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What is up with FBGs Projections? (2 Viewers)

Maurile Tremblay said:
RamMan said:
The other thing that is iritating is the non-response from anyone at FBG's so far in this thread. I own 2 buisnesses and reposnding quickly to dissatisfied customers is the most important thing you can do as a business person. I'm pretty shocked actually. They have to know that this thread is is active and growing by the minute. Very strange....
Dodds would be the right one to chime in here, but he's occupied with trying to get content up on the site.I'm not sure what the rest of the staff can add except that we're sorry for missing our deadlines, we're not trying to make excuses, we appreciate your business, and we'll try to do better in the future. We do understand that people expect stuff to be delivered on time, and that it's frustrating when it isn't.Dodds cares a ton about providing a great product with great customer service, so I know he's scrambling to get the projections posted as quickly as he can, and he's more disappointed than anybody about making people wait.
:goodposting: Maurile said it all. I am certain that David's unfortunate and untimely issue with his desktop hard drive is the main contributing factor to this situation. He has the material backed up on other computer resources, but I know that David's desktop is a really muscular computer with lots of processing power - any of his other resources are almost certainly not as powerful and this is probably delaying the processing/posting of this week's projections.Thanks for your patience and understanding, the last thing we aim to do around here is disappoint any of our valued subscribers. MW
This is definitely a problem that has been ongoing for weeks. Deadlines have slowly been pushed back and then pushed back some more (and still not met). A hard drive crash earlier this week can't excuse a season of this.

Tex Goldstein said:
From the week 12 content page, posted on Monday:

Monday, November 23rd

Note: My computer's hard drive crashed in my move this weekend. Simple tasks like the stats are now tough tasks as I rebuild a lot of the programs. Stats will appear in full on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay in getting content out. I should be close to 100% recovered late tonight. David
It seems to me that mr. Dodds pre-apologized for delays this week...Wassup, none of all you folks complaining never had a hard drive crash before? i'm sure that it was high up on FBG's list to be late with projections this week. they planned it and everything, right? (sarcasm)

chill out, the content here is outstanding. some delays during a 17 week season are to be expected in a real-time biz like this, imo.
I think the majority of people here are complaining about the projections constantly being late. This is not an isolated incident which I'm sure most people would not have a problem with. All year the projections and cheatsheets have shown up later and later. What was once Tuesday evening has turned into early Wednesday morning to Wednesday morning to late Wednesday morning to Wednesday afternoon. I can't imagine their hard drive crashed every single week this season.
Tex Goldstein said:
From the week 12 content page, posted on Monday:

Monday, November 23rd

Note: My computer's hard drive crashed in my move this weekend. Simple tasks like the stats are now tough tasks as I rebuild a lot of the programs. Stats will appear in full on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay in getting content out. I should be close to 100% recovered late tonight. David
It seems to me that mr. Dodds pre-apologized for delays this week...Wassup, none of all you folks complaining never had a hard drive crash before? i'm sure that it was high up on FBG's list to be late with projections this week. they planned it and everything, right? (sarcasm)

chill out, the content here is outstanding. some delays during a 17 week season are to be expected in a real-time biz like this, imo.
Tex,Every application FGB's has flows through the projections. You think it's acceptable that the meat and potatoes of FGBs' applications and projections depends on a 3.5" hard drive on Dodds PC? I have big time issues with this. This is not a legitimate excuse IMHO. Almost all of the useful content on this site flows through the projections. Having a single point of failure for them shows a lack of professionalism. A fresh out of high school/college IT person could tell you this is a terrible scenario having all of this programs and data residing on a single hard drive.

This data should be stored on a fault tolerant system and should be backed up at least daily. Especially in the middle of the season.

If Dodds needs remote access to his data/applications then there are plenty of ways to accomplish this. Terminal Services and PCAnywhere to name a few.

The kicker for me is I received no email stating that there was a problem with Dodds' PC and the projections would be late. I had no idea of this until I saw the replies to my thread. I still haven't figured out where the subscriber forum is either. IMHO this failed hard drive infromation should be something stickied in the Shark Pool because it's the most active sub-forum of this website.

Regardless this isn't an issue of just this week. This is an ongoing issue since the start of the season.

Sadly I will probably subscribe again next season despite all this because I enjoy every article that FBGs puts out even when late. For me peronsally the biggest complaint I have is I want to rank my waiver decisions somehow and the projections are the easiest way to do that. The Upgrades/Downgrades article doesn't really prioritize anything and it certainly does not factor in your custom scoring system like the MyFBGs projections.

I sincerely hope this issue can be resolved because I love this site and I want it to succeed and continue to grow.

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bahamallama said:
Does myfantasyleague.com use the projections from here? The projected scores are all zero for my league.d
I think they use projections from Fantasy Sharks.
i know that the submit lineup has a link to fantasy sharks ( they say I will shatter our league record with 163 points this week! ) but their projections are the ultimate optimists work, every week the project huge scores from all teams in our league and they are never close. I have found that FBG is pretty darn close to what really happens.I don't care if fantasysharks is late, they suck. FBG is good so it is an inconvenience but not a deal breaker.d
BusterTBronco said:
Why is Rock Cartwright nowhere to be found in this weeks projections???
Wow. That was worth the wait. :kicksrock: I don't see Cartwright or even Carter on the customized cheats at all..
Tex Goldstein said:
From the week 12 content page, posted on Monday:

Monday, November 23rd

Note: My computer's hard drive crashed in my move this weekend. Simple tasks like the stats are now tough tasks as I rebuild a lot of the programs. Stats will appear in full on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay in getting content out. I should be close to 100% recovered late tonight. David
It seems to me that mr. Dodds pre-apologized for delays this week...Wassup, none of all you folks complaining never had a hard drive crash before? i'm sure that it was high up on FBG's list to be late with projections this week. they planned it and everything, right? (sarcasm)

chill out, the content here is outstanding. some delays during a 17 week season are to be expected in a real-time biz like this, imo.
You know how I can tell you're new here?
I'm thankful for Footballguys and the excellent content but it is disconcerting to be paying for something and not be receiving it when it's supposed to be delivered. Now I'm not sure but it seems to me that when I look at the weekly schedule there seems to only be a few names handling the bulk of the work flow. I know Dodds has a lot of responsibilities every week, MAYBE TOO MANY, he's like a RB who is getting too many carries and might be starting to break down. What I feel and hear from the consensus is that maybe there needs to be a shift in priorities. There is a lot of great content but a lot of it I don't need until after Weds.

Monday and Tuesday, to me anyway, are all about injury updates, waiver wire targets, preliminary cheatsheet, upgrade/downgrade and all things related to me dominating the waiver wire because as we all know it's key and I know for us that know FF I'm stating the obvious but if the staff maybe put their collective effort into these time sensitive areas first and foremost it might make a positive impact. If you throw me a preliminary cheatsheet and it has a guy ranked a little higher than he should be because he has an easy matchup this week that's fine it will help me if that guy is sitting on the WW. I really don't need the Top 250 on Tuesday you can give me the Who's Hot Last 4 Weeks and I can discern from that for waiver and trade purposes. I also don't need the YTD Stats on Tuesday of which there are 4 different incarnations, the websites that my leagues are in have all of those stats and are calculated by my point systems.


What happened to the unstoppable force of Lammey and Bloom? I miss the 5 minute drill, that was packed with info and fun, I'd like to see that come back in some incarnation. It's way more appealing in a visual form than just audio. If there are legal issues call it the 6 minute drill. Gimme some more Lammey!!

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Add me as another unsatisfied customer based on the increasing lateness of the key data throughout this year. One occurrence would be understandable, though as others have pointed out, securing your data is a pretty basic part of running a digital business these days. This is far from an isolated incident, though: I haven't had FBG projections in time to make waiver claims once this season. I rely most heavily on the projections when it comes to kickers and defenses (projecting points for K and DEF are more 'technical', imo), and since K's and DEF's probably experience more waiver activity and turnover on a fantasy roster than other positions, the projections are essential.

Bottom line, I'm not getting what I paid for (i.e. projections on time to help me make lineup and roster decisions) and even more troubling is the way things have gotten progressively worse since I've been a paying member, with no indication that somebody is working to fix the problem. It's bizarre because so much of the rest of the FBG experience is so damn good.

/ end rant.

I have been with FBG's for several years now and think thier content is great but I have to agree they have some problems getting things out on time. I have to make my waivers moves but the end of the evening on Tuesday night and I like to look at the top 200 list but it is often slow to get up. I would FBG's to hit thier deadline's more often give more specific deadlines (9pm Eastern) rather than this evening which really isn't much help. If I know someting isn't going to be up until 9PM Guam time i can know to give up hoping I'll get to look at them.

Add me as another unsatisfied customer based on the increasing lateness of the key data throughout this year. One occurrence would be understandable, though as others have pointed out, securing your data is a pretty basic part of running a digital business these days. This is far from an isolated incident, though: I haven't had FBG projections in time to make waiver claims once this season. I rely most heavily on the projections when it comes to kickers and defenses (projecting points for K and DEF are more 'technical', imo), and since K's and DEF's probably experience more waiver activity and turnover on a fantasy roster than other positions, the projections are essential.

Bottom line, I'm not getting what I paid for (i.e. projections on time to help me make lineup and roster decisions) and even more troubling is the way things have gotten progressively worse since I've been a paying member, with no indication that somebody is working to fix the problem. It's bizarre because so much of the rest of the FBG experience is so damn good.

/ end rant.
:goodposting: Sure am glad I re-uped for three years. This is the same exact problem that was going on last year, and in weeks past this year. So the computer crashing excuse doesn't work for me. Every week the projections get later and later....to the point where your decisions have to be made with other information. I don't pay for this site to have to use "free" sites for decision making. Bottom line is the projections should be out on Tuesday like advertised. Not Wednesday afternoon, especially on a week when there are three Thursday games.

Thanks for posting this OP, because you definately were not alone. I would have liked to view the projections before hitting the road on Wed afternoon, but oh well.

Good thread, and wholly appropriate to have it posted in the most popular forum. Its an ongoing problem, and despite Joe Bryant's pledge in the other thread to do better going forward, has not been remedied.

Content has always met or exceeded expectations, no one is questioning that.

The time for excuses and promises has passed. Just get it done on time, everytime. That is not an extraordinary request, it is simply a minimum standard that should be met.

Don't tell me you use other people's 'projections' 'guesses' to set your lineup.

Here's some real advice: Coach your team.
What FavreCo say's. Except I like teams with incompetent coaches, makes my game easier.
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Why do people insist on making public, complaints that should be done in emails? Fine, you have a legitmate gripe, have you sent a bunch of emails with no response? Do you return a pair a pants equipped with a megaphone so that you can inform the whole store why you are returning sub-par pants?
Because we PAID for this service.
I have to agree that the response time is way too slow. When you are on the east coast you need these articles and other info much sooner. By the time we get them out here on the east coast, it is often too late. Trying to make changes five minutes before game time is not helpful. I know its early on the west coast, but like the earlier poster said, "we are paying for a service here". I have noticed the response times getting later and later. I hate to change service, but it is getting to the point to where it is hurting our capabilities of making informed changes to our rosters when needed.

I have been a subscriber for years and will continue to be one. I just simply came to accept the fact that many reports will be late and deadlines will be missed regularly no matter how much people complain.

Am I happy about it? No. But I have simply grown weary of being upset by it.

Early last season I stopped looking at the reports altogether which is a shame because there is alot of good stuff there.

So long as the VBD app is available I will continue to subscribe. Please don't take this to mean that the deadlines should not be met because that is not what I am saying. Deadlines should be met it's just that I am getting my money's worth with that one app.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

There are reasons for missing deadlines, however when the deadlines are consistently missed, any reason becomes just another excuse.

I remember back in the day when footballguys was "cheatsheets.com" and the content was great and the service was free. They stated back then that they HAD to charge a little money to keep the site up with the flow of people, but NOT to create a "business." Understandable, however, I have seen this site slowly evolve over the years to the exact opposite of what they use to be. They are now a "business" with "customers" who are not satisfied with their "cheatsheets." Ironic how their strong suit back in the day has now become their achilles heal. The shark pool has jumped the shark!

I'll say this is the first year I did not subscribe to fbg's. I had been a customer for several years in a row but I realized much of the information they provide is available for free from other sites. The information I can't find for free elsewhere was stuff they always had trouble with.

Why promise your customers a delivery date if you can't meet it? It's frustrating and flat out insulting. Change the delivery time or live up to you damned promises.

They've had trouble living up to their delivery promises in previous seasons and I simply got tired of it. :goodposting:

Sounds like you have a legitimate grievance. The only problem is, why do I have to know about it.You speak of unprofessionalism in your rant. IMO, it's equally unprofessional to put voice to your complaints in an open forum. It's been my experience that the folks here are very responsive to issues relative to the service provided. If you have a problem, reach out to them in private via email or PM or whatever. There's no need to air your dirty laundry in public.Just my :2cents:
:lmao:In fairneness this country was founded on the principle of freedom of speech/petitioning redresses and grievances. He wasn't :rant: ing, "out of line", rude, or even overly snide. He postred an opinion (that it seems was shared by others who are agrreing above-- as opinions are en masse) so let him give his opinion as a customer? To borrow your metaphor, he isn't bringing a megaphone and causing a scene, he is courteously waiting in line with a pair od pants that he is disatisfied with for a legitimate reason, and alerting the store how its current policy hinders it's customer service in an effort to stay a customer of a store that he likes MOST things about.Thisd impacts me on some leagues too. Now I never #####ed about it, but I have many times over not returned an item in a similar situation as I just didn't care enough to drive back to the store. It seems you want him to use the comment box, and we all know how well that works at anyplace that isn't a Whole Foods
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Why do people insist on making public, complaints that should be done in emails?
It's a message board. That's exactly what it's for.
Sounds like you have a legitimate grievance. The only problem is, why do I have to know about it.
You don't. It's a message board. Read the threads you want to read.
Don't tell me you use other people's 'projections' 'guesses' to set your lineup.

Here's some real advice: Coach your team.
Heck yar! I haven't paid for FBGs in years. I can be wrong all by myself, frequently am, and don't blame anybody else's projections for my being wrong, because all projections are guesses. (So much of the mathiness of fantasy foozball is built on the false presumption that preseason projections are accurate.)That said, what's promised to paying subscribers should be delivered, as promised.

It's a legitimate gripe, though not the end of the world.

Gotta go. Turkey time.

Wednesday Morning, December 2ndOffensive Projections - DoddsIDP Projections - NortonCustom Cheatsheets/MyFBG - DrinenCheatsheets/Rankings - Dodds ***PPR Cheatsheets/Rankings - DoddsCustom Top 250+ - DrinenLineup Dominator - Henderson
Evidently last week's "Guys, my hard drive crashed" schedule is now going to be permanent. So Tuesday projections appear to be gone for good.And since they seem to be going on West Coast time, that "Wednesday morning" will be Wed. afternoon for any East coasters.
I'll say this is the first year I did not subscribe to fbg's. I had been a customer for several years in a row but I realized much of the information they provide is available for free from other sites. The information I can't find for free elsewhere was stuff they always had trouble with. Why promise your customers a delivery date if you can't meet it? It's frustrating and flat out insulting. Change the delivery time or live up to you damned promises. They've had trouble living up to their delivery promises in previous seasons and I simply got tired of it. :D
I've been a subscriber for at least four years and a site follower for even longer. In 2007, I forked over 60 bucks for a three-year subscription, but once that expires, I'm done for exactly the same reasons as posted above and throughout this thread. That's a shame, b/c my earliest memories of the content here were all positive.A Internet-based information business that can't meet deadlines is obsolete, and that's why I consider the subscriber content on FBG to be no more than an afterthought these days. I'll still use the Shark Pool, where the information is the most current and helpful.And I guess I could have written to complain, as others suggest, but to me, if I'm a paying customer who has to whine to a FBG to provide its bread and butter product, what's the use?
I have been a subscriber for years and will continue to be one. I just simply came to accept the fact that many reports will be late and deadlines will be missed regularly no matter how much people complain. Am I happy about it? No. But I have simply grown weary of being upset by it.Early last season I stopped looking at the reports altogether which is a shame because there is alot of good stuff there.So long as the VBD app is available I will continue to subscribe. Please don't take this to mean that the deadlines should not be met because that is not what I am saying. Deadlines should be met it's just that I am getting my money's worth with that one app.Happy Thanksgiving all.
On an unrelated note, you have made my MFL page 100% better with your modules. So thanks for that, MUCH appreciated habman :popcorn:
TheDemon said:
Wednesday Morning, December 2ndOffensive Projections - DoddsIDP Projections - NortonCustom Cheatsheets/MyFBG - DrinenCheatsheets/Rankings - Dodds ***PPR Cheatsheets/Rankings - DoddsCustom Top 250+ - DrinenLineup Dominator - Henderson
Evidently last week's "Guys, my hard drive crashed" schedule is now going to be permanent. So Tuesday projections appear to be gone for good.And since they seem to be going on West Coast time, that "Wednesday morning" will be Wed. afternoon for any East coasters.
Double hard drive crash? What are the odds?
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This is just disappointing.

FBG has always been somewhat unreliable in when the content actually gets delivered, more so late in the season. The last couple of seasons they are becoming more reliable. I can now count on the fact that there will not be projections until it is too late for waivers. Guess where many FF seasons are won and lost, effective use of waivers.

FWIW, I think the FBGs are too computer savvy to have a hard drive crash on a personal computer be a viable excuse. There should be a second resource that can get the content up on time. FBG seems to have become too successful and the service is paying for it. For me, the #1 content item is the projections. Without that, paying for content is worthless. If David has become to busy to get these done then something needs to change. When establishing trust with paying customers promises and deadlines matter. Empty apologies do more harm than good.

I strongly suggest that FBG pick a cross-section of their subscribers in the off-season to find out what is working and what isn't working. I would include new subscribers (1 year, was it worth it), established subscribers (a couple years, how is it going), long time subscribers (many years, where are we compared to seasons past). It sounds like there is a web site redesign in the works and it makes sense for this to happen at the same time.

The other thing that is iritating is the non-response from anyone at FBG's so far in this thread. I own 2 buisnesses and reposnding quickly to dissatisfied customers is the most important thing you can do as a business person. I'm pretty shocked actually. They have to know that this thread is is active and growing by the minute. Very strange....
Dodds would be the right one to chime in here, but he's occupied with trying to get content up on the site.I'm not sure what the rest of the staff can add except that we're sorry for missing our deadlines, we're not trying to make excuses, we appreciate your business, and we'll try to do better in the future. We do understand that people expect stuff to be delivered on time, and that it's frustrating when it isn't.Dodds cares a ton about providing a great product with great customer service, so I know he's scrambling to get the projections posted as quickly as he can, and he's more disappointed than anybody about making people wait.
:lmao: Maurile said it all. I am certain that David's unfortunate and untimely issue with his desktop hard drive is the main contributing factor to this situation. He has the material backed up on other computer resources, but I know that David's desktop is a really muscular computer with lots of processing power - any of his other resources are almost certainly not as powerful and this is probably delaying the processing/posting of this week's projections.Thanks for your patience and understanding, the last thing we aim to do around here is disappoint any of our valued subscribers. MW
Couple of caveats before I begin. I haven't subscribed in years because I found that I just didn't use the info. I liked it when I read it, but found I wasn't reading it so... I love the site though, always have since the cheatsheet days. I also think that the staff around here is AMAZING around here in terms of attitude and for the most part support. You aren't likely to find too many "nicer" businessmen.OK, all that said, this post is hilarious. "'Dave's desktop is a really muscular computer."? Wow. First, I can't think of any application on here that would require any more processing power than could be found on the average laptop (in terms of content generation - delivery is very different matter of course, but that is accomplished on web servers etc.). You are compiling some text and uploading data into an already existing suite of database tools. If that requires a lot of processing power, you're doing something wrong. I'm not saying this stuff doesn't take a long time to compile (not in the geek sense, but in the real-world sense), I'm sure it does. But we aren't talking about super-collider,or antenna-array data here.Second, as MANY people have already mentioned, this is a company offering paid services. A company (particularly an internet content delivery company) shouldn't be storing ANYTHING important on the hard-drive of a desktop computer. Just shouldn't happen. Sure, you can work on a local copy for a while maybe (although even that is probably not necessary), but the content should be on networked machines with multiple backup options. It's not hard, and it's not expensive - there are a million options. Relying on one hard drive on one desktop machine (if that's indeed the case) is BEYOND ridiculous in this day and age.I know I'm not adding much here, and I know there's not much to say on the staff's part at this point, but responses like this just aren't helping the cause. "Muscular computer". Jeesh.
I dont mind the Wednesday morning projections delivery. FBG offers advice on waiver wire pickups on Mondays and lineups don't have to be set until Thursday at the earliest anyways. I prefer the projections be done right than hurried and peppered with mistakes. As long as the projections are reliable, I will continue to subscribe. Keep up the good work.

I've been a subscriber for a VERY long time. I probably will retain my subscription forever. My #1 reason for staying is that I love the utility of the Lineup/Draft Dominator to manage multiple leagues. That said, I have seen several trends here that I am not exactly thrilled with:

* Content is NEVER on time. This is not something new or unique to the issue David experienced. To elaborate on my new weekly routine. On Tuesday I log into my money leagues on CBS and ESPN which have projections. One league is a PPR and the other is a standard format. Since I've come to terms that the Lineup Dominator won't be out until after work Wednesday I use their projections to start to plan my week.

I hate it and don't trust their projections but it's a good baseline to work from. I use last week's Lineup Dominator to view matchups and break ties since I just can't wait for late Wednesday to start my planning. Why FBG's can't produce even CBS or ESPN quality projections on Tuesday when their competators do is beyond me. Get something out ASAP and THEN adjust as you review film and whatever else you do! Hire some guy who's sole job is to get an early look on baseline projections out on Tuesday (and imported into the Lineup Dominator). He can't do any worse than ESPN/CBS and then let your experts overwrite them later in the week.

* The weekly WW/Upgrades column is incredibly cliche and has no foresight for the future. If a player did well he goes up otherwise he goes down without a deep understanding of why. In the past this used to be a great early look and second opinion to help me get a jump on trade talks, waiver moves, etc.

* Coming up shortly we are going to see FBG's stop doing FORWARD projections in the Lineup Dominator citing it provides no value. To me, even a basic projection is valuable as a baseline to make decisions on for the fantasy playoffs. Simply having my league with even a baseline forward projection in the tool gives me insight to future weeks that my opponents likely does not get.

* Spend more time on the fliers who may emerge and try to help us decide how to prioritize them. A few weeks ago I began hoarding Scott, Snelling, Forsett, Charles, etc over lower tier RB's with no upside. Going forward, it would be nice to have an in depth look at fliers who can win you a championship vs. simply seeing the field. A guy like Choice if Barber goes down can be money. How does that compare to Hilliard if Ricky goes down or Ringer if something happens to CJ3?

* Dedicate an article to looking ahead for WW gems (especially defenses) a week or two early when there should be no competition to pick them up.

What I feel and hear from the consensus is that maybe there needs to be a shift in priorities. There is a lot of great content but a lot of it I don't need until after Weds. Monday and Tuesday, to me anyway, are all about injury updates, waiver wire targets, preliminary cheatsheet, upgrade/downgrade and all things related to me dominating the waiver wire because as we all know it's key and I know for us that know FF I'm stating the obvious but if the staff maybe put their collective effort into these time sensitive areas first and foremost it might make a positive impact. If you throw me a preliminary cheatsheet and it has a guy ranked a little higher than he should be because he has an easy matchup this week that's fine it will help me if that guy is sitting on the WW. I really don't need the Top 250 on Tuesday you can give me the Who's Hot Last 4 Weeks and I can discern from that for waiver and trade purposes. I also don't need the YTD Stats on Tuesday of which there are 4 different incarnations, the websites that my leagues are in have all of those stats and are calculated by my point systems.
Well said!
I agree q the OP. Wed afternoon projections in the east coast is just unacceptable. This will be my last yr subscribing.

What I feel and hear from the consensus is that maybe there needs to be a shift in priorities. There is a lot of great content but a lot of it I don't need until after Weds. Monday and Tuesday, to me anyway, are all about injury updates, waiver wire targets, preliminary cheatsheet, upgrade/downgrade and all things related to me dominating the waiver wire because as we all know it's key and I know for us that know FF I'm stating the obvious but if the staff maybe put their collective effort into these time sensitive areas first and foremost it might make a positive impact. If you throw me a preliminary cheatsheet and it has a guy ranked a little higher than he should be because he has an easy matchup this week that's fine it will help me if that guy is sitting on the WW. I really don't need the Top 250 on Tuesday you can give me the Who's Hot Last 4 Weeks and I can discern from that for waiver and trade purposes. I also don't need the YTD Stats on Tuesday of which there are 4 different incarnations, the websites that my leagues are in have all of those stats and are calculated by my point systems.
Well said!
Thanks for the feedback from everyone on this. I know it sounds like empty promises from me so I"m hesitant to even say anything. But I am going to again try and make this a priority in the offseason. If it means cutting back half the content in order to get the most important stuff online with the deadlines, then that's what we'll do. J
What I feel and hear from the consensus is that maybe there needs to be a shift in priorities. There is a lot of great content but a lot of it I don't need until after Weds. Monday and Tuesday, to me anyway, are all about injury updates, waiver wire targets, preliminary cheatsheet, upgrade/downgrade and all things related to me dominating the waiver wire because as we all know it's key and I know for us that know FF I'm stating the obvious but if the staff maybe put their collective effort into these time sensitive areas first and foremost it might make a positive impact. If you throw me a preliminary cheatsheet and it has a guy ranked a little higher than he should be because he has an easy matchup this week that's fine it will help me if that guy is sitting on the WW. I really don't need the Top 250 on Tuesday you can give me the Who's Hot Last 4 Weeks and I can discern from that for waiver and trade purposes. I also don't need the YTD Stats on Tuesday of which there are 4 different incarnations, the websites that my leagues are in have all of those stats and are calculated by my point systems.
Well said!
Thanks for the feedback from everyone on this. I know it sounds like empty promises from me so I"m hesitant to even say anything. But I am going to again try and make this a priority in the offseason. If it means cutting back half the content in order to get the most important stuff online with the deadlines, then that's what we'll do. J
That's what you should have been doing, half of the content in my opinion is worthless ... the most important content that we need delivered on a timely basis is being forgotten for what? ... half ### stupid articles that nobody cares about. Hope it gets fixed for next year.
I'd ask this question:

Obviously the push is to get projections as soon as possible.

We've always been hesitant to throw out info that we don't have a lot of faith in. A projection done Monday night or Tuesday we honestly have VERY little faith in. I mean it can be done, but it's not even remotely something feel confident in. There is simply too much left to play out during the week.

But let's say we throw something up there. Say We rank Jay Cutler as the #12 QB on Tuesday. But because of things that happen during the week (or maybe nothing significant happens and we just are able to think about it more) he winds up as the #20 QB by Saturday night. Will folks be ok with that?


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I'd ask this question:Obviously the push is to get projections as soon as possible. We've always been hesitant to throw out info that we don't have a lot of faith in. A projection done Monday night or Tuesday we honestly have VERY little faith in. I mean it can be done, but it's not even remotely something feel confident in. There is simply too much left to play out during the week. But let's say we throw something up there. Say We rank Jay Cutler as the #12 QB on Tuesday. But because of things that happen during the week (or maybe nothing significant happens and we just are able to think about it more) he winds up as the #20 QB by Saturday night. Will folks be ok with that?J
Yes. Because honestly the ones we are interested in are more the guys that will be waiver pickups and we want to see this:Ok, player X has hurt leg. Player Y came in and seemed to do good. But, against Defense Z is player Y a good pickup?So even if that gets tweaked some, we want general guidelines so we can decide on waiver priority. At least half of Tuesdays content is not read or looked at in my opinion. All that data stuff that gets put out isn't necessary. I'd prioritize some real projections for offense and defense and push the data stuff to Wednesday. Thanks for listening.
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I love all the holier than though ##### who come in and tell the guy that he should have just written an e-mail like this problem is brand new and has NEVER been discussed before. There's at least 3 or 4 threads on it already with a ton of posts, there has been emails, and this is not even close to a new issue

I'd ask this question:Obviously the push is to get projections as soon as possible. We've always been hesitant to throw out info that we don't have a lot of faith in. A projection done Monday night or Tuesday we honestly have VERY little faith in. I mean it can be done, but it's not even remotely something feel confident in. There is simply too much left to play out during the week. But let's say we throw something up there. Say We rank Jay Cutler as the #12 QB on Tuesday. But because of things that happen during the week (or maybe nothing significant happens and we just are able to think about it more) he winds up as the #20 QB by Saturday night. Will folks be ok with that?J
Yes. Because honestly the ones we are interested in are more the guys that will be waiver pickups and we want to see this:Ok, player X has hurt leg. Player Y came in and seemed to do good. But, against Defense Z is player Y a good pickup?So even if that gets tweaked some, we want general guidelines so we can decide on waiver priority. At least half of Mondays content is not read or looked at in my opinion. All that data stuff that gets put out isn't necessary. I'd prioritize some real projections for offense and defense and push the data stuff to Wednesday. Thanks for listening.
agreed, I think there's a couple things earlier in the week that MANY people would choose a rough projection over every time

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