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Otis fad diet thread — yoga, fasting, and kevzilla walking on🚶‍♂️ (1 Viewer)

Came in today at 200.... which is 8 pounds more than the last time I weighed myself.... oof.  I was pretty steady at 195 for a while before dropping down to 192 last week, so maybe the scale was off that day.

I did snack on some chickpea puffs last night that were loaded with sodium.  Wondering if I just retained a lot of water weight because of that.  Going to avoid those levels of sodium today and tomorrow and weigh in again on Thursday morning.  For the amount of exercise I've been doing and calculating my calorie intake I simply don't see how I would be gaining significant weight unless it's muscle mass that had been gained (doubtful).  I'm pretty new to even owning a scale, so I'm not sure how normal it is to fluctuate.
Kinda forgot about the scale as I’m more concerned about my fitness than I am weight, but just came in at 190 this morning, so progress is being made

Lifted 4x last week so back in the groove.  And I'm starting to get some strength back.  While never super strong, I've always been decently strong since I'm a pretty good sized guy naturally.  Even after two major operations and losing 45 pounds, I'm still a solid 220 with maybe 10 pounds I could lose.  Anyway, when I started lifting 2 months ago, I could barely bench 135 5x.  I'm now benching 195 5x hopefully on my way back to working sets with 225x.  And I've gone from not being able to even move myself more than a couple of inches to being able to do 3 pullups.

Not exactly bro numbers but solid improvement that I'm quite happy with.  Particularly since I'm in my mid-50's.   

Good luck and keep at it to everyone ITT. 

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Well it was a long weekend for me. 

Was quite busy and active all weekend but never did any exercise other than yardwork or walking the dog. Ate decent except one night, did drink wine most nights tho.  

Got on the mat this morning for a 50-min yin yoga session, primarily because I was sore from the weekend. Plan to eat well today. May sub in the treadmill for dog walking today, as it is damn cold here. 

Keep up the good work!

Haven't been able to get 100% focused on fitness this year for some reason, but still holding steady at around 202 which is OK given my habits so far this year (although I want to be under 200).  I still eat healthy meals at least once or twice a day and drink only ~ half the days which has kept me from gaining weight I guess.  

Posting now because I'm going to go a couple weeks without any booze, increase my steps, and track calories for that period of time... wish me luck :)  

Yesterday was a pretty good day, even if there was a bit of wine.  

Today I just did my 50-min full practice yoga session.  Lots of crow's today (2 normal, 1 each side).  A few boats at the end for fun.  Will walk on the treadmill later as the weather here is a sleet/snow mess.  

Plan to eat well today.  Would like to stay off the wine today, but I find it hard on days when I don't even get outside the house.  

Keep up the good work!

Drinks were had last night.  Again.

Did a 50-min yin yoga session this morning and will get on the treadmill later.  

Breaking news, we are probably getting a 'smart rower'.  Just trying to decide between the top 2-3 rated but the decision has been made.  If anyone has thoughts on the Hydrow, Ergatta, or even the Nordic Track 900, I'd like to hear them.  

Keep up the good work!

Tomorrow should be a good test of my fitness. Going to Santa Cruz to ride the famous Demo Forest Flow Trail.  Last time we did it, we did two laps, which worked out to 21 miles and 3,800 feet of climbing. We also didn’t bring enough trail snacks or water, so I will be better prepared this time.  If Da Raiders ever gets a bike he will need to get up here and ride this trail because it’s an absolute blast for all skill levels (assuming you have the fitness to get to the top).

I cheated last night on my elimination diet because my neighbor brought over a growler of Pliny the Younger and I’ve never had it before and this didn’t involve standing in a line at the local Alehouse at 4:00am.

Checked the scale this morning and down two more pounds to 188. Feels kinda good breaking past 190. 

Haven't been able to get 100% focused on fitness this year for some reason, but still holding steady at around 202 which is OK given my habits so far this year (although I want to be under 200).  I still eat healthy meals at least once or twice a day and drink only ~ half the days which has kept me from gaining weight I guess.  

Posting now because I'm going to go a couple weeks without any booze, increase my steps, and track calories for that period of time... wish me luck :)  

No drinks since this post, over 10K steps every day (I know that's lame compared to some of you but I gotta do what I can do), tracked calories only about half the time, diet still questionable.

Conclusion: total success so far  :lol:  

Very nearly broke the 4th toe on my left foot on the way to bed last night, navigating through a dark and not particularly well-kept house. I know it's not broken because I went 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning, though it wasn't particularly pleasant. After two weeks at 35 minutes, I'm probably ready for 40 next week.

To add insult to injury, the scale says I gained 0.1 pounds this week. Lame.

2,700 calories burned on the bike today, and best part is I felt really strong doing it. Ate super healthy too. Banana with sautéed potatoes and bell peppers for breakfast, orange slices, another banana and a hummus/avocado wrap for lunch. Will probably have a protein shake pre-dinner. 

Hey guys.  I'm back.

Well, not back.  Just back from vacation.  

I am fatter and more out of shape than I can ever recall being in my life.  I think I'm 46 or 47.  That's pretty ***OFFICIALLY*** middle aged dude.  That's when everything with health can start going wrong.  

I just can't let this happen.  I need to turn this around.  

I lifted weights for 15 minutes in my basement yesterday.  It was something at least. I need to find a new routine that sticks.  The good news is I'm back to the office soon, which means commuting several days a week and getting my steps in.  I'm not drinking anymore.  Today I made a smoothie for lunch with all sorts of healthy junk in it.  

Anyway, it's bad.  I need to find the magic pill to get things right.  Until then, grinding along.

Good luck in your journeys.


Hey guys.  I'm back.

Well, not back.  Just back from vacation.  

I am fatter and more out of shape than I can ever recall being in my life.  I think I'm 46 or 47.  That's pretty ***OFFICIALLY*** middle aged dude.  That's when everything with health can start going wrong.  

I just can't let this happen.  I need to turn this around.  

I lifted weights for 15 minutes in my basement yesterday.  It was something at least. I need to find a new routine that sticks.  The good news is I'm back to the office soon, which means commuting several days a week and getting my steps in.  I'm not drinking anymore.  Today I made a smoothie for lunch with all sorts of healthy junk in it.  

Anyway, it's bad.  I need to find the magic pill to get things right.  Until then, grinding along.

Good luck in your journeys.

Welcome back!   There is no magic pill GB.   Getting healthier takes work and often means giving up or at least limiting food/drinks that we love.   Getting healthier should also include working out which takes time and can be uncomfortable. 

Make a simple and realistic plan that you can follow consistently.   Good luck.  

Hey guys.  I'm back.

Well, not back.  Just back from vacation.  

I am fatter and more out of shape than I can ever recall being in my life.  I think I'm 46 or 47.  That's pretty ***OFFICIALLY*** middle aged dude.  That's when everything with health can start going wrong.  

I just can't let this happen.  I need to turn this around.  

I lifted weights for 15 minutes in my basement yesterday.  It was something at least. I need to find a new routine that sticks.  The good news is I'm back to the office soon, which means commuting several days a week and getting my steps in.  I'm not drinking anymore.  Today I made a smoothie for lunch with all sorts of healthy junk in it.  

Anyway, it's bad.  I need to find the magic pill to get things right.  Until then, grinding along.

Good luck in your journeys.

I know I've said it in here before, but I think the key to this is finding an exercise that you enjoy doing.  Whether that is running, cycling, walking, hiking, yoga, pushups, lifting weights, rowing, or organized sports.  It doesn't really matter which, but you have to look forward to doing it or if you're anything like me you'll find excuses not to.  

Diet is the key to losing the weight.  Exercise will help you keep it off, and increase your fitness.  I would argue the fitness component is more important, but they are connected to some degree.  Find some foods you enjoy eating and make them healthy.

Due to a medical diagnosis I've been forced to radically change my diet, but I'm finding ways to eat the foods I enjoy within the framework I've been given.  Make small changes to things you normally eat.  If you want to cook burgers, make roasted broccoli as a side instead of fries or chips.  If you are making a dish with rice, substitute brown rice as it has more nutrients and fiber, which makes you feel full faster. Instead of making a sandwich on white bread, use whole grain bread.  Add an extra serving of fruits or vegetables to each meal. A big one that helped me lose a lot of weight last year was to cut back on added oil.  It's easy to cut out hundreds of calories per day if you either don't use oil or use a light spray.

I've gone two months with basically no alcohol, and while there have been moments where I really would love to have a beer or two, I frankly do not miss waking up hung over.  Even when I get the clear from the doctor to resume alcohol I will definitely dial it way back.  It's amazing how many calories can be consumed in liquid form, and it's basically given me the green light to eat almost whatever I want.  When I'm at a party or social function these are a good alternative.  I also drink cans of just regular flavored sparkling water.

Did a 50-min full practice this morning. 

Ate relatively well yesterday, but did have an adult beverage with dinner.  Monday was a day.  Did walk the dog as well.  So it was a wash.

Got my down dog report for February, only 19 of 28 days on the mat.  A little disappointing.  Only one weekend day, so I know where to focus to improve my stats.  

Keep up the good work!

Having a glass of wine waiting for the Mrs to get my poke bowl.  Only having a couple drinks probably 3 days a week but I'm finding it hard to stop. I enjoy it.  I'm eating pretty well.  Saw an earlier post about eliminating oil.  Only problem is I just got some great D5 All Clad pans and you can't use spray.  So it's oil or butter.  I'll have to figure out a way to counter that.  I need to lose that last 5-10 lbs.

On a good note - I rocked my stress test today.  13.4 METs and the technician said everything looked great.  Had to keep increasing speed and elevation levels to get my heart rate to desired level.  Went to 91% of capacity.  I'll have the debrief with my cardiologist on Friday, but it was a positive day 2 years after my heart attack.

Did 20 miles with 1,500 feet of elevation gain on the mountain bike yesterday evening.  Climbed up a trail that completely wiped me out a couple months ago, and did it without even stopping to rest and felt pretty good when I got to the top of the hill.  I'm encouraged by the progress being made, but still slightly terrified of the race.

Starting to feel momentum for essentially the first time in 2022. Went on 2.5-mile walks each of the last 3 mornings, and the weather was so nice that I did another one yesterday afternoon. Booze intake has been reduced significantly, and there might be a light at the end of the tunnel wrt professional life craziness. Once again stocking the kitchen with healthier snacks and foods. Long way to go until I make it back to where I was before the holidays, but things are finally trending up. Hope everyone else is doing well!

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Two medium Yukon gold potatoes- 220 calories

A little olive oil - depends how much you use but 50 calories max. 

Microwave potatoes for 3 minutes. Preheat air fryer to 400.   Cut microwaved potatoes into fries. Separate and pat dry because they stick to each other. 

Cook for 5 minutes.  Add a little olive oil,  salt, black pepper, and any onion, garlic or chili/chipotle/cayenne pepper if desired.  Put back in air fryer until desired doneness, usually 5 to 8 min for me but i like them well done. Depends how thinb you cut them too. 

Really filling snack that feels like I'm cheating and it doesn't take long to make.  

Oh hey, laughing emojis are back!

Put in another 2.5 mile walk this morning. It's amazing how quickly my legs are readjusting to exercise -- my top speed is already a minute faster than it was on Monday. There will be booze tonight as I just got a big job offer ( :pickle: ) but back on the horse afterwards. 


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