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GM's Thread About Everything/GM's Thread About Nothing (4 Viewers)

You can kill a rattler with a 2-3 lb rock. Just stay at least as far away from it as its body length and huck the rock at its head. Couple good shots and you can pin its head with a stick then cut it off.

We see non-rattler snakes on the trails occasionally--I don't mind co-existing with them. Came across a big rattlesnake den when hiking in Eastern Washington last fall, though, and hightailed it back to the trailhead. No thanks.

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-fish- said:
tommyboy said:
krista4 said:
-fish- said:
tommyboy said:
krista4 said:
I have to go to San Francisco next week for a couple-hour meeting and am taking Mr krista and extending the trip a couple of days. Mostly we just want to eat while there. Any restaurant suggestions? We're doing dim sum at least once but otherwise completely open.

(I tried to make reservations at State Bird Provisions six weeks ago, and they were already booked. Sheesh.)
Scomas, best seafood ive ever had.www.scomas.com
o ver rate ed :clap clap clapclapclap:
:( Thought this looked really good, though I guess going for seafood isn't the best option given what we have here, anyway.
It is good, he's high.
it's good, but not spectacular. it's a high-priced tourist restaurant with mediocre service.
Try this place - http://www.rokaakor.com/#- Great seafood.

General Malaise said:
TRE's our bouncer. Bouncers are paid to be hostile. But, they are also very easy to bribe and curry favor with. I just send TRE some Reser's meat sticks every other week and wa la...we get along like peas and carrots.
TRE's a good guy, met him at Beer Hole last year.

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
We dont have em up here. Whats worst, coral, Copperhead, cottonmouth or rattlers?

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
Oh, that would freak me out.

quit my job this morning (a little unexpectedly...it was supposed to happen the 15th, but I ran into some timing issues and figured out it had to be today). got told to clean out the office and leave, so I was gone by 2:00 pm.

new partnership underway. just got the first two clients to go with me, now I need the big one and I'll be set.

quit my job this morning (a little unexpectedly...it was supposed to happen the 15th, but I ran into some timing issues and figured out it had to be today). got told to clean out the office and leave, so I was gone by 2:00 pm.

new partnership underway. just got the first two clients to go with me, now I need the big one and I'll be set.
Good luck fish

quit my job this morning (a little unexpectedly...it was supposed to happen the 15th, but I ran into some timing issues and figured out it had to be today). got told to clean out the office and leave, so I was gone by 2:00 pm.

new partnership underway. just got the first two clients to go with me, now I need the big one and I'll be set.
Good luck fish

quit my job this morning (a little unexpectedly...it was supposed to happen the 15th, but I ran into some timing issues and figured out it had to be today). got told to clean out the office and leave, so I was gone by 2:00 pm.

new partnership underway. just got the first two clients to go with me, now I need the big one and I'll be set.
Good luck fish
GL, Been there as well...may be on my way there again.

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
We dont have em up here. Whats worst, coral, Copperhead, cottonmouth or rattlers?
Cottonmouths definitely have the worst disposition. Like mambas, they seem to be born pissed. Copperheads and rattlers are not quite as bad. Coral snakes are not terribly aggressive, their fangs are grooved instead of hollow, and are located in the back of their jaw. Regrettably, this means that many victims are kids who pick up the small, brightly-colored snake, and get gnawed on a little bit. :mellow:

Even worse, coral snake venom is neurotoxic, unlike the others. Antivenin supplies are always going to be a little sketchy.

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
We dont have em up here. Whats worst, coral, Copperhead, cottonmouth or rattlers?
Western rattlesnakes are the least dangerous of that group, I am pretty sure.

I mean, sure, they are sorta poisonous, but I don't think anybody dies of one of their bites very often. Copperheads and cottonmouths are bad news.

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
We dont have em up here. Whats worst, coral, Copperhead, cottonmouth or rattlers?
Cottonmouths definitely have the worst disposition. Like mambas, they seem to be born pissed. Copperheads and rattlers are not quite as bad. Coral snakes are not terribly aggressive, their fangs are grooved instead of hollow, and are located in the back of their jaw. Regrettably, this means that many victims are kids who pick up the small, brightly-colored snake, and get gnawed on a little bit. :mellow:

Even worse, coral snake venom is neurotoxic, unlike the others. Antivenin supplies are always going to be a little sketchy.
Is a cottonmouth the same thing as a water moccasin?

General Malaise said:
TRE's our bouncer. Bouncers are paid to be hostile. But, they are also very easy to bribe and curry favor with. I just send TRE some Reser's meat sticks every other week and wa la...we get along like peas and carrots.
TRE's a good guy, met him at Beer Hole last year.
He blows.
If I remember correctly, you had to hang pictures or something like that that weekend so you couldn't make it?

I was in mid-step when I realized a coral snake was right below me, in my parent's yard. Stride lengthened considerably.

I've had dozens of run-ins with venomous snakes; none of them scared me like that one.
We dont have em up here. Whats worst, coral, Copperhead, cottonmouth or rattlers?
Cottonmouths definitely have the worst disposition. Like mambas, they seem to be born pissed. Copperheads and rattlers are not quite as bad. Coral snakes are not terribly aggressive, their fangs are grooved instead of hollow, and are located in the back of their jaw. Regrettably, this means that many victims are kids who pick up the small, brightly-colored snake, and get gnawed on a little bit. :mellow:

Even worse, coral snake venom is neurotoxic, unlike the others. Antivenin supplies are always going to be a little sketchy.
Is a cottonmouth the same thing as a water moccasin?
Yes. BTW, rattlers and copperheads also very comfortable in water.

General Malaise said:
TRE's our bouncer. Bouncers are paid to be hostile. But, they are also very easy to bribe and curry favor with. I just send TRE some Reser's meat sticks every other week and wa la...we get along like peas and carrots.
TRE's a good guy, met him at Beer Hole last year.
He blows.
If I remember correctly, you had to hang pictures or something like that that weekend so you couldn't make it?
Oh snap!
General Malaise said:
TRE's our bouncer. Bouncers are paid to be hostile. But, they are also very easy to bribe and curry favor with. I just send TRE some Reser's meat sticks every other week and wa la...we get along like peas and carrots.
TRE's a good guy, met him at Beer Hole last year.
He blows.
If I remember correctly, you had to hang pictures or something like that that weekend so you couldn't make it?
Nailed it.

cosjobs said:
SOunds like you've got a great ham stock there. You should make a split pea or 17 bean soup with that,
When you start making claims that lead people to believe there may actually be 17 different kinds of beans, they all pretty much know that you're a lying liar that lies at that point. 17 beans? Pish-posh. I can think of 5, maybe. Maybe.

Even worse, coral snake venom is neurotoxic, unlike the others. Antivenin supplies are always going to be a little sketchy.
Coral's venom is also extremely fast-acting, IIRC. "Three step" snakes.

ETA: Is "oyster semen" the water that those "gooeyduck" things squirt out at you if you dig them out of the muck?

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So my oldest son is about to turn 15 and is super into baseball. Like he has been playing pain-in-the-### select baseball for four years now. The team he was on disbanded after last season and he has been trying out for new teams.

Since he is almost 15, I let him decide what teams he wanted to try out for without me being involved at all. He has tried out for two teams in the last week, but those are the only ones he has on the schedule. A bunch of the other try-outs are over and he is going on a trip with his mom and her new husband on Wednesday.

So we found out yesterday that he didn't get an offer from the first team he tried out for. They only needed four players, so even though he felt he had a great try-out, he wasn't surprised or upset that he didn't get it.

That leaves the other one. It is a great program and they didn't have a 14U team last year, so they need 12-15 players. I know for a fact that two of his teammates from the last couple years just got offers to play for them. But those kids are both good pitchers in addition to being position players, while my son is strictly an outfielder.

I know it isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I am getting super nervous and am feeling more and more like he isn't going to get this one and then we are going to have to scramble to find him a team. He doesn't act worried, but it could be a front or maybe he just is so confident that he hasn't even considered that he might not make it.

I was sure I was doing the right thing by leaving it up to him, but I am now feeling like maybe I should have been more involved, if only to point out that trying out for more than two teams might be a good idea. Anyway, like I said, not a huge deal, but I am afraid he is going to learn a tough lesson the hard way...

General Malaise said:
rockaction said:
General Malaise said:
Rockaction, did you post under another name here before or are you new?

What is it anybody has said in this thread that upset you? Lay it on us. We're an understanding lot.

The thread has been sort of sucky lately, I'll give you that one.
New as of 2011. Never used an alias here nor another name to post under. It's all me. I'm a dude in CT moving to CA in a few months.

Bolded: It was urbanhack, cosjobs, and bostonfred, but I'm okay with it. I raised my defense, and that's that. I generally don't come in here, and for others, this is a good place. Well, I generally don't come in here, unless OPM trolls the SP during football playoffs. Then I do. :shrugs:

I generally get called out way, way more than I call other people out. It's strange. People don't care for what I say sometimes; I take it to heart and move on.

And that's it. No laying it on or anything. Just simple.

Peace, guys.
Where in CA you moving? My good buddy just moved to Newton, CT. He thinks he likes it, but he just moved there because his wife made him.

You seem like a smart guy. Occupation? College? Family? Hobbies? Let us get to know you...no need for hostility.
Bolded: Temecula, and I think I'll really enjoy it. A bit north of San Diego.

Newton, CT sounds like down by Fairfield County if I'm not mistaken. There's also a Newton or Newtown, MA that lies just outside of Boston. I wouldn't expect wild stories from Newtown, CT; I'd expect domestic bliss and hopeful happiness.

As for occupation, I passed the bar but am an accountant's assistant at this point. College was Colgate and then a J.D. at a state school, which will remain nameless for anonymity's sake, but it's pretty easy to figure out. I would have loved to be able to afford my first choices, but alas, it was not to be.

Hobbies? Love to drink, mess around, nothing remarkable. None to speak of, really. Should probably quit all my hobbies, really.

I followed sports (especially baseball) and also politics with a passion for many years, but I'd like to move on at this point. I'd like to rid myself of rooting for any team. Despite my political leanings and rantings, I'm sort of a borderline anarchist at this point. I'm just (in a very limited way) somewhat knowledgeable about the process, so I comment in those threads. I'll never rid myself of the interest in how humans organize. Perhaps I can study it more astutely than I have done to this point. Sociologists and social psychologists have always been my favorite thinkers, even though I'd consider myself an individualist. Which is weird.


That's it. Thanks for asking.

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Hot and pretty horrid

Temecula, and I think I'll really enjoy it. A bit north of San Diego.
What about Temecula do you expect to enjoy?
Weather, solamente. When you live in Northern CT, weather is a huge boon. A desert is better than where I live currently. If you look at Hartford County on a map...well, don't. We got probably 100 inches of precipitation and snow last year. That starts to get rough on one's makeup.

I didn't even see the "hot and pretty horrid" response.

Yes, it's all storefronts and considered horrid. It's a boom town. It's better than Hartford County and the Farmington Valley. San Diego was itself once a lovely city, and now is built up.

But if you lived here in CT, you'd know.


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