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Who to cut? (1 Viewer)


Keeper League... Need to cut 4 defensive players. Who would you cut? Your insight is greatly appreciated!!! Starting lineup is 2 DL, 2 LB, 2 DB and 1 FlexDLJ AbrahamD FreeneyC GrantN KaluK UdezeO UmenyioraLBBoss BaileyK BrookingJ DarlingS FoleyN GriesenLance MitchellD NguyenT PolleyB SimmonsL TatupuO ThurmanJ WinbornK WongDBN HarperJ JeffersonT McGee (pts for kr/pr)Justin MillerCharles TillmanM TrufantCC BrownJosh BullocksO CelestinN CollinsS ConsidineR HarrisonG Wesley

Keeper League... Need to cut 4 defensive players. Who would you cut? Your insight is greatly appreciated!!!

Starting lineup is 2 DL, 2 LB, 2 DB and 1 Flex


J Abraham

D Freeney

C Grant

N Kalu

K Udeze

O Umenyiora


Boss Bailey

K Brooking

J Darling

S Foley

N Griesen

Lance Mitchell

D Nguyen

T Polley

B Simmons

L Tatupu

O Thurman

J Winborn

K Wong


N Harper

J Jefferson

T McGee (pts for kr/pr)

Justin Miller

Charles Tillman

M Trufant

CC Brown

Josh Bullocks

O Celestin

N Collins

S Considine

R Harrison

G Wesley
Hard to say without the scoring but I will give you the players " I would not want"Darling, he is only starting cause Hayes is down. If you keep Mitchell there is no sense in having both of Hayes' backups.

Grieson- he could play due to injury but he is no longer a MLB option with Pierce there. IF he plays on the outside, it will be due to injury.

Consedine does nothing for me.

Miller will be valuable if he returns kicks

Harper- well I can't see him being a Colt for more than another yr

Celestin will be rotating with Rhodes to play along side Coleman

Hope it helps


I agree without knowing your league's scoring system it is difficult but based on standard IDP league where tackles are scored I would drop Consedin, Celestin, Griesen and Winborn.

Keeper League... Need to cut 4 defensive players. Who would you cut? Your insight is greatly appreciated!!!

Starting lineup is 2 DL, 2 LB, 2 DB and 1 Flex


J Abraham

D Freeney

C Grant

N Kalu

K Udeze

O Umenyiora


Boss Bailey

K Brooking

J Darling

S Foley

N Griesen

Lance Mitchell

D Nguyen

T Polley

B Simmons

L Tatupu

O Thurman

J Winborn

K Wong


N Harper

J Jefferson

T McGee (pts for kr/pr)

Justin Miller

Charles Tillman

M Trufant

CC Brown

Josh Bullocks

O Celestin

N Collins

S Considine

R Harrison

G Wesley

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