Warning: lengthy post to set out facts and questions...
I am hoping to get some input on others' experience with keeper leagues that use a salary cap and auction/bidding structure.
Currently, my main league is a 12 team, keep 4 league. Each year we have a 12 round draft to fill out the rosters after each team elects which 4 players they will keep. You do not have to give up a draft pick to keep a player, like some leagues. Draft picks for the immediately following season are tradeable which helps encourage player movement. Each year we have made adjustments to the rules to improve the league, which nearly all owners say is the best run league they have ever been in. Some owners are very active (probably too active) in trading whereas others are rather inactive (some guys like to stand pat). All owners are experienced FF players.
The league has been run for 6 years. Notwithstanding it is well run, some owners (mainly a few that have struggled or had bad luck) think the league is becoming a bit stagnant since there are a few owners that don't trade much and a few others, such as myself, that have built a strong team and aren't really interested in trading my core four -- at least not right now.
The league's other commissioner (we have two to avoid conflicts of interest) has suggested converting our league to one where each team gets a salary cap and all players have notional contract values. These contracts would increase each year by a percentage (i.e. 10%). A team can keep his players as long as he remains under the cap. At some point, players become too expensive and you will have to trade them and their contract, or release the player into free agency. Once a free agent, the teams would bid for a player and the highest bidder would win. We all agree it may be time to take the league to a "higher level" -- if one exists.
I don't like change for change's sake, but if the more active owners are starting to lose interest and will eventually quit, then I'd rather find a way to improve the league than risk losing it altogether.
I would like to learn from other's experiences on how to structure the league. If anyone has a set of rules they think is particularly good, I would be grateful to receive a copy by PM.
Below are particular questions that occur to me in making this transition:
1. I think there needs to be a transition year to avoid penalizing the teams that have built strong rosters or accumulated extra draft picks. How should one structure this? Perhaps 2006 would be an uncapped year. After the draft, all players would be assigned a contract value by the commissioners using some reliable ranking source. Then by the following season, each team would have to get under the cap and all released players would go into the auction -- which would replace the traditional draft.
2. Do salary cap leagues increase player movement? Is player movement necessarily a good thing? I would think the cheap players (who turn out good) would never be traded or released since an owner can afford to keep them for a long time. Perhaps the top and most expensive players would move more, but I wonder about the lesser players. Thoughts?
3. Should there be a rule that you can only keep any player for, say, 3 years maximum? Doesn't that defeat the true nature of a keeper style league?
4. Do you still keep the rule that you can only keep 4 players at the end of each year, and each player released back into the player pool gets reauctioned? It seems you may want that rule or some teams might end up with too many players.
5. Or, should you let teams keep as many players as they can afford and let economics determine who gets released and when?
6. We're not committed to a salary cap structure yet. So any other way to improve on the kind of keeper league described above that keeps owners involved and interested would be welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
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I am hoping to get some input on others' experience with keeper leagues that use a salary cap and auction/bidding structure.
Currently, my main league is a 12 team, keep 4 league. Each year we have a 12 round draft to fill out the rosters after each team elects which 4 players they will keep. You do not have to give up a draft pick to keep a player, like some leagues. Draft picks for the immediately following season are tradeable which helps encourage player movement. Each year we have made adjustments to the rules to improve the league, which nearly all owners say is the best run league they have ever been in. Some owners are very active (probably too active) in trading whereas others are rather inactive (some guys like to stand pat). All owners are experienced FF players.
The league has been run for 6 years. Notwithstanding it is well run, some owners (mainly a few that have struggled or had bad luck) think the league is becoming a bit stagnant since there are a few owners that don't trade much and a few others, such as myself, that have built a strong team and aren't really interested in trading my core four -- at least not right now.
The league's other commissioner (we have two to avoid conflicts of interest) has suggested converting our league to one where each team gets a salary cap and all players have notional contract values. These contracts would increase each year by a percentage (i.e. 10%). A team can keep his players as long as he remains under the cap. At some point, players become too expensive and you will have to trade them and their contract, or release the player into free agency. Once a free agent, the teams would bid for a player and the highest bidder would win. We all agree it may be time to take the league to a "higher level" -- if one exists.
I don't like change for change's sake, but if the more active owners are starting to lose interest and will eventually quit, then I'd rather find a way to improve the league than risk losing it altogether.
I would like to learn from other's experiences on how to structure the league. If anyone has a set of rules they think is particularly good, I would be grateful to receive a copy by PM.
Below are particular questions that occur to me in making this transition:
1. I think there needs to be a transition year to avoid penalizing the teams that have built strong rosters or accumulated extra draft picks. How should one structure this? Perhaps 2006 would be an uncapped year. After the draft, all players would be assigned a contract value by the commissioners using some reliable ranking source. Then by the following season, each team would have to get under the cap and all released players would go into the auction -- which would replace the traditional draft.
2. Do salary cap leagues increase player movement? Is player movement necessarily a good thing? I would think the cheap players (who turn out good) would never be traded or released since an owner can afford to keep them for a long time. Perhaps the top and most expensive players would move more, but I wonder about the lesser players. Thoughts?
3. Should there be a rule that you can only keep any player for, say, 3 years maximum? Doesn't that defeat the true nature of a keeper style league?
4. Do you still keep the rule that you can only keep 4 players at the end of each year, and each player released back into the player pool gets reauctioned? It seems you may want that rule or some teams might end up with too many players.
5. Or, should you let teams keep as many players as they can afford and let economics determine who gets released and when?
6. We're not committed to a salary cap structure yet. So any other way to improve on the kind of keeper league described above that keeps owners involved and interested would be welcomed.
Thanks in advance.
<<edited to add the little blue question mark icon>>
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