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Official Donald Trump for President thread (4 Viewers)

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I think they're very wise on some issues, such as their belief that lower taxes and less red tape stimulate small businesses and the economy in general. I've always believed this to be true. 
Tim they don't actually believe this stuff. They just deny it. Like cigarette executive stating that smoking does not cause cancer. 

Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

I thought his new campaign manager denies that Trump was hurling "Personal Insults". Once again, acting real Presidential.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!
Joe Scarborough ‏@JoeNBC 3h3 hours ago

Joe Scarborough Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Neurotic and not very bright?
Look in the mirror.
Make child labor great again!

KMOVVerified account @KMOV 18h18 hours ago

12-year-old running Trump campaign office in Colorado. http://bit.ly/2bEvjeJ?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_kmov …
I actually think that's pretty cool for a kid to get involved, even if I think he's on the wrong side.  Hey, not every kids is gonna rebel against the parents.  

I bet 20 bucks when the candidate calls, that kid takes a second before he takes the call, ''OK, Weston, keep it simple. Short sentences. No technical jargon, don't talk down to him, agree with whatever he says, say it's a great idea......''

As usual, the brilliant Hugh Hewitt makes the most principled argument, from a conservative POV, for voting for Donald Trump: 


To those who don't want to read the whole thing, what it comes down to is the prospect of a 5 member majority of the Supreme Court that believes in what Hewitt calls "judicial activism" and, according to him, would legislate from the Court. 

Even if you accept this argument (not being an "originalist", I do not) there is still the question for principled conservatives which Hewitt does not address: whether or not the prevention of a "liberal" Supreme Court is worth the damage to the nation that 4 years of a Trump presidency could inflict. 

''Trump'' and ''running'' strikes me as hilarious for some reason.  

If anyone has video of Trump jogging, running, or oh sweet baby jesus sprinting, I will mail you cold hard American currency.  

That video of him in his mom jeans playing volleyball is pretty close to perfection.  
:lmao:    That just screams "ATHLETE!!!".  So it looks like his physique wasn't something he obtained late in life. Wow. Just wow.

As usual, the brilliant Hugh Hewitt makes the most principled argument, from a conservative POV, for voting for Donald Trump: 


To those who don't want to read the whole thing, what it comes down to is the prospect of a 5 member majority of the Supreme Court that believes in what Hewitt calls "judicial activism" and, according to him, would legislate from the Court. 

Even if you accept this argument (not being an "originalist", I do not) there is still the question for principled conservatives which Hewitt does not address: whether or not the prevention of a "liberal" Supreme Court is worth the damage to the nation that 4 years of a Trump presidency could inflict. 
This has been discussed before. The true prize of this election is the appointment of Supreme Court Judges. Can you imagine the beauty of getting a majority in the Senate and they appointing a real liberal justice and not having to worry about placating the right at all. 

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It is not okay to criticize other candidates' spouses but it is open season on Trump's wife?  Looks like more campaign hypacracy to me.
Are you under the impression that Bill doesn't get attacked?

And BTW, were you alive in 2008? Holy ####, the stuff they said about Michelle.


Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!

I thought his new campaign manager denies that Trump was hurling "Personal Insults". Once again, acting real Presidential.


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!


Joe Scarborough ‏@JoeNBC 3h3 hours ago

Joe Scarborough Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Neurotic and not very bright?
Look in the mirror.
I see why Trump went after them now. Saying mean things like a bunch of mean girls! Those meanies!

andrew kaczynski@BuzzFeedAndrew 1h1 hour ago

Sen. Jeff Flake: GOP Should Shift Resources From Trump To Senate Races

Context..Right now Arizona is one of the only states with trump actually in the lead by a very slight margin. Trump's comments about immigration are killing the GOP in Arizona with the latino voters. Flake did not attend the RNC and choose instead to cut his lawn.  Flake does not have to run for re-election to the Senate until 2018 therefore he is free to criticize Trump. But McCain is up for election this year but McCain should be able to weather this trumpnato. 

I read that entire article three times; I couldn't find where CNN said all blacks are felons.  Could you please indicate where they did so?  Thanks.
Trump wants GOP to court black voters -- then slams voting rights for felons
Disenfranchised black males account for 35 percent of all Americans now barred from voting because of felony convictions. Two percent of all Americans, or 3.9 million, have lost the right to vote, compared with 13 percent of adult black men.

State Policies Vary

State laws governing voter eligibility vary. Nine states impose a lifetime voting ban on convicted felons. In 32 states, felons can vote after serving their sentences and completing parole. Three states — Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont — have no prohibition and allow prisoners to vote, although Massachusetts voters will act on a ballot measure in November that would strip prisoners of voting rights.

Six other states impose restrictions based on a felon’s prior record or parole status.

Allen Beck of the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics declined to assess the accuracy of the 13 percent estimate, but Curtis Gans, director of the nonpartisan Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, said he believes the figure is accurate.

Beck said that, based on current rates of incarceration, 28.5 percent of black males will likely serve time in a state or federal prison for a felony conviction, a rate seven times that for white males.

A state-by-state breakdown of data from The Sentencing Project, a private group that favors sentencing reform, shows that in 17 states the estimated percentage of disenfranchised black men is even higher than 13 percent.

In Florida and Alabama, for instance, the figure is 31 percent, while in Mississippi it is 29 percent. In Virginia, 25 percent of otherwise eligible black men cannot vote.

Those four states impose a lifetime ban on voting by felons. The other five states with lifetime bans are Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming.
I assume he's referring to the title, but felons losing their right to vote is a big issue for black people. 

IMO it's absolutely ridiculous that someone loses their right to vote due committing a crime that they have paid their dues to society for.

andrew kaczynski@BuzzFeedAndrew 1h1 hour ago

Sen. Jeff Flake: GOP Should Shift Resources From Trump To Senate Races

I think this is already happening. It's been happening. When they give speeches nearly all the Congressional endorsers talk about their campaigns and the GOP without mentioning Trump, all that needs happen now is send the money where it can help. This has been a really dumb exercise. DWS looks like a genius compared to Buster Preibus.

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Why are Trump supporters less hopeful about the future?  

I’d argue the real dividing line is optimism. Consider this: Two-thirds of Hillary Clinton’s supporters think the next generation will be in better shape than we are today, or least the same, according to Pew Research. The reverse is true for Trump’s camp. Sixty-eight percent of his supporters think the next generation will be worse off. What’s more, the vast majority of Trump voters say life is worse today for people like them than it was 50 years ago. Only two percent —two!— think life is better now and that their children will also see improvement.
We've had these discussions around here before, too. What is it that makes so many of you always so pessimistic in light of the ongoing evidence to the contrary? 

JFC, memphis, this was a bear to format and it's not that complicated a task.

I wonder how much better the GOP would have been off with Creep Ted at the top of the ticket. Figure they would still lose but do better in down the ticket state elections?

Posted about this yesterday but no one replied about it. Trump appears to be flipping on his "deport all illegals" stance (Conway would only say TBD). Since that was a major piece which garnered support, along with the wall (that won't be built), wonder what they think now? link

I wonder how much better the GOP would have been off with Creep Ted at the top of the ticket. Figure they would still lose but do better in down the ticket state elections?
I think this is one of the few interesting questions , because really - aside from tracking how many EVs Hillary will ultimately get and watching the occasional tire fires that Trump starts - the race is over and there never has been a serious policy discussion on anything.

I think it's interesting to think of the DEM race as:

  • Sanders
  • Biden
  • Hillary
  • Kaine
  • Booker
This would have required the DNC actively allowing or seeking out mroe competition for Hillary. To me IMO there was an active effort to keep people out. I don't want to prove that or get into a link war, it's just my POV, basically they did not expect Sanders to do what he oi, purely IMO. He was supposed to be at worst a foil for Hillary and at best landing next to Chafee, Webb and O'Malley. It's worth pointing out I think that Kaine was originally the DNC chairman before DWS, who was always and is a total Hillary loyalist. Kaine steps down, he runs for Senate, he wins and lo & behold he is the VP.

And for the GOP, something more like:

  • Cruz
  • Rubio
  • Kasich
  • Paul
  • Bush
That to me would have been a normal race which could have resulted in some normal choices in the general for us (by which I mean Kasich). This would have required the GOP basically kicking out Trump so this is pretend land. It also would have required them doing what the DNC did and that is tightly control who really got in the race.

I don't think Hillary wins with these choices and I don't think Cruz does either.

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I wonder how much better the GOP would have been off with Creep Ted at the top of the ticket. Figure they would still lose but do better in down the ticket state elections?
Honestly Cruz is nutso also, the GOP primary this year destroyed any candidate that did not go over the deep end. People forget this is the guy who helped shutdown the government and then made his GOP colleges have to take a vote on approving the budget - thereby getting several senators to have their names attached to the budget legislation that has since been used to primary some of them. Cruz is said to be the only GOP senator hated more by his own party compared the other side. I recall a quote that if Cruz was on fire on the Senate floor no one would piss on him to put it out.

I think this is one of the few interesting questions , because really - aside from tracking how many EVs Hillary will ultimately get and watching the occasional tire fires that Trump starts - the race is over and there never has been a serious policy discussion on anything.

I think it's interesting to think of the DEM racse as:

  • Sanders
  • Biden
  • Hillary
  • Kaine
  • Booker
This would have required the DNC actively allowing or seeking out mroe competition for Hillary. To me IMO there was an actiove effort to keep people out. I don't want to prove that or get into a link war, it's just my POV, basically they did not expect Sanders to do what he di, purely IMO. He was supposed to be at worst a foil for Hillary and at best landing next to Chafee, Webb and O'Malley. It's worth pointing out I think that Kaine was originally the DNC chairman before DWS, who was always and is a total Hillary loyalist. Kaine steps down, he runs for Senate, he wins and lo & behold he is the VP.

And for the GOP, something more like:

  • Cruz
  • Rubio
  • Kasich
  • Paul
  • Bush
That to me would have been a normal race which could have resulted in some normal choices in the general for us (by which I mean Kasich). This would have required the GOP basically kicking out Trump so this is pretend land. It also would have required them doing what the DNC did and that is tightly control who really got in the race.

I don't think Hillary wins with tehse choices and I don't think Cruz does either.
Guarantee that they wish they had done this, and I'd be hugely surprised if they don't fix it moving forward. Really no reason at all to have the Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Herman Cain, etc in the mix at all. They're not serious candidates and they're only there to attention hoor and sell books and stuff. The fact that one of these jokers actually won the nomination this year is still just mind-blowing.

Flying Spaghetti Monster said:
It is awesome to see Trump back on twitter again. I bet HC's campaign are high-fiving each other.  
It's got to be awesome being a part of the Clinton campaign right now.  Not only are you in an exciting tactical battle, but the opponent keeps handing over weapons to be used against him.  

Any of them. and it's made worse by the way they try to inject it into governance. It's appalling.
A lot of people in this country live in bubbles where their only sources of information have an agenda (church, news).  Since most aren't aware of their bubbles or the agendas being pushed, they mindlessly follow the commands of these sources even when it's not in their own best interests.  

Saints, I like your analysis, except- 

On the Democratic side, nobody beats Hillary- not Booker, or Biden, or anyone. Simple reason- she had the best name recognition among African-Americans and they believed she was due. The trust and email issues would have made no difference. 

And once Hillary was the Democratoc nominee she would have defeated anybody on the Republican side. I suspect that deep down conservatives senses this which was part of the reason they went with Trump. Barring a catastrophe, Hillary Clinton was always going to be our next President. 

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Trump although has not denied it yet, he is courting the evangelical vote so I expect that could change soon.
The FFA Trump thread has reached page 666 now, the Page of the Beast. It's going to difficult for The Donald to court evangelicals without having a good excuse for internet discussions about him reaching such a page count. The onus is on him now to prove he isn't the leader of a satanic cult (that donates to NAMBLA).

Saints, I like your analysis, except- 

On the Democratic side, nobody beats Hillary- not Booker, or Biden, or anyone. Simple reason- she had the best name recognition among African-Americans and they believed she was due. The trust and email issues would have made no difference. 

And once Hillary was the Democratoc nominee she would have defeated anybody on the Republican side. I suspect that deep down conservatives senses this which was part of the reason they went with Trump. Barring a catastrophe, Hillary Clinton was always going to be our next President. 
GTFO. I know you love her man, but she's a hugely flawed candidate. Many (D)s would have beat her, and anyone reasonable nominated by the Republicans would have been a close call.

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