Looking for 1 new member.
If interested, email danielbirch680@gmail.com
Slow email draft starts 17 Aug.
Main site: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/home/20787#0
Scoring: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/options?L=20787&O=09
Settings: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/options?L=20787&O=26
The league is a consortium of 8 individual leagues of 12 teams each. 96 teams total compete for a spot in the "Championship Points Race" and the "Ultimate Bowl".
In each league, each team plays all 11 teams exactly twice, with double header match-ups in weeks 3 through 12 and single headers in weeks 1 & 2.
After the 12 week regular season, the top 32 teams compete in the Championship Points Race and the top 16 teams earn a seed into the Ultimate Bowl. Playoffs are weeks 13 through 16.
For playoff berth seeding, the league utilizes a system that ensures the most competitive teams league wide are rewarded.
Prizes are awarded to each individual league winner, The Ultimate Bowl 1st - 6th, The Championship Points race 1st - 8th, and the toilet bowl champ.
The Ultimate Bowl Playoff berth seeds 1 through 8 are awarded to each individual league winner (8 total), the team with best overall winning percentage. Seeds 9 through 16 are awarded to the next 8 teams league wide with the best All-play winning percentage.
The Championship Points Race include all Ultimate Bowl teams plus all other teams that qualify in week 13, see item #5.
All teams have 17 roster spots, starting 10 players each week
QB, 2 RB, 3WR, TE, 1Flex (RB/WR/TE), K , DEF
The league draft starts at 08:00 am ET on the 3rd Friday in August.
Each league completes a "slow email" serpentine draft using the myfantasyleague.com draft software (system email's team when they are on the clock), which takes around 2 weeks to complete.
Draft slots are assigned using www.betterfantasydrafts.com
Draft clock set to 12 hours, with a night time suspension between 12:00 am ET and 08:00 am ET.
The league utilizes Conditional Blind Bid waivers ($200) and First Come First Serve (FCFS) waivers.
Blind Bid Waivers run Monday at 09:15 pm through Wednesday at 03:00 pm
FCFS waivers run Wednesday at 03:15 pm through Monday at 09:00 pm. Players are locked at Kickoff of that player's game and are no longer available for FCFS.
Teams can make trades until the Thursday of week 8, before week 9 starts. All trades generate an automated 24 hr league poll for league member to vote in.
Any trade with six reject votes trigger an "official trade review" by the commissioner. However, the commissioner reviews all trades for suspicious activity.
If interested, email danielbirch680@gmail.com
Slow email draft starts 17 Aug.
Main site: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/home/20787#0
Scoring: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/options?L=20787&O=09
Settings: http://www59.myfantasyleague.com/2018/options?L=20787&O=26
The league is a consortium of 8 individual leagues of 12 teams each. 96 teams total compete for a spot in the "Championship Points Race" and the "Ultimate Bowl".
In each league, each team plays all 11 teams exactly twice, with double header match-ups in weeks 3 through 12 and single headers in weeks 1 & 2.
After the 12 week regular season, the top 32 teams compete in the Championship Points Race and the top 16 teams earn a seed into the Ultimate Bowl. Playoffs are weeks 13 through 16.
For playoff berth seeding, the league utilizes a system that ensures the most competitive teams league wide are rewarded.
Prizes are awarded to each individual league winner, The Ultimate Bowl 1st - 6th, The Championship Points race 1st - 8th, and the toilet bowl champ.
The Ultimate Bowl Playoff berth seeds 1 through 8 are awarded to each individual league winner (8 total), the team with best overall winning percentage. Seeds 9 through 16 are awarded to the next 8 teams league wide with the best All-play winning percentage.
The Championship Points Race include all Ultimate Bowl teams plus all other teams that qualify in week 13, see item #5.
All teams have 17 roster spots, starting 10 players each week
QB, 2 RB, 3WR, TE, 1Flex (RB/WR/TE), K , DEF
The league draft starts at 08:00 am ET on the 3rd Friday in August.
Each league completes a "slow email" serpentine draft using the myfantasyleague.com draft software (system email's team when they are on the clock), which takes around 2 weeks to complete.
Draft slots are assigned using www.betterfantasydrafts.com
Draft clock set to 12 hours, with a night time suspension between 12:00 am ET and 08:00 am ET.
The league utilizes Conditional Blind Bid waivers ($200) and First Come First Serve (FCFS) waivers.
Blind Bid Waivers run Monday at 09:15 pm through Wednesday at 03:00 pm
FCFS waivers run Wednesday at 03:15 pm through Monday at 09:00 pm. Players are locked at Kickoff of that player's game and are no longer available for FCFS.
Teams can make trades until the Thursday of week 8, before week 9 starts. All trades generate an automated 24 hr league poll for league member to vote in.
Any trade with six reject votes trigger an "official trade review" by the commissioner. However, the commissioner reviews all trades for suspicious activity.
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