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Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes (2 Viewers)

Gordang said:
Couple things Mr. Alias guy.

One is you forgot the lead in, which includes:

Let's be clear: I'm no fan of Hamas, a brutal and anti-Semitic group which has been accused by Amnesty International and other NGOs of human rights abuses against the people of Gaza and of war crimes against the people of Israel. Firing rockets into civilian areas isn't justified under international law, even if it is framed as part of a (legitimate) struggle against foreign military occupation.
It also includes:

You've got to hand it to Israeli spinners like Mark Regev. They are masters of PR. In fact, as the Independent's Patrick Cockburn revealed over the weekend, "the playbook they are using is a professional, well-researched and confidential study on how to influence the media and public opinion in America and Europe".


Having said that, however, in recent days I've been debating supporters of Israel's latest assault on Gaza on radio and on Twitter and I've been astonished not just by the sheer number of fact-free claims made by those supporters, but also by their confidence, slickness and sheer message discipline. According to the pro-Israel, pro-IDF crowd, Hamas is to blame for everything.

This, of course, is utter nonsense. To quote the late US senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Here's something to conclude about all this - Hamas is absolutely awful at putting out their version of events. They intimidate and even threaten journalists instead of wining and dining them. When they appear they say insane things, almost like they have never been interviewed by a freely thinking objective journalist before, which they likely have not. And finally they cannot help but let their personal prejudices get in the way. I guess on that last points Israelis have the same problem but gosh they are so much better at it. I saw this morning on CNN the Israeli Ambassador to the USA. He sounded American, he might actually be American.

The Hamas spokesman shows up on CNN and can't even tie his tie straight.

Until Hamas changes it's charter and accompanying behavior, they are responsible for these horrible outcomes.

No nation in the world would ever tolerate the aggressive behavior of their neighbor, nor would you as a citizen if your neighbor was digging tunnels for the purpose of destroying you.

It is horrible that so many civilians have died, but the lion's share of the blame goes to Hamas, not Israel.

Hamas is a terrorist organization- plain and simple, and will be responded to accordingly. Until the recognize Israel's right to exist and stop impoverishing their own people by building tunnels instead of a functional infrastructure and economy, this cycle will just continue on.

Until Hamas changes it's charter and accompanying behavior, they are responsible for these horrible outcomes.

No nation in the world would ever tolerate the aggressive behavior of their neighbor, nor would you as a citizen if your neighbor was digging tunnels for the purpose of destroying you.

It is horrible that so many civilians have died, but the lion's share of the blame goes to Hamas, not Israel.

Hamas is a terrorist organization- plain and simple, and will be responded to accordingly. Until the recognize Israel's right to exist and stop impoverishing their own people by building tunnels instead of a functional infrastructure and economy, this cycle will just continue on.
oh I get it, it is sort of like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abEBbI06w8M

When Israel was granted land in their ancestral home in 1948, practically the moment it happened, they were immediately set upon by their neighbors, who all have a long history of anti-Semitism. Israel fought back and won, and when it happened again in the 1960s and 70s, each time Israel has emerged the victor. They didn't start out fighting their neighbors just because they had nothing to do that week. It was a fight for their very existence. Since then, they have lived under constant threat of extermination from either their neighbors or from Muslim groups dedicated to, and I'm quoting here, "Death to Israel."

I know that they're not perfect, and they have been aggressive in dealing with perceived threats, but let's be honest, if you were surrounded on 3 sides by people who would be tickled to death if you ceased to exist, you'd be pretty dedicated to self-preservation as well. Also, several of those facts are blatantly false, such as Hamas not firing rockets into Israel. They've been doing it constantly, but thanks to Israel having a sophisticated missile defense system, casualties have been greatly lessened. Hamas has also made it a habit of assembling rocket launchers in or near schools, hospitals, and other areas where civilians tend to hang out, and when Israel fires back, those civilians, who were endangered by Hamas's unwillingness to live and let live, pay the price, making Israel look bad. Hamas is the aggressor here, and has been for sone time.

Lol at people who use Youtube as a resource for advancing their cause. I wonder if you found this after searching for cinnamon or ice bucket challenge videos? Perhaps you found that clip during a commercial break during the Al-Jazeera News Hour?

Supporting Hamas is akin to supporting ISIS. Terrorists are terrorists. You can't expect to hit someone without getting punched back. You sound like the kid in third grade who hit someone, got punched back, and then cried to your teacher.

Oh, and guess what.. I wonder who broke the ceasefire yet again.

Hamas is disgusting. People who support Hamas support terrorists.

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None of this carnage occurs if Hamas changes their charter, recognizes Israel's right to exist, and stops instigating violent conflicts. If Hamas stopped attacking Israel, Israel would stop shelling Gaza. It really is that basic.

It also would help if Hamas stops using human shields and devoting the hundreds of millions of financial aid they have received to perhaps building schools instead of tunnels. Perhaps some of that money could be used to build an infrastructure to build economic viability. Instead, the Palestinians languish in poverty an a permanent economic depression. Unemployment and corruption are rampant.

So, the fundamental answer to your question remains the same: it is Hamas that is disgusting. It is Hamas who puts their women and children in harms way for exploitative political purposes. It is Hamas who breaks every cease fire. It is Hamas that is the disgusting party here.

You simply look at numbers. Thus, without understanding the reason behind the deaths, you arrive at the infantile conclusion that Israel is to blame.

The Palestinian people are perhaps the most poorly led people of the last thousand years. I have empathy for their people, but their leadership is among the most reprehensible, savage, knuckle dragging cretins in the history of mankind.

None of this carnage occurs if Hamas changes their charter, recognizes Israel's right to exist, and stops instigating violent conflicts. If Hamas stopped attacking Israel, Israel would stop shelling Gaza. It really is that basic.

It also would help if Hamas stops using human shields and devoting the hundreds of millions of financial aid they have received to perhaps building schools instead of tunnels. Perhaps some of that money could be used to build an infrastructure to build economic viability. Instead, the Palestinians languish in poverty an a permanent economic depression. Unemployment and corruption are rampant.

So, the fundamental answer to your question remains the same: it is Hamas that is disgusting. It is Hamas who puts their women and children in harms way for exploitative political purposes. It is Hamas who breaks every cease fire. It is Hamas that is the disgusting party here.

You simply look at numbers. Thus, without understanding the reason behind the deaths, you arrive at the infantile conclusion that Israel is to blame.

The Palestinian people are perhaps the most poorly led people of the last thousand years. I have empathy for their people, but their leadership is among the most reprehensible, savage, knuckle dragging cretins in the history of mankind.

This post ends the thread now. There really is no need for further discussion about this.

Finnish reporter reporting that rockets had just been fired from the "backyard" of a major Palestinian hospital:

I appreciate this post. I have been wanting to see for myself that Hamas is firing rockets in or near schools/hospitals. I was starting to have my doubts but this confirms some of what Israel puts out there for the media. Good reporting, good find, great post.

As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While 'the process' is going on the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel 'has a right to defend itself' ( whereas Palestine clearly doesn't). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone's olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis - they're 'right of return' Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that 'Arab' equates with 'vermin' - straightforward old-school racism delivered with the same arrogant, shameless swagger that the good ole boys of Louisiana used to affect. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It's like sending money to the Klan.


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As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While 'the process' is going on the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel 'has a right to defend itself' ( whereas Palestine clearly doesn't). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone's olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis - they're 'right of return' Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that 'Arab' equates with 'vermin' - straightforward old-school racism delivered with the same arrogant, shameless swagger that the good ole boys of Louisiana used to affect. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It's like sending money to the Klan.

Oh, please. What a bunch of :bs:

Maybe you didn't see this post? Hiding behind women and children and hospitals? Yeah, way to get others to support your cause.

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MaxThreshold said:
Gordang said:
As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While 'the process' is going on the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel 'has a right to defend itself' ( whereas Palestine clearly doesn't). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone's olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis - they're 'right of return' Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that 'Arab' equates with 'vermin' - straightforward old-school racism delivered with the same arrogant, shameless swagger that the good ole boys of Louisiana used to affect. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It's like sending money to the Klan.

Oh, please. What a bunch of :bs:

Maybe you didn't see this post? Hiding behind women and children and hospitals? Yeah, way to get others to support your cause.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqb1TiC-0Nw i suggest you watch this if you are really trying to have an open non biased view on this situation, but im assuming you are running with confirmation bias now

Gordang said:
As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While 'the process' is going on the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel 'has a right to defend itself' ( whereas Palestine clearly doesn't). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone's olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis - they're 'right of return' Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that 'Arab' equates with 'vermin' - straightforward old-school racism delivered with the same arrogant, shameless swagger that the good ole boys of Louisiana used to affect. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It's like sending money to the Klan.

Two points:

1. Despite the incredible blind anti-Israeli bias of Gordang's sources, there are some kernels of truth to what he had posted here. I believe that a certain portion of the government, and the vast majority of the Israeli people, are in favor of peace. But there are settlers and elements of the government and the right wing in Israel who support them who don't believe in it, and are intent on continuing to expand their settlements, often with a fanatical religious justification for their actions. Critics of Israel are correct, IMO, to attack these settlements as antithetical to any hope of peace.

2. There is no distinction between the ethnic Jews of Israel and the ethnic Jews around the world who immigrate to Israel. The whole point of the modern state of Israel was to provide a haven for Jews around the world to escape persecution.

MaxThreshold said:
Gordang said:
As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While 'the process' is going on the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel 'has a right to defend itself' ( whereas Palestine clearly doesn't). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone's olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis - they're 'right of return' Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that 'Arab' equates with 'vermin' - straightforward old-school racism delivered with the same arrogant, shameless swagger that the good ole boys of Louisiana used to affect. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It's like sending money to the Klan.

Oh, please. What a bunch of :bs:

Maybe you didn't see this post? Hiding behind women and children and hospitals? Yeah, way to get others to support your cause.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqb1TiC-0Nw i suggest you watch this if you are really trying to have an open non biased view on this situation, but im assuming you are running with confirmation bias now
So...let me get this straight...your interpretation of an open, non-biased view on the situation is to post an incredibly biased anti-Israel article and then accuse others of being biased? Really?

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That cartoon is anti-Semitic. (The drawing of the Israeli matches the Nazi depictions of Jews in the 1930s and 40s.)
'Confirming I have quit the SMH, sad that a once great newspaper has buckled to the bullies. Thanks for your support...maintain the rage.'

The accusations of anti-Semitism are getting a bit tedious. My much-loved son-in-law is actually Jewish. Sorry for that inconvenient truth,' he tweeted on Monday.


The more I think about this policy - the more galling it gets.

Can you imagine getting a phone call that says you have 5 minutes, or even one hour to leave you house before we blow it up?

You have 1 hour to gather everything you can carry on your back, and GTFO because we are going to intentionally destroy everything else in your life. This is just wanton property destruction with no purpose other than to terrorize imo.

By definition you aren't getting any military targets here, because you told them to leave. You are just blowing #### up, just for the sake of blowing #### up.

How can you defend this policy? Because I don't want to live in world where this is acceptable. What would think of someone who did that to you?
Israel doesn't want to give Palestine their own state and are playing this perfectly to ensure they are never forced to do that. They have to create more Palestinian terrorists or the international community will force a two state solution.

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