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Serious Biz Dynasty Year 17 - Who'll be the first 2024 amateur draft pick to be erroneously added in Serious Biz? (2 Viewers)

Projected standings from Fantrax (These are just based on current active lineups)
1. HellToupee 83
2. (tie) Sparty 82
2. (tie) Dr. Detroit 82
4. Rodg 80
5. NV 78
6. Eephus 75
7. Pik/Goat 72
8. Kraft 70
9. ZP 66
10. RnR 45.5
11. Relentless 36
12. Cheese 10.5 (current lineup is illegal)

I doubt the actual standings will be that close but it would be a lot of fun. Should be tighter at the top than the last couple years at least.
I REALLY wish we could add 3-5 IR spots next year. It's all luck deciding which hurt guys to drop and what not. Most importantly, it's annoying and kills our motivation.
We currently have eight injured guys, on top of the ones we recently dropped, as we start this glorious season. Good luck everyone.

Please don't get hurt today anyone!!!
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I jinxed Devers apparently. He's hurt now too. These "athletes" are soft. Glass Joe would have given them a beating if they were in punch out.
Unfortunately with all these injuries we have, we are probably gonna drop a top fifty prospect or solid hurt guy. Hit me up if you want to trade us a good RP or vet hitter for like Kyle Teel or something.
No one injured on my team, but I guess we're just built different.
I feel ya. It's almost impossible to field a competent team and carry minors guys in this league. We may end up going back to full rebuild mode. It's like the NBA here when you are caught in the middle.
Its been a fun week. V Scott and J Walker got sent down as they deserved. Now add Merrill Kelly and Bryan Bello to Gavin Williams and Baz who have been chilling on injured all year. Luckily we picked up Spencer Turnbull and he's been dominant. Oh wait, he's getting sent to the bullpen for a senior citizen replacement. If there is ever a year when I quit fantasy sports, this may be it. FML
Yeah, hard to stay competitive when half your offense is on the IL :oldunsure:
Five injured spots next year would make this league Serious FUN.

Everybody has injuries and could use IL slots but that's not the point.

The current roster rules are better for competitive balance for exactly the reason Sparty mentioned. If you want to compete, you face decisions about dropping prospects and injured players in order to field a lineup. This is less of a priority if you're rebuilding.
Yeah, hard to stay competitive when half your offense is on the IL :oldunsure:
Five injured spots next year would make this league Serious FUN.

Everybody has injuries and could use IL slots but that's not the point.

The current roster rules are better for competitive balance for exactly the reason Sparty mentioned. If you want to compete, you face decisions about dropping prospects and injured players in order to field a lineup. This is less of a priority if you're rebuilding.
This puts two thirds of the league in a perpetual rebuild every year imo. We don't want to rebuild again, but when all these injuries keep coming its not even worth trying to win.
Yeah, hard to stay competitive when half your offense is on the IL :oldunsure:

says the guy in first :rolleyes:
With tongue in cheek.

We've all got injuries, but somebody still has to win. Navigating them sucks and requires making tough decisions but it can be done.

The current roster rules are better for competitive balance for exactly the reason Sparty mentioned. If you want to compete, you face decisions about dropping prospects and injured players in order to field a lineup. This is less of a priority if you're rebuilding.

Agreed. Right now the wire stays fairly strong throughout the year. Tough cuts become someone else's opportunities.

I made the decision to temporarily go with little/no hitting bench to keep my prospects and injured guys. Gimme 5 IL spots and I get to keep spamming out games. Not sure that makes it easier for others to compete. (Still in favor of game limits if Fantrax ever starts doing them right).

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