Hall of Fame Salary Cap Challenge Updated 8 of 10 tms. taken fee pd. Need 2 more teams Format allows for adding teams right up to Sept's first kick off. Collecting fees, format allows for easy add on of teams right up to kick off of the season
League hosted at myfantasyleague.com; Link Send commish pm via league site if interested.
League hosted at myfantasyleague.com; Link Send commish pm via league site if interested.
- Any player can be on multiple rosters. There is no draft, auction bid.
- In the off season Teams build their roster through waivers. There is no limit in terms of adds/drops.
- Teams have from the time they join the league until 8 p.m., Thursday, September 5th to complete their rosters.
- Team Rosters are hidden until that date.
- Click on the tab marked, "Team Roster Sample" to see a roster.
- Starting line ups are hidden until the kick off of the first game of the week.
- Team rosters during the regular season must be complete at all times. 16 players on the active roster.
- IR and TS are not considered part of the active roster.
- Injured reserve-2 max. Do not count againist the salary cap, do not count as part of the 16.
- Taxi Squad-Rookie only. Does count 50% againist the salary cap, does not count as part of the 16.
- Rookie can be moved to TS and from TS once each way.
- Waivers-During the regular season teams have 20 claims of free agents.
- This enables teams to adjust rosters to bye weeks, injuries, matchups, performance.
- As teams must have full 16 player rosters at all times, a claim requires a drop.
- Salary Cap of 155 million is hard.
- Salary cap increase or decrease will be reviewed annually to insure that the league is competitive.
- Player salaries maybe be increased annually to insure a competitive league.
- Trading is not in the format as all players are available to all teams.
- League expansion may be considered in the future. 14 or 16.
- League fee is $7.00 via PayPal. Commish provides email via league email.
- League fee is paid when all teams are taken
- No prizes of any kind are offered.
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