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Video games...what ya playing? And what are you looking forward to? (4 Viewers)

Thanks.  Stuff like this is in particular is really helpful.  My understanding of the game is sufficiently weak that I can't even really tell if I'm getting off to a good start or not, but I can see how those very early decisions become incredibly important later on.  
It's a very deep game but doesn't have to be overwhelming. I've been playing the various iterations since the 90's and still love it. But I will say I rarely finish a game, I really love the exploration and early historic periods like building ancient wonders and just play casually for fun with randomly generated maps. Once you get into the Industrial or Modern era and your pumping out tanks and such I start to lose interest but that's just me.

One thing about Civ 6 though is the base game has some very frustrating aspects to the AI. One in particular is that they are big land grabbers which ticks me off to no end. I will have a nice area explored with good resources and something strategic that is a perfect fit between my capital and another city. While building my settler 9 times out of 10 the AI will plop a city down there before I can stop them even if their next closest city is half a continent away. The expansions fixed this thankfully and added some fun features like volcano's and floods, some new civilizations to play, etc. They should be sufficiently cheap to easily purchase now. They do add a lot more features though, so could be a little overwhelming to a brand new player.

I always stay away from conflict and build my science.   Don't start any wars until you got some tanks and everyone else still riding horses.  Usually win by space race

That is how I used to play for every version prior to civ 6, I would occasionally go for other wins, but science was my go to.

I branched out this time and am pretty evenly split on all win conditions except religion. It is too grindy/micromanaging.

Civ is a game that honestly you can have two completely different goals on how to play.  Of course, its a game so you can be trying to win in the most dominating, gamey way possible.  Every so often I do that.  But to be honest, I play the game relaxed and just to almost enjoy the journey.  Naturally, there are basic rules and tips, but I just like to live/role-play my civ in the most realistic way I want. Once I learned the basic strategy I just went to Prince/King and have fun taking a Civ through "history".

ETA:  And this guy's videos are great in understanding the basic concepts/strategies.  He's got a lot of them for different CIVs as well:

I almost posted something along these lines.  On an intuitive level, this game almost feels like a sim, and I can 100% see where it would be really fun to play that way.  I had a lot of fun just watching what the other civs were doing.  When they would go to war with one another I could just sit there and watch them fight all day.  

It's a very deep game but doesn't have to be overwhelming. I've been playing the various iterations since the 90's and still love it. But I will say I rarely finish a game, I really love the exploration and early historic periods like building ancient wonders and just play casually for fun with randomly generated maps. Once you get into the Industrial or Modern era and your pumping out tanks and such I start to lose interest but that's just me.

When it first was released you had to keep the Civ book onhand because it would ask you a question on turn ~50 and you had to answer it correctly or else the game would quit.

This was the antipiracy that they implemented in the 90's, although I also had Civ 1 on the SNES and that did not have the question.

One thing about Civ 6 though is the base game has some very frustrating aspects to the AI. One in particular is that they are big land grabbers which ticks me off to no end. I will have a nice area explored with good resources and something strategic that is a perfect fit between my capital and another city. While building my settler 9 times out of 10 the AI will plop a city down there before I can stop them even if their next closest city is half a continent away. The expansions fixed this thankfully and added some fun features like volcano's and floods, some new civilizations to play, etc. They should be sufficiently cheap to easily purchase now. They do add a lot more features though, so could be a little overwhelming to a brand new player.

I have never had that problem. I am very expansionist and even on Immortal I can grab the most land. My problem is i fall behind in science and extremely far behind in culture on the harder difficulties.

I can keep up in expansion and production.

I almost posted something along these lines.  On an intuitive level, this game almost feels like a sim, and I can 100% see where it would be really fun to play that way.  I had a lot of fun just watching what the other civs were doing.  When they would go to war with one another I could just sit there and watch them fight all day.  
Exactly!  Yeah and of course that often jives with what CIV I choose (or get assigned) too.  If I'm Mongolia you darn right, I'm sweeping the steppe.  India?  Just getting huge.  Japan?  Isolating and daring jerks to attack.  Now obviously the game also encourages you (via bonus, etc) to possibly play like a sim, but I do probably go the extra mile more often than not for giggles and 'history' what-ifs.

My 11 year old son got 3 red cards playing FIFA against me last night, and still beat me 2-0.  Man I really need some practice.

I knew there would come a time when my kid would crush me on every game, I just didn't think it would happen so soon.   :bag:
Yeah my MLB the Show obsessed son wiped the floor with me the other day. It was embarrassing.

Well....I'm like 7 years and a console generation late, but I'm finally playing Fallout 4 for the first time  :bowtie:

Huge Skyrim fan, but I've played that 3 times now, and I have been in the mood for a large ambitious open world game again for the past few months. 200 hour Witcher 3 is too intimidating for me right now though lol.

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Well....I'm like 7 years and a console generation late, but I'm finally playing Fallout 4 for the first time  :bowtie:

Huge Skyrim fan, but I've played that 3 times now, and I have been in the mood for a large ambitious open world game again for the past few months. 200 hour Witcher 3 is too intimidating for me right now though lol.
This won't make sense for a while.  But you can start ignoring Preston once he gets annoying.  

Thanks.  Stuff like this is in particular is really helpful.  My understanding of the game is sufficiently weak that I can't even really tell if I'm getting off to a good start or not, but I can see how those very early decisions become incredibly important later on.  
Another good resource are the zigzagzigal guides on steam. very detailed on civ specific stratgys.

I've been largely on a Retro kick of late.

Got the Disney Afternoon collection with the old school Disney games from NES.  It would be cool to go back and play those games on the NES, but feels like old school stuff keeps going up in price.  I'm a big fan of these remastered collections.  

I've been looking into getting a 3DS.  The 3DS E-shop is going to close early next year and you can apparently only add funds to your 3ds E-shop account until sometime in August.  

The 3DS itself has a lot of good games.  But the E-shop seems like the bigger appeal.  You can download a lot of classic gameboy/Gameboy color games for like 4-5$ a pop.  

I enjoy the bigger scale games on Xbox/Playstation more.  But sometimes it's nice to have a quick platformer where you can pick it up, pound out a few levels, and go back to the next one.  

We were recently flying to and from Seattle.  I've taken the Switch on 1 flight and it's hard to get into/focus on bigger games on a 2-3 hour flight.  I Thought it would be cool to have a system with a lot of these old school games for those type of situations.  

Yeah, just learning basic game mechanics like how to plan your cities for good adjacency bonuses and which wonders to prioritize early makes a massive difference in Civ 6.  My first science win -- when I was trying to win but didn't know what I was doing -- just barely happened in 2030 or so, a couple of decades before the world was set to end.  My second win came in a game where I thought I was just screwing around and ended up winning easily about 80 years earlier.   

Now I need to start bumping the difficulty, but I think I'm going to take that gradually.  Now that I at least understand the general gist of how you get a science victory, I want to play around with culture sometime.

I've been looking into getting a 3DS.  The 3DS E-shop is going to close early next year and you can apparently only add funds to your 3ds E-shop account until sometime in August.  

The 3DS itself has a lot of good games.  But the E-shop seems like the bigger appeal.  You can download a lot of classic gameboy/Gameboy color games for like 4-5$ a pop.  

I enjoy the bigger scale games on Xbox/Playstation more.  But sometimes it's nice to have a quick platformer where you can pick it up, pound out a few levels, and go back to the next one.  

We were recently flying to and from Seattle.  I've taken the Switch on 1 flight and it's hard to get into/focus on bigger games on a 2-3 hour flight.  I Thought it would be cool to have a system with a lot of these old school games for those type of situations.  
How to hack your 3DS

I’m all for supporting platforms I like but Nintendo charging $5 for the same games I have already purchased several times is criminal. Especially since I purchased hundreds of them at their original $49 price tag. 

How to hack your 3DS

I’m all for supporting platforms I like but Nintendo charging $5 for the same games I have already purchased several times is criminal. Especially since I purchased hundreds of them at their original $49 price tag. 
What does Hacking do?  I read you can download games for free.  Can you download literally any gameboy/ds/3ds game?  Do you worry about viruses and such to the machine from downloading said games?

What does Hacking do?  I read you can download games for free.  Can you download literally any gameboy/ds/3ds game?  Do you worry about viruses and such to the machine from downloading said games?

I have a modded Wii with all snes, nes, Sega Genesis, N64, and Wii games. 

The modding was more because of lack of support. It was not to do with cost as I spend a ton of money on Nintendo products. 

Downloading from torrents can expose you to viruses. I have had this collection for years and have not downloaded from torrents in a long time.

I would recommend a dedicated computer for going to those sites and then you can reformat it when done.

What does Hacking do?  I read you can download games for free.  Can you download literally any gameboy/ds/3ds game?  Do you worry about viruses and such to the machine from downloading said games?
Yes to all of it. My Wii has thousands of games from all kinds of systems. I did that like 10 years ago.

Like the poster says above- anytime you download anything from the internet you could expose yourself to a virus. I have an old laptop I only use for stuff like that.

TBA- It’s probably a good idea to gobble up everything rom you can while that stuff is still accessible. We’ve taken for granted that games which cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce and generated thousands to millions of dollars of revenue are just widely available all over the web. 

I know I'm late to the party on this, but I absolutely love the Divinity: Original Sin series.  I'd had them in my steam account for years, but just dove into them over the last year.  They are kinda right in the middle of the Indy - AAA spectrum, don't worry about the super polished realistic graphics the AAA titles all tend towards and have more depth then most of the Indy games i play (some of them are great, not ripping on them at all).  They are also more of a "thinking" game then most now days, they don't handhold you through everything, and put a marker up for exactly where you go next on each quest, and you have to find your own way through some stuff.  The battles are all as much puzzles as they are fights, and they really seem like they will have some replicability based off choosing different skill paths for your party, especially magic.  Hope games like this keep coming out because in 20 years when i'm not all in the must click this fast, or cast this immediately or I'm dead mode, a slow thinking game will be exactly what i want.

I know a bunch of guys here have said how good they were, just glad I finally stopped replaying old games and jumped to something new.

I had my old emulator/ROM PC die recently, so I'm in the process of setting up a new one.  The launchers these days are so much better than when I initially set mine up 8-10 years ago.

I went ahead and paid the $30 for Launchbox (was using Hyperspin prior) and, although I've only spent a small amount of time with it, it's just so dang easy to use.  I simply configure the emulator I want to use (I've done MAME and NES so far) and then tell it to import ROMs and point it to a folder where they are.  Then it asks me if I want to download all of the related box art, descriptions, etc. and it just grabs everything for you and automatically puts everything where it needs to go.  I know I spent days trying to figure out how to do all of that last time and it was completely manual process.  Very, very slick so far.

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Anyone into SimRacing? Desktop / console or have you built a rig? Type of wheel, pedals?

Fascinated by F1 21 (22 out in 20 days) and iRacing. What else should I look into?

Anyone into SimRacing? Desktop / console or have you built a rig? Type of wheel, pedals?

Fascinated by F1 21 (22 out in 20 days) and iRacing. What else should I look into?

I have a Logitech g29 steering wheel/peddles and am playing Gran Turismo 7 currently.

I think this is a pretty good beginner setup to get in the genre.

I'm a complete dumb ###. So I have had Sniper Elite 5 since it came out. There were some bugs in it and I played up to mission 5 did all the stuff needed etc. I go to exfiltrate where I think it is and 2 other missions had a similar type spot to and nothing. I thought my game was bugged given there was a few of these in other missions for players. I went to a video of the mission today and found out all I had to do was walk up further where there's a little pathway barely visible on the left and thats where you exfiltrate. Wasted 2 weeks doing this too. 

Finally started Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on the PS5 enhanced version. 

Absolutely love it. On my second planet....and just enjoying all of it. 

Todem said:
Finally started Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on the PS5 enhanced version. 

Absolutely love it. On my second planet....and just enjoying all of it. 
Fantastic game.

Finally got my new Xbox and just moved my games over to it from the Xbone. I can start buying games again, and Cyberpunk will probably be my first purchase now that it's patched. I'm still working on Witcher 3, and holy cow are the graphics crazy better on the new rig.

Downloaded GTA V while my wife was out of town on vacation.

My 6 year old laptop video card cannot keep up with the demands of the game making driving difficult as the keyboard isn't responsive and inputs are leggy.

I'm still about 30% through it. Dying is less common than in other GTA games it seems.

Not sure if I saw it mentioned here but I'm stuck on The Last Spell right now.  Rogue-like, tower defense game that is pretty challenging.  Took me about 50 hours into it to actually get good.  And now there are even harder levels.  This might be my drug of choice for a few months.

Downloaded GTA V while my wife was out of town on vacation.

My 6 year old laptop video card cannot keep up with the demands of the game making driving difficult as the keyboard isn't responsive and inputs are leggy.

I'm still about 30% through it. Dying is less common than in other GTA games it seems.
You can plug in any corded Xbox controller and it’ll work. 

Finally started Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on the PS5 enhanced version. 

Absolutely love it. On my second planet....and just enjoying all of it. 
The story from that game is better than all the recent movies they have made except for Rouge one.

Looks like the dumbest game ever. Post apocalyptic fedex walker.

actually played it more than a few hours.  I played until there was finally some action but when it finally happened i was so disappointed.   Stopped playing and never thought about picking it back up.

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They are. You can probably pick up an older one on the cheap.  With that said, there may be cheaper aftermarket options.

I can’t even imagine playing GTA with a keyboard. 
The aim with the mouse is pretty great actually.  I'm way more accurate that way than with a controller.  But driving can be tough. 

I'm still about 30% through it. Dying is less common than in other GTA games it seems.

I'm in the process of practicing and routing 100% runs of Vice City, had at least four failures of one mission through no fault of my own, then try paramedic and have a random police car fly into view unsighted and shunt me into the water, fun times


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