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Will you get a Covid vaccine when available? (1 Viewer)

Will you get a Covid vaccine when available?

  • Yes, as soon as it comes out

    Votes: 236 55.4%
  • Yes, but not for a while until some time passes

    Votes: 93 21.8%
  • No, I don't think it will be safe

    Votes: 19 4.5%
  • No, I don't think it will be effective

    Votes: 5 1.2%
  • No, I already had Covid

    Votes: 13 3.1%
  • Unsure, but leaning yes

    Votes: 32 7.5%
  • Unsure, but leaning no

    Votes: 28 6.6%

  • Total voters
The debate about whether there's enough to justify calling mRNA vaccines "safe" yet reminds me of the microwave oven.

After the microwave was invented, they started going into restaurants, and then home versions were created, and they started going into everyone's kitchens, too.

Now, they did some looking at the short-term effects of microwaves, but, they couldn't really do a study on "What happens when you expose yourself to 3 minutes of radiation every day for 30 years when you heat up your coffee?" without, you know, waiting 30 years to run the test. They looked at the short-term, figured it was safe enough, and that long-term probably won't matter.

Now... well, I'm betting you have a microwave in your house. Or, if not, you're at least not actively avoiding microwave ovens, are you? You're not thinking "Man, the science on the 30+ year long-term effects of these things isn't settled, I don't trust it", are you?

Same with mRNA. We know the mechanism it works through. We can measure the short-term impact enough to judge the long-term implications. We don't need to actually wait 30 years to start using these things like we didn't wait 30 years to start using microwave ovens. I get people feel the J&J is like a dorm room hot plate and that might be good enough. Fine. But I'll think I'm OK making this popcorn in the microwave just fine. 
Nobody is saying it isn't safe.. at least not that I have seen.

My wife's family is vey anti-covid vaccine. They are all in on the "long term side effects" and not going to conform to the government's wishes to control us. They are good people, but without getting political, they tend to believe what they see on facebook rather than delving into any research of their own. I've had one of them say to me "Man. How can you get the vaccine when you don't know the long term side effects?? I'm not going to be answering one of those infomercials in 10 years where they say 'If you were vaccinated for COVID in 2021, please call the law offices of ....'"

I told him "Yeah. I know 6 people that got the vaccine and DIED! Oh wait. That was actually the virus." I know over 45 people that got covid in the last year. Including both my sons, daughter in law, and grand babies. I had to wait out two weeks with my son having it in my house. Hoping that every day he didn't get worse. That the stupid HVAC ducts weren't passing it to myself and my wife. Who is a cancer survivor.  Most of the people I know who got it were at work in a couple outbreaks we had. And my wife's work. I have a co-worker who has permanent lung scaring. Actually said today he would rather die than go through COVID again. He damn near died from it in November. He is in his early 50's.







Actual names to people that have passed away due to this GD virus. The youngest was 52. Mother, wife. Family unable to be by her side as she passed. Her husband is a friend of mine and was in the hospital with COVID at the same time. Didn't even get to say goodbye. I still see his heart broken daily on Facebook and when I've been able to talk to him. His son works with us and was probably the first of the outbreak. He lives with the guilt of giving it to his mother. Even though it was absolutely not his fault.  L.T. was 64 and the sole provider for his grandson with disabilities. Working long and hard through the pandemic to try and take care of his grandson who was born addicted to crack. Cherrie was a sweet lady I worked with for 4 years. Marry was a great friends of mine's mother. He also had COVID, at home when his mother passed. Alone. Penny was a 2nd mom to me growing up. She JUST passed away from COVID last month. Almost made it out the other side of the pandemic. 

So yeah. I got the first Moderna shot the minute I could get an appointment. I helped my brother find an appointment. Helped guys at work find an appointment. Short term side effects of the shot? Long term? Yeah.. I'll take my chances. I've seen first hand what the virus can do. 

The place we went to was two hours away but still had 25 open appointments. I’ve been texting everyone I know the link so they can pass it on. 

If anyone here needs the (phizer) shot and is in the DMV, I will post the link in the Washington DC thread shortly. 
I've been pre-registered for about two weeks and received an email from Alexandria, VA Dept of Health 12:something a.m. yesterday. I was presented with two locations and logged into the closest site around 0830. There was a whole page of appointment times with 10 minute windows. I'm scheduled for  the JnJ vaccine Apr 15 1030 at the old Pier One store at Potomac Yard

Purposefully delaying getting the vaccine is tantamount to saying "the vaccines aren't safe" IMHO.
We damn sure know that the virus isn't safe.  So, yeah.  If you don't take the vaccine, the thing that will nearly 100% protect you from the virus, you don't think the vaccine is safe.

What are you newly fully vaccinated folks doing now that you weren't a month ago?  
My wife and I get our second shot on April 16, and after waiting the appropriate 2 weeks, I’ll be celebrating my wife’s birthday on May 1 by having her fully vaccinated family over for a mask-free BBQ.  I’m sure there will be many tears of happiness as we haven’t all shared a meal or any holiday or event since this thing started.  We all are very excited.

Because you didn't restrict much prior, or you are not comfortable yet doing more?
Yeah I guess I should have expanded.   We've been very careful, we never went out to eat (sit down) very much to begin with.  But I've been going to stores when needed, take out, play golf, had an entire summer and fall of softball.

We have avoided indoor family gatherings but that's about it.   So we aren't itching to run out to do something.   Plus my daughter is 15 so we are still going to be a little careful having her all over. But for my wife and I not much tbh.  We will travel for softball this summer so that will be nice 

But I'm not doing anything much different than a month ago

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What are you newly fully vaccinated folks doing now that you weren't a month ago?  

Finally going to the dentist, and barber.  Didn't wear a mask while visiting with my family who are also all fully vaccinated.  I've been having virtual visits with my doctor for a year, I think I'll go to the office for the next one.  It's been pretty nice.  I'm still not going to bars, and I would probably only go out to eat in an outdoor setting.  Not going to a movie any time soon, maybe a couple things like that are still on hold.  

Finally going to the dentist, and barber.  Didn't wear a mask while visiting with my family who are also all fully vaccinated.  I've been having virtual visits with my doctor for a year, I think I'll go to the office for the next one.  It's been pretty nice.  I'm still not going to bars, and I would probably only go out to eat in an outdoor setting.  Not going to a movie any time soon, maybe a couple things like that are still on hold.  
We are on the same page.  I saw my parents and sister.BIL without masks for Easter -- all vaccinated -- but didn't let extended family come over just yet.

I am getting my first haircut since COVID tomorrow, getting a massage Saturday, dermatologist Monday, and then dentist in a couple of weeks.  Have reservations for an anniversary brunch with my wife in May, but outdoors.

What are you newly fully vaccinated folks doing now that you weren't a month ago?  
Going to the gym when the weather makes it unpleasant to run outdoors.  

That's literally it.  My life was pretty boring before the pandemic, and it's probably going to stay boring after the pandemic.  I'm kind of envious of those people licking one another's faces in that ad that's going around, but I don't think I'll be joining in.

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Going to the gym when the weather makes it unpleasant to run outdoors.  

That's literally it.  My life was pretty boring before the pandemic, and it's probably going to stay boring after the pandemic.  I'm kind of envious of those people licking one another's faces that's going around, but I don't think I'll be joining in.
I might re-join my gym in May, depending on what they are offering/allowing.  

Here's a write-up of the face-licking ad if folks somehow haven't seen this already.  Not surprised but still kind of disappointed that I haven't been invited to one of these parties yet.  
Knowing the type of people who might invite me to a party like this.....it’s disgusting.

If I got to choose the attendees....this would be amazing

Going to the gym when the weather makes it unpleasant to run outdoors.  

That's literally it.  My life was pretty boring before the pandemic, and it's probably going to stay boring after the pandemic.  I'm kind of envious of those people licking one another's faces in that ad that's going around, but I don't think I'll be joining in.
This is mostly me also.  But.....I haven’t seen my BFF in over a year.   Ditto for my college roommate.  Really look forward to visiting them.  Also can’t wait to play pickup basketball.

We know, man, we know.

You get an appointment yet?  Tried any of the pharmacies?  What about locations out in Western MD or Eastern shore?
Yeah I have an appointment on Monday all the way out in Salisbury.  None of the other mass vaccination sites had appointments that soon so I’ll just make the drive.  Totally worth it.

Purposefully delaying getting the vaccine is tantamount to saying "the vaccines aren't safe" IMHO.
No, please start back at the beginning.
Not a whole lot you can say to move me off my spot on this. Not on the fence at all, and not particularly fair-minded about it.

I have to accept that people are going to reject the vaccine in numbers. However, I don't have to feign respect for that decision.

Not a whole lot you can say to move me off my spot on this. Not on the fence at all, and not particularly fair-minded about it.

I have to accept that people are going to reject the vaccine in numbers. However, I don't have to feign respect for that decision.
I recommended you start at the beginning again... because I don't know how you got here.

Thanks for letting me know you don't respect decisions and opinions I haven't made and don't hold.  :thumbup:  

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I was convinced Id be the last person in the world vaccinated since Im in PA and not eligible until the end, but a super-site just announced that they had excess and were taking appointments for anyone regardless of grouping. Signed up for next week!  :thumbup:

Almost 48-hours post Moderna dose #2 and I feel like I stole something both being done and that, other than maybe some slight fatigue, I came through with no other impacts!

My 16 yo is getting unblinded in his study and receiving his first dose tomorrow.  As suspected, he got placebo in the trial. 

Moderna #2 done.  

On an unrelated note, has anybody else noticed how sleek and user-friendly the Microsoft Office suite is?  I just can't stop playing with Excel -- such a great product.  I think I might download Internet Explorer this afternoon.

Almost 48-hours post Moderna dose #2 and I feel like I stole something both being done and that, other than maybe some slight fatigue, I came through with no other impacts!
I know tons of people including myself that had barely any side effects. I think only a minority have bad side effects.

I know tons of people including myself that had barely any side effects. I think only a minority have bad side effects.
Lol...I've had the opposite here.  Everyone I know that got Moderna #2 had some side effects after.  Mostly chills, fatigue and aches for half a day to a day. And it would just disappear.  

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Lol...I've had the opposite here.  Everyone I know that got Moderna #2 had some side effects after.  Mostly chills, fatigue and aches for half a day to a day. And it would just disappear.  
Yeah and don't forget most men equate the common cold to childbirth 

Yeah and don't forget most men equate the common cold to childbirth 

 This may be shocking but I know a lot of women that got the vaccine and not sure knowing people that got side effects isn't a real thing

Not sure what argument you are trying to win, but just making a point how it was the opposite experience.

You can keep your message board cool factor intact, I'll surrender

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So I got my 2nd Moderna in the middle of a move from DFW to CHI this weekend. Arm slowly got sore over the course of the day, and then the next day felt achey with chills all day. Pretty miserable, but not as bad as actually being sick. The 2nd shot is no joke. 

Got both fairly early (Medical professional) and yes, second moderna shot gave me chills that night.  Otherwise, nothing excpet a sense of well being that I'm vaccinated.  Can go out, do everything (wearing a mask, but not as paranoid when someone else isn't using theirs properly).

Peace of Mind is likely the #1 side effect of taking the vaccine.

Leeroy Jenkins said:
What are you newly fully vaccinated folks doing now that you weren't a month ago?  
Friday night beers with vaccinated friends on the outside deck of my favorite watering hole.

Wife (1 shot of Moderna) and I (fully vaxed) went out to a restaurant for dinner (outside) for first time in over a year last night.

Not wearing a mask in offices with exception of when we are around the last vaccine holdout in the office - It doesn't sound like much, but it is hours every day of not having to wear a mask.

Still wearing a mask inside grocery store and other establishments.  Don't feel like I need to, but it isn't a big imposition.  Mask mandate still in place.  Local officials are getting a lot of pressure to lift the mask mandate, and I would imagine that will happen once the vaccine has been made available to everyone.  When it gets lifted, I will stop wearing a mask as I view those who choose not to be vaccinated and go out without masks as willingly accepting the risks of getting COVID.    


 This may be shocking but I know a lot of women that got the vaccine and not sure knowing people that got side effects isn't a real thing

Not sure what argument you are trying to win, but just making a point how it was the opposite experience.

You can keep your message board cool factor intact, I'll surrender
Relax dude. Its called a joke


Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday at 2:00 PM. Woke up with a bit of a sore arm. Nothing to report just yet in terms of nausea or chills. Will likely kick in today or really not at all from all the stuff that I've heard anecdotally. The first shot gave me a touch of a headache, a little soreness and wooziness, but not much.

Felt a little more tired than usual last night, but nothing major.

Leeroy Jenkins said:
What are you newly fully vaccinated folks doing now that you weren't a month ago?  
Walk around the local Farmers Market/Flea Market......taking the time to accept an orange thrown to me, to give the backwards hand wave, to accept cash money from people all without hand sanitizing. Just stopping mid street to take in a huge noseful of unmasked air while exclaiming "That's a'nice..FRESH AIR!!!!".  Taking in a puppet show with the unmasked, huddled masses....typical Pre-Covid Sat. morning.  

Had a cool thing happen yesterday while getting my 2nd Pfizer/BioNtech dose at Walgreens. The store was empty and and I was first in line. I had my 17 year old with me out in the car. Her age group opens next week and I knew that she was only approved for the Pfizer vax and it would probably be difficult to get an appointment for her right away, so I asked if they had any extra today and if they'd be willing to give my daughter one. To my surprise the pharmacist said yes. They filled out her vax card and said to just come back in the 3 weeks and they'll set her up with her second. They were beyond cool about it.

I'm not sure how "legal" it was, but I thought they were doing what every provider should be doing; getting available shots into willing arms. I figured the worst case they say no, but it paid to ask.


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