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*** OFFICIAL *** Ghostbusters Thread (2 Viewers)

I don't think 10 pages of griping about a girls cast from an all-guys message board is making the point you want to make here. 
You said it yourself, you won't see it again.

Ghostbusters was a classic, they've taken that and come out with some wannabe nonsense.

Saw this today.  Was skeptical going in, because the original is sacred to me, but I think they did a pretty decent job.  I laughed quite a bit.  It won't have staying power like the original, but it was a decent enough diversion for a Sunday afternoon.  7/10.

Not saying people wouldn't have killed it or have killed other movies with men in it. You're missing the point here. 
You ignored every other point I made.  Name the fact that bridesmaids was incredibly well received.  You literally do not get a more dreamless centric project. Where did that rank on this new metric of trailer downvotes?  

This is a manufactured situation. Is there any legitimate means to criticize the movement in the paradigm being put forward. 

I haven't checked out the epk material they put out internally but I'm sure there is self congratulatory content for a boldness to the choice. Casting females is bold because of the potential for rebuke or rejection. It is not an immunity to critique. 

Yet the trailer for The Interview probably doesn't even crack the top 10,000 for downthumbs, which is kind of the point.  A remake of a classic movie like Ghostbusters was always going to bring along a fair amount of scorn, but that was then quadrupled because of the all female cast.  You're kidding yourself if you think this thing would have been anywhere near the most downvoted youtube video of all-time if it were Franco and crew in the remake.  People would still be ticked, but not anywhere near THIS ticked.
I guess it's not impossible or unreasonable. But again, if we remade Friday, with Vince Vaughn and Trace Adkins in a trailer park instead of the hood, would that film be destroyed out of hand and should it be?  I mean, my god typing that made me cringe. But why? Friday isn't inherently about blackness yet when you call a movie "Friday" you have expectations.   If it's two guys in a trailer park who have their crazy day and get high it's received differently  

And I'll say this, this would have been much better received if it was peter venkeman or even the damn secretary recruiting and training these girls.  People ate up the last Indiana jones movie despite it being awful and made Star Wars the biggest grossing movie ever not because it's the best movie ever but because, hey there's Han and chewy!.  

I haven't read deep into this but knowing what I know about nerd culture, I'm willing to be a lot of people had issues they changed costume. That's not sexist, it's not anything other than a slavish devotion to nostalgia. 

Lemme guess... the four chicks act like raunchy dudes, right?
I realized that someone will get upset that I spoiled something about the movie, so now with spoiler tags!  

The first joke in the movie was an extended queef joke.  And it's all downhill from there.
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Look, it's not like it's the worst movie of the year.   It's just that there's nothing special in any way about it.   No stand out performances, no brilliant lines, no great scenes.   

Step 1.  Start with a beloved, iconic movie.

Step 2.  Recycle, doing worse in all aspects.

Step 3.  Profit.

Not saying people wouldn't have killed it or have killed other movies with men in it. You're missing the point here. 
No you seem to be. There was no concerted effort. You know how Muslims and Catholics get kind of uppity if you attack their sacred ####? This was nerdom fighting back against Hollywood because they finally had had enough. 

You only get 1 like or dislike per account. To get some duplicates in there maybe. But enough to account for 951,000 dislikes? Not a chance. This just pissed off so many people on that many different levels. 

I guess it's not impossible or unreasonable. But again, if we remade Friday, with Vince Vaughn and Trace Adkins in a trailer park instead of the hood, would that film be destroyed out of hand and should it be?  I mean, my god typing that made me cringe. But why? Friday isn't inherently about blackness yet when you call a movie "Friday" you have expectations.   If it's two guys in a trailer park who have their crazy day and get high it's received differently  

And I'll say this, this would have been much better received if it was peter venkeman or even the damn secretary recruiting and training these girls.  People ate up the last Indiana jones movie despite it being awful and made Star Wars the biggest grossing movie ever not because it's the best movie ever but because, hey there's Han and chewy!.  

I haven't read deep into this but knowing what I know about nerd culture, I'm willing to be a lot of people had issues they changed costume. That's not sexist, it's not anything other than a slavish devotion to nostalgia.
:lmao:  ok 

The Family and I went and saw Ghostbusters (in 3D) yesterday afternoon. I went in with no expectations and quite frankly was shocked the did a reboot (never thought it would be re-done as the original was good enough). 

I am a fan of the original (14 when it came out), thought the sequel sucked and that was that. Yeah it spawned a Saturday morning cartoon war (remember there was two cartoons and one was called The Real Ghostbusters LOL) and some toys and what not, but I never considered this a huge franchise. 

Color me blind....I really enjoyed this movie. The girls had me on the floor laughing. So many funny lines and scenes. They really did a great job of not taking this seriously at all and this is a great campy, summer popcorn flick. The kids will love it. The 3D was great. Just a good time at the movies.

Kate McKinnon IMO stole this movie along with Chris Hemsworth. Both of them were consistent scene stealers. McCarthy and Wiig (I love her) were also on point. Leslie Jones was solid as well.

A pleasant surprise for me. Had a smile on my face leaving the theater.


They pretty much set the tone of what to expect with a queef joke right out of the gate. If that's cool to you, then you're in for a real treat.

Can you sum up their point?  I couldn't make it through 30secs of that. 
Basically used a statistical breakdown of views vs downvotes and negative comments to show it was a somewhat irrelevant number but theorize sony, based on prior documented manipulation of reviewers and online forums, manufactured the sexist angle as a marketing and free promotional hook. 

This was a fun movie. Much better than I thought it was gonna be. All the actresses did a great job and Thor stole the show. 

Days earlier, when Richard was still alive but unresponsive in the hospital, Norbert had walked into the room while Rona, crying, was sitting with their dying father. “‘Why are you wasting your time here with this #######?’” Norbert asked her. Norbert knew that Rona meant everything to Richard and Richard meant everything to Rona, and he also knew where Rona was the most vulnerable.

“Are you kidding me?” Rona told me she said. “You’re talking like this in front of my father?”

Norbert then said, “‘That’s not your father.’”

“I saw [Richard’s] eye open when Norbert said that,” Rona said. “And he was in a coma.”

When Rona was in her mid-teens, she told me, Richard had shared an almost unfathomable story. He sat her down and said: “‘I don’t want you to go crazy …but there’s a good possibility that you could be Norbert’s daughter.”

The Hateful Life And Spiteful Death Of The Man Who Was Vigo The Carpathian


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