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Gabby Petito, 22, missing (1 Viewer)

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JohnnyU said:
In the internet age it is almost impossible to hide forever.  His parents could have arranged for him to disappear to a country that doesn't have extradition to the US.  I hope they aren't that smart.  I still think he's in a ditch somewhere dead from a self inflicted injury.

Yeah no way he hides forever unless he goes to a foreign country. Plus if the parents helped out and they can proved some other type of shady illegal stuff by the parents they can legally start cutting their bank funds and freezing assets. Thats a good way to pressure people to talk. Parents I believe are hiding something. 

JohnnyU said:
Proving they helped would probably be hard to prove.

If they have valid reason to get a search warrant for the house and all they can also legally search parents phones and other electronics in the house and such. I doubt this dude's parents were smart enough to know how to clear history and such 

the moops said:
Where do you people come up with these things?

How does some idiot like this guy get fake papers?

Do you know how many "retired" and "not suppose to be involved" wise guys are in FL as well as a lot of other shady people? Theres a way. If he did get fake papers I'm gonna take a gander that there was more people involved 

Yea this guy is no criminal mastermind. I’m shocked they haven’t found him yet. 

You'd be shocked at the ineptness of police searches sometimes. A girl at my school who's mother worked in the office and her older daughter was a grade below me has been missing for 5-7 yrs now. She had some drug issues in the past, was caught by her sister on an escort site, has 2 small kids and and was wanted for fake prescriptions and blank checks before she went missing. Still haven't found her. The family was so in shocked by the police and FBI (The girl is on the FBI wanted list too) search they hired their own PI because the LEO search was so disorganized. Girl still hasn't been found. She left without anything from her own house and vanished no one saw her leave. Always went on some binge for a few days but always called to check on her kids. When she didn't that's when everyone started to panic. Fear is she is dead or ended up with some pimp she's strung out and working for. The local police also have seemed disinterest in the case from day 1. She got hooked on Oxy and all after a C Section from one of her births and went downhill from there. 

 Now I don't know how this is everywhere else but I've read a few horror stories of LEO ineptness and disorganization on these cases in the past. Most of the time unfortunately the end result of the issue is people in power struggles. Instead of being team players each agency wants to do their own thing (FBI isn't fans of local or state police and vis versa) which causes a lot of chaos that isn't warranted.

Going back to this case the fact the BF or the parents were prime suspects from the start after the car fiasco is just mind boggling. If I was in charge of any of this I would've already said Timeout "Why the F don't we have the parents already in for questioning and why the hell is the kid a prime suspect and just a Person of Interest?" Just seems like LEO has fudged a lot of things up here and theres some cleaning up needed and reorganization. It does finally look like they are turning their attention their attention to the parents. I fear it's too little too late though. 

Yes, that was a little out there.  But, if his parents are well off they could sneak him out of the country.  Or is that a little out there too?  He will most likely be found, I agree.  I remember reading several years ago about an Asian man who committed murder and somehow ended up back in China it is believed.

Read a story about a guy on Deathrow that Judge postponed his sentence do to the jail denying some legal religious last rights. Anyway he was charged in a murder from 2006 of a store owner in Texas stabbed multiple times by him and 2 others. Ran off separately ended up in Mexico and was found by the FEDs 1 1/2 yrs later. It's possible he could be found though 

Interesting... I know lots of "guys," but don't think I know any guys who could get me "papers." 

I actually know a guy and am serious. My parents are really good friends with Joey Merlinos cousin who I know was involved in the family business for a bit. Not saying it'd ever happen but the dude literally suggested to me at holiday party his wife and him had that if I needed anything ever (wink wink nudge nudge) don't hesitate to ask and he'd put in the favor. 

I actually know a guy and am serious. My parents are really good friends with Joey Merlinos cousin who I know was involved in the family business for a bit. Not saying it'd ever happen but the dude literally suggested to me at holiday party his wife and him had that if I needed anything ever (wink wink nudge nudge) don't hesitate to ask and he'd put in the favor. 


Yeah he use to beat up Joey when they were younger so Joeys dad had to come to his cousin's house and tell "Nick's" dad for Nick to Stop beating Little Joey Up.. Merlino was really small as kid. He grew fairly tall but skinny (hence the nickname). Walked by him a few times on South Street down int he city a few times before I knew his cousin. Always said Hi in the South Philly Accent. 

Yeah no way he hides forever unless he goes to a foreign country.

Doesn't need to hide forever. Just needs to lay low until this story spins out of the daily media cycle.

On the premise that Laundrie wants to hide, he can shave, grow his hair out long and put on 40 pounds of weight. Ever see someone lose a dramatic amount of weight? How you almost can't recognize them, especially  if you see them infrequently versus daily?

Law enforcement is looking for a single person. Laundrie is better off waiting and trying to find a single mother with a couple of kids. Come up with a cover story, meet a single mom with two kids coming over from the Border Crisis and try to start over somewhere.

How often have you walked into a restaurant or a gas station and seen a man, a woman and a couple of kids and not paid any notice to them?  He's about 5'8, so he's average height and as long as he stays out of airports, public buildings and places that have high density of cameras, he's got better odds.

The pandemic also gives him some cover. He can wear a hood and baseball cap and mask all the time and no one will pay much attention. He could find a spot near a college campus when the pandemic lifts and source food everywhere. Think how much food is wasted or thrown out on the average college campus? He puts on a backpack and times his movements and he's a ghost surrounded by other early 20s people.

He needs six months of food and a place to hide and some access to clean potable water. He needs to keep his mind busy so if he has a laptop and some power source, he can just play games or read up on skills he needs to learn. As long as he's "air gapped" from anything from his previous life, he's got a chance.

If there was ever a time in American history to try to hide, this entire mess of a pandemic is some of the best/worst cover someone could have.

"I'm looking for cash work"


"Pandemic has hit me hard, things turned bad, restaurant I worked at shut down because of the lockdowns"

Oh? OK, I need a dishwasher. You can eat leftovers too. We were going to throw them out anyway.

Tragic. I hope he's caught, guilty or not, so the girl's family can have some closure.

Hiding anything in life is ultimately a test of discipline. If he's disciplined, he has a chance.

I actually know a guy and am serious. My parents are really good friends with Joey Merlinos cousin who I know was involved in the family business for a bit. Not saying it'd ever happen but the dude literally suggested to me at holiday party his wife and him had that if I needed anything ever (wink wink nudge nudge) don't hesitate to ask and he'd put in the favor. 
Does he work in sanitation?

The need to be "right" is the real sickness here. 
Don't include me on that.  I simply made a suggestion about his parents, but also said he will most likely get caught or is dead.  It isn't fair to insinuate that I have a need to be right.  Or was this a joke pertaining to the need to be right thread?

This is a terrible story and I get the public fascination with it. But I have to say that the amount of time devoted to this story on all 3 news channels, when there are serious issues out there that are affecting millions of people in real time, is pretty depressing. I get why they do it- I understand that it’s all about ratings and that, at the moment, the tale of this poor woman’s demise is garnering more attention than news about Covid, climate change, the budget, Afghanistan, or the border (probably all of those combined, I’m guessing) but it’s still pretty depressing. 

This is a terrible story and I get the public fascination with it. But I have to say that the amount of time devoted to this story on all 3 news channels, when there are serious issues out there that are affecting millions of people in real time, is pretty depressing. I get why they do it- I understand that it’s all about ratings and that, at the moment, the tale of this poor woman’s demise is garnering more attention than news about Covid, climate change, the budget, Afghanistan, or the border (probably all of those combined, I’m guessing) but it’s still pretty depressing. 
I think the moral of the story is to quit watching the news. 

The Laundrie's attorneys name is Steven Bertolino and has been practicing law in Long Island since 1994 after earning his law degree from Hofstra.

If I was a betting man, I might bet that he might know a guy who could get fake papers on short notice. 

This is a terrible story and I get the public fascination with it. But I have to say that the amount of time devoted to this story on all 3 news channels, when there are serious issues out there that are affecting millions of people in real time, is pretty depressing. I get why they do it- I understand that it’s all about ratings and that, at the moment, the tale of this poor woman’s demise is garnering more attention than news about Covid, climate change, the budget, Afghanistan, or the border (probably all of those combined, I’m guessing) but it’s still pretty depressing. 

Here's a fun fact. The coporate media news is a run and owned by the Elites. They don't want to talk about that stuff. They do these moral stories covering them so you don't think they are complete scum of the earth that they are. It's to distract from bigger issues. 

For Example Covering Trump Impeachment while the CIA ran black ops for a war regime change in Bolivia to put the US puppet in there. The new leader killed everyone who opposed him, soldiers sexually assaulted and murdered young girls and females. But most of the US didn't care because of IMPEACHMENT PRECEEDINGS we all knew wasn't going to work. Luckily the Bolivian people took their country back. I think the best thing we can do is keep the family in our thoughts and hope for the best possible outcome and move on. 

This is a terrible story and I get the public fascination with it. But I have to say that the amount of time devoted to this story on all 3 news channels, when there are serious issues out there that are affecting millions of people in real time, is pretty depressing. I get why they do it- I understand that it’s all about ratings and that, at the moment, the tale of this poor woman’s demise is garnering more attention than news about Covid, climate change, the budget, Afghanistan, or the border (probably all of those combined, I’m guessing) but it’s still pretty depressing. 
I don't think it is just about ratings. This couple had their summer travels across the country blogged, and they were noticeable to others, and had encounters with others including the police. Putting the story out to the public helps in gathering any tips others may have who crossed paths with them. One tip has already helped find what is probably her body, but prior to that, they were in a race against time trying to find her, and her parents pushed to get the word out. On the news station I watch in the morning (CBS Mornings), they just gave a one to two minute update today. I don't think the story has gotten more air time than the above things you mentioned, but if there are updates they are going to be aired.  Anyway, I have no problem with his face being circulated on media outlets. I hope someone recognizes him, and he is caught.

I love how people think he's just walking around and/or hitchhiking to wherever he might be going. 

He's managed to avoid being found, yet he's just gonna strap on a backpack and hit the bricks with no disguise or anything.


You gotta keep moving if you need to get food and are tryign to get somewhere safe

Three words for you:  White....Woman.....Missing.

When someone misplaces the worlds most coveted (and I have no idea why..with their flat butts, pale skin and latent Karen gene) asset......people start looking.  
Missing White Woman Syndrome a top trending topic on Twitter.  I was told earlier that a missing person case will always draw more attention than an unsolved murder case.  But Gabby was NOT the only missing person in this country.  According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person File, there are 89,637 active missing person records.  

I'm hoping somebody smarter than me can explain our fascination with this one missing and now dead person vs the thousands of active missing persons that get zero national attention.  

The shape of the ears are not the same. Dude on the trail cam pic has a smaller, more pointy ear than Brian. All these poor early 20s balding white dudes need to be on high alert because at any point someone could accuse them of being Brian Laundrie.

:lmao:   :lmao:

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