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Bill Cosby needs a new Media Manager (and to stop raping) (3 Viewers)

So Sammy Davis Jr.'s ex is getting in on the action. Sure he did.

"I remember I walked in the door, and he had a robe and cap on. He took the ribs from my hands and just grabbed me," McKee alleged. "He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and just took it. :pickle: We were still standing at the door when he attacked me… It was so fast and so shocking and so unbelievable.

"To me, there was a different personality involved," she continued. "He was a different man. It felt like a different person performing that act."

McKee claimed she went to the bathroom to compose herself and then went to the party with Cosby. :lmao:

So Sammy Davis Jr.'s ex is getting in on the action. Sure he did.

"I remember I walked in the door, and he had a robe and cap on. He took the ribs from my hands and just grabbed me," McKee alleged. "He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and just took it. :pickle: We were still standing at the door when he attacked me… It was so fast and so shocking and so unbelievable.

"To me, there was a different personality involved," she continued. "He was a different man. It felt like a different person performing that act."

McKee claimed she went to the bathroom to compose herself and then went to the party with Cosby. :lmao:
that's MY move <_<

So Sammy Davis Jr.'s ex is getting in on the action. Sure he did.

"I remember I walked in the door, and he had a robe and cap on. He took the ribs from my hands and just grabbed me," McKee alleged. "He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and just took it. :pickle: We were still standing at the door when he attacked me… It was so fast and so shocking and so unbelievable.

"To me, there was a different personality involved," she continued. "He was a different man. It felt like a different person performing that act."

McKee claimed she went to the bathroom to compose herself and then went to the party with Cosby. :lmao:
Did she go out and get ribs in only her panties. I don't understand?

So Sammy Davis Jr.'s ex is getting in on the action. Sure he did.

"I remember I walked in the door, and he had a robe and cap on. He took the ribs from my hands and just grabbed me," McKee alleged. "He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and just took it. :pickle: We were still standing at the door when he attacked me… It was so fast and so shocking and so unbelievable.

"To me, there was a different personality involved," she continued. "He was a different man. It felt like a different person performing that act."

McKee claimed she went to the bathroom to compose herself and then went to the party with Cosby. :lmao:
Did she go out and get ribs in only her panties. I don't understand?
She brought the ribs, he had the pulled pork.

So Sammy Davis Jr.'s ex is getting in on the action. Sure he did.

"I remember I walked in the door, and he had a robe and cap on. He took the ribs from my hands and just grabbed me," McKee alleged. "He spun me around, pulled my panties down, and just took it. :pickle: We were still standing at the door when he attacked me It was so fast and so shocking and so unbelievable.

"To me, there was a different personality involved," she continued. "He was a different man. It felt like a different person performing that act."

McKee claimed she went to the bathroom to compose herself and then went to the party with Cosby. :lmao:
Did she go out and get ribs in only her panties. I don't understand?
She brought the ribs, he had the pulled pork.
Ah yes, I remember, I had the lasagna.

He needs to make a public announcement that he has decided to stop raping people as part of his 2015 New Year's resolution. That's the only thing that will make this go away.

Prolific is an understatement...

Two more women accuse Bill Cosby of drugging them
Reuters By Alex Dobuzinskis
4 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two women accused Bill Cosby on Thursday of drugging them decades ago when they met him as young models, and one said he sexually assaulted her, as more of his performances were shelved amid an outcry from activists over similar allegations.

More than a dozen women have publicly accused Cosby of sexual misconduct in recent months, in a controversy that has tarnished the image of the actor and comedian best known as the lovable father figure on the 1980s sitcom "The Cosby Show."

Cosby denies the allegations of sexual assault, many of which are decades old and fall outside the statute of limitations for criminal or civil cases.

Linda Brown and Lise-Lotte Lublin came forward on Thursday as the latest women to bring public accusations against Cosby at the Los Angeles office of attorney Gloria Allred, who acknowledged it was too late for them to sue Cosby.

Brown told reporters she met Cosby in 1969 in Canada and went to his hotel suite where he gave her a soft drink that caused her to black out. She said that when she woke up, she was naked next to him in bed.

"I couldn't move or speak. I felt paralyzed, he flipped me over and sexually assaulted me," Brown said. "I felt like a rag doll and like a real-life blow-up doll for him."

Lublin said she met Cosby in 1989 at a hotel in Las Vegas and that he asked her to perform an improvisation on the pretext of evaluating her acting. The comedian gave her two alcoholic drinks that caused her to feel disoriented, she said.

Lublin said that a short time later, he embraced her. She said her memory of the incident was hazy and that she remembered waking up at her home in the area and not knowing how she got there.

Allred said Brown and Lublin believed Cosby drugged them, which other women in media interviews have also said happened to them in encounters with the comedian.

Cosby's lawyer has called those and similar claims "discredited" and "defamatory." His attorney did not immediately return emails on Thursday.

Cosby, 77, had a show scheduled for Thursday in Bakersfield, California, but in a statement earlier this week, he postponed it. His Feb. 21 show at Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh was also canceled by what venue officials described as the result of a mutual agreement with Cosby.

(Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Peter Cooney)
I wonder A. Where was he getting the drugs. b. what they actually were and C how his method was so smooth that nobody saw him spike e drinks.

Two thoughts:

His drivers must be able to corroborate some of these.

I wonder what the statute of limitations is in Canada.

I wonder A. Where was he getting the drugs. b. what they actually were and C how his method was so smooth that nobody saw him spike e drinks.
Yeah, Cosby should really do a YouTube tutorial or something.
Now you see...... The goaaaaaal is toooooo give herrrrrrrr your Jelloooooo pudding.pop
When sharing your Jello Pudding Pops with friends, make sure they are passed out cold...like my women.

pats3in4 said:
I wonder A. Where was he getting the drugs. b. what they actually were and C how his method was so smooth that nobody saw him spike e drinks.
Yeah, Cosby should really do a YouTube tutorial or something.
Now you see...... The goaaaaaal is toooooo give herrrrrrrr your Jelloooooo pudding.pop
When sharing your Jello Pudding Pops with friends, make sure they are passed out cold...like my women.

(CNN)The list of canceled Bill Cosby shows has grown this month.

Four shows the comedian had scheduled for February have been canceled: February 8 in Boston, February 21 in Pittsburgh and February 22 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

No reasons were given for the Pittsburgh and Charlotte cancellations. Cosby said weather concerns led to the Boston cancellation, but the date has not been rescheduled.

A fourth show, scheduled for Thalia Mara Hall in Jackson, Mississippi, on Thursday, has been "postponed," Shelia Byrd of the Jackson Mayor's Office told CNN.

Gary Bongiovanni, editor-in-chief of Pollstar -- the concert tour publication -- says it's been challenging to keep track.

"It seems like they're falling like dominoes, one at a time," he said. "The whole thing has gotten a lot shorter than it was."

The concert cancellations are the latest complications for Cosby, who has been the subject of numerous sexual abuse allegations. The current tour, which began last fall, has felt reverberations from the allegations.

Twenty-four women have spoken with CNN, have asserted their allegations on camera or in published accounts, or have been the subject of responses from Cosby's attorneys. CNN has not been able to independently confirm Cosby's accusers' allegations. While his attorneys denied the initial accusations, they haven't responded to more recent allegations, including the two newest ones in February. No charges have been filed against Cosby.

Nevertheless, some venues have canceled Cosby's shows, including halls in Houston; Las Vegas; Tucson, Arizona; Yakima, Washington; Tarrytown, New York; and Durant, Oklahoma. Reasons have been terse: The Las Vegas show was canceled "by mutual agreement," a representative said at the time, and Tarrytown said it had canceled two shows in consultation with the shows' promoter, according to a note from the venue.

"It's a dance that the promoter does with the venue and with Cosby himself," Bongiovanni said of the considerations that go into cancellation decisions. There might be contractual obligations, deposits and even -- given the demonstrators who have shown up at some venues -- concerns about public safety, he says.

For example, at Cosby's London, Ontario, show, about 100 people came to protest the comedian. "Why would you want to pay to see a rapist?" demonstrator Milena LeDuc asked.

Cosby was also heckled at two Canadian shows.

However, though not selling out the halls, Cosby has received plenty of support as well. The London venue was about half-full, but the audience was said to be generally appreciative.

"I don't believe he's been charged with anything, and at least in this country, you're innocent until proven guilty," Bruce Maslen said, adding that the protesters and hecklers didn't spoil a thing.

At his November show in Melbourne, Florida, Cosby received a standing ovation.

Bongiovanni observes that, despite the bad publicity, Cosby's tour has been fairly successful. For the calendar year of 2014 -- which includes several months before the accusations went viral -- Pollstar's numbers show that Cosby's tour had $10.8 million in ticket sales over 101 shows. :o His ticket sales averaged about 2,200 per venue at about $57 each. In other words, not bad.

"His shows were selling OK. He's making great money at that sale level," Bongiovanni said.

Cosby's website, billcosby.com, no longer lists tour stops, though a list can be found elsewhere on the Internet (including on Pollstar's website). The next scheduled concert is February 27 at Lafayette, Louisiana's, Heymann Performing Arts Center.

Another Cosby Accuser Comes Forward, Recounts the Star's Odd Demands
By Mallory Schlossberg
8 hours ago


Yet another woman has stepped forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault. While that in itself is, sadly, unremarkable at this point, many of the details of her story are exceptionally bizarre.

The woman, who identifies herself only as "Patricia" to avoid what she called "the media circus," claimed to Buzzfeed that the comedian not only raped her, but also asked her to do peculiar things, like tie her hair up like Queen Noor of Jordan and walk around with oatmeal on her face. He also allegedly gave her a gym membership and demanded that she lose weight.

"Patricia," who is now 58 and lives in California, told the site that this began when Cosby promised to mentor her after she thanked him for speaking at an event at the University of Massachusetts. Unfortunately, she recounts, that's not how things turned out. She says that Cosby invited her to dinner with him and his wife in 1978 (so she was 20 or 21 at the time), but when she showed up, he was the only person there.

"I felt alarm bells go off because it did feel intimate," she says, "but I was trying to be so grown up and mature." She says the bizarre requests began shortly after he made her a drink, a common thread in the stories told by Cosby's accusers.

“It was so creepy. He told me to convince him that I could remain regal and queenlike no matter what I looked like," she says. But the requests got even more odd. "I would leave the room and walk back in, pretending to be a queen with oatmeal on her face, and he would tell me I was doing it wrong and to go back and try again. Then, I started to feel weird from the drink. And then I don’t remember much.”
In this initial instance, she claims that she blacked out and that she woke up without any clothes. She says that Cosby — who was standing over her in a bathrobe — told her that she vomited, but that he would take care of her sullied dress and provide her with a toothhbrush.

But Cosby supposedly didn't stop there. Patricia claims in another instance Cosby urged her to take pills — something Janice Dickinson said Cosby had her do, as well — and she later woke up naked, realizing what likely happened. "I was very sick and knew that someone had penetrated me. Finally, I realized what was happening," she tells the website, adding that this might have occurred twice.

Cosby and Patricia maintained a friendly relationship, per her account, under the guise that Cosby was "helping" her succeed. Patricia says that he treated her to acting lessons, fancy events, and more, all while continuing to demand that she do peculiar things, like styling her hairdo to resemble Queen Noor. "He was obsessed with her," Patricia explains. (Despite his alleged fascination with Queen Noor and her hair, Cosby has no ostensible connection to the royal, other than the fact that they are both frequent speakers at universities, including High Point University, which has since removed Cosby from its board of advisors.)

While Patricia's allegations bring unique and specific details to the growing list of allegations against the entertainer, the general theme is not new. His accusers have pretty much been on repeat with some version of this story: Bill Cosby supposedly plied the women with booze and pills and then coerced them into various sex acts; afterward, these women felt ashamed to the point that they remained silent. According to Buzzfeed, Patricia has come forward before: she was reportedly one of the Jane Does in Andrea Constand's 2005 case against Cosby. The case was settled in 2006, pushing these women into deeper silences. It didn't help any of these women that Cosby was widely admired by many people, and many fans were not — and still are not — willing to accept that a beloved TV fixture could commit such acts.

It wasn't until last year, nearly eight years after that initial court case ended, that comedian Hannibal Buress brought the controversy back into the spotlight. He cracked a joke stating that Cosby was a rapist and that gained widespread attention on social media, prompting many of these women to speak up. Among those who have stepped forward were celebrities like Janice Dickinson and Beverly Johnson, both of whom asserted that Cosby drugged them.

The onslaught has made less famous women like Patricia feel more comfortable going public. "I internalized the events with tremendous shame and far too much responsibility," she says. "I didn't think that anyone would believe me."

She also has a message to other victims.

"You’re not alone," Patricia says. "You don't have to keep this a secret anymore."
Bill Cosby Accuser Pens Powerful Piece: ‘I Didn’t Want to Let Black America Down’

The Wrap
Jordan Chariton
March 7, 2015

Jewel Allison, who came out accusing Bill Cosby of rape in November dating back to the late 1980’s, wrote a powerful piece Friday explaining why she didn’t come forward sooner.

Writing in The Washington Post, Allison wrote why being an African American victim weighed heavily on her mind.

“As an African-American woman, I felt the stakes for me were even higher. Historic images of black men being vilified en masse as sexually violent sent chills through my body. Telling my story wouldn’t only help bring down Cosby; I feared it would undermine the entire African-American community.”

Allison claims Cosby took her to dinner in the late 1980s when he slipped something in her wine, making her ill. The comedian then forced himself on her, Allison has claimed. She wrote that when seeing other accusers like Andrea Constand and Tamara Green come forward, she was terrified instead of relieved.

“I did not want to see yet another African-American man vilified in the media. As I debated whether to come forward, I struggled with where my allegiances should lie – with the women who were sexually victimized or with black America, which had been systemically victimized.”

Even Allison felt a desire to protect Cosby, who, as Dr. Huxtable, was a source of comfort for her during a 1980s that saw “Reaganomics, AIDS and the crack epidemic.”

But the soothing image of Cosby’s character went out the window on the night Allison claims he raped her.

But as I vomited in the backseat of the taxi that Cosby ushered me into after he assaulted me one night in the late 1980s, that Dr. Huxtable image no longer made sense. I felt both physically violated and emotionally bamboozled. Still, I didn’t want the image of Dr. Huxtable reduced to that of a criminal. For so many of the African-American men I knew, William H. Cosby, Ed.D. provided a much-needed wholesome image of success, and the character he made famous was their model for self-worth and manhood. I knew that, in my reluctance to add my assault to the allegations facing Cosby, I was allowing race to trump rape.

She concluded Cosby might have been one source of hope for the African American community, but “fictional icons like him should not wield so much power over our collective spirit.”

walk around with oatmeal on her face. He also allegedly gave her a gym membership and demanded that she lose weight.
First, sorry sweetie, it may have been lumpy, but it wasn't oatmeal.

Second, when your sexual assaulter is calling you a fattie, you should stop hanging out with him. Cosby is scum, but I don't understand how people would put themselves in this position to be drugged more than once.


walk around with oatmeal on her face. He also allegedly gave her a gym membership and demanded that she lose weight.
First, sorry sweetie, it may have been lumpy, but it wasn't oatmeal.

Second, when your sexual assaulter is calling you a fattie, you should stop hanging out with him. Cosby is scum, but I don't understand how people would put themselves in this position to be drugged more than once.
Somewhere underlying all this I think there is a subtext of the Hollywood casting couch and what actresses and models are asked to do to get ahead, which they may or may not be given, depending on what they are asked to do. Potentially there is deep, dark stuff here going beyond Cosby.

He really has raped a lot of women. I'm sure guys like Johnny Carson or Jack Nicholson raped 10 or 20 chicks back in the day, but 40? I don't care what anyone says, 40 is a lot of women to rape.

He really has raped a lot of women. I'm sure guys like Johnny Carson or Jack Nicholson raped 10 or 20 chicks back in the day, but 40? I don't care what anyone says, 40 is a lot of women to rape.
Polanski used Jack's pad to rape that girl. The 70s were a different world.

I kind of like the suggestion from the deposition testimony that Cosby scored some qualudes back in the 60s and kept them around for decades to keep drugging women.


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