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NAACP leader outed as white & doing Soul Man routine (3 Viewers)

Al O'Pecia

NAACP leader

With her "son" (actually, adopted brother)

With fellow activist leader

Parents who outed her

NAACP leader of Washington state chapter lied about being black, parents say

An NAACP leader and prominent civil rights activist in Washington state has been pretending to be black for years, her parents told local media Thursday.

Rachel Dolezal, who heads Spokane’s NAACP chapter and teaches Africana studies at Eastern Washington University, refused to directly answers any questions about her alleged racial ruse after it was reported.

A KXLY reporter bluntly asked her, “Are you African-American?”

After a stunned pause, she replied: "“I don’t understand the question."

The question of her race "is not as easy as it seems," Dolezal told the Spokane Spokesman-Review.

"We're all from the African continent," she added.

Dolezal’s parents, who are both white, provided a birth certificate and childhood pictures of their daughter to the Coeur d’Alene Press to back up their claims she has been grossly misrepresenting herself.

The birth certificate confirmed she was born to the white couple, and the pictures show Dolezal as a pasty, blonde child — a complete contrast the darker skin and curly brown hair she has now.

“It is very disturbing that she has become so dishonest,” Dolezal’s mother, Ruthanne Dolezal, told the Idaho newspaper.

Her parents also alleged that the 37-year-old spun a much wider web of warped lies about her background. A black man who Dolezal has publicly claimed to be her son is in fact her adopted brother, they said — a fact Dolezal confirmed to the paper.

Dolezal also lied about growing up in a teepee, hunting for her own food with bows and arrows, being abused by a stepfather and once living in South Africa, her parents said.

Some of her family members did live in South Africa for four years, but “Rachel did not even ever visit us there,” her mom said.

Dolezal initially maintained that she is African-American, telling the Coeur d'Alene Press: "They can DNA test me if they want to."

Her parents, who live in Troy, Mont., told the Seattle Times Thursday they are estranged from their daughter and have no idea why she lied.

Dolezal was elected as the president of the NAACP Spokane chapter last November and took the post at the beginning of this year, according to her Facebook page.

She also chairs the city’s newly created police oversight commission. The city is now investigating if she violated its code of ethics in her application for that position.

She did not return Daily News requests for comment.

Dolezal initially came under scrutiny this week when Spokane Police raised suspicions about threatening hate mail she claimed to have received earlier in the year. She said found an envelope in the chapter's post office box containing 20 pages of notes, including pictures of lynchings and the term "war pig."

But a police investigation revealed the envelope had never been canceled or timestamped, and was put in a box only accessible to USPS employees or someone with a key, the Spokesman Review reported.

Dolezal is an adjunct professor at Eastern Washington University’s Africana Education program. Her bio on the school’s site says she is a widely popular speaker and visual artist whose “efforts were met with opposition by North Idaho white supremacy groups, the Ku Klux Klan, the Neo Nazis and the Aryan Nations, and at least eight documented hate crimes targeted Dolezal and her children during her residency in North Idaho.”

She previously taught arts and ethnicity courses at Whitworth University in Spokane and North Idaho College, according to her LinkedIn page.

Dolezal also writes a column about race issues for Inlander, a Spokane alt-weekly.

One of her colleagues defended her to that newspaper, saying she still has some support in her chapter.

"In my opinion, (her race) wouldn't make a difference to me," Cedreic Bradley, chair of the the Spokane NAACP’s Criminal Justice Committee, told Inlander.

"It's not about black and white, it's about what we can do for the community."

Dolezal's Facebook page is filled with posts about civil rights marches, alleged instances of racism against her and supposed details about her childhood.

In one November 2013 post, she offered tips for black viewers to watch the period drama "12 Years a Slave," which she called "not the best film to take a white partner on a first date to."

She advised: "sit in the top, back row so that during the movie people aren't constantly looking at you to monitor the 'Black response' to the film."

The same day, she wrote another post about a slave character in the film, Patsey, played by Lupita Nyong'o.

"When Patsy [sic] makes the dolls with the braided arms in '12 Years,' it brought back memories of when I was a little girl and made the same husk dolls in the garden, only I braided their hair instead of the arms ... ," Dolezal wrote.

The Spokane chapter has not commented on the controversy, and did not reply to a Daily News email.

A Tuesday post on its Facebook page said Dolezal was interviewed by Al Jazeera about "police accountability in Spokane," with the clip to be broadcast "in several days."

Another post on the page, from January, shows Dolezal standing with a black man who is identified as her "father."
:fro: :crazy:

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I think this whole episode dies show the absurdity if race. Homer Plessy got thrown out the white section of a train only when he stood up and announced he was "black." There have been reports lately of students getting admitted to colleges as "black" when they really weren't. Racial classifications in general rarely stand up to scrutiny.

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Dolezal initially came under scrutiny this week when Spokane Police raised suspicions about threatening hate mail she claimed to have received earlier in the year. She said found an envelope in the chapter's post office box containing 20 pages of notes, including pictures of lynchings and the term "war pig."

But a police investigation revealed the envelope had never been canceled or timestamped, and was put in a box only accessible to USPS employees or someone with a key, the Spokesman Review reported.

You gotta give her credit, she's got the black activist routine down to a T.
Been a perfect ending if some white cops put a beat down on her during a traffic stop.

If someone can identify as a woman even though their genetics (their Y chromosome) and physical body (their penis) contradicts that distinction....

Why can't someone who is genetically and physically not African-American not identify as an African American?

Logically speaking, what is the difference?

Someone said Trans-Racial above, it fits.

If someone can identify as a woman even though their genetics (their Y chromosome) and physical body (their penis) contradicts that distinction....

Why can't someone who is genetically and physically not African-American not identify as an African American?

Logically speaking, what is the difference?

Someone said Trans-Racial above, it fits.
The liberal agenda doesn't allow for it.

If someone can identify as a woman even though their genetics (their Y chromosome) and physical body (their penis) contradicts that distinction....

Why can't someone who is genetically and physically not African-American not identify as an African American?

Logically speaking, what is the difference?

Someone said Trans-Racial above, it fits.
Yep, if we have to accept Bruce Jenner as courageous then we have to do the same for this woman. What a hero!

I love the fro-ing of her hair to make her look more African-American. Kind of ironic that she went to the racial stereotype to make herself seem more black.

So she is basically saying everyone has a little bit of African in them? Isn't that what got Danny Ferry suspended from the Hawks?

It worked for Elizabeth Warren. :shrug:
Fauxcahontas?Seriously, this is the ugly byproduct of identity politics.
Don't overthink it. It's not anything, other than hilarious. If your reaction to this story is anything other than laughter you're doing it wrong.
Yeah, I'd hold off on that. She's now being investigated for several instances of reporting hate crimes that look to have been fabricated. And who knows if she has made false claims against individuals. I wouldn't put it past her. And that #### is real, and not funny at all, I can assure you of that.Having said that, there is plenty of room for comedy on this, so back to our scheduled programming...


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