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The Downside of James Laurinaitis (1 Viewer)

I am not a really big Lauriunaitis fan for many of the same reasons. But there was another former OSU LB who had many of these concerns and more, namely lack of speed and explosion. The player was Chris Spielman. For that reason, I am not ruling him out. One thing you can't teach is instincts. It's just a matter of him being able to play at the speed of the pro game.

I somehow think he will be among the most polarizing players in the draft.

When I watched him play, a lot of the concerns that you pointed out also struck me. Also like you (and Borbely) pointed out, he does seem to have a knack for instinctually knowing where the play is and flowing with it.

To me: I think he'd be a good 2nd round or great 3rd round pick. He has the feel of a rotational LB or like you said, an in the box safety (although I'm not sure he could handle keeping up on pass coverage).

High End: Becomes a starter at SLB and gets coached up to limit his weaknesses by diagnosing/attacking the play and getting help from teammates much like he benefited from at Ohio State.

Low End: Gets drafted in the 1st round, stuck at MLB, and gets exposed to the point where he is serviceable for 7-8 seasons but never lives up to the hype. Maybe a Teddy Lehman kind of career (Although he suffered from injuries mostly IIRC). Maybe Lehman's too harsh but the guy had a solid rookie year.

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I'm not sure what to think of Laurinaitis. Was you watching tape from him this year, last year or both Bloom?
I'm not sure what to think of Laurinaitis. Was you watching tape from him this year, last year or both Bloom?
This year, but I don't think his physical tools would be dramatically different
I don't know... I don't get to see as much college football as I'd like to. I think I read or heard someone saying they felt like he peaked last year and his play wasn't at the same level this year. :tfp: I'm pretty much with you, he should be a good player, prime candidate to be over-drafted though.

I am not a really big Lauriunaitis fan for many of the same reasons. But there was another former OSU LB who had many of these concerns and more, namely lack of speed and explosion. The player was Chris Spielman. For that reason, I am not ruling him out. One thing you can't teach is instincts. It's just a matter of him being able to play at the speed of the pro game. I somehow think he will be among the most polarizing players in the draft.
:lol: I thought you were gonna compare him to Andy Katzenmoyer.

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