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Government Response To The Coronavirus (4 Viewers)

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At least one segment of his voters is starting to get how outrageously dangerous this guy is to our lives, our futures and our national security. It's truly unfortunate that it took a bunch of them dying for them to come to their senses.
just say "socialism" hundred times a day when this is over and it'll go back.

Nope, and going absolutely stir crazy.  Having a 5 yr old and a 6 month old puppy will do that to a fella.  

Any thoughts on the question I posed above? 
So you have not taken a step out of your house to go for a walk, let your puppy do its thing in the yard, or let your child play with your puppy in the yard?

Nope, and going absolutely stir crazy.  Having a 5 yr old and a 6 month old puppy will do that to a fella.  

Any thoughts on the question I posed above? 
What question?  Immigration?  I don't see an issue at all with tightening until our phases are going smoothly.

I don’t follow. Are you asserting that people who are staying at home would be the same segment of the population that would refuse to get the vaccine?
no, if you have been out of your house you will see plenty of folks are going to stores, going to work, etc.  

You think they have a point?
My point was that there are people who are already stating that they will not get the COVID-19 vaccine once it has been developed. Some are just wary of vaccines generally, but others are suggesting a nefarious plot to use the vaccine to control the population. 

Keeping lockdown until 14 days of regression isn’t vague. In fact, it’s quite explicit.

It looks like some states are ignoring the guidelines. I’m confused why this is Trump’s fault, LOL (it’s not).

Depending on where you stand on re-opening, either suck it up & continue to weather the storm or use your right to protest in favor of re-opening your state.

Those are your choices. From talking with everyday folks, political affinity doesn’t have much to do with it. 

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yes to which I said people who refuse to leave the house?
Why would people who are currently sheltering in place be opposed to receiving the vaccine once it becomes available?  I’m trying to figure out if your comment was a substantive one, or meant simply to be a dig. If the latter, no need to discuss further. 

Why would people who are currently sheltering in place be opposed to receiving the vaccine once it becomes available?  I’m trying to figure out if your comment was a substantive one, or meant simply to be a dig. If the latter, no need to discuss further. 
Why would anyone refuse the vaccine?  I am trying to figure out if you saying a group of people will simply refuse it was meant to be a dig or if there was any substance to it.

Going to be getting lots of scientific data in the next month or two that would be unethical if it was not voluntary. "Hmm, we need a state/country to remove all restrictions, putting their people at risk so we have a well controlled study, maybe we should draw straws or .... wait, they are volunteering for this and doing it anyway?"
Could be a public health angle here:  buy ads on right-wing media saying that "Democrats for Public Policy Research on COVID and Elections is looking for 'Independent' volunteers to explore the impact of COVID on people who don't quarantine."  You never actually sign anyone up, but maybe the backlash keeps them home.

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I hadn't seen that, I can't wait to get the vaccine. Can't come soon enough. 
It’s a fringe position to be sure, but more common than I’d like. Lots of Bill Gates conspiracy stuff. Using the vaccine to either kill off a significant part of the population (there have been video links to a speech of his) or the injection of nanotechnology through the vaccine so the population can be tracked and controlled. 

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Why would anyone refuse the vaccine?  I am trying to figure out if you saying a group of people will simply refuse it was meant to be a dig or if there was any substance to it.
No, it’s an actual thing. I would think it’s a pretty fringe position, but I’m seeing it amongst my people I know and I wouldn’t think there were people that fringe within my circle of friends. 

In news we can all appreciate, it appears most states have fared very well relative to bed/ventilator shortage fears and aren't near shortages on beds or ventilators as projected. Great news. Some states sites aren't as user friendly as others, is there a reliable site that summarizes all states anywhere?









No, it’s an actual thing. I would think it’s a pretty fringe position, but I’m seeing it amongst my people I know and I wouldn’t think there were people that fringe within my circle of friends. 
Thanks.  I can't imagine folks that would refuse the vaccine.

In news we can all appreciate, it appears most states have fared very well relative to bed/ventilator shortage fears and aren't near shortages on beds or ventilators as projected. Great news. Some states sites aren't as user friendly as others, is there a reliable site that summarizes all states anywhere?








Good news about America while Trump is in office doesn't go over very well in these forums.

Why would anyone refuse the vaccine? 

It’s a fringe position to be sure, but more common than I’d like. Lots of Bill Gates conspiracy stuff. Using the vaccine to either kill off a significant part of the population (there have been video links to a speech of his) or the injunction of nanotechnology through the vaccine so the population can be tracked and controlled. 

Sadly this is already very true.....
Yep. Post still true.  

What do you mean seems? He tweeted out Liberate  less then 14 hours after releasing the guidelines, about 3 states who didn't met phase one guidelines.
Haha. Did any tweets suggest ignoring guidelines?

It’s nonsense. People are looking for things that aren’t there.

Let me hear some more tweets of how Trump Is suggesting states don’t follow the plan he laid out.

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Thanks.  I can't imagine folks that would refuse the vaccine.
???  This is a very curious position unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past 10 years, then it would make perfect sense.  

There’s whole movements of people refusing vaccines. 

Does it matter?  There seems to be a lot of assumptions being made here. That's what got you guys into trouble for the last 3.5 years.
I think the answer is pretty obvious. The governors of those three states are political opponents and he wanted to ramp up some pressure on them. I seriously doubt he thought through the message enough to have the goal of intentionally undermining his own administration’s guidance.  

I asked some questions in here yesterday about the plan to re-open because I was behind the curve. I was curious to know the guidelines because all I heard was that it was vague.

Well, turns out it’s not too vague, LOL. Typical partisan nonsense & the kind of blind hate I want destroyed, which is one of the many reasons I’m voting for Trump & to continue to help reset the ugly game of politics in this country.

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5,465 beds available

78% of states ventilators aren't in use. 

Just so we know where your bar is that you stop complaining is it phase 1 that will put it to an end? Unless the shutdown goes past the election are we ever going to see you happy?
It has nothing to do with beds or ventilators. It has to do with "14 day period of downward trajectory". That's Trump's guideline.

Let me know when any state lifting restrictions have met that.

I asked some questions in here yesterday about the plan to reopen because I was behind the curve. I was curious to know the guidelines because all I heard was that it was vague.

Well, turns out it’s not too vague, LOL. Typical partisan nonsense & the kind of blind hate I want destroyed, which is one of the many reasons I’m voting for Trump & to continue to help reset the ugly game of politics in this country.
Here’s a link to the guidance. Pretty interesting read. 


No the folks who refuse to vaccinate their kids and bring back diseases we’ve had under control for decades.  But you knew this is what I was referring too and wanted to get a shot in.   But while I’ve got you and I haven’t seen any Trump supporters addressing it...

How to you square the messages of, were getting past the worst of it and let’s open our country back up with this is so bad we need to shut down all immigration?  Thanks. 
Wait, trump can't mention a specific drug without people losing their minds but the government can push a vaccine?   Seems like an odd take.

I have a child that has all sorts of issues almost every time we have given them a vaccine.  Highly unlikely I'm going to force this one and put them through more misery.   Deal with it.

I asked some questions in here yesterday about the plan to reopen because I was behind the curve. I was curious to know the guidelines because all I heard was that it was vague.

Well, turns out it’s not too vague, LOL. Typical partisan nonsense & the kind of blind hate I want destroyed, which is one of the many reasons I’m voting for Trump & to continue to help reset the ugly game of politics in this country.
Note the bold:

Each phase requires a 14-day period of "downward trajectory" of COVID-19 cases in order to move on to the next phase. Qualifying for each phase will be judged on certain criteria for widespread testing for patients and health care workers, contact tracing and hospital capacity. Vice President Mike Pence said the guidelines to lifting restrictions could be implemented statewide or by county. 

The first phase of the "Opening Up America Again" plan requires states or regions meet the criteria and continue practicing social distancing guidelines currently in place. The phase suggests: 

Requiring vulnerable individuals to continue sheltering in place.

Practicing physical distancing in public, avoiding socializing in groups of more than 10 people.

Minimizing nonessential travel, continuing to encourage telework.

Shuttered schools should remained closed.

Prohibiting nursing home and hospital visits.

Elective surgeries can resume, on an outpatient basis.

Bars should remain closed, but gyms can open under physical distancing and sanitation protocols.

@GoBirds, please explain why you fine TRUMP's guideline funny. TIA.

Edit 2: Whitehouse.gov link because @GoBirds finds it funny.


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I asked some questions in here yesterday about the plan to reopen because I was behind the curve. I was curious to know the guidelines because all I heard was that it was vague.

Well, turns out it’s not too vague, LOL. Typical partisan nonsense & the kind of blind hate I want destroyed, which is one of the many reasons I’m voting for Trump & to continue to help reset the ugly game of politics in this country.
The guidelines are pretty vague.  Before we even get to the phases, under the heading Core State Preparedness Guidelines, we see the following:

* Ability to quickly set up safe and efficient screening and testing sites for symptomatic individuals and trace contacts of COVID+ results
* Ability to test Syndromic/ILI-indicated persons for COVID and trace contacts of COVID+ results
* Ensure sentinel surveillance sites are screening for asymptomatic cases...
* Protect the health and safety of workers in critical industries
* Protect employees and users of mass transit

All extremely vague.  What does "protect" mean?  No reference to number of tests that should be performed per capita.  No definition of how contact tracing should be performed, or how many days to trace back.

Let's look at the criteria to get to phase 1.  "Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period" OR "Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests)".  Pretty vague, considering the portion before the OR can be satisfied simply by not performing tests.  No mention of number of tests that should/must be performed.  No mention of tests per capita.

Note the bold:

Each phase requires a 14-day period of "downward trajectory" of COVID-19 cases in order to move on to the next phase. Qualifying for each phase will be judged on certain criteria for widespread testing for patients and health care workers, contact tracing and hospital capacity. Vice President Mike Pence said the guidelines to lifting restrictions could be implemented statewide or by county. 

The first phase of the "Opening Up America Again" plan requires states or regions meet the criteria and continue practicing social distancing guidelines currently in place. The phase suggests: 

Requiring vulnerable individuals to continue sheltering in place.

Practicing physical distancing in public, avoiding socializing in groups of more than 10 people.

Minimizing nonessential travel, continuing to encourage telework.

Shuttered schools should remained closed.

Prohibiting nursing home and hospital visits.

Elective surgeries can resume, on an outpatient basis.

Bars should remain closed, but gyms can open under physical distancing and sanitation protocols.

@GoBirds, please explain why you fine TRUMP's guideline funny. TIA.

Edit 2: Whitehouse.gov link because @GoBirds finds it funny.

So now Trump's guidelines are the measuring stick for your whining to stop? Sign me up, let's see how that goes. 

From all the #####ing about it, I assumed there wasn’t a strict criteria, but the first thing I ran across was the 2-week downward trajectory.

Some states are blowing off what’s probably the most important step. Yeah, blow off a crucial step. Trump’s fault.

I’ll look into the guidelines in detail, but you’ve at least got to do the steps that are cut & dried. It’s just so typical of the toxic atmosphere now.

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