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Disrespecting Donald Trump vs disrespecting the office of the Presidency (1 Viewer)

51 years ago. Was this really necessary to bring up now?
I don't think we, as a society, have evolved much since then. I think it's relative to the conversation of booing at a sporting event. 

EDIT: Gary Bettman is also booed every time he steps on the ice to present a trophy. Even when the fans are happy that their team just won the Stanley Cup. It's a sports thing. 

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Those who want respect...give respect.  

I  believe that President Trump truly respects very little. 

ETA: And the whole "respect the Office....not the Man" angle is a bit of bull in this case as there hasn't been a POTUS in my lifetime (45 years) who has used the Office of the President to punch and mock at people less powerful more than Trump.  He doesn't respect the power that that seat has. 
Respect the office applies during a speech or something.  Don't disrupt...let the man speak.  An appearance like this...its not about the office but the man.  I seriously think he thought he  would be cheered as some hero.

parrot said:
Why is everyone saying it was the left booing?  Maybe it was conservatives upset about the trillion dollar deficit.  Ever think of that?  
This - unfortunately all the Fox viewers feel anyone that doesn't love Trump is a "lefty".  I've never voted for a Democrat Presidential candidate, have for governor and senate, and I can't back the current POTUS.  Because of this I'm labeled a "leftest" or liberal.  Anyhow back on topic.  For the Trump supporters that are calling for Dem representatives to call out the booing as bad, do you call for Rep representatives to call out Trump for his rally chants?

Liberal areas hate him, conservative areas love him.  Flip it to a Democrat and you get the reverse.  This isn’t exactly a revelation.

timschochet said:
I ask because I'm torn on this. I really dislike President Trump, no shocker there. I think he has committed a high crime and deserves to be impeached and removed. I think he's a liar and a bigot and his actions have been, overall, harmful to this country.  I think he's a disgrace to the White House, and I hope to heck the voters reject him next year.

But he's also, currently, the President of the United States. And booing him seems like it's disrespectful to the office of the Presidency.

Now I've gone back and forth on this. A few weeks ago in this forum, I was cheering on the protestors in Minnesota, and I laughed heartily at the idea that people would chant "lock him up!" I thought, how awesome is that? But then, when I actually saw them do it, and it was the President of the United States being loudly booed and disrespected I thought...this doesn't seem right. So I don't know.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances except in the case of assembled audible displeasure of the chief executive in a public forum. 

Yeah..... that isn't it.  Give me some time. It will come to me.

Those who want respect...give respect.  

I  believe that President Trump truly respects very little. 

ETA: And the whole "respect the Office....not the Man" angle is a bit of bull in this case as there hasn't been a POTUS in my lifetime (45 years) who has used the Office of the President to punch and mock at people less powerful more than Trump.  He doesn't respect the power that that seat has. 
I’m still not comfortable with this logic. Isn’t it basically “Trump acts like a rude jerk so the rest of us can as well”? 

Liberal areas hate him, conservative areas love him.  Flip it to a Democrat and you get the reverse.  This isn’t exactly a revelation.
So again i have to ask...is there something inherently liberal about a crowd at a baseball game?

I’m still not comfortable with this logic. Isn’t it basically “Trump acts like a rude jerk so the rest of us can as well”? 
You are the problem here. Not the people that booed. There is no grand requirement that we cheer the President of the United States when he is in public. Frankly, we are tasked with the exact opposite if we so choose. The fact that people did and no one got shot by the FBI or the army is kinda the point of the whole freedom of expression thing.

I'm really surprised that he didn't just wait until game 6 down in Houston where there's the opposite crowd.   
But would it be the opposite crowd? It’s certainly going to be a higher percentage of conservatives but Houston went to Hillary by a pretty significant margin in 2016. I think he would have still received a boo-heavy welcome.

But would it be the opposite crowd? It’s certainly going to be a higher percentage of conservatives but Houston went to Hillary by a pretty significant margin in 2016. I think he would have still received a boo-heavy welcome.
I'd think so.   Baseball always seems like a predominantly white male sport.   I'm actually a little surprised he got such a terrible response even in a heavy liberal area.  

Nice caveat, but Trump is likely to be in the bottom 5 of presidents in history. Committing crimes and abusing power tend to put a damper on how historians view politicians.
It's funny...but his"crime" hasn't even been identified...much less his "high crimes".

I think just about everyone who was booing respects the office, and that is why they were booing.  Trump has shown a complete lack of respect for anyone who does not give him (over country) absolute fealty; I don't think he can expect respect in return.  I mean, Trump just referred to "Never Trump Republicans" as "human scum" the other day.  Should they just politely clap and applaud in a "my name is Reek" style?

You all seem to have forgotten that Obama was booed in Baltimore and St.Louis at football and baseball games.
Michelle Obama was booed at NASCAR.

Did anyone have a problem with that?

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Then why would anyone here think that anyone would have a problem with President Trump being booed in DC?

It sure didn't seem to bother him.
Seems several in here had a problem did have a problem it.  So I don't know.

Also, I disagree, it looks like it did bother him.

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I'd think so.   Baseball always seems like a predominantly white male sport.   I'm actually a little surprised he got such a terrible response even in a heavy liberal area.  
This board is predominantly white male and you can see the amount of support Trump has. The crowd at World Series game, even in Texas, is more likely to resemble this board than a Trump rally. You might have 60% conservative crowd, but that 40% will be more vocal with the booing. Friendlier environment but far from friendly.

This board is predominantly white male and you can see the amount of support Trump has. The crowd at World Series game, even in Texas, is more likely to resemble this board than a Trump rally. You might have 60% conservative crowd, but that 40% will be more vocal with the booing. Friendlier environment but far from friendly.
Possibly.  I don't know the geographic breakdown of this board.   Could be a lot of white males here from liberal states.   Could be a lot of uneducated folks at a baseball game which lean heavily towards Trump as opposed to this board which is certainly on the more educated side.   Lots of factors.   Just seems odd that of the two places, he'd choose a liberal stronghold.  

I think it’s important to point out the why. Booing should be rare IMO. 13,000 lies, racism, child separation, putting enemies before nation, documented sexual assault, multiple crimes, immorality, cruelty, obstruction, destabilizing allies. Now let’s do Tuesday.
I’m not even going to bother with a laundry list.  His defenders refuse to accept the truth.

Haven’t read every page so not sure if someone’s already said something to this effect but....

Politics today has basically become the equivalent of sports.  Most have just picked a team, red or blue.  So booing seems appropriate under that guise.   

Based on his history of being a complete jackass, bully, insults, lies and overall incompetence trying to be a public servant...I have zero problem booing his ### along with the chant.   

how about the people who took the time and effort to make a banner  "IMPEACH TRUMP!"  Those same people somehow had to sneak it into the stadium.  

It's funny...but his"crime" hasn't even been identified...much less his "high crimes".
We have a pretty good guess, since the memo released shows him asking the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Biden, not to mention that he did the same thing on TV to other countries as well.

We have a pretty good guess, since the memo released shows him asking the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Biden, not to mention that he did the same thing on TV to other countries as well.
"dig up dirt on Biden".....using the words....

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it."

"Get to the bottom of it"....translates to "dig up dirt on Biden"?

How foolish of me...unless maybe one, leads you to the other.

If they "got to the bottom of it", would they find Trump....or would they find Biden?

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