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How do you deal with slow drivers in the left lane? (2 Viewers)


The tailgater thread makes me curious how other people deal with this situation. My personal favorite is to pass on the right, get in front of the slow driver, and then slow WAY down until they finally move over, and then drive away at my desired rate of speed. I feel it's my civic duty to educate them that slower drivers should move over.

So, what's your flavor? Tailgate? Flip the bird? Pass on the right, but with passive aggressive anger?

I prefer to just slow down. If he's not happy with me doing 70 then I'll do 60 instead...

Brake check is more fun but just too damn dangerous. For them and for me. 

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I just go around them.....and move on.

Not worth getting your panties up in a bunch.....and possibly causing death. 

Low stress.....amazing how many more years and fewer grays your life have if you just move along.

I just go around them.....and move on.

Not worth getting your panties up in a bunch.....and possibly causing death. 

Low stress.....amazing how many more years and fewer grays your life have if you just move along.
Pretty unAmerican, guy...

I just go around them.....and move on.

Not worth getting your panties up in a bunch.....and possibly causing death. 

Low stress.....amazing how many more years and fewer grays your life have if you just move along.

I don't even honk at people who drive like idiots.

Just let it slide.

I just go around them.....and move on.

Not worth getting your panties up in a bunch.....and possibly causing death. 

Low stress.....amazing how many more years and fewer grays your life have if you just move along.

I might flash my lights once or twice just to give them the benefit of the doubt/a chance to move over.

1. Flash light a couple times. 

2. Pass on the right if above doesn't work. 

3. If they speed up while I attempt to pass on right, I go back to original speed and fall in line.  

4. If they slow down again, they must be educated.  I will find a way to pass on right before they can speed up, get in front of them and slow down to make them move to right lane.  Then haul ###. 

Also, it should be illegal to pass on right.  Kind of dangerous. Lots of times you can't see what's over there. 

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i take my coffee and throw it all over the inside of my car and act the fool then they think man that guy is crazy im outta here and they get off at the next exit and it is free sailing for me i keep a change of clothes and some fabreeze in my car take that to the bank bromangos 

A more effective law should make it illegal to be passed on the right without moving over after.

Some guy in the left lane goes so slow he's getting passed on the right by everyone, he should get the ticket if he doesn't move over at the earliest convenience.

He's supposed to but it just doesn't get enforced.

I used to:

1.  flash my lights, and close the distance but not tailgate.  If that didn't work,

2.  Tailgate, flash lights, curse, if that didn't work,

3.  Pass on the right, curse, flip the bird, and merge back into the left lane cutting right in on their front bumper.  

4.  curse and swear for another 15 seconds.

Now I follow closely enough they should know they are driving too slow for the left lane, flash my lights a few times.  If they don't eventually move over I'll pass on the right and continue on my way.  All my histrionics, swearing, stare downs, tailgating, cutting off etc are history.  It's dangerous and the stress level it caused was just stupid.  So nice to just relax and take it easy.  Plus with my kid in the car, I really don't want to teach him to be an aggressive driver.

sometimes i will do what i like to call the crazy ivan see the guy in the slow lane he is expecting you to get mad at him i mean he wants you to get mad at him so what i will do is just go even slower than he is and let him get about five miles ahead of me where i can not even see him anymore and bam i just blew his mind up thats what take that to the bank brohans

Weave from side to side in the same lane, about 3 ft behind them, to try and give them a hint to move the hell over.  If they don't, I pass them and proceed to whip my car with the goal of getting my back bumper as close to their front bumper without crashing us both.  Safe to say I've gotten the bird a couple times for this "move", which makes it that much SWEETER that I brought them down to my road rage level.  

one time i saw a guy going slow in the fast lane and i thought not this again there is no way im going through this not today not ever so i drove right in to the ditch take that to the bank brohans 

Just pass on the right, speed up, get back in the left lane and move on.  Nothing else is worth it.  
This, although if it's a pretty egregious example of a bad "fast lane" driver, I'll flip my right-turn signal on when I'm in front of them as a clue for them to move over.

The tailgater thread makes me curious how other people deal with this situation. My personal favorite is to pass on the right, get in front of the slow driver, and then slow WAY down until they finally move over, and then drive away at my desired rate of speed. I feel it's my civic duty to educate them that slower drivers should move over.

So, what's your flavor? Tailgate? Flip the bird? Pass on the right, but with passive aggressive anger?
I realize the roads are not a place to invite confrontation.  I move around the person with caution and alacrity and get on about my life not allowing the behavior of another to effect my day.

Lots of betas on here it seems. 
When it comes to driving I am aggressive when I see a situation that will endanger me.

So if Alpha is equated to being a road raging idiot I will gladly call myself a beta driver. 

But as the Rain Man said "I am a very good driver"

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As I approach, if there's room on the right and it doesn't look like they're going to move over, I pass on the right.

If there's no room, I wait a couple car lengths or so behind as traffic allows, until there's room...

If they move over (most drivers are pretty aware, probably 50% of the time I don't even have to slow down)  I give a thank you wave.

If I pass them on the right, nothing, no dirty looks or gestures. They could just be oblivious or they could be an ####### with a gun or penchant for violence. I've got places to go, if I had time to slow down or stop for a confrontation I wouldn't be passing them. If they're using their phone, this does piss me off and I'd love to do something, but can't think of anything that wouldn't compromise safety.


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