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A note to my coworker ... (2 Viewers)

To my co-worker who comes to my cube to talk sports;

Snacks at work are great. But must you bring said snacks to my cubicle and chew everything like a cow chews cud? How can you possibly make that much noise eating yogurt? It doesn't even require chewing. Keep your mouth closed when you chew. Is this really that hard of a concept? I dread the days you have a muffin. Cookie Monster creates less crumbs when he eats. AND, if you have a coffee with you, and it inevitably spills a little, please use your napkin (that you don't use anyway) and wipe off your cup. I love being left with your coffee rings on my desk as you casually walk away knowing full well that you're freaking disgusting.

Dear Lady from California,

Hey guess what? It's February, and this is Michigan, so chances are, the weather isn't going to be all that nice. I know, California is such a great place, and you miss it. But guess what? I don't give a ####! I've been there and yeah, the climate is nicer. SO WHY THE HELL DID YOU MOVE TO MICHIGAN, IF CALIFORNIA IS SO GREAT?!

Also, if someone disagrees with you or has a problem with something you've done, it does not necessarily mean that they have a personal vendetta against you. And there are other responses than getting mad and #####ing about it for the next hour/and or crying.

Yours in Christ,


Dear lady talking on the phone at high volume,

Telephone technology has come a long way. It's no longer a couple of cans on the ends of a string. You do not need to shout to make sure the sound travels all the way to the other end of the line. Yes, there is a microphone in that receiver, and it does amplify your voice.

But since you've given me the privilege of listening to your inane conversations, I'd like to mention that loud and dumb are a bad combination. Here's a tip -- if you have to start ever conversation by saying, "I hate to bother you," chances are, you're bothering them.

Finally, voicemail systems log the time that you called, so you don't need to include that in your message. You especially don't need to say the time down to the minute. It just makes you sound weird(er).

Fo' shizzle,


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To my co-worker who comes to my cube to talk sports;

Snacks at work are great. But must you bring said snacks to my cubicle and chew everything like a cow chews cud? How can you possibly make that much noise eating yogurt? It doesn't even require chewing. Keep your mouth closed when you chew. Is this really that hard of a concept? I dread the days you have a muffin. Cookie Monster creates less crumbs when he eats. AND, if you have a coffee with you, and it inevitably spills a little, please use your napkin (that you don't use anyway) and wipe off your cup. I love being left with your coffee rings on my desk as you casually walk away knowing full well that you're freaking disgusting.
:goodposting: :goodposting: :lmao:
some of the best writing this board has seen in years....since the carefree days of Ham/Vivian, Happy Schnapps, Scooby, etc....

Great stuff here.

Dear Co-worker,

Please don't clean out your breat pump in the breakroom sink. No one needs to visualize you using that breast pump on those saggy pendulous breasts of yours. Please go back to your office and pump in peace.

Dear Ugly ### HR manager,

I would like to start by saying how much I despise and hate you.

-You do not need to send every email with high priority.

-You are not a parent. Comparisons of your nephew are not the same as having children.

-How you suckered that guy into marrying you amazes me. You are 60 something year old spinster with no redeaming qualities whatsoever.

-You are ugly, stupid, pigeon toed, and the most boring person I have ever met.

In closing I REALLY despise and hate you.


To close-quiet-talker-weird coworker guy,

Where do I begin. First, we understand you had a head injury years ago from a motorcycle accident, but I doubt you were ever right to begin with. Your stories of how you raced the birkebiner ski race and beat olympians and than smoked once your crossed the finish are really believable, as was the time you were naked and shooting at UFOs in the desert. Hannibal Lecter Jr.: you need to wash that weird leather/wool vest that you wear every day to the office, it looks like you skinned your last girlfriend and made it inot a vest and it smells like it too. I don't care that your former step-son used to play sports with me in high-school and that you're so proud of him working some menial job; he was a ##### then and I'm sure is a fat ##### now... And finally, please brush your blue/brown/black teeth or use some mouthwash or moth balls or something since your breath could melt the rubber off our environmental sampling gloves, and for the love of god, please talk a little louder, we can barely hear you. Better yet, why don't you get trapped under one of the tractors you like to talk about so much.



Dear insanely hot sales rep who may or may not be hitting on me,

Please declare yourself one way or the other. Oh, and take off your top.

Waiting with plastic beads, Mardi Gras-style


Hey pal in the next office,

Here's a tip. When giving your credit card number out to the operator over the phone, perhaps you could lower your voice a few decibels. Well, at least next time.

As for now, thanks for the new big screen.



-You do not need to send every email with high priority.
I Sooooooo hate this ####### guy. We have a vendor that used to do that.... stupid monthly messages to remind me that he sells coffee cups or pens with my name on them. Worst part is he'd always write pun-laden "clever" messages..... then label it HIGHEST PRIORITY!!!! All that made me do was write him back, tell him to please reset his email to LOWEST Priority to more accurately reflect what impact it has on my daily life... then I set his email account up as a spammer so his drivel goes directly into the trash.
Dear sorta-office-friend-of-mine,Please, knock on my cubicle wall when you want my attention. Or just say "hey" or something. Stop walking up and standing directly behind my chair so that when i finally DO realize you're there, i can't back up... at all. I realize you think it's some fun/funny game that you're playing. You think you're a ninja or some such. But it just makes me want to choke you out.TIA
Give him/her an unopened box of tic-tacs.HTH,Elaine Benes
We need to some Bud Lite-eqsue "Here's to you Mr. Bad Breath and Eats out of the Community Container of Mashed Potatoes Guy" commercials.

All the annoying people that once worked here are gone. Well, except for one guy I rarely have contact with. Reading this thread makes me feel very lucky. :wub:

Dear Glorified Secretary,

Despite what you may think, we're not friends. We never were. The fact you consider me your best male friend that lives in this town shows me just how skewed your social aptitude really is. You would think someone you consider a best friend would hang out with you outside of the office more than once every 6 months.

- Jayded

Dear Most Annoying Lady in the Office for Many Reasons Including This One,

When we have a pot luck lunch in the office, that's pretty much meant for employees only. Stop inviting your loser, comb-over, black-socks-and-sneakers husband. Look around - do you see anyone else bringing family members? Uh no. If he really wants to try Tina's world-renowned pigs in a blanket you can wrap a couple of them up in a napkin and take them home. If it means seeing less of you and none of him, we don't mind. Really.

Impatiently Awaiting Your Demise,


p.s. Put on a better bra so I don't have to watch your soogy sweatsock ####### flapping in the breeze all day.


Dear ALT+TAB subordinate,

My God, you're a genius. There is absolutely no ####### way I'd ever know that you have been surfing rather than working. You all too quick fingers have secured you yet another fantastic review.

Dear Hot New Employee in a Nearby Dept:

WTF happened? You were all flash and dash the first couple of weeks. Skirts, high heels, cleavage, the works! Now you wear relatively loose dress pants with a the same pullover every day, hiding your fantastic jubblies and glorious get-away sticks.

I used to enjoy when I ran into you in the kitchenette, now it just makes me angry.

Thinking of what could have been,


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Dear microwave polluters;I understand that you like fish. I have no problems with you wanting to eat it. Really, I don't. I do, however, have a problem with you heating it in the microwave, on high power for 4 minutes, so that not only does it stink up the kitchen and surrounding area, but the odour permeates the food of whoever is unfortunate enough to be heating their lunch up after you have defiled the microwave. The only way to curb that smell is if your partner in crime, "Mr/Mrs I burned the microwave popcorn, again" steps up to the plate that afternoon. How many times must you burn the microwave popcorn before you realize that you should probably put it in for at least 30 seconds less? "Oops, I burned the popcorn again" doesn't cut it after the second time, nevermind the fifth.I hate you both.Sincerely,S-R
:banned: This was the subject of my next rant. People in my office do this all the time.
Dear Privacy Invader,

Can I ask you a question? When you come into my cube, and I swivel around in my chair to talk to you, what exact condition causes you to stare over my shoulder at my monitor, intently, as you talk to me? I’m looking right at you and can clearly see your eyes are not making contact with mine, but instead trying to read the e-mail or document up on my screen. Maybe I don’t need to ask you. Maybe I’ll just leave this message board post up on my screen and wait for you to walk-in. Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. And by the time you get to this part, I’m going to be staring at the big blood boils on your neck that I can only avert my eyes from for so long.


The Noid

P.S. We also know you're a vagatarian.

P.P.S. I no longer feel bad when I forget my chair is an Aeron and rip a SBD that wafts its way over to you.

Dear smoking hot 43 year old IT chick who knows how to dress

I want to be the fireman to that burning in your loins

Lustfully yours


Dear Chick it the Mail Room -

Just because a friend of mine is dating a friend of yours and I sometimes socialize with them over a few adult beverages does not mean that you need to announce to everyone, including my boss, that I was out until 4:00 in the morning the day of an important meeting.


Blind Tiger


You're a whore. You know you want it. Let's quite playing games.




You're a whore. You know you want it. Let's quite playing games.


:lmao: What other kinds of hot females do you work with?
I can't prove, but I have my suspicions, that one female that I work with is a mastodon.
:lmao: If they ever need a stunt double for the next Predator movie, they can come get the receptionist at our office.

25 Members: Mrs. BSR, Spladow!, Fat Drunk and Stupid, Anarky, Sack-Religious, quartz, Grainger, Pro-Pain, OddibeMcD, rhawkins68, purplehaze67, Clayton Gray, Honus, General Malaise, Crankie, eddiezz74, WampusCat43, MPhilly03, msommer, Ralph Furley, IronToe Nedney, Print Is Dead, ScoobySnack, Sclaffer, Axisofevil
I think GM is taking you guys at your word. He's been responding for awhile now. :lmao:
Dear Weird Little IT Guy:

I’m know I’m just a contractor, but is it asking too much, when I send you a request for information on one of your 20-year-old COBOL programs, that you simply answer it in another email? I DON’T MIND THAT YOU RESPOND LIKE THIS; it’s preferable to you coming in here, drowning in that Aqua Velva that used to gag me when my dad used it, and leaning over my desk.

And for God’s sake, stay on that side of the desk! I hauled that ancient piece of crap in here for a reason – primarily to keep you from coming around it and looking over my shoulder, making my eyes bleed from the stench. We both know you’re going to be ‘retired’ once we replace this spaghetti code you’ve created, so let’s just try to make the best of it, shall we?



Setting this up as a website has explosive, "post-secret" like potential. Someone make this happen, seriously.
I was trying to come up with a domain name yesterday. Give me ideas, people.Names already gone:coworkerhellihatemycoworkersmycoworkerssuckcubefarmihatemyjob
25 Members: Mrs. BSR, Spladow!, Fat Drunk and Stupid, Anarky, Sack-Religious, quartz, Grainger, Pro-Pain, OddibeMcD, rhawkins68, purplehaze67, Clayton Gray, Honus, General Malaise, Crankie, eddiezz74, WampusCat43, MPhilly03, msommer, Ralph Furley, IronToe Nedney, Print Is Dead, ScoobySnack, Sclaffer, Axisofevil
I think GM is taking you guys at your word. He's been responding for awhile now. :excited:
And just like that, he's gone.All that build-up for nothing. I've got the message board equivalent of blueballs right now. :kicksrock:

Dear ALT+TAB subordinate, My God, you're a genius. There is absolutely no ####### way I'd ever know that you have been surfing rather than working. You all too quick fingers have secured you yet another fantastic review.
Sorry boss.
Dear Co-workers,

When I asking a question to a specific person, I can do without an answer from everybody else. No...the loudest answer doesn't win. No...we're not trying to steal the bank on Family Feud.



Dear artsy-fartsy former assistant to my boss who now works for a museum or something in NYC -

Well, it's been almost 5 years since you've gone and, yup, I still don't miss you. And while I was absolutely dumbfounded when my boss hired you away from selling high end Herman Miller Aeon chairs the day after you delivered them to our office, nothing could prepare me for the incredible incompetence and the head-spinning stupidity that you brought along with you.

Sure, you were sort of cute in a pixie hair-cut, tom-boy sort of way and I'm sure to a 58-year old THRICE divorced gazillionaire looking for a younger girl to get his mind off the impending anal raping the courts of California were going to levy against him for his sham of an 18 month marriage to a shrew of a gold digging third wife you were a welcome distraction, but your appeal and charm wore off like a tic-tac after a scat party.

And speaking of foul breath, you wrote the book on it, sweetheart. It's utterly fantastic that you are a vegetarian and took the time to lobby the rest of us into your dietary ways while condemning us for being heartless carnivores, but here's a newsflash - gulping down 7 Diet Cokes a day, chain smoking cigarettes and pouring through a salt shaker full of salt weekly is destroying any nutritional advantage your meatless diet has brought to your life. Furthermore, the vaporized combination of cigarettes, diet soda and brussel sprouts made me barf in my mouth a little every time you came up and asked me a question - which was way way, way way way way way WAY too often.

Moreover, while I always found it curious that my boss hired you to work for him, you could have done a wee bit better of a job hiding the fact that you were either banging him at the time, or wanted to severely. The love-sick puppy-dog eyes you gazed upon him every time he entered your radius was about as furtive as a fart in a crowded elevator. I always assumed he hired you because he wanted to spank your pee pee, but when he actually started acting like your boss and getting pissed off because of your myriad gaffes and ineffectual work ethic, crying and acting like a jilted lover in the office was probably the wrong thing to do if you two had any designs at concealing your relationship. No cookie is worth the trouble you put him and the rest of us through, and no, I don't care that you were 30 years his junior. You sucked during your time here and the fact that you knew absolutely nothing about computers, spreadsheets, accounting, finance was probably an important thing to mention to us all when you agreed to do all these things for him.

But that's not the worst part of this and you know it. No, the absolute worst thing about your time here is that you somehow, someway, used the power of your vulva to convince my boss to mandate a weekly hour long session of Yoga, led by you, in our office. That's right, despite the fact that you couldn't turn a computer on, balance a check book or organize my boss's personal life in any sensible manner, you were able to convince him that we all needed Yoga and that you, sensei, were the right person to lead us. For weeks, I held out, refusing to take part in your Yoga classes, seething that my boss fell for your ridiculous plea to get us all on to floor mats for an hour to do fake handstands, work on our breathing (something I’ve managed on my own just fine since birth, you idiot), stretch and generally have what used to be called "NAP TIME" when I was a child. Regrettably, after you called me out in front of the office and whined to my boss that I wasn't participating in Yoga class, I was 'pressured' to join in on your little stretching routine. Congratulations, I can now bend over and touch the floor, take a deep breath and close my eyes. What a freaking revelation! Where on earth have you been my whole life? Thankfully, my boss stopped attending Yoga soon after, which meant I was done as well. And no, I didn't really have a dental appointment every week thereafter, you moron.

Finally, after my boss was done with you and it was clear to all that you were really just an incompetent boob, you were fired. You knew it was coming, but you broke down all the same. On your way out, you stole a space heater and didn't think anybody would notice. I did. That's why I made you send us a check for it and no I don't care that you wrote "#### you, forrest" on the memo line of your check.



Oh, and PS - nice painting you left us. No, really. This is just magnificent work and I hung it up near the fire escape where nobody can see it. My favorite part of the painting is the part where you glued down a taxi-cab air freshener in the shape of a tree. That knock on your door? Ohhh, it's not NYU Art School with a scholarship. The Painting.

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Dear barely speaks engrish:

When you've got 200 copies to make, and someone behind you walks up to the copier with a single effin page, have the common decency to get out of their way for 6 seconds instead of making them wait for 20 minutes.

Dear artsy-fartsy former assistant to my boss who now works for a museum or something in NYC -

Well, it's been almost 5 years since you've gone and, yup, I still don't miss you. And while I was absolutely dumbfounded when my boss hired you away from selling high end Herman Miller Aeon chairs the day after you delivered them to our office, nothing could prepare me for the incredible incompetence and the head-spinning stupidity that you brought along with you.

Sure, you were sort of cute in a pixie hair-cut, tom-boy sort of way and I'm sure to a 58-year old THRICE divorced gazillionaire looking for a younger girl to get his mind off the impending anal raping the courts of California were going to levy against him for his sham of an 18 month marriage to a shrew of a gold digging third wife you were a welcome distraction, but your appeal and charm wore off like a tic-tac after a scat party.

And speaking of foul breath, you wrote the book on it, sweetheart. It's utterly fantastic that you are a vegetarian and took the time to lobby the rest of us into your dietary ways while condemning us for being heartless carnivores, but here's a newsflash - gulping down 7 Diet Cokes a day, chain smoking cigarettes and pouring through a salt shaker full of salt weekly is destroying any nutritional advantage your meatless diet has brought to your life. Furthermore, the vaporized combination of cigarettes, diet soda and brussel sprouts made me barf in my mouth a little every time you came up and asked me a question - which was way way, way way way way way WAY too often.

Moreover, while I always found it curious that my boss hired you to work for him, you could have done a wee bit better of a job hiding the fact that you were either banging him at the time, or wanted to severely. The love-sick puppy-dog eyes you gazed upon him every time he entered your radius was about as furtive as a fart in a crowded elevator. I always assumed he hired you because he wanted to spank your pee pee, but when he actually started acting like your boss and getting pissed off because of your myriad gaffes and ineffectual work ethic, crying and acting like a jilted lover in the office was probably the wrong thing to do if you two had any designs at concealing your relationship. No cookie is worth the trouble you put him and the rest of us through, and no, I don't care that you were 30 years his junior. You sucked during your time here and the fact that you knew absolutely nothing about computers, spreadsheets, accounting, finance was probably an important thing to mention to us all when you agreed to do all these things for him.

But that's not the worst part of this and you know it. No, the absolute worst thing about your time here is that you somehow, someway, used the power of your vulva to convince my boss to mandate a weekly hour long session of Yoga, led by you, in our office. That's right, despite the fact that you couldn't turn a computer on, balance a check book or organize my boss's personal life in any sensible manner, you were able to convince him that we all needed Yoga and that you, sensei, were the right person to lead us. For weeks, I held out, refusing to take part in your Yoga classes, seething that my boss fell for your ridiculous plea to get us all on to floor mats for an hour to do fake handstands, work on our breathing (something I’ve managed on my own just fine since birth, you idiot), stretch and generally have what used to be called "NAP TIME" when I was a child. Regrettably, after you called me out in front of the office and whined to my boss that I wasn't participating in Yoga class, I was 'pressured' to join in on your little stretching routine. Congratulations, I can now bend over and touch the floor, take a deep breath and close my eyes. What a freaking revelation! Where on earth have you been my whole life? Thankfully, my boss stopped attending Yoga soon after, which meant I was done as well. And no, I didn't really have a dental appointment every week thereafter, you moron.

Finally, after my boss was done with you and it was clear to all that you were really just an incompetent boob, you were fired. You knew it was coming, but you broke down all the same. On your way out, you stole a space heater and didn't think anybody would notice. I did. That's why I made you send us a check for it and no I don't care that you wrote "#### you, forrest" on the memo line of your check.

Oh, and PS - nice painting you left us. No, really. This is just magnificent work and I hung it up near the fire escape where nobody can see it. My favorite part of the painting is the part where you glued down a taxi-cab air freshener in the shape of a tree. That knock on your door? Ohhh, it's not NYU Art School with a scholarship. The Painting.

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