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How hardcore are you? (2 Viewers)


When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore.


When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore. :goodposting:
I created a database with every draft pick in our league going back to 1991. I'm currently in the process of updating it with weekly stats and other relevant info. My goal is to have a complete, sortable, searchable database of every possible piece of league information anyone could ever want to know.If my employers had any idea how much time I've spent on this project at work, they'd sue me to get their money back.
I'm so hardcore that every season I have custom toilet paper rolls printed with the all the opposing team names from all my leagues on every sheet.

When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore. :goodposting:
Dude, I had 3 teams last year, and I get mixed up who I had on which team. 1987? The late 80's/early 90's are all kind of a drunken blur at this point. OK not that bad but I know I wouldn't remember fantasy plyers from that long ago.
When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore. :goodposting:
I just assume everyone who matters knows my league history by heart. That's hardcore.
I ranked 190 WR's 110 QB's 150 RB's on an excel spreadsheet.... Only 60-70 WR's will get picked 40 RB's and 32 QB's

This is how hardcore I am (or stupid):

Moved to Vegas with my buddy from NYC in February. My roommate is the commish of my league that he has run for about 7 or 8 years, and has a live draft in South Jersey Sunday before Labor Day (this past Sunday). Rather than disband the league, or attempt an online draft, we simply booked round trip tickets to Philly. This league is worth it, $400 entry fee, 24 teams, winner takes 5 grand.

We were booked on a flight leaving at 11:45, and arriving in Philly about 10 a.m. We were running late, dinner at Hooters took forever, and long story short, we missed check-in. It was the last flight for United, so they were gone from the counter.

We checked every flight leaving Vegas the rest of the night, trying to connect to Philly before noon. 5 flights left the whole night, 4 of them booked. Last one was Continental, who got us to Houston, and then to Philly at 11:49 the next morning. One problem: Only had first class left, two seats. $1400 later, we had two one-way tickets to Philly, and had to keep the original $350 roundtrip ticket so we could get home from Philly.

So we each paid $1000 to attend our draft, and we hadn't even paid the $400 entry fee yet.

This is how hardcore I am (or stupid):Moved to Vegas with my buddy from NYC in February. My roommate is the commish of my league that he has run for about 7 or 8 years, and has a live draft in South Jersey Sunday before Labor Day (this past Sunday). Rather than disband the league, or attempt an online draft, we simply booked round trip tickets to Philly. This league is worth it, $400 entry fee, 24 teams, winner takes 5 grand.We were booked on a flight leaving at 11:45, and arriving in Philly about 10 a.m. We were running late, dinner at Hooters took forever, and long story short, we missed check-in. It was the last flight for United, so they were gone from the counter.We checked every flight leaving Vegas the rest of the night, trying to connect to Philly before noon. 5 flights left the whole night, 4 of them booked. Last one was Continental, who got us to Houston, and then to Philly at 11:49 the next morning. One problem: Only had first class left, two seats. $1400 later, we had two one-way tickets to Philly, and had to keep the original $350 roundtrip ticket so we could get home from Philly.So we each paid $1000 to attend our draft, and we hadn't even paid the $400 entry fee yet.
:lmao: :bow:
This is how hardcore I am (or stupid):Moved to Vegas with my buddy from NYC in February. My roommate is the commish of my league that he has run for about 7 or 8 years, and has a live draft in South Jersey Sunday before Labor Day (this past Sunday). Rather than disband the league, or attempt an online draft, we simply booked round trip tickets to Philly. This league is worth it, $400 entry fee, 24 teams, winner takes 5 grand.We were booked on a flight leaving at 11:45, and arriving in Philly about 10 a.m. We were running late, dinner at Hooters took forever, and long story short, we missed check-in. It was the last flight for United, so they were gone from the counter.We checked every flight leaving Vegas the rest of the night, trying to connect to Philly before noon. 5 flights left the whole night, 4 of them booked. Last one was Continental, who got us to Houston, and then to Philly at 11:49 the next morning. One problem: Only had first class left, two seats. $1400 later, we had two one-way tickets to Philly, and had to keep the original $350 roundtrip ticket so we could get home from Philly.So we each paid $1000 to attend our draft, and we hadn't even paid the $400 entry fee yet.
I go with stupid.
This is how hardcore I am (or stupid):Moved to Vegas with my buddy from NYC in February. My roommate is the commish of my league that he has run for about 7 or 8 years, and has a live draft in South Jersey Sunday before Labor Day (this past Sunday). Rather than disband the league, or attempt an online draft, we simply booked round trip tickets to Philly. This league is worth it, $400 entry fee, 24 teams, winner takes 5 grand.We were booked on a flight leaving at 11:45, and arriving in Philly about 10 a.m. We were running late, dinner at Hooters took forever, and long story short, we missed check-in. It was the last flight for United, so they were gone from the counter.We checked every flight leaving Vegas the rest of the night, trying to connect to Philly before noon. 5 flights left the whole night, 4 of them booked. Last one was Continental, who got us to Houston, and then to Philly at 11:49 the next morning. One problem: Only had first class left, two seats. $1400 later, we had two one-way tickets to Philly, and had to keep the original $350 roundtrip ticket so we could get home from Philly.So we each paid $1000 to attend our draft, and we hadn't even paid the $400 entry fee yet.
I'm guessing there was alcohol involved (before the flight).
I flew to Minnesota and then drove 3 hours into the bowels of Wisconsin to draft with 11 dudes I met on these here message boards. Before the draft, someone drunkenly changed the starting requirements to 5 flex/DEF/PK. I didn't even have to adjust my cheatsheet and I still won the league.

This is how hardcore I am (or stupid):Moved to Vegas with my buddy from NYC in February. My roommate is the commish of my league that he has run for about 7 or 8 years, and has a live draft in South Jersey Sunday before Labor Day (this past Sunday). Rather than disband the league, or attempt an online draft, we simply booked round trip tickets to Philly. This league is worth it, $400 entry fee, 24 teams, winner takes 5 grand.We were booked on a flight leaving at 11:45, and arriving in Philly about 10 a.m. We were running late, dinner at Hooters took forever, and long story short, we missed check-in. It was the last flight for United, so they were gone from the counter.We checked every flight leaving Vegas the rest of the night, trying to connect to Philly before noon. 5 flights left the whole night, 4 of them booked. Last one was Continental, who got us to Houston, and then to Philly at 11:49 the next morning. One problem: Only had first class left, two seats. $1400 later, we had two one-way tickets to Philly, and had to keep the original $350 roundtrip ticket so we could get home from Philly.So we each paid $1000 to attend our draft, and we hadn't even paid the $400 entry fee yet.
I'm guessing there was alcohol involved (before the flight).
We parked at the Hooters hotel, and took a cab to the airport. Stopped at the restaurant to eat first, and food took forever. Any of you guys run into Savannah at Hooters Las Vegas, tell her she owes me a grand.
I flew to Minnesota and then drove 3 hours into the bowels of Wisconsin to draft with 11 dudes I met on these here message boards. Before the draft, someone drunkenly changed the starting requirements to 5 flex/DEF/PK. I didn't even have to adjust my cheatsheet and I still won the league.
Wow, that's scary. You drove 3 hours into the bowels of Wisconsin to meet up with 11 guys you met here? That sounds like The Hills Have Eyes III.
We parked at the Hooters hotel, and took a cab to the airport. Stopped at the restaurant to eat first, and food took forever. Any of you guys run into Savannah at Hooters Las Vegas, tell her she owes me a grand.
You lost me when you said you went to Hooters Hotel.... on purpose.Other than that, sounds like every Vegas-involved trip I have ever been on.
When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore.
I was originally #227 here at FBGs and I'm still chapped that I lost my # when they upgraded to this site. Now I'm a friggin' 4 digiter. :)

I have been steadily feeding disinformation to a rival in a league that drafts tonight.

OK, that doesn't sound hardcore. But when you consider the rival is my 72-year-old father....

When I first started posting at FBG, my sig had all my fantasy teams listed since 1987. I got a PM though that my sig was too long, but they were impressed that I knew my teams (by heart mind you) from 1987 - 2006. That's when I knew I was hardcore.

Dude, I had 3 teams last year, and I get mixed up who I had on which team. 1987? The late 80's/early 90's are all kind of a drunken blur at this point. OK not that bad but I know I wouldn't remember fantasy plyers from that long ago.
I think that would be a case of the former directly leading to the latter :thumbup: I was in college @ about that time, and knew a few fraternity bros. playing roto baseball, but agree most of our minds and *efforts* were focused elsewhere.

Oh, and I AM hardcore. :football:

Jerry Rice scored 91 of his TD's on my team. Marvin Harrison scored 90. I picked Rice back up after I had traded away Harrison just so he could score 2 TDs and pass up Harrison as my all-time leader. I felt Harrison didn't deserve top billing.

I have team meetings with my players and that is why they perform so well.

:rolleyes: I particpate in an IDP only league that features 16 teams with 21 man rosters. The defensive line is broken down into defensive tackles and defensive ends, while the defensive backfield is broken down into cornerbacks and safeties. You can start different configuations based on the strength of your team, and there are absolutely NO OFFENSIVE PLAYERS involved. This is by far my most challenging/difficult league, and also my favorite by a wide margin. I have also kicked Steve Smith's ###, while he was wearing his Chuck Norris pajamas.
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Played this game since 91 till I moved a couple of years ago I had every boxscore from the fantasy games for the ten years I was the commish. No internet meant newspaper was way to figure out scoring.

I start mocking as soon as I see the sites are ready for it and before that I mock 6 rounds on paper since out league draft is based on last years standings.

Statler & Waldorf said:
After my draft, I print off pictures of all my players and sleep with all the printouts every night throughout the season.
The paper cuts must be insane.
I stabbed myself in the gut with a sword for sitting my stud RB against an elite D. I had to be rushed to the hospital where I begged them not to revive me because only a guppy sits their studs. I keep a bloody knife next to my computer now to remind myself when I set my lineups.

A few years ago this guppy sat next to me at the draft. He kept trying to peek at my laptop screen right before we started. I finally told him to knock it off. He just laughed.

He picked right before me in the 2nd round. He took Portis who just happened to be the next guy on my list. I didn't say a word.

After the 5th round we took a break. This guppy went outside with a few other guys to have a smoke. I calmly walked out there and took off my jersey and cap and handed them to one of the other guys.

Somebody asked me "what are you doing?" I told him "Me and this guy are going to have a little chat about stealing picks after they look at someone's cheetsheet." Then I stepped into my Kendo stance and stared him down. The guppy looked like he was going to crud in his pants. After a minute he said "sorry about that". I shook my head at him and put my stuff back on.

I asked my wife to marry me on Valentine's Day. We settled on a date in August for the wedding, because I secretly knew that having an anniversary during the football season would be a problem for me.

She invited several members of her family from Japan to be at the wedding. Everything seemed fine but as the wedding approached, the family from Japan couldn't come in August. We had to move our wedding to Saturday, September 13th.

This was going to be trouble. We had a flight leaving for Hawaii for our honeymoon early the next morning.

I spent the first day of our honeymoon in the hotel bar watching football by myself (it was the first ever "Tuna Bowl" Patriot vs. Jets and I had Curtis Martin starting.)

Somehow, I'm still married to my awesome wife (11 years this September), and every year we have to schedule our anniversary celebration around football. :goodposting:

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when sporting news had their annual player scouting report magazines, i would read the profiles for everybody (OK, maybe not kickers :blackdot: ), OL included...

i still remember my favorite win, from a few years ago... down by a few points with nobody going & opponent had travis henry (with BUF) on MNF, a loss seemed like a foregone conclusion & automatic... he quickly threw an INT on a trick play, after which he promptly got injured & didn't return... i couldn't make stuff like that up if i tried... :)

i can remember like it was yesterday EXACTLY where i was when making some picks in the middle of IDP dynasty drafts on the phone (EJ henderson or gerald hayes - luckily opted for hendo, etc.), even when not at obvious places like home or work...

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I am lucky to get 4 hours of sleep any night the month of August worried about keeping my 20 plus leagues going smooth on the draft. Then have to sit around and wait for slow pokes! Always seems one or 2 per slow draft league though a few we were all fast this year!

Changed my vacations to June/early July so wouldn't have to draft from Beaches.

Brought my own flop house away from kids and wife just to make it my draft/football war room HOUSE complete with a rca 54 inch projecter SCREEN and a new HD 30 INCHER! Plus two other TV'S so I have 4 games at all times weekends live!

2 computers also.

The buck nut FLOP house is all SCARLET AND GREY Ohio State everything!

Never missed a attending a home game almost 20 years. Missed my first one

when I had to take my boy to National try outs and ate that ticket in hopes of making it back on time.

I am approching 30 fantasy teams. Play with several of you around here that have that volume including one I noticed just posted above!

Win so much $$$ at this I give away 500 a year free minimum extra pools in my leagues I run and provide 100% free websites. Win them too most years!

Am I hardcore?


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