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Official Donald Trump for President thread (1 Viewer)

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I would watch Trump News Network everyday. I love that show "Red Eye" on Fox.

I used to watch CNN but they're not being fair to Donald so I stopped.

It's appreciated and it's due. Just had a tussle with a friend of mine yesterday over this, and she went to the mat defending why Obama did not need to come here. Today of course is another day. It's a good idea.
I get that. But I included the Randy Newman lyrics because I always felt that Randy was making a larger point about the absurdity of politicians showing up at disaster scenes after the fact. They want to be there, and we want them to be there as well. 

Bush was rightly taken to task for his Katrina flyover which Bill Clinton was praised for doing what Trump did

Is it always home & away uniforms we root for? Both can do good and bad . We can praise and criticize equally 
I defended Bush for not going in and taking up resources that are needed in the area.  Same with Obama now.

I don't think its the time to have presidential motorcades and the need for police and first responders to be dealing with Presidents and Candidates.

I won't defend Bush/FEMA/New Orleans/LA governments being uncoordinated as they were during Katrina.  Definitely handled much better this time around by all agencies working better together.

:lmao:  that's a great data sample 
Meaningless poll in terms of nationwide opinions, but it's interesting how much people's opinion of Trump has changed among the people being polled.  He was up 47% to 40% on July 27 and then on August 18 Trump was down 41% to 46%.  So over 3 weeks approximately 6% of people voting for Trump switched to Hillary.  Now Hillary has barely a 1% lead but it's still amazing that opinions can change so quickly.

Meaningless poll in terms of nationwide opinions, but it's interesting how much people's opinion of Trump has changed among the people being polled.  He was up 47% to 40% on July 27 and then on August 18 Trump was down 41% to 46%.  So over 3 weeks approximately 6% of people voting for Trump switched to Hillary.  Now Hillary has barely a 1% lead but it's still amazing that opinions can change so quickly.
It's been three pretty bad weeks for Trump, though

The notion that accepting charitable donations amounts to the people who run the charity condoning all of the behavior of the donors on every issue is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.  Not only does it make zero sense, but if we as a society adopt this standard for evaluating charities and apply it on a large scale it would significantly reduce charitable giving, which is obviously a terrible thing for everyone. Imagine charities turning away donations from companies with low wages, or that pollute the environment, or that have been sued for discrimination, or that do anything else that many of us consider morally reprehensible. Charitable donations would drop like a stone. For example, the state of Louisiana would have had to turn away the charitable efforts of the orange-colored xenophobic misogynistic bigot who showed up in their state today.

Thankfully there's no real risk of this happening, because the only people who would make such a stupid argument are the Clinton haters.
I didn't say "condoning all of the behavior of the donors on every issue", you did. But when the donor is a government and the behaviors are in direct conflict of your stated charity objectives, then I stand by my statement that she has no moral compass. As far as your comment, "Charitable donations would drop like a stone." I guess you are referring there should not be any regard to ethics or moral compass when it comes to charitable donations. Just take the money.  Not the dumbest argument I have heard. And yet, I get the impression, you would not accept a donation from the Donald based on your description of him.

How are people still deciding. These people have been taking nonstop for what 8 months straight. Are people really just switching based on some dumb#### ad they watch or some one liner they read about?

How are people still deciding. These people have been taking nonstop for what 8 months straight. Are people really just switching based on some dumb#### ad they watch or some one liner they read about?
This doesn't make sense to me either. More people becoming active?

Yeah, but it would be really bad for the country if the Republican base gets pulled out even further into the lunatic fringe. Productive dialogue can occur when the parties are center-left and center-right. When they are center-left and far right extremist, not so much. A move even further away from the mainstream wouldn't be good or healthy for anyone.
Why is it bad for the country if the "base", that has proven it isn't rational for a long time now, marginalizes itself even more? Why should they be involved in the conversation at this point? Let 'em have their Trump tv and bark at the moon. I guess I don't see any point in attempting to have productive dialogue at this point either. I don't see evidence it's possible. I've seen Joe the Plumber, Palin and obstruction on the way down the creditability ladder to Trump. Lost cause. Wasting our time here. Maybe it would be better if the country moved on.

And I realize Hillary sucks too. 

How are people still deciding. These people have been taking nonstop for what 8 months straight. Are people really just switching based on some dumb#### ad they watch or some one liner they read about?
Need to carefully decide based on Facebook memes I see over the next couple of months. 

Why is it bad for the country if the "base", that has proven it isn't rational for a long time now, marginalizes itself even more? Why should they be involved in the conversation at this point? Let 'em have their Trump tv and bark at the moon. I guess I don't see any point in attempting to have productive dialogue at this point either. I don't see evidence it's possible. I've seen Joe the Plumber, Palin and obstruction on the way down the creditability ladder to Trump. Lost cause. Wasting our time here. Maybe it would be better if the country moved on.

And I realize Hillary sucks too. 
Because those crazies will elect extremists who pander to their views to the House, the Senate, state legislatures, etc. The Republicans in both houses of Congress live in terror that they'll get primaried by some Tea Bagger nutjob after what happened to Eric Cantor, so they too pander to the loons.

Trump did a good job with today's speech I thought. Stayed on TelePrompTer but it was his own voice, and did a good job attacking hillary and dems

no trump supporters should be posting right now because alaska bush poeple is on so they should all be totally tied up take that to the bank bromiggos 

"What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump?" he said. "What do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs; 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?"

I agree with this ... but I would add one thing:  given the unique awfulness of Trump, I think there's value in our country coming together to reject him as clearly as possible.  And a 45-40 final margin in  the popular vote with Johnson getting 10 and Stein getting 5 or something like that, simply won't have the same impact as a 50-40 final margin.  It probably should, since Trump's support is unchanged in those two hypotheticals, but it won't.  Unfortunately that's just the way it is.

Just something else to consider in the "should I vote third party" calculations.
I agree with trying to make Trump lose by as much as humanly possible, and I'm considering voting for Hillary instead of Gary Johnson for that reason -- even though I'm predisposed to voting Libertarian in general, Johnson is the best candidate the Libertarian Party has ever nominated, IMO, and the two major-party candidates are the worst in my lifetime (maybe ever). Everything seems lined up to obligate me to vote for Johnson. Nonetheless, I'm giving serious thought to passing on a candidate I like (Johnson) in order to vote for a candidate I dislike (Clinton) just because I want Trump to get trounced by a truly historic margin, and I want to be a part of that trouncing.

The problem is that if Trump loses by a truly historic margin, that means Hillary must win by a truly historic margin, and I don't know how to prevent people from mistaking the first phenomenon for the second.

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Second, "winning" and "losing" the debates is about the immediate visceral impression on the viewer.  Trump has an advantage in that he's not bound by normal human conscience (or even normal politician conscience) and is happy to just make things up as he goes.  There is no instant politifact to correct him, and it doesn't matter how many Pinocchios he gets in the next day's papers.  If his target audience believes those things, it doesn't matter if they are true or not.  Hillary then has to be careful about coming off as too intellectual or lawyerly when she corrects his facts.
I don't know if it will happen during the debates, but CNN has started fact-checking Trump in real time as he speaks. He'll say something false, and the caption underneath will say: "Trump says so-and-so (which is FALSE)." I don't remember where I read that, but I remember the article kept using the word "chyron," which I had to look up.

Just to clarify: there ARE decent conservative arguments to be made as to why African-Americans should consider voting Republican. Larry Elder is very good at demonstrating how Democratic policies have hurt blacks. Thomas Sowell has been writing about this for years. Jack Kemp had some free market based solutions for the inner city, and some surprising names have echoed him over the years, including Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Newt Gingrich. 

Trump did none of this tonight. "What the hell do you have to lose?" He was patronizing, offensive, ignorant. He obviously knows nothing about this subject like so many other subjects. 

I agree with trying to make Trump lose by as much as humanly possible, and I'm considering voting for Hillary instead of Gary Johnson for that reason -- even though I'm predisposed to voting Libertarian in general, Johnson is the best candidate in the Libertarian Party's history IMO, and the two major party candidates are the worst in my lifetime. Everything seems lined up to obligate me to vote for Johnson. Nonetheless, I'm giving serious thought to passing on a candidate I like (Johnson) in order to vote for a candidate I dislike (Clinton) just because I want Trump to get trounced by a truly historic margin, and I want to be a part of that trouncing.

The problem is that if Trump loses by a truly historic margin, that means Hillary must win by a truly historic margin, and I don't know how to prevent people from mistaking the first phenomenon for the second.
morally i do not think that worrying about whether people think hillary was the best ever even enters the equation when it comes to repudiating a trump who would honestly ruin the integrity of the office and set  basically everything back 100 years pretty easy choice to me bromigo take that to the bank brohan 

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

8/19/16, 6:40 AM
We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together - to lift each other up. pic.twitter.com/XoDkW5X3Wy

is this BizarroTrump?
The reporting at the failing @nytimes gets worse and worse by the day. Fortunately, it is a dying newspaper.

Well, he got his phone back
By looking at the Tweets, I don't know how to tell which ones were sent from an iPhone and which were sent from an Android device. Apparently Trump uses Android and his staff uses iPhones, so you can tell which Tweets are from Trump himself.

I'm guessing the one Righetti quoted was from an iPhone and the one badmojo1006 was from an Android device -- as was this more recent one.

morally i do not think that worrying about whether people think hillary was the best ever even enters the equation when it comes to repudiating a trump who would honestly ruin the integrity of the office and set  basically everything back 100 years pretty easy choice to me bromigo take that to the bank brohan 
This is a post I'm happy to take there.

Look, LBJ beat Goldwater by a historic margin, and Nixon beat McGovern by a historic margin, and neither fact helped LBJ or Nixon in the eyes of history. 

No matter how much Hillary wind by she will be evaluated for how well she performs as President. 

Look, LBJ beat Goldwater by a historic margin, and Nixon beat McGovern by a historic margin, and neither fact helped LBJ or Nixon in the eyes of history. 

No matter how much Hillary wind by she will be evaluated for how well she performs as President. 
Don't you have both these guys in your all time top-12 best president rankings?

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