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Should I Be Worried? (1 Viewer)


My Draft is in about an hour and a half (7 est) and I haven't received my draft position or draft instructions. It just recently filled about 30 minutes ago, but on the page that shows the drafts and number of people registered, my draft shows "13" for people registered which is obviously not possible. Has anyone ever had this happen to one of their leagues and is it something I need to try and get a hold of a staff member for? Thanks for any info!

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It happens when two people sign up at the same time so they will likely remove whoever the last person was from the list but they are good about getting the draft orders out.

My Draft is in about an hour and a half (7 est) and I haven't received my draft position or draft instructions. It just recently filled about 30 minutes ago, but on the page that shows the drafts and number of people registered, my draft shows "13" for people registered which is obviously not possible. Has anyone ever had this happen to one of their leagues and is it something I need to try and get a hold of a staff member for? Thanks for any info!

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