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Patriots being investigated after Colts game (2 Viewers)

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I'll repeat what I said upthread. The NFL could have come out at the beginning of this and said they think Brady did something, but don't have enough evidence/this is something no one has ever paid attention to before, so they're going to let him off with a warning/fine.

Instead, they threw the book at him, which pretty much ensured he and the NFLPA would (literally) make a Federal case out of it. Which might have been fine if the NFL hadn't displayed a combination of arrogance and incompetence not seen since **** Cheney's heyday. Basically, after getting smacked down for a lack of due process in the Rice/Peterson cases, the NFL took on -- by choice -- another high-profile case despite having the same shoddy processes in place, and they got smacked down again. All of this was entirely foreseeable, yet Goodell chose to go down that road.

So now the league has gotten another PR black eye, plus the NFLPA knows that it can take any high-profile suspension to court and embarrass the NFL some more.

I literally can't imagine how they could have handled this worse.

As a fan, It would have been better, imo, if the ruling was made based on the evidence instead of procedure (due process, etc).

The judge saying that the evidence was / wasn't sufficient would've put this thing mostly to bed. Instead, we're left with something akin to Miranda rights not being given, and this thread will continue to get bumped from now until eternity.

I don't think the punishment was fair and I think Goodell's ego got in the way, but I also think the balls were doctored and I don't think Brady was completely unaware of it.
one of the judge's points was that the nfl has never declared a right to punish someone for being generally aware of other people's misconduct.

the judge had to rule on procedure, though, that was all he was allowed to rule on

as others have said his questions give a pretty good indication of what he nthought about the evidence
I realize that. I'm just saying, imagine if this had gone the other way: Pats fans would be complaining that Brady's wasn't "proven" guilty, the judge only approved this because of the CBA, and Goodell would be bolstered even more.

It's just a bad outcome, regardless.

Roger Goodell: We wish Mike Kensil the best as he heads up our Argentinian expansion office.

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And there are still those that will defend him m and think the NFL would lose in court.

Make no mistake. The NFL WILL lose in court. In terms of reputation, for sure, and in terms of losing the case, likely.
It's tugging on Superman's cape. There are just certain players that the NFL is going to look like shat against, short of a video showing the person in the act. This leaves too much reason for reasonable doubt in too many people's minds of a very polarizing player for this not to get ugly.
Brady's image is the one taking the hit here chief.

The NFL continues to be much bigger than him.
How big is that NFL now, CHIEF?

The only fantasy downside is if this gets kicked down the road in court and reinstated later in the season. Better for Brady to miss games early than late.

So cheaters get to play, but weed smokers get suspended... what a ####in joke.
the NFLPA collectively bargained for weed smokers to be punished
They also voted to give Goodell total say in discipline and appeals but went to court to fight it in Brady's case.

If I am Bell, Blount, Bryant, Gordon, etc. I am asking why the NFLPA didn't go to court to fight their cases....
Yes Goodell can act as arbitrator however he cannot a player due process. Just because an arbitrator is involved it doesn't me that he/she can do whatever they want. The judges ruling pretty much opens with this -

“Although judicial scrutiny of arbitration awards necessarily is limited, such review is sufficient to ensure that arbitrators comply with the requirements of the statute at issue.”

"The deference due an arbitrator does not extend so far as to require a district court to countenance, much less confirm, an award obtained without the requisites of fairness or due process."

The judge believes that there was no notice provided of the possible suspension to Brady for a) deflating balls or b) not turning over his phone. All the player policies and history refer to fines not suspensions. In addition Pash wasn’t made available to testify who the Judge admits would be key in proving and/or disproving the impartiality of the Wells report. And finally, Brady didn’t get access to certain notes from the Wells investigation.

Based on this the judge ruled that fairness and due process were not followed and so the arbitrator’s decision was overturned. There were a few other items that Brady appealed on that the Judge didn't address. Basically the above was enough for him to conclude the decision should be overturned.

The only fantasy downside is if this gets kicked down the road in court and reinstated later in the season. Better for Brady to miss games early than late.
Yeah, that is the elephant in the room. Would kill them to have to sit him late season or playoffs. Now let me see...Is Roger Goodell weasely enough to try that?

The only fantasy downside is if this gets kicked down the road in court and reinstated later in the season. Better for Brady to miss games early than late.
Yeah, that is the elephant in the room. Would kill them to have to sit him late season or playoffs. Now let me see...Is Roger Goodell weasely enough to try that?
:P It will be interesting to see what revenge Goodell tries to pull off for this embarrassment. A man in his position cannot afford to look ridiculous.

Bayhawks said:
It takes a special type of Salty Hater who ignores a federal judge saying that the NFL had no evidence of deflation for the AFC game.
It takes a special type of blind homer who ignores the fact that no where in his decision did the judge say anything about lack of evidence when he overturned the suspension.
Daniel Nash (NFL attorney): There is clear evidence in the texts (between McNally and Jastremski) that (Brady) knew...

Berman: On January 18?

Nash: No, not for that specific game.

Berman: That's the only game we're talking about...The Wells Report relates only to one game. Whether it happened before, who knows...There is no finding in this case that there was anything done by Mr. Brady (in the AFC title game).

The only thing that matters is that the first game of the season is much better!
With how bad the Steelers defense has looked coupled with no Bell or Bryant, that game could get ugly real fast. I didn't think the Steelers had much of a chance even without Brady.
NE will mercy rule them by halftime. Big Sloth will head to the locker room early to get a jump on the Boston nightlife.

Based upon the foregoing and applicable legal authorities, the Court hereby denies the Management Council's motion to confirm the Award and grants the Players Association's motion to vacate the Award, thereby vacating the four-game suspension of Tom Brady, effective immediately.


Nice to see Goodell get his. As stated this specific cheat (and I know the blind pats fans won't admit it because they can't, but it was - just a minor one that doesn't rise to much of a crime - call it a petty crime committed by a career criminal) didn't deserve nearly the attention and, had it not been for the ongoing history and this were another team, let's be honest it would never have risen to this point.

Of course that's because of the pats long history of felony acts of cheating, but for this one day we can out that aside and say:


Bayhawks said:
It takes a special type of Salty Hater who ignores a federal judge saying that the NFL had no evidence of deflation for the AFC game.
It takes a special type of blind homer who ignores the fact that no where in his decision did the judge say anything about lack of evidence when he overturned the suspension.
Yes the judge never even got to this because of the other issues at hand. In his mind the procedural mismanagement were enough.

However, he does emphasize a couple of things in his finding -

As to Brady, the Wells Report concluded that "it is more probable than not that Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls." page 5

At the same time, the Wells Report acknowledged that "[o]ur scientific consultants informed us that the data alone did not provide a basis for them to determine with absolute certainty whether there was or was not tampering, as the analysis of such data is ultimately dependent upon assumptions and information that is uncertain." page 7

Couple this with the transcripts from the hearings where he grilled Nash on what "generally aware mean" and his questions around how they concluded that Brady was involved and I think its decent insight as to his opinions.
Zyphros said:
espnespn said:
IvanKaramazov said:
TripItUp said:
No matter how you spin this, Goodell looks absolutely terrible and ridiculous here.

What a clown.

How long do the owners put up with his incompetency?

It takes a special kind of commissioner to bungle things so badly that you can't even successfully punish a guy for on-the-field cheating.
It takes a special type of Salty Hater who ignores a federal judge saying that the NFL had no evidence of deflation for the AFC game.
Spoken like a true ###. It's not about "no evidence" it's about Goodell over reaching with his punishment and going for the jugular. Don't get me wrong, I am mad that Brady gets to play when he cheated, and I feel he should still be suspended for likely a reduced sentence, but Goodell is the one that botched the whole thing up with no backbone and "evidence" from a "this is how cheating punishments are handled" point of view. Sure Pat's fans are happy to have him back.
Um yes, the judge said there was no evidence in open court, a few weeks ago:

"A skeptical Berman sounded unconvinced: "What is the evidence of a scheme or conspiracy that covers the Jan. 18 game? I'm having trouble finding it."


That's plain english from the judge -- there was no evidence. :pickle:

Casting Couch said:
10 MILLION DOLLARS spent on this Deflategate fiasco.
But HEY, they raised $3 million last year in October for Women's Cancer research and awareness.

If I was Tom Brady, I would have completely trolled them and said, "Hey before you spend $5 million on a report, I'll let you suspend me and say whatever you want as long as you'll write that check to charity."


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