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Charlie "Shining Path" Bosworth, RIP (1 Viewer)

Pretty impressive outpouring here. Great work for a great poster.

Sometimes, I'm pretty convinced I spend too much time here, but other times I feel like I really miss out by not being here enough.

Thank you to all of those still here who contribute & make me want to be here more.

I just found this as well after being out of town when this first was posted. Shiny will be missed plenty as evidenced by the many posts here. He was as intelligent a person as I have ever seen on our boards. Wow, don't have the words right now. You will definitely be missed Shiny. Thank you for the many detailed science conversations and your general humor. You are one of a kind.

shining path said:
SP, I do appreciate your posts, I think you mean well...I wish you would change that gd avatar though as I always think I am explaining things to a teletubby but oh well.
Cool. The avatar stays however. It's like a piece of smelly, rotting clothing that I've worn so long that it's grafted to my skin.
Wow, this news comes as a total shock. He was probably the most intelligent poster on these boards, but his style really set him apart. Nobody else could talk about science, use SAT vocabulary, and make you laugh hysterically all at the same time. You'll be missed Shining Path. RIP


Wow..was it accidental?

SP and I exchanged many PMs about some butt buddies here and had some good laughs. I am very saddened to hear this.


From what I know about Labs members, outside of your Mr. Pickles alias,
Thank You. I was surprised this took so long for someone to respond, but maybe LABS members just don't understand how paranoid we were. I'm pretty sure JoeT is still positive Pickles is some guy they paid to drive to Wisconsin a couple of times.I was pretty drunk last night so I was also surprised I was as coherent as I was.
Wow, this news comes as a total shock. He was probably the most intelligent poster on these boards, but his style really set him apart. Nobody else could talk about science, use SAT vocabulary, and make you laugh hysterically all at the same time. You'll be missed Shining Path. RIP :thumbup:
Good to see you back, sir. Atlantisgate was a joke.
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From what I know about Labs members, outside of your Mr. Pickles alias,
Thank You. I was surprised this took so long for someone to respond, but maybe LABS members just don't understand how paranoid we were. I'm pretty sure JoeT is still positive Pickles is some guy they paid to drive to Wisconsin a couple of times.
The greatest trick I ever played was convincing the world I didn't exist.
I found out a couple days ago while on vacation with my family. I was and remain absolutely devestated, shocked and saddened. Mostly the latter. Or ladder, if you'll excuse an old joke Shiney liked from the Old Yellar days. I've talked to a few of you on the phone. His impact was wide reaching and welcome. Always.

Scooby, elequoent as always.

I still laugh about Shiney calling Jeff Garcia 'a bit of a swish' in the first ever FBG Posters Surviver Draft (or whatever it's called) when he was doing his write ups explaining pics. We were both so overmatched in that leage and just laughed and laughed at each other's exchanges back then as well as our horrible draft picks.

RIP SP. :confused:

shining path said:
SP, I do appreciate your posts, I think you mean well...I wish you would change that gd avatar though as I always think I am explaining things to a teletubby but oh well.
Cool. The avatar stays however. It's like a piece of smelly, rotting clothing that I've worn so long that it's grafted to my skin.
:( 3 years to the day.He died on my birthday. :cry:
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From what I know about Labs members, outside of your Mr. Pickles alias,
Thank You. I was surprised this took so long for someone to respond, but maybe LABS members just don't understand how paranoid we were. I'm pretty sure JoeT is still positive Pickles is some guy they paid to drive to Wisconsin a couple of times.
The greatest trick I ever played was convincing the world I didn't exist.
:cry:Full pic of your avatar please?
I didn't interact too much with Shiny. But to see a man of such high aptitude pass at such a young age from apparently sudden circumstances really makes me think twice about how I treat myself and others on a day-to-day basis.


Too young. Way too young. :confused:

Wow, this news comes as a total shock. He was probably the most intelligent poster on these boards, but his style really set him apart. Nobody else could talk about science, use SAT vocabulary, and make you laugh hysterically all at the same time. You'll be missed Shining Path. RIP :pickle:
Good to see you back, sir. Atlantisgate was a joke.
was just about to ask if dickies was teh guy smoo almost was banned overguess so

RIP Shiny. One of the originals here, he was synonymous with the FFA and was surely to be found in any of the classic threads people reference. He somehow managed to outsmart you, outclass you, and outfunny you all at the same time no matter if it was in politics, science, or a draft pertaining to 300 lb Eastern European "women" who had more facial hair than most of the people here.

He will be sorely missed even by so many of us who never really knew him.

Cheers to you GB.

Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.

Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.
Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.
Ok, so that one put a lump in my throat. :goodposting:
Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.
From what I know about Labs members, outside of your Mr. Pickles alias,
Thank You. I was surprised this took so long for someone to respond, but maybe LABS members just don't understand how paranoid we were. I'm pretty sure JoeT is still positive Pickles is some guy they paid to drive to Wisconsin a couple of times.I was pretty drunk last night so I was also surprised I was as coherent as I was.
shining path said:
Wheelhouse said:
bigbottom said:
Wheelhouse said:
bigbottom said:
First you want to cornhole with a FBG in the top 100 cities, and now you want to know what streets we live on. Nice stalking, Creepy McCreepster!
Calm down man. I have no ulterior motives, I'm just passing time. And cornholing was not the purpose - I was simply trying to get to know various members of FBG's better. Last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with talking to people.
Nice try weirdo. You're not getting my address, stalker!
Are you accusing me of something? I don't believe I asked for your address.
Seriously. You just wanted to come by and talk. Although maybe if you're feeling a little shy, you'd just sit across the street in your car and watch his house. Peek through the windows while you're getting your courage up. Surreptitiously follow him to work while you practice what you'll say during the conversation. Call him at his office, get nervous when he answers, and hang up. Probably repeat that a few times. Then to break the ice, mail him a lock of your hair, with an unsigned "Thinking of you, Always" card attached. Then break into his house and boil the pet cat on the kitchen range when he doesn't get the message that you're not stalking, that you just want to get to know him a little better.
Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.
Breed would have been 38 a couple of weeks ago. Our birthdays are one week apart so it's easy to remember. But I forgot last year and he pouted in his silly fashion. This year I couldn't wait for it to get here so I could show him. His day came and went with no response. Happy Birthday, Shiny.
Thanks for kicking up the dust in here, Beck.
Just a few memorable quotes from SP I could find. Too many to locate.

He'd be the patron saint of the free continental breakfast. If we had saints that is. ~ shining path

Apr 9 2006, 03:22 PM

Seriously, this shouldn't even be close. Give a woman a flat chest, and she can still be attractive. Give a woman a flat butt, and she can still be attractive. Give a woman a penis? ~ shining path

Aug 8 2006, 08:20 PM

My extensive experience with interacting with multiple naked women in a hot tub tells me that I just don't have enough experience with interacting with multiple naked women in a hot tub to answer that intelligently ~ shining path
:shrug: :lmao: :lmao: :cry: :cry: :no:
SaveFerrisB said:
Here's an old school shining path moment...Years ago, there was a thread about a guy from Wisconsin who had averaged at least one Big Mac per day for over 20 years, and downed his 20,000th lifetime Big Mac. The guy knew the exact number because he had a Big Mac eating journal that logged each and every Big Mac consumed. Upon hearing the news of the big Mac journal, shining path commented, "This guy also has a journal recording all of his sexual encounters, but that one has 19,999 fewer entries."
Always the optimist, shiny.
SaveFerrisB said:
Here's an old school shining path moment...Years ago, there was a thread about a guy from Wisconsin who had averaged at least one Big Mac per day for over 20 years, and downed his 20,000th lifetime Big Mac. The guy knew the exact number because he had a Big Mac eating journal that logged each and every Big Mac consumed. Upon hearing the news of the big Mac journal, shining path commented, "This guy also has a journal recording all of his sexual encounters, but that one has 19,999 fewer entries."
In the past three days, I've exchanged messages with Shiny's brother, his step-mother, and his father. I want to confirm with them exactly what I can share with everyone here, but they have all asked me to tell all of you how moved they have been by the sentiments everyone has expressed. All have confirmed to me that the qualities that made him Shiny to us, were the same ones that made him Breed to them.

I want to thank everyone for making this thread a fitting celebration of Shiny.

In the past three days, I've exchanged messages with Shiny's brother, his step-mother, and his father. I want to confirm with them exactly what I can share with everyone here, but they have all asked me to tell all of you how moved they have been by the sentiments everyone has expressed. All have confirmed to me that the qualities that made him Shiny to us, were the same ones that made him Breed to them. I want to thank everyone for making this thread a fitting celebration of Shiny.
:thumbup: Thanks for keeping us up to date scoob and I hope the family is coping as well as can be expected.
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.

He has 8 scientific papers on Pubmed. If you go there and search for "Bosworth CA" you can read the abstracts and even download the pdfs for some of them. If anyone is interested in obtaining copies of any of these that require a subscription, I will be happy to access them for you and pass them on.

GB him.

I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.
Do you have a link to this paper in English?
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.
Do you have a link to this paper in English?
Word. I wonder where we can find a guy with a science background that might be patient enough to explain this to the rest of us? :popcorn:
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.
Do you have a link to this paper in English?
I was just about to start a thread with that same title. Imagine how embarrassing that would have been!
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.

He has 8 scientific papers on Pubmed. If you go there and search for "Bosworth CA" you can read the abstracts and even download the pdfs for some of them. If anyone is interested in obtaining copies of any of these that require a subscription, I will be happy to access them for you and pass them on.

GB him.
You're almost downplaying it. A first authored PNAS paper is a remarkable achievement and one that few in the scientific community will ever accomplish even over a long career.
I thought that the the board might appreciate a link to some of the scientific papers that Shiny authored or co-authored at UAB and the University of New Orleans. When you read the abstracts to these papers, you realize what a heavy duty scientist he really was. His ability to talk science on the board in such an accessible and fluent way without talking down to people was just incredible.

SP was without a doubt my favorite poster going back to old yeller. There are few poster that could make me laugh out loud or just grin like a doofus in the way that Shiny could. I regret that I never met him when I was living in New Orleans, because I'm pretty certain our times there overlapped. In fact, I wonder if we might have crossed paths (shining paths?) - based on various posts over the years, we seemed to go to some of the same music clubs in NOLA.

So I honor him with this post to his most recent publication of March 2009, on which he is the primary author in a very respected journal (senior author in such a respected journal is a big deal in the scientific arena in which he worked):

Dinitrosyliron complexes and the mechanism(s) of cellular protein nitrosothiol formation from nitric oxide.

He has 8 scientific papers on Pubmed. If you go there and search for "Bosworth CA" you can read the abstracts and even download the pdfs for some of them. If anyone is interested in obtaining copies of any of these that require a subscription, I will be happy to access them for you and pass them on.

GB him.
You're almost downplaying it. A first authored PNAS paper is a remarkable achievement and one that few in the scientific community will ever accomplish even over a long career.
True dat.
You're almost downplaying it. A first authored PNAS paper is a remarkable achievement and one that few in the scientific community will ever accomplish even over a long career.
Shiny's father also informs me that UAB will award Shiny his PhD posthumously.

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