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When did the world hit it's peak? (1 Viewer)

Go spend some time reading HumanProgress.org.

In the last 20 years extreme poverty has almost disappeared. Things are objectively so much better than ever before.

The book The Progress Paradox is a great read on just how far we've come but how people are more miserable than ever for some reason. And because of that misery, the vast majority of people actually perceive the world to be much worse off than it is...which, IMO, is laregly responsible for the state of politics today as everyone has an ax to grind and believes that the world is a horrible place.
I find that so fascinating and would love to work in sociological/psychological research of that topic. When I read the related research to that awhile ago, it really blew my mind at how insane it is but also how true. People's evaluations of the quality of current times isn't based on current times but they expect the future to be like. So inherently dumb. 

Do you have some special condition where you can only hear music played live?
Live is the best. 

But to the broader point about modern life, there's also more bureaucratic overreach now, which is prevalent in America. And rents are high, and people less trusting than in '68. Ever see a hitchhiker or hear of a boarder anymore?  

But yeah, as far as medicinal modern life (in terms of centuries?) this is the best we've had it in terms of self-preservation. But if you're looking for true freedom, it might actually be the sixties.  

I agree with you both, in earnest.  

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Live is the best. 
I've heard otherwise about some of those 60s bands like The Doors. My dad saw a lot of great shows but also some awful ones. Hendrix and The Doors were 2 of the worst. He said in both instances Hendrix and Morrison were so intoxicated that they were having trouble playing/singing. The Doors concert was cut very short because Jim having trouble standing up. 

But to the broader point about modern life, there's also more bureaucratic overreach now, which is prevalent in America. And rents are high, and people less trusting than in '68. Ever see a hitchhiker or hear of a boarder anymore?  

But yeah, as far as medicinal modern life (in terms of centuries?) this is the best we've had it in terms of self-preservation. But if you're looking for true freedom, it might actually be the sixties.  
For sure we are a much more scared country and we depend much more on our systems. Which is weird because violent crime recently has actually has been lower than any point since the 60s. As for true freedom, I think we have to back a lot further than the 60s. 

For sure we are a much more scared country and we depend much more on our systems. Which is weird because violent crime recently has actually has been lower than any point since the 60s. As for true freedom, I think we have to back a lot further than the 60s. 
I agree that crime and other incidences have been reduced. I'm not an anti-modernist by any means. I just think that simple things you could do in the sixties are now banned by bureaucratic officiousness at times. 

And I'm reading Epic's Worthy/Watt piece right now. It's a good one from Deadspin.  

I agree that crime and other incidences have been reduced. I'm not an anti-modernist by any means. I just think that simple things you could do in the sixties are now banned by bureaucratic officiousness at times. 

And I'm reading Epic's Worthy/Watt piece right now. It's a good one from Deadspin.  
Yeah a bit of a mixed bag. Less beureacratic BS made thing simpler. However societal pressure was stronger so there are many things we might take for granted that were too outside of the norm to pass in regular society. We have gotten somethings right and somethings wrong. What are you talking about with Epic Worthy/Watt?

Yeah a bit of a mixed bag. Less beureacratic BS made thing simpler. However societal pressure was stronger so there are many things we might take for granted that were too outside of the norm to pass in regular society. We have gotten somethings right and somethings wrong. What are you talking about with Epic Worthy/Watt?
Epic posted a piece in the punk thread about James Worthy and Mike Watt and a signed bass connection. Clink the link when you get there. It's interesting.  

Epic posted a piece in the punk thread about James Worthy and Mike Watt and a signed bass connection. Clink the link when you get there. It's interesting.  
Cool, thanks. I just went through the oral history of the Detroit punk scene which was really cool.

Is this really that hard to understand?
Yes. Personally, I’ve always preferred studio recordings to live shows. They have the chance to tweak everything to where it’s just right and you don’t have an audience interfering. Even if you like that about live shows, there are recordings of those.

I would guess that you aren’t really interested in the music but rather the energy you get from being at one of those shows in person. Having never been the type to feed off the energy of crowd anywhere, while I know what it is you’re meaning, I find it impossible to understand.

Yes. Personally, I’ve always preferred studio recordings to live shows. They have the chance to tweak everything to where it’s just right and you don’t have an audience interfering. Even if you like that about live shows, there are recordings of those.

I would guess that you aren’t really interested in the music but rather the energy you get from being at one of those shows in person. Having never been the type to feed off the energy of crowd anywhere, while I know what it is you’re meaning, I find it impossible to understand.

I love music, and especially live music. Different strokes.

As for true freedom, I think we have to back a lot further than the 60s. 
Yeah, you’d have to go back to a time when you could live your life without coming into contact with society, because societies will always impose restrictions upon those living in them.

Yeah, you’d have to go back to a time when you could live your life without coming into contact with society, because societies will always impose restrictions upon those living in them.
Yeah, but freedom can be relative. On a sliding scale, it can be the spark of revolution versus contentment. Surely that's not an invalid nor unsound point.  

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Yeah, but freedom can be relative. On a sliding scale, it can be the spark of revolution versus contentment. Surely that's not an invalid nor unsound point.  
But then it becomes subjective and you'll have some people who feel free at the same time and under the same conditions as those who don't.

Go spend some time reading HumanProgress.org.

In the last 20 years extreme poverty has almost disappeared. Things are objectively so much better than ever before.

The book The Progress Paradox is a great read on just how far we've come but how people are more miserable than ever for some reason. And because of that misery, the vast majority of people actually perceive the world to be much worse off than it is...which, IMO, is laregly responsible for the state of politics today as everyone has an ax to grind and believes that the world is a horrible place.
Those who fail to see these times as unprecedented and understand the effect of freedom-for-all on our societal structures are going to be in for some very deep disappointments in the next generation or so. I have spent the last 20 yrs doing little but studying the human condition and it has convinced me of one thing: everything is moral after all.

Those who fail to see these times as unprecedented and understand the effect of freedom-for-all on our societal structures are going to be in for some very deep disappointments in the next generation or so. I have spent the last 20 yrs doing little but studying the human condition and it has convinced me of one thing: everything is moral after all.
Agreed. There is a growing thirst for paternalism and totalitarianism growing amongst the younger generations that is terrifying. Freedom is rapidly loaing favor, IMO, laregly due in part to taking it for granted.

Agreed. There is a growing thirst for paternalism and totalitarianism growing amongst the younger generations that is terrifying. Freedom is rapidly loaing favor, IMO, laregly due in part to taking it for granted.
And the selfishness, and resulting lack of honor & restraint, which is bred when liberty becomes license. Our society, as a whole, is cruisin' for a bruisin', as me Ma likes to say.

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But then it becomes subjective and you'll have some people who feel free at the same time and under the same conditions as those who don't.
I was more talking about the conditions for relative restraint and revolution, though we may be talking past each other at this point. 


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