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Justice Scalia Dead (1 Viewer)

Has anyone posted the amazing onion headline yet?

"Justice Scalia dies after 30 year battle with social progress"
Some horribly classless posting in this thread. Why not go pee on your grandma's grave?
My grandma wasn't a horrible piece of hateful #### like this guy was.
Scalia is an honorable man who served his country. Just because someone disagrees with your values does not make them trash. Posting like you do does though. HTH.
Awful person. World is better without. Just because somebody died doesn't suddenly make them a noble Saint. Sorry for his family and those that loved him but thrilled his ridiculous view of the world will never be imposed again.
You are an ### who the world would be better without.

Has anyone posted the amazing onion headline yet?

"Justice Scalia dies after 30 year battle with social progress"
Some horribly classless posting in this thread. Why not go pee on your grandma's grave?
My grandma wasn't a horrible piece of hateful #### like this guy was.
Scalia is an honorable man who served his country. Just because someone disagrees with your values does not make them trash. Posting like you do does though. HTH.
He is not trash - he treated certain others like trash however.
It wasn't too long ago that Obama and Hillary were saying marriage is between a man and a woman. This holier than thou crap is pretty disgusting especially right when someone just died.
not really brohan you are acting liike everyone should just automatically celebrate him as a hero but to a lot of folks especially those in the gl community he was taantamount to tawney to slaves so hey i am not going to actively denounce him but i will certainly not be as shocked and suprised as you seem to be that some do not want to celebrate him that is all i am saying brohan take that to the bank

Over the last 120 years the only Supreme Court nominees to have been rejected came from Republican Presidents, and if I'm not mistaken I believe the Senate composition in each case had a Democratic majority.

I don't know much about him. What view did he have that were so horrible?
Nothing that horrible....unless you were gay.

Or agnostic.

Or a minority.

Or a woman.

Science help you if you were a gay, agnostic, minority woman.

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Imo, his ideas were Not what we need on the high court to help bring this country forward and I hope we don't end up with someone as conservative in the future.

However, I will tip my cap to him for his years on the court and success in life as well as his life of doing what he thought was best for the greater good of all Americans. Sucks to lose anyone of his stature.

For guys upset at people not showing "respect" to him, welcome to the Internet. Same as it ever was.

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Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
From what I've read/heard he spent quite a bit of time outside of court with Ginsberg visiting wineries as well as other "leftist" members hunting.. hard to imagine that if he was such a "horrible person" they'd hang around with him during none business hours. :shrug:

Has anyone posted the amazing onion headline yet?

"Justice Scalia dies after 30 year battle with social progress"
Some horribly classless posting in this thread. Why not go pee on your grandma's grave?
My grandma wasn't a horrible piece of hateful #### like this guy was.
Scalia is an honorable man who served his country. Just because someone disagrees with your values does not make them trash. Posting like you do does though. HTH.
Awful person. World is better without. Just because somebody died doesn't suddenly make them a noble Saint. Sorry for his family and those that loved him but thrilled his ridiculous view of the world will never be imposed again.
I don't know much about him. What view did he have that were so horrible?
His views on homosexuality were particularly repulsive. Read this link and try to believe an enlightened and supremely educated person wrote some of this things, and not a message board commenter:


Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
I just assumed people here were familiar with something as important as Supreme Court rulings, or at least, Google.

From what I've read/heard he spent quite a bit of time outside of court with Ginsberg visiting wineries as well as other "leftist" members hunting.. hard to imagine that if he was such a "horrible person" they'd hang around with him during none business hours. :shrug:
I'd hang out with Hitler if he knew where to get a great pinot noir.

Imo, his ideas were Not what we need on the high court to help bring this country forward and I hope we don't end up with someone as conservative in the future.

However, I will tip my cap to him for his years on the court and success in life as well as his life of doing what he thought was best for the greater good of all Americans. Sucks to lose anyone of his stature.

For guys upset at people not showing "respect" to him, welcome to the Internet. Same as it ever was.
:goodposting: :hifive:
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Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Honestly, to compare Scalia to a truly awful or evil person is offensive. It suggests furthermore that you have no real understanding of what evil truly is.
Tim -- I literally do not care what you think.

Scalia was a man of his time and a religious Catholic with regard to his personal views on homosexuality. If we're to condemn him then we also need to condemn millions of Americans who, until very recently, shared most of his views on that subject. I'm glad we live in evolving times and Im not about to condemn him over it.

Word of advice: when someone dies, everything inside you may say, "Na, na, na, na, na/na, na, na, na/hey, hey, hey," but you will do yourself better to merely say, "Goodbye."

Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Honestly, to compare Scalia to a truly awful or evil person is offensive. It suggests furthermore that you have no real understanding of what evil truly is.
Tim -- I literally do not care what you think.
Too bad. I care what you think.
Imo, his ideas were Not what we need on the high court to help bring this country forward and I hope we don't end up with someone as conservative in the future.

However, I will tip my cap to him for his years on the court and success in life as well as his life of doing what he thought was best for the greater good of all Americans. Sucks to lose anyone of his stature.

For guys upset at people not showing "respect" to him, welcome to the Internet. Same as it ever was.

From what I've read/heard he spent quite a bit of time outside of court with Ginsberg visiting wineries as well as other "leftist" members hunting.. hard to imagine that if he was such a "horrible person" they'd hang around with him during none business hours. :shrug:
He was an extremely good man and people on both sides of the aisle liked and respected him. My nephew is very Liberal and he has had some big disagreements with Scalia, but he's always said that he's his favorite of all the Justices and extremely generous with law students and clerks.
It's hard to believe Nino would care about people engaging in the niceties when he passed. He certainly pushed the bounds of decorum to his fellow justices in his dissents. When critics suggested that such attacks were mean-spirited and beneath the dignity of the court, Nino blew them off.

So the handwringing here is a little silly.

I do not pretend to know or make any judgments on his personal life. He was likely a very intelligent well read humorous human being who enjoyed very diverse interests. However, his judgment on the bench was directly and wrongly dismissive and prejudiced against those who did not share his heterosexuality. And I'm sorry but that was wrong. On an absolute basis. It was as wrong as if he were being dismissive and prejudiced against those who did not share his skin color. In either case, those communities cannot do anything about how they are even if they wanted to.

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Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
I just assumed people here were familiar with something as important as Supreme Court rulings, or at least, Google.
I'm very familiar with his rulings. The guy was a rigid Constitutionalist, which is really what you want in a Supreme Court Justice.
Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Honestly, to compare Scalia to a truly awful or evil person is offensive. It suggests furthermore that you have no real understanding of what evil truly is.
Tim -- I literally do not care what you think.
Too bad. I care what you think.
I appreciate that. Evil may have been too far but I wasn't comparing him to hitler. I'll stand by awful however.

Has anyone posted the amazing onion headline yet?

"Justice Scalia dies after 30 year battle with social progress"
Some horribly classless posting in this thread. Why not go pee on your grandma's grave?
My grandma wasn't a horrible piece of hateful #### like this guy was.
Scalia is an honorable man who served his country. Just because someone disagrees with your values does not make them trash. Posting like you do does though. HTH.
What made him honorable? Accepting gifted trips that should have conflicted him out of decisions? Racism? Homophobia? He was a blight on the court.

Pure applesauce.

Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
I just assumed people here were familiar with something as important as Supreme Court rulings, or at least, Google.
I'm very familiar with his rulings. The guy was a rigid Constitutionalist, which is really what you want in a Supreme Court Justice.
I don't agree. The world has evolved over the last 250 years.

Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Honestly, to compare Scalia to a truly awful or evil person is offensive. It suggests furthermore that you have no real understanding of what evil truly is.
Tim -- I literally do not care what you think.
Too bad. I care what you think.
dude you are creepy.
Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
I just assumed people here were familiar with something as important as Supreme Court rulings, or at least, Google.
I'm very familiar with his rulings. The guy was a rigid Constitutionalist, which is really what you want in a Supreme Court Justice.
I don't agree. The world has evolved over the last 250 years.
That's why we have a Congress.
Whether it's racial bigots or ideological bigots it's amazing how much intolerance there is in our country today...

Ugh, reading this thread makes me hate people.
We're all awful in some way, including you Uwe.
Nah, I'm top notch if you knew me.I just think bagging on a 79 year old guy for not ruling for the gays is odd. I guarantee guys like you and Capella were likely slinging the word ###### and razzing your friends as 'homos' a bit back in the day.

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I appreciated and agreed with his stated judicial philosophy. I was often amazed at the results he derived therefrom, to the point that I believe he departed from his philosophy or lacked the self awareness to understand that his sincerely held personal beliefs were not necessarily those of our founders. I believe his beliefs bled into what he thought the founders beliefs must have been. I agreed with some of his reasoning and disagreed at other times. For an originalist he often struck me as an activist.

I had the opportunity to meet him very briefly, around 30 seconds, he was gracious. He was also very generous with his time to law students and to the bar in general. In the end the world is moving against many of his personal views and that is not all for the bad in my view. I wish the Court would not move from his stated judicial philosophy, though I know it will.

Im in the " Scalia was murdered" camp before anyone else. Yep im loco.

Dying in his sleep is WAAAAY Too convenient.Obama spanked with the EPA ruling sparked this.that ruling killed off the Paris talks on that bogus climate change boogeyman.. Some other very important rulings coming down the pike they needed to put in , or try to put in, a democrat justice.

He was killed plain and simple.

With all the BS the Clintons have pulled over the years - people who were close to them mysteriously dying as well as their WH cook just last year dying under mysterious circumstances you have to wonder.Obama illegally used the IRS to target the Tea Party and stole the '12 election.he has acted like a dictator and trampled the constitution with 'executive' actions that were illegal and not approved by Congress.

The biggest most conservative hardliner justice happens to pass away in his sleep while on vacation just a few days after the EPA ruling came down??


No worries.Trump will install a couple or three conservatives and reverse those executive orders.

those who think this passing of Scalia is huge for Hillary obviously havent been watching the news.Ill fill you in: shes going to be indicted.she will be convicted and she will go to prison.she will NEVER be president even on her best day.the record turnout for GOP in Iowa and NH prove that people will come out of the woodwork to elect Trump or Cruz.

And dems have no plan to replace Killary..Biden shouldve run..now they have nothing.Bernie is joke.

Scalia's replacement wont come till Trump takes office.book it.

You think there was more tolerance back in the 60's?
Racial no...ideological yes...
Back when i use to read autobiographies about some of the founding fathers, it was just amazing the type of crap that was published in the newspaper which was essentially the sole media/public outlet back then. I don't think anything has really changed. The internet just gives everyone an anonymous voice.

Capella, in this instance jon mx is completely correct and you sir are classless.
I would rather be honest than sit here and play pretend on the message board like some of you guys think you have to do.
Well if you are going to piss on a guy's reputation hours after he died why don't you at least give some specifics as to what made him such a vile human being.
I just assumed people here were familiar with something as important as Supreme Court rulings, or at least, Google.
I'm very familiar with his rulings. The guy was a rigid Constitutionalist, which is really what you want in a Supreme Court Justice.
I don't agree. The world has evolved over the last 250 years.
That's why we have a Congress.
Sure. But let's not pretend the court doesn't have a say.

You think there was more tolerance back in the 60's?
Racial no...ideological yes...
Back when i use to read autobiographies about some of the founding fathers, it was just amazing the type of crap that was published in the newspaper which was essentially the sole media/public outlet back then. I don't think anything has really changed. The internet just gives everyone an anonymous voice.
I do agree that the internet ups the ante and gives a lot of people balls that would never have them in-person...that being said everyday people who weren't public officials did not wish others dead or want to destroy their personal life if they disagreed with them...sorry but that is a pretty recent phenomena...

Has anyone posted the amazing onion headline yet?

"Justice Scalia dies after 30 year battle with social progress"
Some horribly classless posting in this thread. Why not go pee on your grandma's grave?
My grandma wasn't a horrible piece of hateful #### like this guy was.
Scalia is an honorable man who served his country. Just because someone disagrees with your values does not make them trash. Posting like you do does though. HTH.
What made him honorable? Accepting gifted trips that should have conflicted him out of decisions? Racism? Homophobia? He was a blight on the court.Pure applesauce.
He wrote many opinions which shaped our legal system. He was a brilliant mind who held a lot of social opinions that 90 percent of the people of his generation held. He protected many rights including free speech and gun rights and property rights. He believed in our Constitution and protected it to the best of his ability.

Im in the " Scalia was murdered" camp before anyone else. Yep im loco.

Dying in his sleep is WAAAAY Too convenient.Obama spanked with the EPA ruling sparked this.that ruling killed off the Paris talks on that bogus climate change boogeyman.. Some other very important rulings coming down the pike they needed to put in , or try to put in, a democrat justice.

He was killed plain and simple.

With all the BS the Clintons have pulled over the years - people who were close to them mysteriously dying as well as their WH cook just last year dying under mysterious circumstances you have to wonder.Obama illegally used the IRS to target the Tea Party and stole the '12 election.he has acted like a dictator and trampled the constitution with 'executive' actions that were illegal and not approved by Congress.

The biggest most conservative hardliner justice happens to pass away in his sleep while on vacation just a few days after the EPA ruling came down??


No worries.Trump will install a couple or three conservatives and reverse those executive orders.

those who think this passing of Scalia is huge for Hillary obviously havent been watching the news.Ill fill you in: shes going to be indicted.she will be convicted and she will go to prison.she will NEVER be president even on her best day.the record turnout for GOP in Iowa and NH prove that people will come out of the woodwork to elect Trump or Cruz.

And dems have no plan to replace Killary..Biden shouldve run..now they have nothing.Bernie is joke.

Scalia's replacement wont come till Trump takes office.book it.
What is the average life expectancy for overweight type A workaholics?

There won't be any names floated until after the funeral probably.
Republicans will probably fillibuster that too.
Isn't it the Senate's job to vet Supreme Court candidates? Or are they just supposed to rubber stamp nominees and do whatever the President wants? Asking for a friend.
So rubber-stamping is bad, but obstructing any and all nominees is okay? Nice logic construct, Aristotle
Is it illegal to hold up nominees? Maybe they were blocked because the vetting process worked? Asking for a friend.
Just stop. The GOP isn't concerned with vetting this is just more obstructionist crap. And if they try it I have a feeling it will go about as well as the shutdown did for them.


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