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***Official 1/6 Select Committee thread*** (3 Viewers)

People make illogical statements on this board all the time. Only in Trump threads do we see this swarm. It’s very real and it’s been happening for years.  An allegation is made and it’s immediately believed and any questioning of it invites hordes of people.  It’s a weird thing. 

It’s strange because a little patience will answer all questions, on both sides.
Really?  Ive seen people on both sides swarmed often.    Its been happening long before Trump.

Right. She wasn’t in the car, so I don’t afford much weight to her testimony as applied to what actually happened.
Thank you. That's why I don't get too excited when people say "she was under oath!"

This seems to be a good example why hearsay isn't permitted in real trials but is perfectly fine for show trials. Bonus benefit, NYT and CNN get to run with it as though it's true.

People make illogical statements on this board all the time. Only in Trump threads do we see this swarm. It’s very real and it’s been happening for years.  An allegation is made and it’s immediately believed and any questioning of it invites hordes of people.  It’s a weird thing. 

It’s strange because a little patience will answer all questions, on both sides.
meh....that's an enormous difference between "questioning" and labeling someone a liar with exactly ZERO proof of it.  I have absolutely no problem with someone saying "this is what she heard...let's see what those directly involved have to say".  That's not what is happening in this thread.  She recounted her recollection of a conversation she had with person(s) there and she made it crystal clear it was her recollection of the conversation.  @bigbottom nailed it in his post above.

The Dude said:
Tend to agree - but hopefully we do not know the dem candidate yet.
Who could it be, Biden, Harris, then who else is there?   Those 2 arent beating DeSantis.   Dems would need someone other than those two.   Would Chris Murphy run vs dem?   Mitch Landrieu?   Gavin Newsome?   Need someone fresh, the first 2 have that, but not the cache.   

I'm sure Meadows will clear this up when he testifies. 
That reminds me of another big takeaway for me from Hutchinson’s testimony.  I have a deeper understanding of why Meadows seems to be treated differently by the Select Committee and the DOJ than other members of Trump’s inner circle.  Meadows knew a lot more in the days leading up to January 6 than I previously thought he did.  

Which reminds me of another thought from that witness tampering coda from the hearing.  Is there a way to follow the money here, or is the money all too dark to track?  Like does Meadows run a PAC or an NPO where we can look at donations and see if there’s a correlation between monies received and his willingness to cooperate with investigators? 

She repeated hearsay and it cant be cross examined ,so yes,she can say whatever she wants 
it was one minute part of her overall testimony…it can be refuted by someone under oath…it has yet to be.

She can say whatever she wants…under penalties of perjury.

Are you stating she lied under oath?  What would be her motivation for doing so?

she testified what she said she heard , i know children who do that telling stories lol

If the secret service refutes her version we all know you will say ''she was just saying what she heard '' and exonerate her ,so whats the point of asking me that ?

Only hearsay from what I recall was the limo story -- which is like arguing if it was really ketchup...."hey it coulda been mustard!!" on the walls she was cleaning up ---
Another big moment was when Meadows said  “You heard him. He thinks Mike deserves it” (or words to that effect).  Given that I believe Meadows was speaking about a conversation with Trump that she was not present for, that would be hearsay as well. While Meadows may in fact have said precisely that, he could have easily been interpreting what he believed Trump thought as opposed to directly quoting him. 

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Did the committee say anything about why they didn't have the driver testifying? Did he not comply with a subpoena? 
Secret Service has cooperated with the investigation.   And they were in a suburban and not the limo(beast) the day of the alleged choking.   Hutchinson wasnt in there, and was only saying what she was told by someone else.   If the SS said it didnt happen, why would Cheney have brought it up?    Lets see if Engel or the SS refute her testimony.....

Frankly, IDC what Trump did in the limo(SUV).   These guys knew it was coming, new there was going to be trouble, and allowed it to happen, incited it, took back the metal detectors.   Thats the issue, not trying to grab a steering wheel.

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Did the committee say anything about why they didn't have the driver testifying? Did he not comply with a subpoena? 
Secret Service has been a willing participant to the fact finding mission of the 1/6 committee from the beginning.  I doubt that changes.  They will likely issue a statement or even go on record to clear things up and give their version of what is in their incident reports.  I am willing to bet if anything "different" is exposed, it's that Trump didn't physically touch anyone.  That part never sat right with me...he's not that kind of "alpha" guy.  They will acknowledge that there was an incident in the vehicle (which is the important part IMO).

she testified what she said she heard , i know children who do that telling stories lol

If the secret service refutes her version we all know you will say ''she was just saying what she heard '' and exonerate her ,so whats the point of asking me that ?
You (and everyone else in here arguing) really should watch/listen to the hearings. Then discuss this in good faith. Right now people are arguing talking points.

Listen to the testimony, form your own opinions.

she testified what she said she heard , i know children who do that telling stories lol

If the secret service refutes her version we all know you will say ''she was just saying what she heard '' and exonerate her ,so whats the point of asking me that ?
Do you think she lied on purpose?

thats a simple question

The last 4ish pages are EXACTLY why I use virtually NONE of the media sources in this country.  So much misinformation/misunderstanding that goes away completely if one just watches for themselves.
I think there is a lot of people misunderstanding what an article says / mixing up convoluted legal terms.

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Secret Service has been a willing participant to the fact finding mission of the 1/6 committee from the beginning.  I doubt that changes.  They will likely issue a statement or even go on record to clear things up and give their version of what is in their incident reports.  I am willing to bet if anything "different" is exposed, it's that Trump didn't physically touch anyone.  That part never sat right with me...he's not that kind of "alpha" guy.  They will acknowledge that there was an incident in the vehicle (which is the important part IMO).
Right…it was more about his mindset than any big accusation.  Id actually rather they had not even brought it into testimony being second hand information that really wasn’t all that relevant to the rest of her testimony.  Stick to the direct knowledge.

she testified what she said she heard , i know children who do that telling stories lol

If the secret service refutes her version we all know you will say ''she was just saying what she heard '' and exonerate her ,so whats the point of asking me that ?
I’m saying that now. It’s why I don’t lend a whole lot of weight to that particular piece of testimony to the issue of what actually happened in the car. I think it’s just as likely that person who told her the story was completely embellishing at the time. 

Secret Service has been a willing participant to the fact finding mission of the 1/6 committee from the beginning.  I doubt that changes.  They will likely issue a statement or even go on record to clear things up and give their version of what is in their incident reports.  I am willing to bet if anything "different" is exposed, it's that Trump didn't physically touch anyone.  That part never sat right with me...he's not that kind of "alpha" guy.  They will acknowledge that there was an incident in the vehicle (which is the important part IMO).
Yeah, its a disconnect for me visualizing the "threat" of those short vulgarian fingers on someones clavicle  ---

I'm far more interested in the testimony about Trump wanting to let armed people into the ellipse and marching to the Capitol.

"They're not here to hurt me". I wonder who they were there to hurt? Especially if they would have been able to carry their weapons to the Capitol.
It sure looks like Trump was bent on enabling the mob to access the capitol and intimidate Congress and the Vice-president into abandoning their constitutional duties. It is now very reasonable to prosecute.

Speculatively, his decision to take no additional protective actions during the afternoon may have been just because he was pouting that there weren't enough people in authority backing his plan.

Trailing badly in his own polls, Brazil's Bolsonaro has clearly learned from the Trump failure and is placing high military officials in his administration. When he makes his move after losing the election, he'll have the armed forces behind him, which Donald didn't.

Do you think she lied on purpose?

thats a simple question
Who cares? 

There are standard rules for this stuff in a courtroom. I realize this isn't a courtroom, but we should want the same principles followed. 

We almost 100% reject hearsay in a courtroom. The principle behind that is sound. We know eyewitness testimony is frequently unreliable. We know relayed information is almost always diluted factually. So for a witness testifying to what she was told, our default position should be extreme skepticism. 

We don't have to have emotional discussions. We don't need it to turn into "OMG you are accusing this poor girl of lying."

I have zero issues taking her first hand accounts with a heavy weight and rejecting any games of telephone. I don't need to focus on her as a person or get into any discussions about misogyny, sexism, favoritism, etc. 

Now if the driver of the vehicle was refusing to cooperate or the other passenger(s), I might change my mind. Because in that scenario the first hand account is not available. 

But if the driver is willing and is not presented, the only motivations in question should be that of the committee, not this young lady. 

i did after all the controversy

I find it hard people like Giuliani shared info with this girl like she said  the did , i mean who is she ? 

Yes i have my doubts . AS for lying you act like people dont lie in these situations ,or the very least embellish . 

If everyone knew about what might happen why didnt she say something sooner to someone in charge of the capital and why wouldnt Pelosi know what everyone else seemed to know and act accordingly? 

Cheney was leading the girl thru the whole testimony ,its laughable . She would get destroyed in a cross examination . 
I remember watching the impeachment for this on tv and thinking how different the facts the prosecution presented to how different the rebuttal was from the defense ,thats the difference between this charade and a serious court room. Its an ### kicking show and nothing more without any defense to the accusations . 

i did after all the controversy

I find it hard people like Giuliani shared info with this girl like she said  the did , i mean who is she ? 

Yes i have my doubts . AS for lying you act like people dont lie in these situations ,or the very least embellish . 

If everyone knew about what might happen why didnt she say something sooner to someone in charge of the capital and why wouldnt Pelosi know what everyone else seemed to know and act accordingly? 
who is she?  She was the one who answered the phone when you wanted to get in touch with the WH Chief of Staff.

Who cares? 

There are standard rules for this stuff in a courtroom. I realize this isn't a courtroom, but we should want the same principles followed. 

We almost 100% reject hearsay in a courtroom. The principle behind that is sound. We know eyewitness testimony is frequently unreliable. We know relayed information is almost always diluted factually. So for a witness testifying to what she was told, our default position should be extreme skepticism. 

We don't have to have emotional discussions. We don't need it to turn into "OMG you are accusing this poor girl of lying."

I have zero issues taking her first hand accounts with a heavy weight and rejecting any games of telephone. I don't need to focus on her as a person or get into any discussions about misogyny, sexism, favoritism, etc. 

Now if the driver of the vehicle was refusing to cooperate or the other passenger(s), I might change my mind. Because in that scenario the first hand account is not available. 

But if the driver is willing and is not presented, the only motivations in question should be that of the committee, not this young lady. 
Pretty sure we've deducted here that after 2 hours of testimony, only 2 incidences (the van and comment about Trump saying Pence deserves [to he hanged]) were actual hearsay and those would have no bearing on the veracity of the rest --

Thank you. That's why I don't get too excited when people say "she was under oath!"

This seems to be a good example why hearsay isn't permitted in real trials but is perfectly fine for show trials. Bonus benefit, NYT and CNN get to run with it as though it's true.
Hearsay is a narrowly defined term, and is permitted at trial in many circumstances (i.e. exceptions).  

Executive Assistant.

If you know anything about bureaucracies, you know they are the ones who actually get #### done.
ya get things done,like warning the capital police that the crowd coming on the 6th is going to be armed lol

Surprised no one has mentioned this yet (note the date):

Trump privately raised Jan. 6 Capitol appearance with Secret Service agent, select panel hears


06/08/2022 05:27 PM EDT

As then-President Donald Trump left a rally with his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, he appears to have held out hope until the last minute — even as chaos unfolded — that he’d be able to join them at the Capitol.

Trump even raised the prospect privately with the head of his Secret Service detail at the time, Robert Engel, according to a person familiar with the agent’s congressional testimony. Engel rode with Trump in the presidential armored car called “The Beast” back to the White House after the Ellipse rally that preceded that day’s violent riot.

Engel told Jan. 6 select committee investigators that the two men discussed Trump’s desire to go to the Capitol and took different views on the topic. Engel noted that they went back to the White House instead of heading to Capitol Hill. The contents of Engel’s testimony have not been previously reported. Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi declined to comment.
I don't see any mention of steering wheels and physical altercations, so it's certainly possible that there's disagreement on that point, but if this article is accurately conveying Engel's testimony, it sure sounds like his account largely matches what Hutchinson testified yesterday. Also, to the extent that the anecdote has any legal value at all, it's in terms of establishing Trump's state of mind in that moment: He wanted to lead an armed mob toward the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying the election results. Whether he grabbed the steering wheel is titillating, but legally irrelevant.

Me, he implied she lied on purpose under oath.  I want to know if he really thinks that

Do you think she lied on purpose under oath?
Pretty sure I just gave you a detailed explanation why I don't care about her motivations for all second hand accounts she relayed and that I was willing to give heavy weight to her first hand accounts. 

I remember this being a common talking point for Blasey Ford. Pretty sure Bruce and Tim used to ask this repeatedly. My position was similar in that her motivation wasnt as important as the fact that she was relaying a 35 year old story that was missing more details than it had. Our default position should be rejection. 

Pretty sure there is an exchange in there where one of them asked me if I thought she was telling the truth. My reply was "I don't care"

This of course was a loaded feed trough for virtue points. 

I'll be honest.  Was a bit disappointed to come in this AM and NOT see "arguments" for the secret service being part of the deep state and this testimony from Hutchinson as evidence of a coup attempt and/or hostage situation.  I thought for sure that would come to light.  The conspiracy theorists are slipping...can't keep up I guess.


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