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Streaming or currently airing TV shows (AKA Netflix thread) (9 Viewers)

Caught War Machine this weekend. Shoot me if you want but I like Brad Pitt, didn't care much for this movie though. Thought he was ok but it just didn't go anywhere. A solid meh on beer scale.

This is old news for sure, but I finished up Black Mirror and highly recommend. It was a tough show for me to binge because its view of technology is (accurately) depressing. 

I Love ****

**** is a guy in this case, not a euphemism. This is an excellent, weird original series on Amazon. Not for everyone, but I laughed several times.

Highly recommended.

Does anyone know what season 2 of 13 Reasons Why is about?

Is it about Alex shooting himself?

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Started "The Keepers" last night with the gf. I know there is a standalone thread for it in the FFA but I thought I'd clue folks that don't step into it. Two episodes in and I think it's great true crime storytelling. It's very much in the model of "Making of a Murderer" , i guess, because that's more recent show. this is *much* better than that, imo, because i haven't given up on it yet.

Long Ball Larry said:
I am only into the fifth episode but you maniacs who were not into season 2 of master of none are ####### crazy.  It is great.
I've only watched three episodes from season 2 of Master of None, so I assume it gets better after that.

Only half way through but loving this season of oitnb. Hilarious
We loved the other seasons. Struggling to get through this one. Not into the riot at all, and that's pretty much the entire season. 

Maybe it's because they flip flopped the stars and the role players this season. 

We had planned to watch the whole season as soon as it came out. We have a couple of episodes left and always seem to pick something else to watch. 

I hated the last few episodes so I'm with you but they actually went to the Bahamas (pretty sure I looked that city up) and not Cuba. They tried to throw them off with the Cuba thing but his idiot wife left her phone on.  

As for John - I think the Sherriff didn't believe him - the diving accident left his brain scrambled, which led to all the dream sequence bull####.  

Really does make me kind of angry - they could have written a great ending and it would have been a stellar show IMO.
Yes "Cuba" was to throw off the DEA and get rid of the Cuban that threatened Kevin's family. They went to another Island (which apparently had an extradition policy).

Like everyone else I think the last 2.5 episodes ruined what was a great series. Also agree the end of the Ozzie storyline was complete BS (wtf?).

I think you're right about the Sheriff not believing him but it still rings hollow since he was so adamant on pinning Danny's murder on John (even though it was somewhat politically motivated) that the confessions should have at least gave him some pause.

I also didn't mind the ambiguous ultimate ending but the rest was such a mess. Too bad.

Yea bloodline ending confused me. 


What did Roy and Sally cover up?
Roy got in an argument and stabbed some one on his boat in front of Sally and her husband. They didn't turn him in and helped him cover it up because he had lent them the money to buy the resort.

Just finished watching the Wire front to back. What an awesome piece of work that was.

I know, welcome to 2002.
Right with you. My gf and I watched season one and never finished the series a long time ago. We are trying again, a few deep into season 2.

Right with you. My gf and I watched season one and never finished the series a long time ago. We are trying again, a few deep into season 2.
I tried to make it through The Wire but stopped in the middle of season and never had the desire to finish.  I loved Breaking Bad and had heard good things about The Wire so I was disappointed. 

Don't Noonan said:
I tried to make it through The Wire but stopped in the middle of season and never had the desire to finish.  I loved Breaking Bad and had heard good things about The Wire so I was disappointed. 
Different strokes I guess, loved them both.

What didn't you like about the Wire? Not being a #### just curious.

Different strokes I guess, loved them both.

What didn't you like about the Wire? Not being a #### just curious.
I just did not get invested in any of the characters.   With Breaking Bad I found myself rooting for Walt even though he was a drug dealer.  In the Wire, maybe McNulty was the only guy I liked.  Maybe.

I just did not get invested in any of the characters.   With Breaking Bad I found myself rooting for Walt even though he was a drug dealer.  In the Wire, maybe McNulty was the only guy I liked.  Maybe.
It's not an episodic show. It's a season with storytelling. It's not little winking easter eggs for viewers. i can understand checking out after a few episodes but i encourage folks to stick with it for a full season before rendering judgment. it's worth it.

also, watched "Doctor Strange" last night. I thought it was maybe the best comic book adaptation yet. while it was not especially original, i thought it was a lot of fun. visually it was superb. made me wish for a chance to see it on the big screen. 

It's not an episodic show. It's a season with storytelling. It's not little winking easter eggs for viewers. i can understand checking out after a few episodes but i encourage folks to stick with it for a full season before rendering judgment. it's worth it.

also, watched "Doctor Strange" last night. I thought it was maybe the best comic book adaptation yet. while it was not especially original, i thought it was a lot of fun. visually it was superb. made me wish for a chance to see it on the big screen. 
Well, I stuck with it for 3 1/2 seasons before checking out.

It's not an episodic show. It's a season with storytelling. It's not little winking easter eggs for viewers. i can understand checking out after a few episodes but i encourage folks to stick with it for a full season before rendering judgment. it's worth it.
I watched the whole run in a short time span. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Would give it a "B" as a letter grade. It never really grabbed me, whether it be the characters, the writing, the story, the direction, the pacing, who knows. 

Maybe I expected it to be the end all of end alls. Maybe it was because I watched it just after watching all of Breaking Bad. But overall I thought there were times it was slow and dragged and the story just took a while to go anywhere. 

Other opinions will vary, but I just never really bought into it. 

Well, I stuck with it for 3 1/2 seasons before checking out.
Season 4 is probably the best, imo. It tackles city government, corruption and schools. The season finale got me choked up. Personally, seasons 1 & 3 were not especially interesting to me. I liked season 2 more than most. Season 4 was just terrific with rich characters. Season 5 should be avoided at all costs. 

I liked BB, like everyone else, but it was more ridiculous as it went on. There were highs, to be sure, but plenty of lows.

Season 4 is probably the best, imo. It tackles city government, corruption and schools. The season finale got me choked up. Personally, seasons 1 & 3 were not especially interesting to me. I liked season 2 more than most. Season 4 was just terrific with rich characters. Season 5 should be avoided at all costs. 

I liked BB, like everyone else, but it was more ridiculous as it went on. There were highs, to be sure, but plenty of lows.
Having just finished season 5, I gotta say, wtf was that? Lot of ways they coulda went but the Baltimore Sun thing would have never popped up on my radar in a million years. Go back to the docks, more Greeks, some of the other 15 guys in the co-op...nah, newspaper, that's the ticket  :confused:

I get it, still loved the series but season 5, knowing it was the end, just had me scratching my head after some of the other really good story arcs they put forward.

Having just finished season 5, I gotta say, wtf was that? Lot of ways they coulda went but the Baltimore Sun thing would have never popped up on my radar in a million years. Go back to the docks, more Greeks, some of the other 15 guys in the co-op...nah, newspaper, that's the ticket  :confused:

I get it, still loved the series but season 5, knowing it was the end, just had me scratching my head after some of the other really good story arcs they put forward.
It was a little bit of a vanity project for Simon as a veteran newspaper man and also HBO cut the budget so they couldn't quite do it as fully as they wanted.  But yes, the weakest season.

The wire will always suffer in comparison with BB, which is a masterpiece of narrative momentum.  If you think about the iPhone's debut in 2007, the '02-'08 run of the Wire was a really long time ago and in a different world.

The Wire is solidly in my top 3 with BB and Sopranos. Great writing/acting etc. but also has a lot to say about institutional corruption, politics and incompetence. It's maybe a more rewarding experience if you read/watch interviews with David Simon that he did back when the show was on HBO. Some may not care about that stuff but it enhanced the show for me. 

I love BB, but I remember eye-rolling my way through some of it, with some crazy/ridiculous behaviors and action. I don't remember ever doing that with The Wire which I prefer- but yeah, it was a long time ago and I've forgotten most of it.

anyways... we started Shooter, the tv version of the marky-mark movie. yeah- typing that out... it's pretty much as good as what I just typed out.

my lady and i have been watching the son on amc on demand it is pretty good it has pierce brohan as the main character and it is set in old texas and is cowboy and indian and mexican battles stuff peirse can not do a southern accent to save his life though it is like someone from chicago trying to speak english just horrible but still i give it four and a half swcs take that to the bank bromigos 


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