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****Official**** depression thread (2 Viewers)

@johnnycakes Man, I'm actually envious of you- you have a lot of balls. I think it's awesome that you and your wife are able to split amicably and work out everything through mediation. I hope that process goes smoothly on Tuesday. Leaving your job and moving to a new place takes some huge cojones. You have 2 of your kids that are willing to move with you: that speaks volumes to what kind of dad you are. But, like krista said, those are all the major stressors people have over a lifetime, lumped into one big sandwich. It's no wonder you're feeling a little off-kilter.

You had the stones to reshape your life, at a time when you have the resources and the self-knowledge to really find out who you are and what you love. I find those transitional times are when depression and anxiety can hit the hardest. You feel untethered, and don't have your normal routine to calm yourself down. You also have the opportunity to mindfully and purposefully create new patterns in your life. Go out and find a new place: an art museum, a place that plays good live music, a little mom and pop burrito shop, a hiking trail that is filled with beauty and grandeur. Create your new world with all the freedom and intention you can muster. And if you need to sleep- sleep.

I'll leave you with something I always share with people when they tell me they're going thru depression. It's a letter Carl Jung wrote to a friend, and it rings true. Word of advice for the depressed.

I have no doubt you will pass through this episode, your past and your character mandate it. Personally, I appreciate your contribution to this place, brother. And I hope this episode is just uncomfortable enough to melt your lead and refine your gold, but no more.

I'll add my name to the list of people you are more than welcome to pm, if you need to reach out. And that goes for anyone reading this that may be struggling during the holidays.

I don’t have much to add to what these other brilliant, loving minds have offered you @johnnycakes but just know that you are never alone and you have much more to offer this world than you know.

There is some great advice in here. Follow the advice that fits best with your situation and lifestyle, grab life by the ##### and make life everything it can be. Exciting times ahead for you brother.

Just wanted to report that I'm in a (rare) good mood today.  Maybe it's that the holidays are finally behind me....  maybe it's that I start a new job next Monday.  No changes in my meds.  Feeling very grateful for the cards life has dealt me.  

That's all.  :kicksrock:

Great to hear, GB.  Keep it up and LMK if you need me to let you win at BG once in a while!  j/k

... Follow the advice that fits best with your situation and lifestyle....

The best "cure all" for those suffering from depression will be relentless exercise.

Some people will say "I train an hour a day and I'm still depressed." OK, then bump it up to two hours a day. If you are still depressed, then bump it up some more. At some point, people will be too busy training and too tired to focus on their depression.

Heavy physical training also forces many people to clean up their diets and fix their hydration, which tends to be a massive problem for most people.

Feeling bored stiff today...  and that's a potential slippery slope. I decided to treat myself to a haircut and a 45-minute shave at my local barber shop this afternoon.  It'll be good to get out of the house.  Between driving there and back, this should be good for 2 - 2 1/2 hours of respite.  

Just about to hit 10 months of sobriety and I feel lousy all of a sudden. I think the pink cloud may be fading. Thinking a lot lately about the damage my drinking has done and how I’ve destroyed a lot of relationships, some that it’s too late to fix. Just venting I guess. Trying to stay strong. 

So I was posting in the shark pool about my lost of interest in FF...I made a half joke about losing a lot of interest in things. Someone made a post about depression....

So looking back, I don't feel as I'm depressed as in "sadness"..  but I've lost all interest in all my old hobbies (minus say golf).... And these were hobbies I was deeply vested in (poker for example).... I know I'm getting older and things change but I'm just meh about everything. I don't like going out, I'm not super chummy with anyone. I mean I enjoy watching my daughter's games but usually will get bored with other activities.  I really just enjoy watching TV anymore.....


So I was posting in the shark pool about my lost of interest in FF...I made a half joke about losing a lot of interest in things. Someone made a post about depression....

So looking back, I don't feel as I'm depressed as in "sadness"..  but I've lost all interest in all my old hobbies (minus say golf).... And these were hobbies I was deeply vested in (poker for example).... I know I'm getting older and things change but I'm just meh about everything. I don't like going out, I'm not super chummy with anyone. I mean I enjoy watching my daughter's games but usually will get bored with other activities.  I really just enjoy watching TV anymore.....

That is pretty much what it looks like for me when I get depressed. Not super sad and weepy, just don't really get much enjoyment out of stuff I normally would. Then I get pretty "lazy" and start avoiding things and people and before I know it, I am in a full-blown funk, doing almost nothing but work and binge-watching Netflix.

This year the holidays kinda kicked my butt. I rode it out, though and then when I started to feel a little better, just started trying to do little things that are more focused on helping other people. I've been trying to be more active, too, going outside for walks and stuff. Movement and sunlight help me a lot this time of year. GL, brother.

ProstheticRGK said:
That is pretty much what it looks like for me when I get depressed. Not super sad and weepy, just don't really get much enjoyment out of stuff I normally would. Then I get pretty "lazy" and start avoiding things and people and before I know it, I am in a full-blown funk, doing almost nothing but work and binge-watching Netflix.

This year the holidays kinda kicked my butt. I rode it out, though and then when I started to feel a little better, just started trying to do little things that are more focused on helping other people. I've been trying to be more active, too, going outside for walks and stuff. Movement and sunlight help me a lot this time of year. GL, brother.
I can identify with that, @ProstheticRGK.  When I am depressed, I have no interest in doing much of anything, especially anything fun.,  Then there's the loss of appetite.  And going to bed very early just to get to the next day.  

I just started a new job here in Denver last Monday.  So far I am totally overwhelmed with all the new technology I have to learn.  I'm quite anxious over it.  This morning when I got up, I had a pretty good vomiting session..  strictly due to nerves.  And it's a good, international company that hired me.  You've heard of the Big 4?  E&Y, Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC?  Well this company that hired me is like #5.  Good opportunity if I don;'t eff it up.  

And yeah, this year the holidays seemed to be particularly tough for me.  At the recommendation of one of my ex-wives, I invested in one of those  SAD lights.  Hope it helps.  

belljr said:
So I was posting in the shark pool about my lost of interest in FF...I made a half joke about losing a lot of interest in things. Someone made a post about depression....

So looking back, I don't feel as I'm depressed as in "sadness"..  but I've lost all interest in all my old hobbies (minus say golf).... And these were hobbies I was deeply vested in (poker for example).... I know I'm getting older and things change but I'm just meh about everything. I don't like going out, I'm not super chummy with anyone. I mean I enjoy watching my daughter's games but usually will get bored with other activities.  I really just enjoy watching TV anymore.....

I to am older and started the netflix zombie routine here as well.I recently returned to school. I just started my second semester yesterday. I mention this because the winter break between the semesters put me on a steady slide down to the depths. This is when I started the netflix thing. I was feeling bad enough I went and saw someone. I am now of the opinion that I need to be challenged or at least feel like I am doing something to move forward. It really seems to improve my mental state. I am not sure if this is because I just don't have the time to sit around and feel sad. 

Yesterday was the first day of the second semester and there were several assignments due that day. It took me hours to do but I feel great. I have a sense of accomplishment. Part of me feels like this is a competition and I just won the first quarter.

Maybe find a new challenging hobby? I will say returning to school at this age has it's advantages. While I really want to do well, I know it doesn't really matter as I have a full time job which supports me. I don't feel the pressure I felt as a youngster to succeed in school. 

Rough time right now and just needed a place to vent. My depression hits harder this time of year, and it's been like this for about 12 years. Just a pit that I can't dig out of and stuck until well after the new year. I've become used to it and just learned to fight (suffer?) through it. While I'm dealing with this feeling, family issues have started to make an impact as well. My 16 yr old son has told my wife he was going to shoot himself. He said he's feeling like a failure and not fitting in with friends, school, or family right now. I have felt the same growing up and always thought it was me, but I can see where it's going with him having been in his shoes. I've tried to talk to him, but he doesn't want to let anyone in (been there, done that). I wanted to try and share some of my stories, but he's not interested. Wife is against therapy and thinks this is something that should be managed by family. I feel like I'm the poster child of that approach never working, but she thinks I'm just being too emotional, or seeking attention. However, she does feel he is serious and wants to keep an eye on him and has taken more of an interest to break through his armor. I've tried to talk to her about it, but I'm dismissed and she "knows better".

I feel like I'm on the sidelines of my own life and can't take the field no matter how hard I try. I take a couple steps forward only to get knocked back down. I recently lost a fraternity brother out of the blue - he was a healthy guy who was a great help to me during college. We didn't talk much after graduation, but when we did it was like falling back into old times. Great listener with solid advice. My father has a dibilating illness which he's trying to manage. He's on medication, but it can only subdue so much of things. Watching him live with this is tough. Yesterday I was asked to take a 3 week unpaid leave from mid-DEC to early JAN at work. I'm a contractor, so not sure what I can do with that. Looking at my options, but doesn't look good right now. Haven't told anyone else yet, but will need to have a talk with the wife since I'm the breadwinner.

Long story short.....I hate this time of year. Already feeling the sadness and pulling away from folks, but all this new info just compounds things and adds extra weight onto an already heavy situation in my life. Just needed to say it out loud to help me process things.
No offense @DadIssues but you might need a new wife...easier said than done and perhaps you are happy with her otherwise. I've never heard of someone so brazenly unsupportive. I hope you can get on top of this and look forward to hearing how well you and your son made it through the next six weeks. He needs you. Also hoping you post here often this next month. Best wishes
No offense @DadIssues but you might need a new wife...easier said than done and perhaps you are happy with her otherwise. I've never heard of someone so brazenly unsupportive. I hope you can get on top of this and look forward to hearing how well you and your son made it through the next six weeks. He needs you. Also hoping you post here often this next month. Best wishes
The wife and I have our issues, but we both agree that the kids come first. She's very old school, raised to believe that family issues stay within the family. She's supportive, but doesn't do the therapy route. Believes family takes care of their own. I've seen this within the rest of her family, so she gets it honestly.

It's been almost a week since my son made that declaration. I've talked to him a couple of times. I also made sure he doesn't have access to any guns. He is in winter mode, so he doesn't leave the house much. School, practice, work, home. Between my wife, myself, and his siblings, there are constant eyes/ears on him. He has told me that he was tired and lashed out and he wasn't serious. I wasn't there, so I don't know - but my wife took it serious enough that it made her worry. Time will tell, but we're making sure he knows he has people who care for him and will do anything for him.

Personal side, I'm looking for a new job and spending my time trying to not focus on what's lying beneath the surface. I work, eat, do things around the house, sleep and start it over the next day. The ignorance isn't healthy, but it keeps me moving. When I have down time and my mind wanders, thats when I fall deep and can't seem to move. A wise man once told me to be flexible, put on a new face when you need to be around people, but be yourself when you're alone. Not liking what I see in myself right now when I'm alone, so I keep the other face on for as long as possible. Still hoping something good comes around soon, but I don't see it yet.
No offense @DadIssues but you might need a new wife...easier said than done and perhaps you are happy with her otherwise. I've never heard of someone so brazenly unsupportive. I hope you can get on top of this and look forward to hearing how well you and your son made it through the next six weeks. He needs you. Also hoping you post here often this next month. Best wishes
The wife and I have our issues, but we both agree that the kids come first. She's very old school, raised to believe that family issues stay within the family. She's supportive, but doesn't do the therapy route.
I’m sorry you and your son struggle with depression. You have an ability to make decisions to help the well being of your child. ‘Keep within the family’ strikes me as a bad idea. You really have no idea *what* you are choosing to resolve yourself without a clinical diagnosis. Moreover, to me, it sends a signal there is something shameful about being depressed, which seems like the opposite reaction you’d want to send to a kid who has communicated a cry for help. I couldn’t be married to someone who is totally closed to professional support that could help my child manage depression. Makes me wonder if it worsens your own depression/isolation to be with someone with that view.
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@DadIssues - Maybe you could frame it along the lines of the boy needs someplace safe he can vent and find healthy ways to express himself. Don't let your wife think that he's "depressed" or "suicidal" or whatever label seems to be triggering her. Some parents take it as a personal attack on themselves and their parenting skills if their child gets tagged with something they perceive as negative. So by avoiding labels and trying to portray counseling as a healthy means of exploring life changes, you could maybe get the wife on board. Maybe tell her he needs to speak with a counselor about school, college and his future plans, but then let the counselor know there are other issues that also need to be addressed. And honestly, if she's still not on board, it's time to make an executive decision and take him to speak to somebody. You can't ignore a kid threatening to hurt himself. The most important thing is to search and read reviews and get word of mouth recommendations. Some counselors are awesome with kids, some are enablers who want to be their friends.

And hey, while I'm here, I'll introduce myself as someone who wrote a suicide note when I was 15, have struggled with anxiety/panic/depression for almost 40 years and I'm still kicking. I've been on at least 7 different meds for depression, I've been seeing a therapist for 6 years, I'm currently med free (for the past year) and I'm still learning a lot about myself and how to stay out of the dark hole that sometimes wants to pull me under. It ain't easy, but no matter who you are, there are people who love you and need you.
Sorry to hear about you trouble @DadIssues. I'm with the others, and it sounds like you as well, in that he needs to speak to someone. I like Rand al Thor's thoughts in terms of an approach.

My situation is far less dire, but still feel meh and have been dealing with it for years off and on.

Backstory: TL DR- there's no reason I should be feeling like I am

From an objective standpoint, life right now is pretty good. Wife and 2 girls, all healthy for the most part. Good paying job albeit not very satisfying. Wife went back to professional work (daycare provider for past decade as kids grew up) and received some inheritance recently so we've got more money than we've ever had. Working off credit card debt that was strangling us for over a decade.
Diagnosed as a diabetic 1.5 years ago, but got on medication and have lost 60 pounds. Actually hit my wedding weight after 19 years. Still 40 away from my ideal goal weight, but I physically feel better than I have in a very very long time. Just had a checkup and bloodwork done, my A1c is now at a normal range, glucose looks good as well. On a number of meds to control glucose, HBP, and Cholesterol but numbers are coming down and should be able to start reducing/elimination if it continues.

Really no reason to complain but I still feel Meh way too often. The joy in life is lost. I get in my head far too often and my solution to getting my mind to STFU is to grab a drink. I know this is probably the worst choice, but that's my solution. I enjoy the numbness and the DGAF aspect, but the bill is coming due. It's a strain on my wife and kids which only makes me feel worse.. and downward spiral we go.

Talked to doc at the checkup about being depressed and we're going to try wellbutrin based on the meds I'm already on. I haven't read the entire thread yet, but seen it mentioned a few times. A little nervous to start taking them, but I know I need to do something as my current solution is hurting myself, family... well basically everything. Any insight or info on the med is greatly appreciated.

In the past I've blamed nearly everything else for my issues: Financial stress, marital stress, job stress. I've now got myself in a decent spot for all those and still have the issue. Only the man in the mirror left. I need to somehow find my mojo, and a way to tell myself to stop being a downer, and it will be ok.
Sorry to hear about you trouble @DadIssues. I'm with the others, and it sounds like you as well, in that he needs to speak to someone. I like Rand al Thor's thoughts in terms of an approach.

My situation is far less dire, but still feel meh and have been dealing with it for years off and on.

Backstory: TL DR- there's no reason I should be feeling like I am

From an objective standpoint, life right now is pretty good. Wife and 2 girls, all healthy for the most part. Good paying job albeit not very satisfying. Wife went back to professional work (daycare provider for past decade as kids grew up) and received some inheritance recently so we've got more money than we've ever had. Working off credit card debt that was strangling us for over a decade.
Diagnosed as a diabetic 1.5 years ago, but got on medication and have lost 60 pounds. Actually hit my wedding weight after 19 years. Still 40 away from my ideal goal weight, but I physically feel better than I have in a very very long time. Just had a checkup and bloodwork done, my A1c is now at a normal range, glucose looks good as well. On a number of meds to control glucose, HBP, and Cholesterol but numbers are coming down and should be able to start reducing/elimination if it continues.

Really no reason to complain but I still feel Meh way too often. The joy in life is lost. I get in my head far too often and my solution to getting my mind to STFU is to grab a drink. I know this is probably the worst choice, but that's my solution. I enjoy the numbness and the DGAF aspect, but the bill is coming due. It's a strain on my wife and kids which only makes me feel worse.. and downward spiral we go.

Talked to doc at the checkup about being depressed and we're going to try wellbutrin based on the meds I'm already on. I haven't read the entire thread yet, but seen it mentioned a few times. A little nervous to start taking them, but I know I need to do something as my current solution is hurting myself, family... well basically everything. Any insight or info on the med is greatly appreciated.

In the past I've blamed nearly everything else for my issues: Financial stress, marital stress, job stress. I've now got myself in a decent spot for all those and still have the issue. Only the man in the mirror left. I need to somehow find my mojo, and a way to tell myself to stop being a downer, and it will be ok.

Is it possible to try retrain yourself to do something other than grab a drink when those stressors/thoughts creep in? Go for a walk (win/win as it will help with those last 40 pounds) or pick up a book?

I know easier said than done, and I am far from one from saying don't drink at all, but trying to limit the drinks to more of a "positive" situation occurrence - social gatherings, etc. and eliminating them as a response to negative situations could be a step in the right direction.
Had a "fun" conversation with the wife over the weekend. She's all for taking the son to get help. She said she wanted to take him directly to Children's hospital that night. I asked why she didn't mention it, which led into us into a rabbit hole that had no end. Eventually we stopped talking to each other. Now we don't talk, and if we do it's short and sometimes sharp and pointed.
Long story short, she doesn't view me as a partner in this family. I don't help with discipline and can't control the kids. They're 20, 18, and 16 now - but she dates it back 12 years ago. Shell admit that I help around the house and everything that needs done, but doesn't trust me with the kids. Have to say my heart broke that day. I knew we had issues, but I was trying ywok thru them. She wasn't. She doesn't want to.
I'm still processing, but needless to say my darkest time of the year got a little worse.

On the plus side, my son is doing much better. We spend time talking to him everyday. We still track where he goes/what he does, but his mood is better. He's agreed to talk to one of us if/when those feelings return. Thanks for listening.
In the past I've blamed nearly everything else for my issues: Financial stress, marital stress, job stress. I've now got myself in a decent spot for all those and still have the issue. Only the man in the mirror left. I need to somehow find my mojo, and a way to tell myself to stop being a downer, and it will be ok.
Sorry to hear about this...I've often thought of drinking to get thru things. The only thing stopping me is knowing my father, uncles, grandfathers were all alcoholics. I grew up with it and decided I'd never do that to my kids. When I start thinking about it, ai think about my kids and what they would think of me. I start to feel ashamed and walk away. Not saying it's as healthy as taking a walk like the other poster suggested, but it works for me.
In the past I've blamed nearly everything else for my issues: Financial stress, marital stress, job stress. I've now got myself in a decent spot for all those and still have the issue. Only the man in the mirror left. I need to somehow find my mojo, and a way to tell myself to stop being a downer, and it will be ok.
Sorry to hear about this...I've often thought of drinking to get thru things. The only thing stopping me is knowing my father, uncles, grandfathers were all alcoholics. I grew up with it and decided I'd never do that to my kids. When I start thinking about it, ai think about my kids and what they would think of me. I start to feel ashamed and walk away. Not saying it's as healthy as taking a walk like the other poster suggested, but it works for me.

Had a 'fun' conversation with the wife after my last post as well. She rightfully ripped me a new one. Her patience is running thin, and I don't blame her.

Appreciate the thoughts. Knowing what I know now, I too come from at least two generations of it. Growing up I just thought that's what parents did. Thankfully my childhood avoided the really nasty side, and he was more of a non participant. Now I've unfortunately fallen into that same pitfall.

Today is a new day though. Day 1 of Wellbutrin. About three hours since I took it so I know it's in my system. Things feel a bit off, but I generally have a positive feeling about the day. Could be it's Friday, could be that the suns finally out, regardless I'll take it.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
The last two weeks have been rough. I tested positive for Flu A, then got a sinus infection, today everyone is positive for covid, AND TONIGHT THE PATRIOTS WIN AGAIN. Really can't wait for 24 at this rate.

First time in along time I didn't get my flu shot. I'm an idiot.
Had a "fun" conversation with the wife over the weekend. She's all for taking the son to get help. She said she wanted to take him directly to Children's hospital that night. I asked why she didn't mention it, which led into us into a rabbit hole that had no end. Eventually we stopped talking to each other. Now we don't talk, and if we do it's short and sometimes sharp and pointed.
Long story short, she doesn't view me as a partner in this family. I don't help with discipline and can't control the kids. They're 20, 18, and 16 now - but she dates it back 12 years ago. Shell admit that I help around the house and everything that needs done, but doesn't trust me with the kids. Have to say my heart broke that day. I knew we had issues, but I was trying ywok thru them. She wasn't. She doesn't want to.
I'm still processing, but needless to say my darkest time of the year got a little worse.

On the plus side, my son is doing much better. We spend time talking to him everyday. We still track where he goes/what he does, but his mood is better. He's agreed to talk to one of us if/when those feelings return. Thanks for listening.
Boy, totally out of my depth here but it sounds like she’s checked out, and has been for a while. Not sure what to make of the changed stance re: outside help for your child, but that is a positive in what sounds like an otherwise gloomy situation. Regardless of how she feels about you/her, that really can’t interfere with doing right for your child.

In your shoes I’d probably look into solo counseling to help work on your processing of you/her. It could help you explore what you could have done better, get affirmation of what you’ve actually done right, and lay some groundwork for a better future - with her or someone else. It’s probably just not productive to accept her jaded lens of you.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
I drank without noticeable issues on SSRIs. Of course, I was probably fighting the affects of the SSRI by introducing a "depressant" such as alcohol. Admittedly, I drank too much on them until four years ago when I quit.

With that said, everyone seems to experience these meds differently. I "think" you would be fine to drink occasionally but know that most literature from medical experts and the manufacturer of the drug will state otherwise. Also, I believe some experience greater tolerance on SSRIs. Therefore, be careful and do so in moderation if at all.
The last two weeks have been rough. I tested positive for Flu A, then got a sinus infection, today everyone is positive for covid, AND TONIGHT THE PATRIOTS WIN AGAIN. Really can't wait for 24 at this rate.

First time in along time I didn't get my flu shot. I'm an idiot.
Dang, I feel like I need to mask up 😷 just to type to you. Here's ya a cough drop 🍬. I hope you feel better soon, PIK. Merry Christmas 🎄
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
I drank without noticeable issues on SSRIs. Of course, I was probably fighting the affects of the SSRI by introducing a "depressant" such as alcohol. Admittedly, I drank too much on them until four years ago when I quit.

With that said, everyone seems to experience these meds differently. I "think" you would be fine to drink occasionally but know that most literature from medical experts and the manufacturer of the drug will state otherwise. Also, I believe some experience greater tolerance on SSRIs. Therefore, be careful and do so in moderation if at all.
Thanks for this feedback, much appreciated. I’m not so much a regular drinking but for special occasions have been known to throw back a good number. In your experience did you ever have a big night or stick to a couple drinks max?
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
I drank without noticeable issues on SSRIs. Of course, I was probably fighting the affects of the SSRI by introducing a "depressant" such as alcohol. Admittedly, I drank too much on them until four years ago when I quit.

With that said, everyone seems to experience these meds differently. I "think" you would be fine to drink occasionally but know that most literature from medical experts and the manufacturer of the drug will state otherwise. Also, I believe some experience greater tolerance on SSRIs. Therefore, be careful and do so in moderation if at all.
Thanks for this feedback, much appreciated. I’m not so much a regular drinking but for special occasions have been known to throw back a good number. In your experience did you ever have a big night or stick to a couple drinks max?
I'd say the most I drank was 6 drinks within 2-3 hours which got me well over "tipsy". I had always been a bit of a lightweight.
The last two weeks have been rough. I tested positive for Flu A, then got a sinus infection, today everyone is positive for covid, AND TONIGHT THE PATRIOTS WIN AGAIN. Really can't wait for 24 at this rate.

First time in along time I didn't get my flu shot. I'm an idiot.
Dang, I feel like I need to mask up 😷 just to type to you. Here's ya a cough drop 🍬. I hope you feel better soon, PIK. Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas Simey!

I think my luck is turning. I thought I had a main sewerage line blockage around 11am today (still Christmas Morning ffs), but I was able to clear it by flusing the upstairs toilet and running water around the house. Crisis averted, lol.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
They claim that you shouldn’t and I was concerned too when I started Zoloft, but never had an issue and still didn’t after adding Wellbutrin. Not a doctor but in my experience not an issue
Had a "fun" conversation with the wife over the weekend. She's all for taking the son to get help. She said she wanted to take him directly to Children's hospital that night. I asked why she didn't mention it, which led into us into a rabbit hole that had no end. Eventually we stopped talking to each other. Now we don't talk, and if we do it's short and sometimes sharp and pointed.
Long story short, she doesn't view me as a partner in this family. I don't help with discipline and can't control the kids. They're 20, 18, and 16 now - but she dates it back 12 years ago. Shell admit that I help around the house and everything that needs done, but doesn't trust me with the kids. Have to say my heart broke that day. I knew we had issues, but I was trying ywok thru them. She wasn't. She doesn't want to.
I'm still processing, but needless to say my darkest time of the year got a little worse.

On the plus side, my son is doing much better. We spend time talking to him everyday. We still track where he goes/what he does, but his mood is better. He's agreed to talk to one of us if/when those feelings return. Thanks for listening.
I'm sorry to read what you're going through.

And I know you don't want to hear this, but your son needs to see someone professionally yesterday. Suicidal thoughts are never normal. And, it's literally a life threatening problem. He may be doing better, but he also may not be. Or, things can turn quickly.

Please get him in to see someone. Good luck.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
Drink away. But maybe do a couple of trial runs of one or two beers to see how it affects you before you go out for a night on the town. If I remember, Wellbutrin had an interaction warning about increased risk of seizures, but again, just do a couple trial runs and see if anything feels off. I like my alcohol and I never really slowed down because of the pills.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
They claim that you shouldn’t and I was concerned too when I started Zoloft, but never had an issue and still didn’t after adding Wellbutrin. Not a doctor but in my experience not an issue
Thanks guys for the responses, think I’m going to try it to see if it helps with anxiety. Anyone have luck with it for that and how long did it take to kick in if so?
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Thanks guys for the responses, think I’m going to try Lexapro to see if it helps with anxiety. Anyone have luck with it for that and how long did it take to kick in if so?
I took Lexapro for anxiety about 3 years ago, and I think it took a couple months to feel like it was working. It was 5 mg, which I believe is the lowest dose. I took it for several months, and it did help. I had no ill effects from having adult beverages now and then while taking it.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
They claim that you shouldn’t and I was concerned too when I started Zoloft, but never had an issue and still didn’t after adding Wellbutrin. Not a doctor but in my experience not an issue
Thanks guys for the responses, think I’m going to try Lexapro to see if it helps with anxiety. Anyone have luck with it for that and how long did it take to kick in if so?
They all affect everybody differently. For me, Lexapro shot my anxiety through the roof and I had to quit taking it quickly. Old fashioned Prozac was the best for me for managing anxiety. But the weight gain was real. But again, these things mess with your brain's chemistry and what one does for somebody else has no bearing at all on what it will do for you. My only real suggestion is that if you start to feel weird after a few days, and you'll know, then just call your dr and see if you could maybe switch to a different drug or different class of drugs. But Lexapro is as good a place to start as any... And prepare to give it time to work. Benzos will knock out anxiety in about 20 minutes, but the SSRIs can take several weeks before you see any changes. If your anxiety is affecting your daily functioning, maybe ask your doc if you can get some Klonopin or Xanax just for the time being until you get the anxiety under control. I know benzos get a bad rap these days, but I can honestly say Klonopin saved my life. I've been taking it for 20+ years now and I'm still alive, so don't be scared of the benzos if that's what you need right now. Good luck, brother, it ain't easy but the fact that you're trying says a lot about you.
Hey guys was curious on low doses of an SSRI like Lexapro can you still occasionally drink alcohol or have you all had to go hard line no alcohol at all? Not a big drinker but have events from time to time when I do like to partake in a few. Want to consider an SSRI to take the edge off anxiety. Have used propranolol as needed before but have heard good things from friends about SSRIs.

Thanks for the input and Merry Christmas!
They claim that you shouldn’t and I was concerned too when I started Zoloft, but never had an issue and still didn’t after adding Wellbutrin. Not a doctor but in my experience not an issue
Thanks guys for the responses, think I’m going to try Lexapro to see if it helps with anxiety. Anyone have luck with it for that and how long did it take to kick in if so?
They all affect everybody differently. For me, Lexapro shot my anxiety through the roof and I had to quit taking it quickly. Old fashioned Prozac was the best for me for managing anxiety. But the weight gain was real. But again, these things mess with your brain's chemistry and what one does for somebody else has no bearing at all on what it will do for you. My only real suggestion is that if you start to feel weird after a few days, and you'll know, then just call your dr and see if you could maybe switch to a different drug or different class of drugs. But Lexapro is as good a place to start as any... And prepare to give it time to work. Benzos will knock out anxiety in about 20 minutes, but the SSRIs can take several weeks before you see any changes. If your anxiety is affecting your daily functioning, maybe ask your doc if you can get some Klonopin or Xanax just for the time being until you get the anxiety under control. I know benzos get a bad rap these days, but I can honestly say Klonopin saved my life. I've been taking it for 20+ years now and I'm still alive, so don't be scared of the benzos if that's what you need right now. Good luck, brother, it ain't easy but the fact that you're trying says a lot about you.
Appreciate the great info! I’m going to try it out, I’ve always had high anxiety and I carry it home with me from work and takes away from my quality of life and family time. My hoping is with the SSRI it will be more of a solution vs I always worried the benzos are a band aid? How quick may you know if it’s right and how long would you give it?
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If it's going to have negative side effect like increased panic or anger or whatever, you'll know that within a few days. Don't try to "fight through" bad symptoms, it's not worth it. But if you tolerate it well and don't feel off, I'd say you should give it at least a month before you can expect to see any significant changes.
Hey thank you guys for the great input on this and getting me comfortable giving it a shot. I’m on the minimal dose and I feel it has started to really help balance out the anxiety as well as improve energy throughout the day. Another benefit I didn’t expect was curbing my appetite making transitioning to healthy eating much easier. Thanks guys for the input and advice not to be afraid to try it. 👍
Hey thank you guys for the great input on this and getting me comfortable giving it a shot. I’m on the minimal dose and I feel it has started to really help balance out the anxiety as well as improve energy throughout the day. Another benefit I didn’t expect was curbing my appetite making transitioning to healthy eating much easier. Thanks guys for the input and advice not to be afraid to try it. 👍
That's great!
Hey thank you guys for the great input on this and getting me comfortable giving it a shot. I’m on the minimal dose and I feel it has started to really help balance out the anxiety as well as improve energy throughout the day. Another benefit I didn’t expect was curbing my appetite making transitioning to healthy eating much easier. Thanks guys for the input and advice not to be afraid to try it. 👍

Just wanted to check in and see how it's going. NBD if you don't want to share, you don't owe anyone an update. Sending good vibes* your way, brother man.


*which is another way of saying I'm praying for you but just in case you're not a higher power kind of guy,,,,,

I may have posted long ago. but I guess I have depression and anxiety and am on meds going on a few years now.

am having issues downstairs and not happy with that, so I cut back, but I need to be on full time;. I know this as ive tried to cut back a few times and my wife notices. grrrrrr

I may have posted long ago. but I guess I have depression and anxiety and am on meds going on a few years now.

am having issues downstairs and not happy with that, so I cut back, but I need to be on full time;. I know this as ive tried to cut back a few times and my wife notices. grrrrrr

Have you tried other meds? I know different meds affect people differently. I had a similar problem with something I was on years ago but not with others.

I may have posted long ago. but I guess I have depression and anxiety and am on meds going on a few years now.

am having issues downstairs and not happy with that, so I cut back, but I need to be on full time;. I know this as ive tried to cut back a few times and my wife notices. grrrrrr

Have you tried other meds? I know different meds affect people differently. I had a similar problem with something I was on years ago but not with others.
I have not. hate going to ther doc. but maybe I should or at least let them know

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