - and should provide your variables and how you performed your experiment and see if others can reproduce the results.

Since thats already been done, multiple times - suck it.
What did they do to heat the balls in the first place?

I missed that part.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do realize the burden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings to prepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....
He really can do no wrong for you can he?


Having watched that, honestly, I think I'm siding with the Patriots on this one.
Me too -- with the exception that I don't believe they weren't aware of what was happening to the PSI and am not ready to rule out that "the process" was more about temporarily increasing the PSI than it was about "getting the feel" right. And obviously we're taking BB's word that "the process" only added one temporary PSI.But if there's nothing else to it, it'll be really hard to prove shenanigans and I'm not sure what the NFL can do except say cut it out.
I'll still say they should just simply require the teams to be held accountable for being compliant at all times during the game regardless of temperature.
sounds like Bill was saying that they hand the balls to the refs and "request" it at a certain psi. If that is the case are you saying alll the teams need to recheck them after the refs did them?
they should recheck the pressure after EVERY PLAY.
that would be epic if they did that during the Super Bowl game. Maybe Gronk takes a page out of T.O.'s book and has a pressure gauge td celebration instead of a sharpie?

One of the great things about science is you don't have to actually prove your experiments results, you can - and should provide your variables and how you performed your experiment and see if others can reproduce the results.

Since thats already been done, multiple times - suck it.
What did they do to heat the balls in the first place?

I missed that part.
He said they were never in a heated environment or under a heating element. He said they were prepared to Tom's specifications, saying it involved rubbing to the desired texture which resulted in a 1 psi increase, likely from heat created from the friction.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do realize the burden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings to prepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....
He really can do no wrong for you can he?

well, show me the proof..and post all the stupid laughing emojis you wish. God, I'n so sick of the ignorance.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
when the ceo of a company offers a dividend, the stock goes up immediately, but not just because people expect to receive the dividend. everyone expects a ceo to say "our company's doing great". It would be terrible management to say you're doing badly, even if you are. But a dividend is a promise. Not just because they're eating they have extra cash. Offering a dividend and then taking it away is worse than never offering one at all. so a dividend is considered a "strong signal" that they not only have cash now, they expect to have more cash in the future. everyone expected belichick to deny any wrong doing. And he did. but when hebthen explains the whole thing, line by line, in an impromptu press conference he called after he'd already given n his statement, and invited people to check his work... that's a "strong signal" too.

obviously if new information comes to light, we would have to reevaluate. But fit now, this issue is not only dead, the patriots somehow became sympathetic heroes. Well played.

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Haters gonna hate, amirite???


Suddenly Belicheat is a physics professor schooled in atmospheric pressure?? Theyre going to get killed on media day this os NOT going away.question for the Professor...how come all Colts balls were at the absolute correct weight throughout the entite game???

Dopes gonna be dopes..and Belicheat is the master..

Sinple answer to him and Tommy Asterisk: take a polygraph .if youre as innocent as you claim put it all to rest right now, nice and quick..take a polygraph..and i hope a reporter asks both of these clowns this very question..

Stay clasdy Pats fans you're backing the biggest bunch of cheaters in pro sports history.theyve been doing for a decade since they cheated the Rams Eagles Panthers out of SB victories..
If they were so confident in their little science experiment to figure out what happened, why didn't they document it by video recording it and releasing the video to the media today? That would have put an end to it. Instead they came up with a lame cover story to try to cover their tracks, hoping the media would buy it. Instead, only the gullible and blinded Pats fans are going, "See, told you so"

I am assuming they know how to run a video recorder
Burden is on the NFL to prove the Patriots deliberately did anything wrong. I guess some here wanted Bill to write up a full lab report for some of the ignorant ones.

I'll tell you, this presser made me feel a lot better about sitting around for three months waiting for the league to finish its investigation. And I think the players probably needed it too.

Gotta give Bill props for nuts. He has laid his credibility right out there.

/Quick prediction: I see another piece of dung anonymous leak from "an unamed nfl source" talking about anything they can pick apart out of Bill's presser.

Also, is Roger back from his vacation on the moon yet?

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do realize the burden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings to prepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....
He really can do no wrong for you can he?

God i hate that effing laughing emoticon when people use it when they have no argument.

Last edited by a moderator:
I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Are you freaking serious?...Bellichick ran some quick simulations to try to get an explanation as to the PSI drop. Now you wanted him to write up a lab report? You do realize the burden is on the NFL to prove something, Bill knows they have squat, and don't you think he has more important tghings to prepare for. Give it a rest people..you are acting like children....
He really can do no wrong for you can he?

God i hate that effing laughing emoticon when people use it when they have no argument.
that's why they use it..

One of the great things about science is you don't have to actually prove your experiments results, you can - and should provide your variables and how you performed your experiment and see if others can reproduce the results.

Since thats already been done, multiple times - suck it.
What did they do to heat the balls in the first place?

I missed that part.
He said they were never in a heated environment or under a heating element. He said they were prepared to Tom's specifications, saying it involved rubbing to the desired texture which resulted in a 1 psi increase, likely from heat created from the friction.
But if I wanted to recreate that for an experiment what exactly should I do?

I'll admit I was getting nervous about 24 hours ago, but this is getting sad for the salty haters.

Belichick coming out with an impromptu press conference and basically says "Science mother####ers!" and drops the mic, all without cracking a single smile when he says that he's felt dozens of balls this week and how it's all about getting the sensation of the balls right.

There's no way he gives that presser if he thinks the NFL has anything to go on. The NFL knows the NFL has nothing to go on. Standard PR move - promise a thorough investigation, and watch everyone get bored. A week after the SB there will be a footnote about the report finding now evidence of any wrong doing.

But weird, I bet this thread gets 20 more pages based on salty hatred.

Choooo chooooo
This is almost comical though. When the NFL made their statements earlier, all the Pats fans here were killing them, asking for specifics associated with the step by step actions that were taken. The NFL saying the balls were inspected wasn't good enough - the Pats fans wanted to see video, logs, the tools that were used, who was doing the testing etc.

Now Bill comes out and says he did his own testing and he's satisfied with the results and the Pats fans to a one are going - that works for me! Good job Bill!

Pats fans hear what they want to hear, just like non-Pats fans hear what they want to hear.
Yeah generally the party making the accusation of wrongdoing has to have some evidence for it. Burden of proof and all that. Weird, right?

That said, the NFL hasn't even made am accusations. Only the media and the salty haters have.

One of the great things about science is you don't have to actually prove your experiments results, you can - and should provide your variables and how you performed your experiment and see if others can reproduce the results.

Since thats already been done, multiple times - suck it.
What did they do to heat the balls in the first place?

I missed that part.
He said they were never in a heated environment or under a heating element. He said they were prepared to Tom's specifications, saying it involved rubbing to the desired texture which resulted in a 1 psi increase, likely from heat created from the friction.
But if I wanted to recreate that for an experiment what exactly should I do?
That's a fair question. Too bad none of the freaking journalists thought to ask it. Too busy clearing up spygate.

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The clock is ticking on the NFL now.

God knows they want to move onto the game next week. If they have anything (which they don't) they have to strike in the next 24 hours. Otherwise, it's onto the game next week.

And if they don't, this whole thing just fades post super bowl.

Goodell pounded his fist on the table right after this presser.

There is no way that Bob Kraft lets Belichick do that presser unless he was 100% convinced that the Pats did nothing wrong. Unless the NFL can find a smoking gun, they owe the Pats a pretty big apology for all of this.
If the NE balls were underinflated while the Indy balls were fully-inflated, that is the proverbial smoking gun. Assuming those reports are true, we know somebody in the organization was cheating. All that's left to be determined is who, how and what should be done about it.
You know, your right. All evidence points to elements causing a drop in psi. The fact the Colts balls stayed steady throughout the process must indicate they illegally inflated their balls pre-halftime inspection, knowing it was coming.

Good job, you cracked it!
In the spirit of the BB presser


So the Colts balls didn't drop in pressure despite the drop in temperature? Do the Colts use MAGIC BALLS? Are the laws of physics suspended on the Colts sideline!!??


There is no way that Bob Kraft lets Belichick do that presser unless he was 100% convinced that the Pats did nothing wrong. Unless the NFL can find a smoking gun, they owe the Pats a pretty big apology for all of this.
If the NE balls were underinflated while the Indy balls were fully-inflated, that is the proverbial smoking gun. Assuming those reports are true, we know somebody in the organization was cheating. All that's left to be determined is who, how and what should be done about it.
You know, your right. All evidence points to elements causing a drop in psi. The fact the Colts balls stayed steady throughout the process must indicate they illegally inflated their balls pre-halftime inspection, knowing it was coming.

Good job, you cracked it!
In the spirit of the BB presser


So the Colts balls didn't drop in pressure despite the drop in temperature? Do the Colts use MAGIC BALLS? Are the laws of physics suspended on the Colts sideline!!??

Bill's response to this:

"You'll have to ask the Colts about that."


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