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Lena Dunham on Bill Simmons, 14 Jan 2015 (3 Viewers)


While painting my daughter’s room, I spent an hour listening to Lena Dunham on Bill Simmons and I want to share my thoughts on it.

This was my first longer-form exposure to Dunham and I’m not trying to be provocative when I say she comes off in this interview as a fairly narrow-minded individual who is highly prone to generalizing and stereotyping. In other words, she seems to be the rare case of being everything she’s cracked up to be by her critics.

She seems to fall into a fairly common trap for many of my politically-charged friends and acquaintances on both sides; that being—

She clearly seems as if she feels she has been wronged or felt pain on a personal level by the doings of the opposite “political group” at some point in her life (which is probably true), but her reaction to it is to vastly overcompensate in her retaliation by lashing out and generalizing against any/all of that opposite group; effectively turning herself into the same sort of monster(s) that likely perpetrated the act (or acts) against her.

And, predictably, she has a fascinating self-serving view on why some people are turned off by her. In my view, people dislike her primarily because she finds ways to generalize vast groups of people as racists or misogynistic when many in such groups are not. That turns people off and always will. I am generally very pro-Planned Parenthood (not for Federal funding of it, but otherwise an enthusiastic supporter, etc.), and have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women. Well, I’m not anti-women in any way. And the perception she generates that sweeps me into that misogynistic group is **precisely and solely** what turns me off about her; not her political views on issues or gender necessarily.

Dunham, on the other hand, makes it clear in the podcast that she thinks those that are turned off by her do so *because* they’re misogynistic and it further proves that she and women generally are oppressed by these evil men. This view is an effectively double-downing on making someone like me feel falsely accused of being called misogynist; which of course turns me off to her even more.

It’s unfortunate that Dunham is on this bigoted rampage of generalizations. Though I see it all the time on both sides of the spectrum. In my everyday world I see it mostly as it pertains to views on Christians. My Christian friends get a dose of intolerance (legitimately) and lash out 10-fold on the world because of it and my non-practicing-Christian friends get a dose of intolerance from Christians (legitimately) and lash out 10-fold on Christians. Both sides want to get back at the other so much that they all seem be a vastly more effective perpetrator than victim. I’d say the same is true for Dunham and that’s unfortunate.

The more I read about her, and listen to her, the more I dislike this woman. She was prematurely the 'it' girl for whatever reason, she doesn't seem all that talented from what I can tell, and she just keeps revealing herself to be more and more of a butt hole.

She needs to get over herself, and stop with the constant apparent self image of her in a world against her, but she is a shining light. Its tiresome.

The more I read about her, and listen to her, the more I dislike this woman. She was prematurely the 'it' girl for whatever reason, she doesn't seem all that talented from what I can tell, and she just keeps revealing herself to be more and more of a butt hole.

She needs to get over herself, and stop with the constant apparent self image of her in a world against her, but she is a shining light. Its tiresome.
I'm not a huge fan by any means, but I'm curious as to your basis for this assertion. I mean, she made a movie and created and wrote an HBO show that's now in its third season at age 26. That seems like it would require a decent amount of talent. I personally got tired of the show pretty quickly and long since abandoned it, but I'm not really the target audience. The target audience and critics both seem to think it's pretty good.

The more I read about her, and listen to her, the more I dislike this woman. She was prematurely the 'it' girl for whatever reason, she doesn't seem all that talented from what I can tell, and she just keeps revealing herself to be more and more of a butt hole.

She needs to get over herself, and stop with the constant apparent self image of her in a world against her, but she is a shining light. Its tiresome.
I'm not a huge fan by any means, but I'm curious as to your basis for this assertion. I mean, she made a movie and created and wrote an HBO show that's now in its third season at age 26. That seems like it would require a decent amount of talent. I personally got tired of the show pretty quickly and long since abandoned it, but I'm not really the target audience. The target audience and critics both seem to think it's pretty good.
Maybe it's a part of being so young but I thought girls opened beautifully and brilliantly and reflected a real time and place of Brooklyn then and still kind of now. But that well ran dry before the first season was over.

Her life changed and her struggles changed and it's hard to write a schlub when you're a star.

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.

Tiny furniture was the prelude to girls and a fantastic movie.

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?

I know nothing about Lena Dunham the Person and couldn't possibly care less about her. I do watch Girls and it used to be because I thought the writing was creative and smart in Season 1. That feeling has consistently eroded away and I (like many others) despise most of the characters on the show at this point.

As for her character? She's annoying. She's always moping and unhappy and worrying about something. And on top of it all? She's really gross to look at. She has a haircut like Pete Rose now and her body is flabby, pear shapped and riddled with cellulite. She's gross and ALWAYS naked. I don't need to see it to get the tone of her character. It's just gross.

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?
Her work is also critically acclaimed, so the Bay comparison fails.

Have you seen Tiny Furniture or watched any seasons of Girls?

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?
Her work is also critically acclaimed, so the Bay comparison fails.

Have you seen Tiny Furniture or watched any seasons of Girls?
Your point is incorrect, I'm sure there are just as many random 'critics' who loved Transformers movies, or whatever. Probably more as it has a wider audience I would guess. Is it total number of critics? Is it just X,Y,Z gets to decide who is good/ or not? Who are these people exactly?

Yes Ive seen TF and made it through most of the first season before losing interest. Her work, just like her persona, is very meh to me.

Point being you can think she's talented, I can think she isn't. But there isn't a valid metric beyond reproach to measure it.

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?
As a director, writer and actor, she has put together pieces that for me for lack to a better term "worked". It engaged in a fresh manner and captured moments in an entertaining fashion that also helped to be representative of a time and place so I give bonus points on my own scale for forging a document of time. Not every creative person can do that. Most can't I dare say.

As I said, I think that initial guiding light may be distracted or distorted now but for me, she is talented.

But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?
Her work is also critically acclaimed, so the Bay comparison fails.

Have you seen Tiny Furniture or watched any seasons of Girls?
Your point is incorrect, I'm sure there are just as many random 'critics' who loved Transformers movies, or whatever. Probably more as it has a wider audience I would guess. Is it total number of critics? Is it just X,Y,Z gets to decide who is good/ or not? Who are these people exactly?

Yes Ive seen TF and made it through most of the first season before losing interest. Her work, just like her persona, is very meh to me.

Point being you can think she's talented, I can think she isn't. But there isn't a valid metric beyond reproach to measure it.
Sure, that works. I think it's harder to argue against the notion that someone's "talent is undeniable" when they're getting overwhelmingly positive reviews and getting award nominations than if they're making Transformers movies, but ultimately the idea of talent is subjective.

FWIW I think Bay is talented too. I don't like his work (don't much care for Dunham's either) but there must be something he does better than almost anyone else can do it if he keeps getting paid to make these movies and they keep selling tickets.

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But outside of any personal taste, her talent, when right is undeniable.
I'd take minor issue with this definition of talent. I suppose its subjective, but how do we define it? Was her stuff popular? Yes. Did she accomplish a lot at a young age? Yes.

However does that make her talented? Im not sure. Its not like there is a bar of 'talent' to be on TV or movies. There is worlds of crap out there.

She could have just as easily 'gotten lucky' to get her stuff out there, or known the right person, or whatever other variation.

The flip side is a lot of people would take issue with Michael Bay being termed 'talented' director, when lots would say he just blows stuff up in slow motion over and over. Does his multiple movies, their popularity, or $ made prove he is talented?
Her work is also critically acclaimed, so the Bay comparison fails.

Have you seen Tiny Furniture or watched any seasons of Girls?
Your point is incorrect, I'm sure there are just as many random 'critics' who loved Transformers movies, or whatever. Probably more as it has a wider audience I would guess. Is it total number of critics? Is it just X,Y,Z gets to decide who is good/ or not? Who are these people exactly?Yes Ive seen TF and made it through most of the first season before losing interest. Her work, just like her persona, is very meh to me.

Point being you can think she's talented, I can think she isn't. But there isn't a valid metric beyond reproach to measure it.
Well the same could be said if any art. There is a dialogue art maintains with the zeitgeist and while nothing could or should be uniform, a consensus opinion of review of her work would show positive reactions among respected, informed critiques.

Yes there are junket whores who will give transformers good reviews but these reviewers are not typically held in esteem. I can respect and appreciate the talent of a Coldplay or foo fighters but I don't like them myself. To each their own though. I would never personally call them no talents

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Never heard of him.

ETA Dunham, not Simmons. Love me some Simmons.

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i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.

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i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.

i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.
How much time do I have to invest until she gets funny or interesting? Definitely don't enjoy seeing her naked flabby body.

i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
No claims of objectivity can be found in my post, from anyone in this thread, or most anywhere in this entire forum.

So if being objective is the standard, let's just close up shop on FBG.

No agenda, just my take after listening to her for an hour. Tobias, I wouldnt doubt that my views would be different if I only listened to 15 minutes like you; so see if you can get through the first 45 and then perhaps we can compare thoughts.

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i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.
How much time do I have to invest until she gets funny or interesting? Definitely don't enjoy seeing her naked flabby body.
:shrug: I don't find her all that funny.

I also don't find her all that interesting, probably because I'm a 41 year old father of two and not a single woman in her 20s. IMO the most interesting thing about her is that she's the new boogeyman of the conservative community for reasons I can't really understand, other than the desperate need to cultivate boogeymen at every turn. It's also interesting that people don't seem to understand that you're supposed to find the main characters in her show unlikeable.

i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
No claims of objectivity can be found in my post, from anyone in this thread, or most anywhere in this entire forum.

So if being objective is the standard, let's just close up shop on FBG.

No agenda, just my take after listening to her for an hour. Tobias, I wouldnt doubt that my views would be different if I only listened to 15 minutes like you; so see if you can get through the first 45 and then perhaps we can compare thoughts.
Eh, I was kind of bored. Doesn't seem worth my time. Can you just tell me the part of her cordial conversation with a 45 year old white male sports fan made you think she wouldn't like you solely based on your age, race and personality? I dunno, maybe you're not also a middle-aged white male sports fan or something?

i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.
How much time do I have to invest until she gets funny or interesting? Definitely don't enjoy seeing her naked flabby body.
:shrug: I don't find her all that funny.

I also don't find her all that interesting, probably because I'm a 41 year old father of two and not a single woman in her 20s. IMO the most interesting thing about her is that she's the new boogeyman of the conservative community for reasons I can't really understand, other than the desperate need to cultivate boogeymen at every turn. It's also interesting that people don't seem to understand that you're supposed to find the main characters in her show unlikeable.
Nah. I was going to let everybody do this until you issued this declarative. She clearly issued the salvo in the socio-political wars. Conservatives responded. It's pretty clear she's been itching for this confrontation for a long time, and then couldn't handle it.

Sorry, Lena.

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i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
No claims of objectivity can be found in my post, from anyone in this thread, or most anywhere in this entire forum.

So if being objective is the standard, let's just close up shop on FBG.

No agenda, just my take after listening to her for an hour. Tobias, I wouldnt doubt that my views would be different if I only listened to 15 minutes like you; so see if you can get through the first 45 and then perhaps we can compare thoughts.
this isn't necessarily about true objectivity here but rather factually correct. you seem quite comfortable putting words in her mouth. i'd like to see the transcript or quotes that back support this. it's helpful to connect your interpretation of her conversation with Simmons.

i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.
How much time do I have to invest until she gets funny or interesting? Definitely don't enjoy seeing her naked flabby body.
:shrug: I don't find her all that funny.

I also don't find her all that interesting, probably because I'm a 41 year old father of two and not a single woman in her 20s. IMO the most interesting thing about her is that she's the new boogeyman of the conservative community for reasons I can't really understand, other than the desperate need to cultivate boogeymen at every turn. It's also interesting that people don't seem to understand that you're supposed to find the main characters in her show unlikeable.
Nah. I was going to let everybody do this until you issued this declarative. She clearly issued the salvo in the socio-political wars. Conservatives responded. It's pretty clear she's been itching for this confrontation for a long time, and then couldn't handle it.

Sorry, Lena.
Even if she did "issue a salvo in the socio-political wars," which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer/actress in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.

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i'd love to see a transcript of the podcast. no offense but the OP doesn't seem truly objective.
I've only listened to about 15 minutes of it, but I have a hard time believing this from the OP:

have no doubt after listening to Dunham due to my age, race, and personality that I would be swept up in her generalizations as a bad guy who is general y anti-women.
In the 15 minutes I heard she didn't say anything remotely close to that sort of generalization. And it's especially hard to believe considering she was engaging in pleasant, friendly conversation with a 45 year old rich white guy who loves sports. I'd love to hear what Dunham said that makes him think this. Or what it is about his own personality that he thinks would come off as "anti-women" if he's not.

Unrelated- huge fan of the "I don't know who this is and although I could google her in 3 seconds it's more important that I tell everyone how I'm totally above the fray and unaware of pop culture" shtick. Solid work from several posters on that one.
How much time do I have to invest until she gets funny or interesting? Definitely don't enjoy seeing her naked flabby body.
:shrug: I don't find her all that funny.

I also don't find her all that interesting, probably because I'm a 41 year old father of two and not a single woman in her 20s. IMO the most interesting thing about her is that she's the new boogeyman of the conservative community for reasons I can't really understand, other than the desperate need to cultivate boogeymen at every turn. It's also interesting that people don't seem to understand that you're supposed to find the main characters in her show unlikeable.
Nah. I was going to let everybody do this until you issued this declarative. She clearly issued the salvo in the socio-political wars. Conservatives responded. It's pretty clear she's been itching for this confrontation for a long time, and then couldn't handle it.

Sorry, Lena.
Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?

eta* Also, since that thread, Gawker has reported that her "college Republican" rapist (at Oberlin college, :) ) is the son of a higher-up at NPR and a Democrat. So why call him a Republican, then?

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Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.

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Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.
I think once you defend Lena Dunham naming a "college Republican" as her rapist when it turns out to be an NPR-loving Democrat, then you're a joke. I think that UVA thread might be instructive for people that might be a bit confused about our previous debate.

I don't think the way you presented yourself in this thread -- as objective -- is anywhere near accurate. You've always defended her, down to the fake rape charge. That's the joke. I think people in this thread that didn't read the other one might be duped by your veneer of objectivity.

Like I said, speaking of disingenuous jokes. Nope. Not happening here.

eta* here's the thread. http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=721902&hl=%20lena%20%20dunham&page=6

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Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.
I think once you defend Lena Dunham naming a "college Republican" as her rapist when it turns out to be an NPR-loving Democrat, then you're a joke. I think that UVA thread might be instructive for people that might be a bit confused about our previous debate.

I don't think the way you presented yourself in this thread -- as objective -- is anywhere near accurate. You've always defended her, down to the fake rape charge. That's the joke. I think people in this thread that didn't read the other one might be duped by your veneer of objectivity.

Like I said, speaking of disingenuous jokes. Nope. Not happening here.
Almost every word I've posted in this thread is the truth: (1) I don't particularly care for her work, although I respect what she's accomplished; and (2) you attacked the actions of a seven year old girl. Also, I was right, it wasn't just you- it was conservatives, too. If wasn't just bloggers, though- the guy who wrote the National Review article did it too! So my bad on that, I guess. Everything else was the truth, though.

A seven year old girl. That was (is?) the target of your anger. Here's a bunch of other seven year old girls. See any other evil monsters you want to vilify in this group?

Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.
I think once you defend Lena Dunham naming a "college Republican" as her rapist when it turns out to be an NPR-loving Democrat, then you're a joke. I think that UVA thread might be instructive for people that might be a bit confused about our previous debate.

I don't think the way you presented yourself in this thread -- as objective -- is anywhere near accurate. You've always defended her, down to the fake rape charge. That's the joke. I think people in this thread that didn't read the other one might be duped by your veneer of objectivity.

Like I said, speaking of disingenuous jokes. Nope. Not happening here.
Almost every word I've posted in this thread is the truth: (1) I don't particularly care for her work, although I respect what she's accomplished; and (2) you attacked the actions of a seven year old girl. Also, I was right, it wasn't just you- it was conservatives, too. If wasn't just bloggers, though- the guy who wrote the National Review article did it too! So my bad on that, I guess. Everything else was the truth, though.

A seven year old girl. That was (is?) the target of your anger. Here's a bunch of other seven year old girls. See any other evil monsters you want to vilify in this group?
Like when I linked to the other thread, you kept defending her on the false rape charge.

Again with the link. http://forums.footba... dunham&page=6

eta* I love reading it again. Your obduracy is stunning.

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Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.
I think once you defend Lena Dunham naming a "college Republican" as her rapist when it turns out to be an NPR-loving Democrat, then you're a joke. I think that UVA thread might be instructive for people that might be a bit confused about our previous debate.

I don't think the way you presented yourself in this thread -- as objective -- is anywhere near accurate. You've always defended her, down to the fake rape charge. That's the joke. I think people in this thread that didn't read the other one might be duped by your veneer of objectivity.

Like I said, speaking of disingenuous jokes. Nope. Not happening here.
Almost every word I've posted in this thread is the truth: (1) I don't particularly care for her work, although I respect what she's accomplished; and (2) you attacked the actions of a seven year old girl. Also, I was right, it wasn't just you- it was conservatives, too. If wasn't just bloggers, though- the guy who wrote the National Review article did it too! So my bad on that, I guess. Everything else was the truth, though.

A seven year old girl. That was (is?) the target of your anger. Here's a bunch of other seven year old girls. See any other evil monsters you want to vilify in this group?
Like when I linked to the other thread, you kept defending her on the false rape charge.

Again with the link. http://forums.footba... dunham&page=6

eta* I love reading it again. Your obduracy is stunning.
I have no problem with anything I said there.

Here's where you went after the actions of a seven year old girl (not once but twice, and with crude terminology!). You as comfortable standing behind that as I am standing behind what I said?

Even if she did, which I doubt, the response has been disproportionate to the point of hilarity. She's a writer in her late 20s with limited influence and she's probably second to Obama when it comes to being the target of conservative bile. You (following the cues of conservative blogs, I'm guessing) went at her in that other thread for stuff she did when she was seven. A seven year old girl! Do you really not see how laughable that is? Demonizing the actions of a seven year old girl? It's hilarious.
I went after her largely for her false rape charge. And you know that. Should we direct people to that thread?
Sure. Are you denying that you (and others) demonized her for her actions when she was seven? I may be wrong but I remember it pretty clearly, because it was hilarious and pathetic.

Becase here's the thing- no matter what you claim you "largely" went after her for, you lose all credibility when you attack the actions of a seven year old girl. Once you do that you're a joke. There's no turning back from that.
I think once you defend Lena Dunham naming a "college Republican" as her rapist when it turns out to be an NPR-loving Democrat, then you're a joke. I think that UVA thread might be instructive for people that might be a bit confused about our previous debate.

I don't think the way you presented yourself in this thread -- as objective -- is anywhere near accurate. You've always defended her, down to the fake rape charge. That's the joke. I think people in this thread that didn't read the other one might be duped by your veneer of objectivity.

Like I said, speaking of disingenuous jokes. Nope. Not happening here.
Almost every word I've posted in this thread is the truth: (1) I don't particularly care for her work, although I respect what she's accomplished; and (2) you attacked the actions of a seven year old girl. Also, I was right, it wasn't just you- it was conservatives, too. If wasn't just bloggers, though- the guy who wrote the National Review article did it too! So my bad on that, I guess. Everything else was the truth, though.

A seven year old girl. That was (is?) the target of your anger. Here's a bunch of other seven year old girls. See any other evil monsters you want to vilify in this group?
Like when I linked to the other thread, you kept defending her on the false rape charge.

Again with the link. http://forums.footba... dunham&page=6

eta* I love reading it again. Your obduracy is stunning.
I have no problem with anything I said there.

Here's where you went after the actions of a seven year old girl (not once but twice, and with crude terminology!). You as comfortable standing behind that as I am standing behind what I said?
Yes, absolutely.


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