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Colin Kaepernick Thread and related anthem kneeling issues/news (1 Viewer)

FTR the whole pig sock thing was a terrible thing for Kaepernick to do and he definitely deserves to be ridiculed for such an obviously childish and ignorant action.  And his defense of it was just awful.  I am surprised more people are not getting on him for that and instead are attacking the completely reasonable method of protest, and drawing national interest/awareness, about a topic that is important to the future of our nation.
I think many people don't think sitting down during the National Anthem is completely reasonable...many feel this is disrespectful...just as Kapernick has the right to do this I think others have the right not to respect him for doing so...there are many ways for him to get his message across (and I applaud him for putting his money towards it) but this is one that is guaranteed to have blowback...I often hear that some people can't understand what others have gone thru well that song and flag falls right into that category as it means different things to different people and there is no reason to dishonor it to get your message across...

Really Junior?  The funny thing is that you don't realize that the reason most people stand for the anthem is not out of some deep seated sense of patriotism but because they feel a pressure from the pack mentality of everyone else standing.  It's rote.  But that doesn't bother you because it supports your viewpoint.  

And you keep pushing this narrative about resisting arrest without acknowledging all of the police killings of black people who were not resisting.  And I agree that happens, no doubt about it and there is misplaced outrage when it does but you push it as the complete narrative and ignore the ones that don't fit neatly into that wrapper: Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Laquon McDonald, Eric Garner, John Crawford III... the list goes on and on.  

There is a problem with disproportionate use of force in policing between white and non-white people in this country and it shouldn't be ignored or dismissed with over generalized statements like you are making.  

Please stop trying to polish that turd and acknowledge that there is at least some foundation in reality and not just a bunch of black people "resisting arrest" and calling for the death of police.  If you can't do that then it is simply you choosing to ignore reality.  As much and as often as I disagree with you around here, I have always thought you were better than that.
I don't believe that peaceful, non-confrontational, cooperative suspects get shot or beat up by the police. White, black, or otherwise. In most cases, there's a predisposed hatred and anger with the police and it's a negative situation from the get go.

And I'm not saying that a disproportionate amount of blacks get pulled over or interrogated. There are some very bad neighborhoods where the cops already know that they are disliked. So maybe they are a little quicker to get out the baton or tazer. Who can blame them? Maybe Kaepernick should sit next week and explain that it's in protest of all violent blacks that terrorize neighborhoods and disrespect cops. I have a feeling that if the problem is cured at its base, the rest would cure itself.

But some people want to pretend that he hasn't advanced the conversation the nation has been trying to have for far too long (and some are resisting far too much).
I disagree. "Advancing the conversation" would mean doing the difficult, slow work of actually changing minds, and a lot of them. He's not generating empathy ... instead, anyone paying attention to him has simply remained dug in to their existing viewpoint.

Why is everyone tip-toeing around mentioning his hair?

Off to Google Images.

EDIT: Dang, that grew fast. Thought he had it closed cropped a week ago.

In any event ... Kaepernick is owning the social media angle, it looks like. Doesn't really matter if he never takes another snap again ... he can play things from here forward to make himself a national icon.

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Greg Hardy, Ray Rice (at first), Johnny Football, Josh Brown, Pacman Jones, Brandon Marshall... the list is endless of players who cause distractions to the team and yet don't get cut because they have value for the corporation (no teams left in the nfl)

I think everyone should be making a bigger deal out of Josh Brown and not Kaepernick.  Kaepernick has done nothing wrong yet Brown has repeatedly beat his wife and got suspended for one game.  Don't see the nation going crazy over that.

Another story that's even more disturbing that no one is talking about is how Penn St. is going to honor Joe Pa before their game on Sept. 17th.  This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.  Penn St. may have one of the most delusional fans bases in the world.  It's very sad that anyone could honor a man or program that allowed those things to happen.

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Kap needs to watch Band of Brothers before the season starts.
Great series but why?

Since when does the Military own the anthem and flag?  Each branch has their own flag and anthem.  The Star Spangled Banner and Flag of The United States belongs to the American people, all of them, including those people in the military but it does not belong to the Military. 

That is part of the really frustrating thing about his whole thing, the fact that people somehow equate not standing for the anthem as disrespect to the Military.

Greg Hardy, Ray Rice (at first), Johnny Football, Josh Brown, Pacman Jones, Brandon Marshall... the list is endless of players who cause distractions to the team and yet don't get cut because they have value for the corporation (no teams left in the nfl)
Yes, but they are all good players.


Off to Google Images.

EDIT: Dang, that grew fast. Thought he had it closed cropped a week ago.

In any event ... Kaepernick is owning the social media angle, it looks like. Doesn't really matter if he never takes another snap again ... he can play things from here forward to make himself a national icon.
Oh, he knows exactly what he's doing. He heard the buzz. That he was on the bubble of even making the team.

I don't believe that peaceful, non-confrontational, cooperative suspects get shot or beat up by the police. White, black, or otherwise. In most cases, there's a predisposed hatred and anger with the police and it's a negative situation from the get go.

And I'm not saying that a disproportionate amount of blacks get pulled over or interrogated. There are some very bad neighborhoods where the cops already know that they are disliked. So maybe they are a little quicker to get out the baton or tazer. Who can blame them? Maybe Kaepernick should sit next week and explain that it's in protest of all violent blacks that terrorize neighborhoods and disrespect cops. I have a feeling that if the problem is cured at its base, the rest would cure itself.
Good lord.

Can this be moved to the Free-for-All board now that Kap's career is over?
Seriously, it belongs there now.

But if anyone wants to talk about whether K'nick is making the team or what the 9ers plan to do with him that would be great.

With the exception of the one long run Ponder looked every bit as good as Kaep IMO. Actually better, he had 2 TD runs and a 3rd TD drive.

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Seriously, it belongs there now.

But if anyone wants to talk about whether K'nick is making the team or what the 9ers plan to do with him that would be great.

With the exception of the one long run Ponder looked every bit as good as Kaep IMO. Actually better, he had 2 TD runs and a 3rd TD drive.
on the football side of the house, Kap probably got more snaps against the Chargers second string D compared to Ponder who had lots of 3rd stringers out there.

No, he is making a point to further a conversation about injustice.  He also explained the socks, which IMO was a poor choice, but was done before his public protest.  

And again, you are showing that you have no clue what BLM is about or what it supports.  "...black man with a gun pointing it at a black officer defending the black community?"  Are you referencing a specific incident or is this just more contrived strawman stuff to serve your inaccurate narrative on all of this?

How about this?  I support BLM. Am I a terrorist, a supporter of a hate group?  why don't you ask what its about? Maybe because you don't have a genunine inteerest in understanding any of this.
I support what I think BLM is trying to accomplish.  I have issues with the way they have gone about some things.  For one, the actual naming of the movement seems to have done more to separate than unite the movement.  Secondly, they haven't done a great job of continuing to communicate what their exact message is but that may be due to them not really developing an identifiable leader.  The movement in general does not seem overly organized.  However, again, I truly feel the people that developed it are making an honest effort to promote a positive non-violent change.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread today is the reaction of the crowd last night.  I didn't watch the game but I read that he was booed by the fans when he knelt during the National Anthem.  If that is truly the case and they were actually booing DURING the anthem, that has to be the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard in my life.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread today is the reaction of the crowd last night.  I didn't watch the game but I read that he was booed by the fans when he knelt during the National Anthem.  If that is truly the case and they were actually booing DURING the anthem, that has to be the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard in my life.
Hurt your arm reaching for that one? 

Hurt your arm reaching for that one? 
Sorry ... I thought it was a valid point.  The people that are upset that Kaep is disrespecting the anthem and the flag (I'm one of them) shouldn't be booing while the anthem is being played.  Seems like the definition of hypocrisy.  I was just as upset when I read about that as I was about Kaep's protest.  Some people just don't get it.

Sorry ... I thought it was a valid point.  The people that are upset that Kaep is disrespecting the anthem and the flag (I'm one of them) shouldn't be booing while the anthem is being played.  Seems like the definition of hypocrisy.  I was just as upset when I read about that as I was about Kaep's protest.  Some people just don't get it.
People were voicing their displeasure with this idiot.  When you boo a player for hurting someone with a cheap shot, you're not booing the injured player on the ground.  There was no one in that stadium that didn't know exactly who those boos were directed at. No one thought they were booing the anthem, nor was anyone disrespecting it. Well, except for the idiot with the 70's afro

I came in for this reason.  That fro is MAGNIFICENT.  Seriously.  This white dude is not being sarcastic in the least, so jealous.

I came in for this reason.  That fro is MAGNIFICENT.  Seriously.  This white dude is not being sarcastic in the least, so jealous.
Sorry, but this is a fro - https://www.google.com/search?q=dr+j+fro&newwindow=1&biw=1920&bih=1075&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuivDsp_HOAhUX5mMKHcRyC_cQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=ETnQ0XiNcGbIAM%3A

So, do the people who boo him think that African Americans are being treated equally under the law? Do they think that white kids are just as likely to end up brutalized or killed by a police officer without cause?  I wonder how many officers who have killed a black, unarmed civilian have gone to jail? 

If you have not been stopped for driving while black, and it does happen, you may want to listen to the full interview Kaepernick gave explaining his reasons.


It has nothing to do with dishonoring the military. 

Personally, I am sick and tired of the arm chair patriotism that we see in this country because it allows injustice to continue.  If you love your country and your country is wrong, the patriotic thing to do is to let your criticism be known. 

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I want to make sure I have the rules down so I don't make a mistake and piss off Joe "Cat Hat" Truck Driver while I'm at the game.  It is a terrible slight to the USofA to sit silently while the anthem is played but I can boo all I want during the anthem as long as the intended target is someone we all agree is out of line.

People were voicing their displeasure with this idiot.  When you boo a player for hurting someone with a cheap shot, you're not booing the injured player on the ground.  There was no one in that stadium that didn't know exactly who those boos were directed at. No one thought they were booing the anthem, nor was anyone disrespecting it. Well, except for the idiot with the 70's afro
No ... I think you missed my point.  I'm not saying I think they were booing the anthem or that anyone thought they were.  I'm saying you're supposed to be standing silently during the anthem ... not drowning it out with boos.  

So, do the people who boo him think that African Americans are being treated equally under the law? Do they think that white kids are just as likely to end up brutalized or killed by a police officer without cause?  I wonder how many officers who have killed a black, unarmed civilian have gone to jail? 

If you have not been stopped for driving while black, and it does happen, you may want to listen to the full interview Kaepernick gave explaining his reasons.

It has nothing to do with dishonoring the military. 

Personally, I am sick and tired of the arm chair patriotism that we see in this country because it allows injustice to continue.  If you love your country and your country is wrong, the patriotic thing to do is to let your criticism be known. 
I'm sure people do get pulled over for driving while black. And that sucks. But you don't get shot and killed for driving while black. You get shot and killed for being pi##ed off at the man for pulling you over and then being belligerent and not following instructions. You are now dealing with a scared police officer who probably has too itchy of a trigger finger. I know he's just a comedian and not a civil servant, but if everyone would listen to Chris Rock on how not to get shot by a cop, 90% of this crap would be avoided.

So, do the people who boo him think that African Americans are being treated equally under the law? Do they think that white kids are just as likely to end up brutalized or killed by a police officer without cause?  I wonder how many officers who have killed a black, unarmed civilian have gone to jail? 

If you have not been stopped for driving while black, and it does happen, you may want to listen to the full interview Kaepernick gave explaining his reasons.


It has nothing to do with dishonoring the military. 

Personally, I am sick and tired of the arm chair patriotism that we see in this country because it allows injustice to continue.  If you love your country and your country is wrong, the patriotic thing to do is to let your criticism be known. 
Who says our government is the same thing as our country?  I think this is the big misconception.  The majority of our government is made up of career politicians who are only interested in filling their pockets.  I view the citizens as the true representatives of this country.  Kaep is one of them.  So am I.  So are you.  How about we start protesting the actual groups that are doing the oppressing?  If you think the government is doing it, then take your protest to them.  Don't disrespect your peers in an effort to get them to join your fight.

I was initially outraged.  I thought it was just another self-aggrandizing moment by a prima-donna athlete.  I didn't think it was the appropriate protest.  I felt it was disrespectful.  But the thing is, there are very rarely protests that are 100% appropriate and effective at the same time.

The whole thing still makes me queasy, and I don't really "support" the action.  It's hard to say "I love America" ans then basically indicate the opposite by disrespecting the American anthem.  Either you love it, or you don't.  That doesn't mean you can't hate things ABOUT the country and still love the country - but is sitting through the anthem making that statement?  Not to me.  But I don't hate the whole thing as much as I did at first.  I think the guy is mostly sincere about what he is doing, which is more than a lot of folks can say.

I'm sure people do get pulled over for driving while black. And that sucks. But you don't get shot and killed for driving while black. You get shot and killed for being pi##ed off at the man for pulling you over and then being belligerent and not following instructions. You are now dealing with a scared police officer who probably has too itchy of a trigger finger. I know he's just a comedian and not a civil servant, but if everyone would listen to Chris Rock on how not to get shot by a cop, 90% of this crap would be avoided.
Unless you are Philando Castile.

I've listened to his interviews last week and the one following the game last night. This kid is all over the place. 

Find the interview from last night when Jason Whitlock started tossing questions his way. He never answered. He's lost and so is his message. 

Even the people who support is (See Jeremey Lane's interview) are as lost as he is. 

Keep throwing randomness out there and let social media make your argument for you. 

I don't know who that is, but if I can name one white guy who has ever been shot by a cop, can we call it even?
Look, lets be real here. You don't hear about ANY other races getting shot by police unless you seek it out. 

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I don't know who that is, but if I can name one white guy who has ever been shot by a cop, can we call it even?
Not surprising given your blanket statement:  "But you don't get shot and killed for driving while black."

And if the white guy you refer to was shot after being stopped for driving while white, then you might have a valid point. Unfortunately, I don't recall reading any cases like that.

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I was a little outraged when this incident first occurred.  Given some time I'm over that and have decided I'm OK with him choosing to sit silently during the anthem or go to one knee which is what I believe he did last night.  Non violent protest.  It's certainly a more admiral protest than burning and plundering cities or stopping traffic on a major highway.  I think I'll grow a bit tired of this as I suspect we will continue to see more and more do the same as the season gets started but whether you agree with why he is doing this or not I think it's a very peaceful protest attempt.


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