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Peterson charged with reckless or negligent injury to a child? (2 Viewers)

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has been indicted in Montgomery County, Texas, for reckless or negligent injury of a child, a person with knowledge of the case confirmed to USA TODAY Sports on Friday.

The incident in question involves Peterson using a switch to spank his son, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the fluidity of the case.

Peterson eventually will have to return to Texas to post bond, the person said, but there is no timeline for that to happen yet.

Those pictures are sickening. How can you do that to a FOUR YEAR OLD. Throw this scumbag out of the league and if you guys are doing that kind of damage to your kids then go f yourself.

What could a kid do that would warrant that at 4 years old?
We're still not sure if the kid is 4 or 11.
Look at the photos man. If these photos are true, such as this http://cbsminnesota.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/adrian-peterson-son-injuries-2.jpg?w=420&h=236 .... That doesn't look like an 11 year old. Looks like a young child's leg/thing pretty clearly.

You don't whip a child, he's not a slave. I wouldn't whip an animal, much less my child or another human being. I hate cruelty.
I'm with you but much of the country finds it perfectly acceptable - spare the road, spoil the child and that.

He'll get a lot of :hifive: from the religious community.
Well as taboo as it may be now days to use punishment like this the 'spoil the child' part isn't all that far off. Not saying a switch is acceptable but a light spanking certainly should be. My kids never got spanked hard enough to get hurt but the thought of it was scary enough in their minds to learn from it. This was back in the days when it was 'acceptable' FWIW'...ha ha.

Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson has been indicted in Montgomery County, Texas, for reckless or negligent injury of a child, a person with knowledge of the case confirmed to USA TODAY Sports on Friday.

The incident in question involves Peterson using a switch to spank his son, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the fluidity of the case.

Peterson eventually will have to return to Texas to post bond, the person said, but there is no timeline for that to happen yet.
You are about two hours too late with this.

I probably would never do this, but I can't say I think switching is wrong. Just the way we were raised, and I'm AP's age.
The way I see it, those parents who don't have the intellect to use words to communicate properly, resort to this type of punishment.

Instilling fear is an epic fail, in my opinion.
Couldn't agree more...I have two great kids that are now in college and I never had to hit them
I suppose you're one of the legions of new age parents who prefer bribery, extortion, and endless negotiation to corporal punishment.

This thread is get dumb quick, people already bragging about their childhood beatings, I assume the word 'wussification' ain't too far behind. But:

I got the belt, wooden spoon, and switch as a kid. My legs never looked like that. I believe in spanking, and that it can become abusive, can go too far.

That looks pretty awful.

Those pictures are sickening. How can you do that to a FOUR YEAR OLD. Throw this scumbag out of the league and if you guys are doing that kind of damage to your kids then go f yourself.

What could a kid do that would warrant that at 4 years old?
We're still not sure if the kid is 4 or 11.
Big difference. A little too old school for me if 11, but hard to know the whole story (is this often, etc).

If it's a 4 y/o, which would be more consistent with the size of the kid I see, it's way overboard.

Probably be tough to get a conviction in Texas for this. In Cali, they might lock him up. I'm guessing this is a plea deal, as long as there isn't other signs consistent with abuse in the home.

Those pictures are sickening. How can you do that to a FOUR YEAR OLD. Throw this scumbag out of the league and if you guys are doing that kind of damage to your kids then go f yourself.

What could a kid do that would warrant that at 4 years old?
We're still not sure if the kid is 4 or 11.
Look at the photos man. If these photos are true, such as this http://cbsminnesota.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/adrian-peterson-son-injuries-2.jpg?w=420&h=236 .... That doesn't look like an 11 year old. Looks like a young child's leg/thing pretty clearly.
I'm around kids all the time and I can't tell, looks way too big for a 4 yr old IMO and a little small for an 11 yr old

4 freaking years old. I hope ADP earns that nick name in prison
I think that's a misprint. Kid should be 11.
I don't think so. I don't think he has any children that are that old. Based on this article, he has five children.

Two of his children, Adrian Jr. (who was supposedly 2 at the time of the article in 2013) and a now 1 year old daughter live in Minnesota with their mother, a waitress in Minnesota. It doesn't sound like any of his other children live in Minnesota.

So, I think it's Adrian, Jr. who probably just turned 4.

I probably would never do this, but I can't say I think switching is wrong. Just the way we were raised, and I'm AP's age.
The way I see it, those parents who don't have the intellect to use words to communicate properly, resort to this type of punishment.

Instilling fear is an epic fail, in my opinion.
Couldn't agree more...I have two great kids that are now in college and I never had to hit them
I suppose you're one of the legions of new age parents who prefer bribery, extortion, and endless negotiation to corporal punishment.
No just common sense communication, unfortunately it seems to be a dying art in today's society.

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.

I just wanted to say that I think anybody with different values than mine should be immediately punished and placed in jail.

It's obvious that many on this board agree with me.

Burn Them All !!!!!!!!!!!
If your values are to do that to a kid who's not even in school, you have no values.

If you need to draw blood from multiple wounds to raise your kid, then walk in front of a bus and make your kid an orphan.

Are you people serious? I picked many a switch for my parents so they could beat my butt with it.... the key is to pick one that's not to green and not too dead the green ones hurt more ...but if you get a dead one, you have to go back and get another usually means a harder beating ... This is what is wrong with this country I guess none of you ever got a paddling at school either
I'm sorry, but I am just SO SICK of these "tough guy" posts.

You know what? Screw everyone that thinks this sort of thing is OK. It isn't. It was NEVER OK. Just because your dad thought so doesn't make it right. The fact that many of us (hopefully most of us) don't tolerate this sort of behavior is what's RIGHT about America.

4 freaking years old. I hope ADP earns that nick name in prison
I think that's a misprint. Kid should be 11.
I don't think so. I don't think he has any children that are that old. Based on this article, he has five children.

Two of his children, Adrian Jr. (who was supposedly 2 at the time of the article in 2013) and a now 1 year old daughter live in Minnesota with their mother, a waitress in Minnesota. It doesn't sound like any of his other children live in Minnesota.

So, I think it's Adrian, Jr. who probably just turned 4.
Jesus Christ.

pics are upsetting. I take back my earlier comment, he SHOULD be disciplined for this, by the police

Sports Radio 610 in Houston obtained a draft of the police report which says Peterson admitted that he did, in his words, “whoop” one of his children last May while the boy was visiting him in Houston.

When the 4-year-old boy returned to Minnesota, his mother took him to a doctor. The police report said the boy told the doctor Peterson had hit him with a branch from a tree.still

The doctor told investigators that the boy had a number of lacerations on his thighs, along with bruise-like marks on his lower back and buttocks and cuts on his hand.
What is particularly damning here is the cuts on the hands. That is a clear indicator that the boy was attempting to block and defend the lashes and when the type of people who investigate this type of thing look at it, all they see (and report) is that it indicates Peterson went overboard (continuing to strike despite obvious overt attempts to block). It paints the picture of being way too excessive and hard for Peterson to rationalize "I spanked him and didn't know". That kind of thing.

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Yeah...strong example.....lets beat him so he listens next time.....


Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
These posts are unbelievable. Worse than the worst of the Ray Rice posts. About as ugly as anything I've read in this forum.

Are you people serious? I picked many a switch for my parents so they could beat my butt with it.... the key is to pick one that's not to green and not too dead the green ones hurt more ...but if you get a dead one, you have to go back and get another usually means a harder beating ... This is what is wrong with this country I guess none of you ever got a paddling at school either
I'm sorry, but I am just SO SICK of these "tough guy" posts.

You know what? Screw everyone that thinks this sort of thing is OK. It isn't. It was NEVER OK. Just because your dad thought so doesn't make it right. The fact that many of us (hopefully most of us) don't tolerate this sort of behavior is what's RIGHT about America.
I don't agree with what AP did. But pounding your chest about "righteousness" is no better than his "tough guy" stance.

Are you people serious? I picked many a switch for my parents so they could beat my butt with it.... the key is to pick one that's not to green and not too dead the green ones hurt more ...but if you get a dead one, you have to go back and get another usually means a harder beating ... This is what is wrong with this country I guess none of you ever got a paddling at school either
I'm sorry, but I am just SO SICK of these "tough guy" posts.

You know what? Screw everyone that thinks this sort of thing is OK. It isn't. It was NEVER OK. Just because your dad thought so doesn't make it right. The fact that many of us (hopefully most of us) don't tolerate this sort of behavior is what's RIGHT about America.
Time to return to the FFA. We thank you in advance.

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My initial reaction was 'meh'. Guess that tells you how abused I was.
Sort of same reaction here, but then I realized its a 4 year old, way too young for something like that. I got the belt around the 10-13 age when I started being a wise ###, straightened me out quick. At four all you do is mostly the wrong thing and probably don't even understand why you're being whipped with a tree branch.

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
These posts are unbelievable. Worse than the worst of the Ray Rice posts. About as ugly as anything I've read in this forum.
Now imagine the child was 12 years old

I think the term switch is what is freaking people out. If it was a common word like belt or spatula it would come across differently
No, I think what is disturbing people is that there were marks left days afterwards.

I got spanked with wooden spoons, paddles, etc and I never once had bruises. If you're leaving bruises that can be seen days later, that's not disciplining, that's beating.
How do you know?

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Yeah...strong example.....lets beat him so he listens next time.....

That's not beating that's discipline. Bruises are going to show up if you use anything hard enough against the skin, be it a belt or a hand.

Bruises do not necessarily = abuse.

Idk pics didn't bother me that much. I know kids young but there's nothing wrong with setting a strong example of discipline from a young age. Just means you have to do it less as the kid gets older since a statement was made early on.
Yeah...strong example.....lets beat him so he listens next time.....

That's not beating that's discipline. Bruises are going to show up if you use anything hard enough against the skin, be it a belt or a hand.

Bruises do not necessarily = abuse.
lacerations = abuse

Only indicted and I'm sure he'll be give a week to turn in. I'm guessing that the NFL/Vikees will allow the legal system to do its thing before acting.

Are you people serious? I picked many a switch for my parents so they could beat my butt with it.... the key is to pick one that's not to green and not too dead the green ones hurt more ...but if you get a dead one, you have to go back and get another usually means a harder beating ... This is what is wrong with this country I guess none of you ever got a paddling at school either
Things that are wrong with the United States of America:

1. Not enough child abuse.

2. Too much national debt.

3. Kardashians.


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