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Official Donald Trump for President thread (2 Viewers)

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I was talking to this guy today who told me he was voting for Trump because "the national debt is too important." I asked him what Trump was planning to do to address the national debt. His answer: "He'll cut taxes and get rid of all the illegals." 

I was talking to this guy today who told me he was voting for Trump because "the national debt is too important." I asked him what Trump was planning to do to address the national debt. His answer: "He'll cut taxes and get rid of all the illegals." 
:lmao:  I typically get "Benghazi, emails, Bill Clinton, and sometimes murders thrown in for good measure." These aren't exactly the country's best and brightest.

Hugely unlikely IMO. His supporters would see that as betrayal, and he needs them to buy his stuff, sit through his real estate seminars, and watch his TV shows.
Seriously.  When this is done, he's got a lot of fans that will eat up anything he sells them.  

I was talking to this guy today who told me he was voting for Trump because "the national debt is too important." I asked him what Trump was planning to do to address the national debt. His answer: "He'll cut taxes and get rid of all the illegals." 
A guy I work with is my Trump connection. He is feeling very confident. Debate went awesome.

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I'm predicting an Alt-right splinter party headed by Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh and Drudge with room at the kiddie table for Billy Bush.  Hannity's already eschewed the establishment.  Trump has his base that will follow him.
This doesn't sound like a super-Trumpy thing to do. I mean, what's the best case scenario here? He gets maybe a dozen guys who aren't him elected to the house, tops? Does Trump even know twelve people that he could say "yeah, I got that guy elected" and be happy about it?

Something like a news network where the line between tremendous success and disastrous failure is less clearly delineated, and (more importantly) where it can be all about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP in big letters all the time seems more up his alley.


The sensible inference would be to trust the math. The sensible inference is that something significant make the numbers go up then something else made the numbers go back down.
Trusting the math means not inferring the something significant made the numbers go up. :thumbup: :grad:

I had a woman (who works at the high school I teach at) who said to me today that,after the last debate, she wouldn't be surprised that trump ends up dead, because that's what happens to people who are threats to the Clintons... Jesus. this woman works with kids!

You are only going to get one chance in your lifetime to vote for Donald Trump. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to make history.

I don't think he's a monster or anything. But as far as my sympathies to those who have been unjustly victimized by the harsh cruelty of capitalism go, a good-looking member of the Bush family who ingratiated himself with an obnoxious dooshbag as he talked about grabbing women by their genitals is pretty ####ing far down the list. 
Isn't Billy Bush, in a way, a hero? I mean, if he doesn't laugh, egg Trump on and push him to go further, maybe Trump doesn't say much of what he said that day.  Maybe the last debate goes differently because Clinton wouldn't have had all that ammo.  Maybe the race tightens and it's an election night nail biter. It may be Billy Bush's actions on that bus 11 years ago that saved the world from a President Trump. For that he gets fired? We should be building statues of him.

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Why do Trumps own rape allegations seem to be getting a pass? His ex wife testified in a sworn deposition he raped her. 

Trump has enough momentum to start up a third party if so wanted.   Trump has the RNC just tearing each other apart.  I am still waiting for Trump to tell us that he was running a long con on the RNC the whole time.  

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