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Is Joe Biden a bad President? (2 Viewers)

Your honest opinion.

  • Bad President

    Votes: 23 40.4%
  • Worst President Ever

    Votes: 34 59.6%

  • Total voters
As you see it then because Supermike specifically says no human trials and you there were so I don't know how to reconcile those two.  
I said there were human trials before Warp Speed came online.  Human trials on Pfizer's vaccine candidates were announced on April 29th, which means they were already well-immersed in the project.  Operation Warp Speed was announced on May 15.  April 29th is before May 15th.  I don't know how to make it any simpler for you to reconcile.  

Biden is the worst and it’s not close. Just read a post from a mother that let her son in Kabul and what Biden said to her, just awful.  


No other president got it over 35,000

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There are three levels to this

1) Harm done to the international community ( POTUS is expected to take the lead and make gains/forestall enemies in foreign relations. This is a clear cut definitive role by POTUS since the beginning of the American political system)

2) Harm done to the American people

3) Harm done to his own Party

There is already lots of discussion on #1 and #2, so I'll tackle #3 a bit here.

The main priority for any Democrat currently in office is REELECTION. ( It's true for any politician anywhere in the entire world that needs to be elected to gain power)

The Obama/Biden/Harris/Rice regime has inflicted enough damage in less than a years time, to cost the entire Party badly down the ticket in the 2022 Mid Terms. If you are a Democratic incumbent up for a brutal fight in 2022, how will that play out for you when a grieving mother of a fallen Marine is on every broadcast in America or on social media ( at least until Zuckerberg and Dorsey ban them for the crime of grieving and saying something that could hurt the radical leftist grifter empire) or there are photos or video of a baby being mangled in razor wire after being thrown there by parents trying to their children over the fenceline to be evacuated? Or a first hand account of a stranded and abandoned American woman or teenage girl who was gang raped by the Taliban?

Think about the theme in play against a Democratic incumbent. 2020 was the year of looting and rioting and lockdowns. Then not long after the Border turned into a swinging gate. You have a clear and pervasive crime and homeless problem in Big Blue strongholds. Then there was Defund The Police. All while shouting at everyone to stop being so racist and stop being so bigoted for the crime of being white or just not being in one of the protected martyr classes.

Lots of establishment low level Democrats in the HOR were furious at AOC and the Progressives. They pushed Defund The Police the hardest and they had a massive platform to do it. The narrative stuck to all Democrats in office. To be fair to AOC, there were also lots of Democrats in the establishment who rode the DTP train when it served them. But it cost them badly down the ticket.

The theme will be - If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting against civil order

In order to combat some of this narrative, DNC HQ will need to push forward candidates with a military background. Which will start to incense the woke cancel culture radical left. Also military types will tend to create the increased risk of being DINOs.

When your messaging looks like an attack on civil order, what it amounts to is an attack on hard working American families. People work hard, very hard, to earn a living and buy a house that's in a safe place for their kids and to be near good schools so their kids have opportunity. No one wants to suffer and bleed and sacrifice only to see the neighborhoods their kids are growing up in are being carpet bombed with the feces of homeless people, stores closing down from rampant unchecked theft, city services being crippled because of furloughs and layoffs to salvage a busted budget from allowing rioting and looting to go nearly unchecked for a year and needing expensive to deploy police officers to work 80 hours a week non stop.

Biden/Harris is good for some of the grifter establishment. If you were an old school Obama loyalist, you got political pork and got fat money from American tax dollars being set on fire. Biden/Harris however is bad for the international community ( 11 and 12 year preteen girls in Afghanistan and at the Southern Border being raped doesn't sell very well to voters) , bad for the American people at large, and ESPECIALLY toxic for their own Party.

Joe Biden is currently, not just "bad", but open political poison for the Democratic Party.  The 2022 Mid Terms are lost. The 2024 general cycle is lost. Now it's looking any more damage will cost them 2028 too.

But let's take this a different way too. Let's see for whom Biden is "good" for out there

1) If you are a drug dealer and part of a Cartel, Biden will do his part to use American tax payer dollars to get you guns, so you can kill more innocent Mexican citizens and even some American law enforcement ( Operation Fast and Furious)

2) If you are a terrorist that has killed American servicemen and will gang rape 11 and 12 year old little girls as the spoils of war, Biden will do his part to use American tax payer dollars to get you high tech weaponry, equipment and vehicles so you can kill more American soldiers and eventually American citizens via future acts of terrorism

3) If you are an enemy of America ( Cartel drug dealers at the Southern Border and Taliban terrorists) and you simply like to rape innocent women and little girls, Biden's public policy has a repugnant and consistent habit in less than a years time of facilitating widespread opportunity for you.

4) If you are part of the grifter Military Industrial Complex, you get to sell more weapons because Biden keeps spending American  tax payer dollars to help more American law enforcement and American military get killed. You arm the enemies of the state then you arm those Americans in service to defend it against the newly heavily armed said enemies of the state.

Feel free to address any of this. More than that, at night, look at your own kids at the dinner table and ask yourself if Biden will allow innocents around the world to get massacred and sodomized, what makes your children any less expendable if it serves his political grift?
Why should anyone bother addressing anything you post? You conveniently ignore tough questions and debates on them.

Biden is very bad for those that believe in democratic presidents not being good for the stock market.  Buddy of mine is still certain that the 10% correction is coming.  Even though he's been sitting out the last 30% waiting for it.  

I asked you earlier why your position changed on POTUS being responsible for the stock market.  During the Trump years you guys adamantly insisted that POTUS had nothing to do with the stock market.

Why has your position now changed on that?  Care to answer?  Or do you just like to read your own posts and think, "Yeah, that'll show'em!"?

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 During the Trump years you guys adamantly insisted that POTUS had nothing to do with the stock market.

Why has your position now changed on that?
You guys?   You have me confused with someone else.  I just figure I continue the ridiculous prior admin points with this admin also 

The argument is dumb for everyone was all I was saying ;)

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Thunderlips said:
Out of Afghanistan

Record high Stock Markets

Anyone who wants to get a COVID vaccine is able to get one.

Unemployment down from the previous  administrations highs

Anyone who wants a job can get one. 

My house is worth way more than it was this time last year.  

Not a bad POTUS at all.  

Just had my house appraised.  Went up $75K in value since 2019.

Shutout said:
I think we already clearly seeing a LOT of conservative candidates starting to file into place that have military backgrounds (although there are several already). I had a discussion last night with people about how there will be a big push from all things military in the mid-terms, from candidates to supporters and volunteers.  I appreciate your take on how you see the DNC answering that bell. 

I also think you're right about how the radical side of the party will resent that. I believe there will be a turn where they begin to eat their own depending on how it is pressed. Frankenstein's monster will return to the castle over this 8 month period. 

Here's the interesting thing, previously in some political circles there was some concern about Nikki Haley not holding current office to stay more relevant in the daily media cycle. However if she was still Governor, she would be embattled like De Santis and Abbott regarding the pandemic response.  She avoids the COVID19 controversy on her resume. There was also concern in some circles that Dan Crenshaw's lack of higher office ( i.e. Governor) would hurt him in terms of being asked to split the ticket with Haley. Now his "one trick pony" status is a natural counter narrative to whatever DNC HQ can throw at the GOP in 2024.

The Democratic Party is going to lose a massive amount of the military vote all down the ticket. Crewshaw selected as Haley's VP locks that in completely.

Here's what Crenshaw brings

1) He brings credibility to the military establishment. He's served and commanded in Special Forces and he's not a warhawk. He balances out Haley's lack of military experience. He also forces the MSM to highlight Haley's husband, Michael Haley, who is a rank and file officer in the service. Which then dovetails into Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, and all the scandal associated with his big hitter law firm, DLA Piper.  The appearance will be he will offer sound practical military counsel to Haley when it appears war with China will happen sooner than later.

2) He appeals immediately to the core MAGA base. While they might not love Haley, they'll still love her more than being carpet bombed by identity politics by more Obama loyalists.

3) He's no threat to Haley. He lacks the inability to take the ticket himself and won't get big money nor delegate support. He's not a great public speaker and has little to no charisma in the public eye. But he seems self aware and rational enough to avoid most controversy. He's not going to cackle and stick his foot in his mouth like Harris does.

4) He's difficult to "cancel"  He has some things on his political resume that will hurt him but nothing that's career killing.  If you attack Crenshaw and that eye patch in public, you are attacking patriotism in the eyes of the American people.

5) He neutralizes Pete Buttigieg if Harris selects him for her VP candidate. DNC HQ can't push a "military man" against a desk driver like Nikki Haley narrative.

The Buttigieg Question is an interesting one. If there is a strong push for Buttigieg at the Democratic National Convention, the entire Party admitting they backed the toxic Biden/Harris duo. The argument that it was to remove Trump by any means necessary won't be enough.  If they keep Harris and her natural advantages that come with VPOTUS, they risk Buttigieg turning down half the ticket. He won't want to line up with a sinking ship that ends him politically for the future. And they have no other contender candidates with a military background to groom/emerge by 2024.

He's a white male and identity politics says pushing him for POTUS will be a betrayal to the Progressive/Radical side of the Party. Never mind that he's gay as well, he's still a criminal for not being a woked out Kombucha sipping black lesbian Jew in a wheel chair with Tourettes with three orphan children and an overpriced Woman Studies degree full of angst about Marie Kondo's latest blog entry.


What do you think? Do you think Haley would be better off with De Santis or Crenshaw or someone else? And if De Santis gets the ticket, who do you think he selects to run with him if Haley won't do it? ( I think a fair argument would be made she wouldn't if that happened)

parrot said:
I said there were human trials before Warp Speed came online.  Human trials on Pfizer's vaccine candidates were announced on April 29th, which means they were already well-immersed in the project.  Operation Warp Speed was announced on May 15.  April 29th is before May 15th.  I don't know how to make it any simpler for you to reconcile.  
I'm sure there was zero communication, coordinating or planning on Warp Speed before the announcement.    :lmao:

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I'm sure there was zero communication, coordinating or planning on Warp Speed before the announcement.    :lmao:
Love the Trump supporters trying to re-write history and he's legacy regarding COVID.  It will go down as him saying it was a hoax against him and downplaying it pretty much until he caught it himself.   "I wanted to always play it down," the president said in a March interview, the audio recording of which was made public in September. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

I'm sure there was zero communication, coordinating or planning on Warp Speed before the announcement.    :lmao:
True.  It was the Trump administration.  They probably decided to call a program "Warp Speed" then ####ed around for months bringing it online.   :thumbup:

Human trials began in March, 2020.   

Operation Warp Speed became active on May 15, 2020.

The main benefit of Warp Speed was committing to purchase doses sufficient for distribution in the US.   The Trump administration had zero to do with the speed at which the vaccine was developed.
Horribly wrong take here.  Let me use Wiki for a more realistic definition.  I bolded the speed parts for you:

The program promoted mass production of multiple vaccines, and different types of vaccine technologies, based on preliminary evidence, allowing for faster distribution if clinical trials confirm one of the vaccines is safe and effective. The plan anticipated that some of these vaccines will not prove safe or effective, making the program more costly than typical vaccine development, but potentially leading to the availability of a viable vaccine several months earlier than typical timelines

BladeRunner said:
I asked you earlier why your position changed on POTUS being responsible for the stock market.  During the Trump years you guys adamantly insisted that POTUS had nothing to do with the stock market.

Why has your position now changed on that?  Care to answer?  Or do you just like to read your own posts and think, "Yeah, that'll show'em!"?
I’m sure this post was also intended for all those insisting Trump was responsible for the run up while he was POTUS too right?  I’m old enough to remember the “hey look at your 401k’s” arguments.  Those same people are awful quite about it right now. 

I wasn't wrong, but clever response.  
Warp Speed was announced just 2 weeks after the human trials began.  Please provide a link that the Trump administration's plan didn't have anything to do with the timeline of those trials.  Because your timeline argument doesn't hold water.  

Sinn Fein said:
Best president over the last 4 years.

Direct Headline: Female high school athletes fear for their future with inclusion of transgender women in sports

February 09, 2021 11:52 AM


"(High school competitive athlete) Selina Soule spent years (of her life) training in the hopes of securing a college scholarship ( and access to a full college education) and leaving behind a legacy at her high school by (hopefully) setting new records in track.

( Then she placed one spot away, from qualifying for the finals and garnering the subsequent opportunity to compete at the New England Regional Championships so she could appeal to recruiters and secure college financial aid, during the 2019 Connecticut Indoor Track & Field State Championships.)

Two competitors, that bested her, in that race went on to the New England Regionals, and currently combined still hold 15 state championship titles "for women" and 17 school records (overall).

Who bested Soule? Biological men who identify as women."


Biden is the best President if you are a man who wants to compete as a woman and rack up titles, school records and hoover up scholarships while everyone else will be cancelled, doxxed, hunted down, fired or ostracized if they want to point out the physical advantages a man has competing in a sport where the rest of the field are women.

Biden would NOT be the best President if Soule and her female teammates and competitors were instead preteen 11 and 12 year old "brown" girls at the Southern Border and/or slated to be war brides/spoils of war for the Taliban, who are all being gang raped right now.  But should this surprise anyone in terms of Biden's response to minorities, esp as he was a close friend to Robert Byrd, a KKK high level fixer, then he opposed busing, screamed out about keeping his kids from "racial jungles", said Obama was different and better because he was "nice and clean" ( as oppose to what alternative?), was accused by his own VP of being a racist in public debate, was caught lying about marching for Civil Rights and his relationship with Nelson Mandela,  and authored the 1994 Crime Bill that was aimed at putting young black men in prison that he openly admitted in 2020 as a "mistake and he shouldn't have done it"  Yes, he only said it when it would cost him votes, but not in the decades inbetween.

If you are a teenage girl and facing Biden Administration public policy, I guess the brutal question to be asked then is if the best one can do is not be raped.  But if you are that teenage girl and "brown", maybe the safest thing to do is to keep running as far from Biden as fast as possible.

Did you want to take a moment, collect your thoughts here, consider the value of consistency and then call me a liar?

Warp Speed was announced just 2 weeks after the human trials began.  Please provide a link that the Trump administration's plan didn't have anything to do with the timeline of those trials.  Because your timeline argument doesn't hold water.  
 How about you provide a link that it did?  That's how proving things works.  You prove that something did happen, not that it didn't.  

I used those specific events to illustrate that vaccine development was well underway in advance of operation Warp Speed.  You are naturally trying to split hairs to try to refute what is plainly obvious to most people.  So have fun with that.   :thumbup:

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 How about you provide a link that it did?  That's how proving things works.  You prove that something did happen, not that it didn't.  

I used those specific events to illustrate that vaccine development was well underway in advance of operation Warp Speed.  You are naturally trying to split hairs to try to refute what is plainly obvious to most people.  So have fun with that.   :thumbup:
I provided a link that showed to in fact, be wrong.  But you ignored that completely it seems.

I think I made this point before - I think Biden was a bad candidate and is starting to prove he was a bad choice.  But I don't think he's a bad person.  And that was a part of why I voted for him.  Most of the people in here saying he's horrible would have thought he was horrible no matter how Afghanistan turned out.  It's unfortunate that he screwed that up so badly but not because of the partisan politics stuff but because people died.  I'm still unsure how much "credit' he gets for ending the war vs. how much "blame" he gets for how he's handled it.  But right now it's hard to give much credit with the way things were executed.

Terminalxylem said:

Pandemic management has been decent. Not really sure how he could do much better.

Infrastructure is good. Acknowledging climate change is good.

Don’t know enough to say anything about the border “crisis”.

Acts a lot more presidential than the last guy.

I respect a most of your posting and learn a lot, but there's a ton he could have done better on the pandemic.  I've posted about this at length in other threads so i won't repeat it here and just give one example.  HGEN has a therapeutic that had good trial results submitted for EUA.  It's been about 14 weeks.  We need a yay or nay faster.  Give the FDA the resources it needs to evaluate treatments and separate fact from fiction.

Agreed good first step on climate change, but let's see something concrete.

Border is still a disaster.

Agree with you on the fourth, but my dog is more presidential than Trump so that's not a high bar.

Back at you.  I don't even know what point you are trying to debate.  There were no human trials, right up until there were human trials, which was right around the time Warp Speed came into being.  They don't do human trials the first day of vaccine development.  This isn't that hard.  

 How about you provide a link that it did?  That's how proving things works.  You prove that something did happen, not that it didn't.  

I used those specific events to illustrate that vaccine development was well underway in advance of operation Warp Speed.  You are naturally trying to split hairs to try to refute what is plainly obvious to most people.  So have fun with that.   :thumbup:
No, you prove a hypothesis.  I didn't make the claim, you did.  You tried to use some logic about timelines as some sort of proof to your claim. I effectively poked holes in your logic so what else you got?

No, you prove a hypothesis.  I didn't make the claim, you did.  You tried to use some logic about timelines as some sort of proof to your claim. I effectively poked holes in your logic so what else you got?
I never made any claim of the sort you suggest.  Fight your own strawman.    :boxing:

Direct Headline: Female high school athletes fear for their future with inclusion of transgender women in sports

February 09, 2021 11:52 AM


"(High school competitive athlete) Selina Soule spent years (of her life) training in the hopes of securing a college scholarship ( and access to a full college education) and leaving behind a legacy at her high school by (hopefully) setting new records in track.

( Then she placed one spot away, from qualifying for the finals and garnering the subsequent opportunity to compete at the New England Regional Championships so she could appeal to recruiters and secure college financial aid, during the 2019 Connecticut Indoor Track & Field State Championships.)

Two competitors, that bested her, in that race went on to the New England Regionals, and currently combined still hold 15 state championship titles "for women" and 17 school records (overall).

Who bested Soule? Biological men who identify as women."


Biden is the best President if you are a man who wants to compete as a woman and rack up titles, school records and hoover up scholarships while everyone else will be cancelled, doxxed, hunted down, fired or ostracized if they want to point out the physical advantages a man has competing in a sport where the rest of the field are women.

Biden would NOT be the best President if Soule and her female teammates and competitors were instead preteen 11 and 12 year old "brown" girls at the Southern Border and/or slated to be war brides/spoils of war for the Taliban, who are all being gang raped right now.  But should this surprise anyone in terms of Biden's response to minorities, esp as he was a close friend to Robert Byrd, a KKK high level fixer, then he opposed busing, screamed out about keeping his kids from "racial jungles", said Obama was different and better because he was "nice and clean" ( as oppose to what alternative?), was accused by his own VP of being a racist in public debate, was caught lying about marching for Civil Rights and his relationship with Nelson Mandela,  and authored the 1994 Crime Bill that was aimed at putting young black men in prison that he openly admitted in 2020 as a "mistake and he shouldn't have done it"  Yes, he only said it when it would cost him votes, but not in the decades inbetween.

If you are a teenage girl and facing Biden Administration public policy, I guess the brutal question to be asked then is if the best one can do is not be raped.  But if you are that teenage girl and "brown", maybe the safest thing to do is to keep running as far from Biden as fast as possible.

Did you want to take a moment, collect your thoughts here, consider the value of consistency and then call me a liar?


Very excited to announce my commitment to run at the Division 1 level at the College of Charleston. Here’s to the next four! #comeCus

I never made any claim of the sort you suggest.  Fight your own strawman.    :boxing:

parrot said:
Saw it.  Doesn't change anything I said.  If anything it makes it clear that most of the infrastructure necessary to develop the vaccines was in place well before Trump and was operating fine independent of Trump.  
Gonna need proof of this claim other than Warp Speed was "announced" just two weeks after the first human trials.

Also counter evidence is the the facts about Warp Speed:

The program promoted mass production of multiple vaccines, and different types of vaccine technologies, based on preliminary evidence, allowing for faster distribution if clinical trials confirm one of the vaccines is safe and effective. The plan anticipated that some of these vaccines will not prove safe or effective, making the program more costly than typical vaccine development, but potentially leading to the availability of a viable vaccine several months earlier than typical timelines.

Would we have the vaccine without Trump - absolutely, someday.

Would we have the vaccine today without Trump - debatable.

Would be have started vaccinating the general public on December 14, 2020 without Trump - No Way.

I respect a most of your posting and learn a lot, but there's a ton he could have done better on the pandemic.  I've posted about this at length in other threads so i won't repeat it here and just give one example.  HGEN has a therapeutic that had good trial results submitted for EUA.  It's been about 14 weeks.  We need a yay or nay faster.  Give the FDA the resources it needs to evaluate treatments and separate fact from fiction.

Agreed good first step on climate change, but let's see something concrete.

Border is still a disaster.

Agree with you on the fourth, but my dog is more presidential than Trump so that's not a high bar.
Thanks. I don’t think it’s Biden’s fault the FDA’s approval process appears maddeningly slow. The POTUS shouldn’t be driving decisions on unproven medical therapeutics, as we’ve seen the harm done by politicizing drugs.

I also believe many are driven more by finance than science when promoting covid therapeutics. Googling “HGEN trial” yields 6 finance articles before anything focused solely on the therapeutic utility of the drug, which is pretty disgusting IMO.

I think I made this point before - I think Biden was a bad candidate and is starting to prove he was a bad choice.  But I don't think he's a bad person.  And that was a part of why I voted for him.  Most of the people in here saying he's horrible would have thought he was horrible no matter how Afghanistan turned out.  It's unfortunate that he screwed that up so badly but not because of the partisan politics stuff but because people died.  I'm still unsure how much "credit' he gets for ending the war vs. how much "blame" he gets for how he's handled it.  But right now it's hard to give much credit with the way things were executed.
I lean toward giving him credit.  Bottom line, he ended the war and our involvement.  Bad intel to not anticipate the swift movement of the Taliban; bad strategy to close Bagram; bad luck that a suicide bomber struck.  But he got us out through an overall impressive effort at the airport.  History will judge, though.


Gonna need proof of this claim other than Warp Speed was "announced" just two weeks after the first human trials.
See supermike80's link. 

Also counter evidence is the the facts about Warp Speed:


Would we have the vaccine without Trump - absolutely, someday.

Would we have the vaccine today without Trump - debatable.

Would be have started vaccinating the general public on December 14, 2020 without Trump - No Way.
Pure conjecture.  Other Presidents are equally capable of throwing money at issues.  Isn't this a big beef with Biden?  

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BladeRunner said:
 During the Trump years you guys adamantly insisted that POTUS had nothing to do with the stock market.

Why has your position now changed on that?
Spit the hook out. 

Godsbrother said:
Aside from the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle I think he's been ok.
Really?  This alone will lead to incredible fallout with our allies and enemies both.  NATO is dead.  UK doesn't view us as an ally anymore.  Let that sink in.  Do you think Russia, Iran and China won't look to take advantage?  

flavved obviously; i think Trump has skewed everyone’s definition of what/who the president is. The President’s are made/broke by the people they place in charge. Honestly i couldn’t tell you who the secretary of homeland security is as it’s been too exhausting the past few years to try and figure out whose fired this week and who the new one is. we are government of the people, for the people, by the people and not a damn reality tv show which is what we’ve turned into. 


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