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Plaxico pleads GUILTY (3 Viewers)

I don't feel sorry for him but it is a shame that a guy with his much talent is going to waste in jail for being stupid.

The shark move for Plax is to smoke a bunch of dope and get the 8 month reduction Vick received for going through treatment.

If he would have taken the original plea deal, he'd be several months into the sentence now.
perhaps, but I think they wanted him to plead to the charge and take the statutory minimum sentence of 3.5 years. Saved himself 18 months this way.
I feel sorry for Plax on this one. Yeah, he is an idiot - on so many levels. But I never thought he was a bad person (not a saint, but he did not look to cause trouble, not at all like Owens, throwing teamates under the bus).

A couple thoughts...

First, he should feel a little lucky. I did not see how he would get less than 3.5 years as that was the minimum. As bad as 2 years is, its a WHOLE lot better than 3.5. Plus, 2 years was the plea deal offered to Plax, which he rejected... so while he put off the prison time, he won't get any more than had he accepted the plea.

In the end, this should be 1 year to 18 months. 18 months with the chance to get out early would be best imo. It's a serious issue here in NY, and the law is there not only to deter, but also as a catch all when a real danger to society and a real bad guy is caught but evidence of the "real" crime is lacking, so just having an unliscenced loaded gun gets the justice system 3.5 years.

Of course, in the end, Plax brought this on himself. I just feel its a bit too steep a price to pay, considering how many do worse and pay far less.

good ole NY. Its a shame that players even feel the need to carry guns everywhere they go for their safety.

Gun laws are no joke in NYS.

As an aside, one of my best friend's significant other was the foreman on his indictment tiral.

good ole NY. Its a shame that players even feel the need to carry guns everywhere they go for their safety.
Is this a sarcastic good ole NY? You realize that NYC is the safest big City in the US and has been for about 15 years straight now? The players don't need to carry guns to be safe, certainly not in NYC. Certainly not unless they are purposely putting themselves in a bad situation. And if they want to put themself in that situation (which can be found anywhere, including the safest big city in America), then hire security.
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.

As a football player I don't even like Plaxico but our penal system is dumber than he ever will be. The guy poses no threat to society and he gets locked away from his life and family for two years and not counting the prosecution charges the average cost to house an inmate in NY is over $100,000 per year. Awesome justice system.

I've always been a fan of Plax, despite the fact that he torched the Eagles every time he played them. Several times I've taken criticism for praising the Giants' signing of him, and wishing he was an Eagle instead. Perhaps now I can finally look forward to that happening in a couple of years... doesn't he deserve a second chance, Jeff?

I've always been a fan of Plax, despite the fact that he torched the Eagles every time he played them. Several times I've taken criticism for praising the Giants' signing of him, and wishing he was an Eagle instead. Perhaps now I can finally look forward to that happening in a couple of years... doesn't he deserve a second chance, Jeff?
Raiders east. Why not?
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
I think it was a registered gun as well.....in Florida though
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :unsure:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.

good ole NY. Its a shame that players even feel the need to carry guns everywhere they go for their safety.
Is this a sarcastic good ole NY?
meh, I just don't care for the city...
I can understand that, but no need to misinform then. Plenty of reasons for someone to not like NYC, but safety is not a legit one and certainly no reason for Plax or others to be carrying.Part of the reason for this law in the first place, as noted, is to deter and ensure NYC stays safe.
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
I think it was a registered gun as well.....in Florida though
I believe the Florida registration had lapsed.
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.

What more do you really need to know?

good ole NY. Its a shame that players even feel the need to carry guns everywhere they go for their safety.
Is this a sarcastic good ole NY?
meh, I just don't care for the city...
I can understand that, but no need to misinform then. Plenty of reasons for someone to not like NYC, but safety is not a legit one and certainly no reason for Plax or others to be carrying.Part of the reason for this law in the first place, as noted, is to deter and ensure NYC stays safe.
Oh that follow up comment about players carrying guns for their safety wasn't a shot at NY, just more of a general observation. Seems like a decent amount of Pro players carry handguns for safety reasons. Not being a pro athlete, I can't comment too much on if the guns are needed or not.
As a football player I don't even like Plaxico but our penal system is dumber than he ever will be. The guy poses no threat to society and he gets locked away from his life and family for two years and not counting the prosecution charges the average cost to house an inmate in NY is over $100,000 per year. Awesome justice system.
I would argue that a guy who carries a loaded firearm into a nightclub for no logical reason is certainly a threat to society. It's not like carrying a canister of mace. The shear fact that he shot himself in the leg shows how stupid and dangerous that decision was.
As a Birds fan, Plax not being on the field for the Giants has SIGNIFICANTLY hurt their passing game, case in point was last year's NFC divisional playoff game.

Normally: Plax on the field + Eagles corners = Giants win. Not having him in the playoffs last year totally changed that scenario around.

What a dummy

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I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.What more do you really need to know?
Exactly.The law is there as a deterant. He discharged a firearm in a crowded nightclub. If someone was killed, the thought would be "there should be a law against that." Well, there is a law against that and, Plax is now going to pay his debt to society. As a deterant, Plax will probably save someone alot of grief when some other Knucklehead decides to leave the gun at home.
So who's mostly to blame for the 2 yr sentence? Plaxico himself, the NY gun laws, his defense attorneys, other? Two years seems rather high for what he did. I wonder what the charges would've been if it was just possession (the gun didn't go off)?

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2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :goodposting:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?
I don't think the penalty fits the crime. My general hunch is that something like this should mean no more than six months, aith maybe onnly a couple served. When examined closer to what happens with others, I think that seems about right.

The interesting part is that while the general public seems to think that the famous get off in these cases, it's typically just the opposite. More often than not, the greater celebrity you are, the more likely you'll be punished more than the average person for the same crime. Certainly having money affords you a better attorney and ostensibly a better outcome. But being a celebrity just hurts matters. It would be much better to have the money without the fame in such situations.

Of course, I don't give two squats about Burress so you won't find my crying a river here. But it still seems excessive.

So who's mostly to blame for the 2 yr sentence? Plaxico himself, the NY gun laws, his defense attorneys, other? Two years seems rather high for what he did. I wonder what the charges would've been if it was just possession (the gun didn't go off)?
:goodposting: He got charged for possession. The gun going off had nothing to do with it, other than making sure he was caught since he was shot in the leg.
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.What more do you really need to know?
I don't know if sympathy is the right word, but two years for not registering your gun in the right state is ridiculous.
The interesting part is that while the general public seems to think that the famous get off in these cases, it's typically just the opposite. More often than not, the greater celebrity you are, the more likely you'll be punished more than the average person for the same crime. Certainly having money affords you a better attorney and ostensibly a better outcome. But being a celebrity just hurts matters. It would be much better to have the money without the fame in such situations.
I don't think this is true. I think Vick/Burress have been the exceptions, while Stallworth/Little are more generally the rule.
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.

What more do you really need to know?
:bag: Bingo. You forgot to mention he had a round in the chamber - other than that, right on.
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :bag:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?
Anyone who did violated the law. It is manifestly against the law to carry even a licensed firearm into a business that serves alcohol (bars, clubs, restaurants). Try to find another excuse, this one isn't working.
I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :tumbleweed:

This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.


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