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Ran a 10k in June (3 Viewers)

I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year. I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
A 3:50 marathoner in our midst, training for Chicago, and you never posted before?!? IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! :thumbdown: Welcome to the thread, and good luck on Sunday!!
I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year.

I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.

Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
A 3:50 marathoner in our midst, training for Chicago, and you never posted before?!? IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!

Welcome to the thread, and good luck on Sunday!!
I was thinking the exact same thing! :tinfoilhat:
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I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year. I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
A 3:50 marathoner in our midst, training for Chicago, and you never posted before?!? IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! :goodposting: Welcome to the thread, and good luck on Sunday!!
Thank you. I plan to run another one in Phoenix in January so I'll probably have questions about winter training. I'm still a bit new to this.
tri-man 47 said:
Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
If it's in the 40's, my priorities are primarily running tights to keep some warmth on the legs and gloves for the hands (that's where I first notice the chill). Depending on wind, or not, I'd go either short or long sleeve, and if temp is on the low end, I'll consider my tri-top underneath to retain some upper body warmth. Also, based on temp, I'll either wear a running hat or if colder (< 40), my winter cap worn loosely. None of this restricts my movement (esp for marathon pacing), and I prefer smart and kind of warm over tough and kind of cold. :oldmanmuscles: :goodposting:
Dressing for the cooler temps is an interesting discussion point. I'm kind of glad we've reached this time of year! On Sunday for my 20 miler (48 degrees or so) I stuck with my Brooks shorts, but for the first time instead of my low-cut socks I wore crew length Nike Dry-Fit socks (going for that 2Y2BB look). I think this helped my achilles a lot because it never bothered me during the run and it's been a lot quieter since.

I wore an old technical race t-shirt under a Nike dry-fit half-zip (long sleeve) AND I wore by Brooks jacket (plus my Nike running cap). I think this was too much, actually, and I probably sweat more than I needed to for the run. I'll probably try to go with a lighter long-sleeve shirt and my jacket (which I take off/tie around my waist if I get warm) if it's in the upper 40s next time.

I need to get some cheap gloves to wear. Usually I just pull my sleeves down until my body gets warmed up.


Tomorrow morning I'm doing my Yasso 800s. At least 6, but I'd love to try 8 if I get started early enough.

I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year. I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
A 3:50 marathoner in our midst, training for Chicago, and you never posted before?!? IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! ;) Welcome to the thread, and good luck on Sunday!!
Thank you. I plan to run another one in Phoenix in January so I'll probably have questions about winter training. I'm still a bit new to this.
The Rock'n'Roll? I really thought hard about that one, especially because I know someone else who's running it, but right now I'm still planning on Tucson in Dec.
I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year. I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
A 3:50 marathoner in our midst, training for Chicago, and you never posted before?!? IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! :goodposting: Welcome to the thread, and good luck on Sunday!!
Thank you. I plan to run another one in Phoenix in January so I'll probably have questions about winter training. I'm still a bit new to this.
The Rock'n'Roll? I really thought hard about that one, especially because I know someone else who's running it, but right now I'm still planning on Tucson in Dec.
Yes, that's the one. A friend of mine convinced me to do this with him since he isn't doing Chicago. It will be tough training during snow and ice season and I don't like long treadmill runs.
51:25 10k last nite. 8:09 pace for the 1st 5k, 8:31 pace for the 2nd 5k. I like to positive split my runs. Legs are toast today. It was 65 degrees and I could see me breath. I'll probably attempt this once a week and see how my times improve.

I've read this thread often but I'm a first time poster. Congrats to everyone's successes this year. I'm running the Chicago marathon Sunday like some others here. This is my second marathon. Last year I finished at 3:50. My goal is 3:30 this year. I could have trained harder and be better prepared, but I guess we all can say that.Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
Welcome to the thread from Florida also. Not all of us our marathoners, or particularly fast, but we do get out there. This evening being a good example. I got home form work at 4:50, had my regular clif bar about an hour before the run (mostly because I like the taste :loco: ). I took a little nap about 5:15 waking up at 5:30, and started to get ready for my little 4 miler. Just for fun I checked the weather, 90 degrees at 6 with 80% humidity. No problem I think. There is a bit of a hill about a half mile from my home that I almost always speed up a bit for, when I got to the top today I thought I was dying and I almost turned back. Instead I slowed down and took it easy and cut my planned run to 3.5. I finished in just under 39 miutes, about a minute faster than last Tuesday in cooler weather. I can't wait for another cold front to swing down to Florida.But, I ramble. I hope everyone has a good day.
As Darrin has mentioned, it is still warm here in Central Florida. It rained a bit as I got home but soon cleared up. I thought the rain would lower the temp some but not really - 85 degrees as I headed out the door at 5:30pm. When it is that warm, I don't worry much about time just get through the run. Tonight it was 5 miles and finished it in just under 52 mins.

It sure was easier at the weekend in 68 degree temps!

Just under 4 weeks to the Daytona Half (Speedway...Beach and back :heart: )

Kind of a stupid question, but what are you wearing? 40s seem too cold for shorts and short sleeves but I prefer not to run in winter gear. I'm considering regular summer gear plus light gloves.
If it's in the 40's, my priorities are primarily running tights to keep some warmth on the legs and gloves for the hands (that's where I first notice the chill). Depending on wind, or not, I'd go either short or long sleeve, and if temp is on the low end, I'll consider my tri-top underneath to retain some upper body warmth. Also, based on temp, I'll either wear a running hat or if colder (< 40), my winter cap worn loosely. None of this restricts my movement (esp for marathon pacing), and I prefer smart and kind of warm over tough and kind of cold. :oldmanmuscles: :shrug:
Dressing for the cooler temps is an interesting discussion point. I'm kind of glad we've reached this time of year! On Sunday for my 20 miler (48 degrees or so) I stuck with my Brooks shorts, but for the first time instead of my low-cut socks I wore crew length Nike Dry-Fit socks (going for that 2Y2BB look). I think this helped my achilles a lot because it never bothered me during the run and it's been a lot quieter since.

I wore an old technical race t-shirt under a Nike dry-fit half-zip (long sleeve) AND I wore by Brooks jacket (plus my Nike running cap). I think this was too much, actually, and I probably sweat more than I needed to for the run. I'll probably try to go with a lighter long-sleeve shirt and my jacket (which I take off/tie around my waist if I get warm) if it's in the upper 40s next time.

I need to get some cheap gloves to wear. Usually I just pull my sleeves down until my body gets warmed up.


Tomorrow morning I'm doing my Yasso 800s. At least 6, but I'd love to try 8 if I get started early enough.
Wraith - Here is what I wear and am usually pretty comfortable. Like you in the mornings it is been in the mid to high 40's. I will throw on a Nike PRO Fit short sleeve shirt with a long sleeve tech shirt over the top. I would consider it a cooler weather one as it is not super thin, but does keep me warm. I wear shorts and no-show socks. If it is windy out then I will throw on a sock hat, but usually I will just tough it out with my usual baseball cap. I have gotten used to the cooler weather and I find that I warm up pretty quickly. Everyone is different though, so in the end you just have to expirement with it. I am a heater when I am out there and tend to heat up very fast and very hot, but I know others who take awhile or don't ever warm up. My legs are usually the last thing to get covered up. I usually don't cover them up until it gets to about 35 out. I am just comfortable like that. I hate having my legs restricted and I won't were tights. Just a personal preference.

Judging by your previous posts, I would think that you wearing longer socks is a good thing because of the achilles. It will keep it warm and that makes since so it does not tighten up on you and cause you more pain.

Hope some of this helps.

Tomorrow morning I'm doing my Yasso 800s. At least 6, but I'd love to try 8 if I get started early enough.
Run didn't happen - I've had a mega-headache for the past 36 hours and not feeling great overall, so I decided at the last second (as in I was dressed and had the Garmin on to run) that wisdom was the better part of valor. Assuming I'm feeling better - and Tylenol seems to be doing the trick so far - I'll either head home a bit early today to run or go for it tomorrow morning instead.
another hot one, hotter than yesterday I think. I looked right a 6pm and is said 91, went to weather.com to double check, and it was right. Then I saw the heat index right below, it said, feels like 102.


made 3.5 in 40:30, slow but easier than yesterday.

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New to this thread and have only seen the last couple of pages. I'm running quite a bit (4-8 miles per day, 6-7 days per week) and have signed up for a half in January. I've never done a race before and have a couple of questions:

1) Should I reduce the number of days I run in the weeks preceding the race (and potentially increase the miles per run)? I feel comfortable doing 8 miles, but 13 seems like a helluva grind.

2) What's the appropriate diet the night before / morning of the race?

Hey, guys. Here's the customized singlet my sister made me for Chicago:



Love it!! :goodposting:
That is great. I am doing something similar to the rival thing for Columbus. I will be running through the heart of the OSU campus while wearing a Penn State hat. That should go over real well as well as your singlet. I expect a few comments, but I would expect nothing less from OSU fans. The only reason I am wearing it is because I wear it for all my runs so I am used to it and feel comfortable with it. You will make people laugh if nothing else.Best wishes to you this weekend. My guess is that you will be going so fast they really won't notice the singlet, just a green flash running by.


As for me, I ran a 6 miler at lunch yesterday in 7:52 per mile. I am feeling pretty good, but as with most tapers I am feeling every ache and pain which scares me, but I am running well so I am not complaining. I will be doing a 5 miler today at lunch. With the cooler weather it is great to run during lunch while I am not getting up in the wee hours to run.

Newman said:
New to this thread and have only seen the last couple of pages. I'm running quite a bit (4-8 miles per day, 6-7 days per week) and have signed up for a half in January. I've never done a race before and have a couple of questions:

1) Should I reduce the number of days I run in the weeks preceding the race (and potentially increase the miles per run)? I feel comfortable doing 8 miles, but 13 seems like a helluva grind.

2) What's the appropriate diet the night before / morning of the race?
Hello, Newman. :goodposting: Where are you from, and which half are you doing??

To answer your questions:

1) The key to the taper is reducing volume while maintaining intensity, but with a half marathon, there's typically not a big taper involved. It's really just a matter of backing off a bit during race week. Since you've never done a race before, I'd suggest following a training plan. When I did my first marathon, I used Hal Higdon's "novice" plan with good sucess. He also has novice, intermediate, and advanced plans for half marathoners. You can check them out here.

2) In terms of nutrition, I like to have my pasta dinner 2-3 nights before the race. For example, I'm running Chicago on Sunday, so I'll try to have a nice pasta dinner either tonight or tomorrow night. On Saturday night I'll eat something light--probably just a sub or something like that. Race morning? Again, not a lot. Probably just a bagel, a can of AMP Energy, and some Gatorade/water. But this is definitely an area that is different for everybody. It's really more trail and error than anything.

Good luck with your training, and let us know if you have any more questions. Lots of smart people around here. And "experienced" people like tri-man, too. :lmao:

pmbrown_22 said:
That is great. I am doing something similar to the rival thing for Columbus. I will be running through the heart of the OSU campus while wearing a Penn State hat. That should go over real well as well as your singlet. I expect a few comments, but I would expect nothing less from OSU fans. The only reason I am wearing it is because I wear it for all my runs so I am used to it and feel comfortable with it. You will make people laugh if nothing else.

Best wishes to you this weekend. My guess is that you will be going so fast they really won't notice the singlet, just a green flash running by.


As for me, I ran a 6 miler at lunch yesterday in 7:52 per mile. I am feeling pretty good, but as with most tapers I am feeling every ache and pain which scares me, but I am running well so I am not complaining. I will be doing a 5 miler today at lunch. With the cooler weather it is great to run during lunch while I am not getting up in the wee hours to run.
Have fun in Columbus! I'm expecting some good-natured ribbing, too, but like you said, I'd expect nothing less from Bears fans. I'm more excited about having my name on the front. I did this in Boston in 2008, and I felt like a rock star having everybody yelling my name. I can't imagine what it'll be like with over a million spectators in Chicago!! :lmao: And I know exactly what you mean about the phantom aches and pains. I generally just attribute it to taper madness. Hang in there. You're doing to rock it in Columbus!!!

An actual fantasy football question:

TD-only league....would you trade Tom Brady for Aaron Rodgers straight up??

It's on old-school Miller Lite league with scoring for QBs as follows:

TD pass 0-9 yards = 6 points

TD pass 10-39 yards = 9 points

TD pass 40+ = 12 points

If QB has TD run or reception, it's double the points. So 11-yard TD run by Rodgers = 18 points.

Thanks, guys!!

An actual fantasy football question:

TD-only league....would you trade Tom Brady for Aaron Rodgers straight up??

It's on old-school Miller Lite league with scoring for QBs as follows:

TD pass 0-9 yards = 6 points

TD pass 10-39 yards = 9 points

TD pass 40+ = 12 points

If QB has TD run or reception, it's double the points. So 11-yard TD run by Rodgers = 18 points.

Thanks, guys!!
I don't know that I'd put much separation between the two, honestly. Matter of personal preference. I hope you know I was kidding about you being assaulted on the course.

Tomorrow morning I'm doing my Yasso 800s. At least 6, but I'd love to try 8 if I get started early enough.
Run didn't happen - I've had a mega-headache for the past 36 hours and not feeling great overall, so I decided at the last second (as in I was dressed and had the Garmin on to run) that wisdom was the better part of valor. Assuming I'm feeling better - and Tylenol seems to be doing the trick so far - I'll either head home a bit early today to run or go for it tomorrow morning instead.
Well, I decided to head home at 4:15 yesterday and get the run in so I wouldn't mess myself up for my Friday run (6 miles at long-tempo pace). I did it, but it wasn't pretty: 8x 800s pace: 7:23, 7:14, 7:17, 7:22, 7:21, 7:41 (completed scheduled 6 repeats), 8:07, 8:09. :confused:

This was significantly slower than I did on 9/1 (5x 800, ave 6:58 pace) and a little slower than goal pace (7:12). Lots of reasons/excuses in my head, but bottom line is I didn't feel all that great but I did it and can move on.

One cool thing about the run was that I did it on my block (.75 miles around) and my kids were outside with my wife. They all hid behind bushes to jump out and "scare" me along the way and gave me high-5s as I passed. Kind of makes up for the disappointing pace!

I hope you know I was kidding about you being assaulted on the course.
Of course. You gonna come out on Sunday morning and watch??
Planning to, yes. No idea where I'll be watching from though. I'll make myself easy to see... and I know I'll find you easy enough.
Awesome. :thumbup: Check with tri-man. He said about maybe coming down, too.Text me if you figure out where you're going to be. I'll look for you.

pmbrown_22 said:
As for me, I ran a 6 miler at lunch yesterday in 7:52 per mile. I am feeling pretty good, but as with most tapers I am feeling every ache and pain which scares me, but I am running well so I am not complaining. I will be doing a 5 miler today at lunch. With the cooler weather it is great to run during lunch while I am not getting up in the wee hours to run.
And I know exactly what you mean about the phantom aches and pains. I generally just attribute it to taper madness. Hang in there. You're doing to rock it in Columbus!!!
I had the same thing last week. I kept thinking that this is as bad as my legs have felt in a long time. My knees and hips were really bothering me. It was all mental. Glad to hear that is fairly normal.
Question for physicaltherapistguys:

I'm normally about a 25 mi/week recreational runner. About six weeks ago, I started having pain on the medial side of my right knee, below the kneecap. It was worst the morning after a run so for a while, I cut out back-to-back days and tried to run through it. Of course, that rarely works so I ended up walking home from a planned 8-miler last month. The pain wasn't unbearable but it was enough to convince me to try staying off it for a while. I've had some problems with ITBs in the past so I know it's not that. The pain is on the other side of the knee. I can extend the knee fully now but before it hurt more when my leg was straight.

It's been four weeks as of Saturday and I'm itching to get back on the road. It doesn't really hurt now but I know it's still there. Anybody have any amateur diagnoses? Am I risking more serious injury by resuming my routine? Are there any stretches I can do to manage it better?

I hope you know I was kidding about you being assaulted on the course.
Of course. You gonna come out on Sunday morning and watch??
Planning to, yes. No idea where I'll be watching from though. I'll make myself easy to see... and I know I'll find you easy enough. Anyone else heading down?
I expect to get down there, but I've got to work it around the 9:40-10:40 am Sunday School class that I teach ("sinners just need to learn to HTFU!"). So I might get down early before/at the start, or I might go after that to catch a spot late in the race. I expect I'll go early - if it starts at 8, Chad'll be done a bit after 11. Chad - cool shirt! Just know you'll have a lot of people behind you going :finger:Newman - welcome! Regarding tapering, just remember that you can't improve over the last week or two, so just take it easy and prepare mentally. Regarding meals, I agree with gruecd (Chad) that the key meal is dinner two nights before (Friday for a Sunday race). "Graze" and drink steady through the days on Thursday, Friday, then Saturday early on for a Sunday race. Saturday night is too late! That food won't be processed through and will just sit in your system. Eat a sensible, light, digestible dinner the night before.

Eephus - sorry, I don't have any knowledgeable advice ("when has that ever stopped you, tri-man?"). Are your shoes old and worn?

I expect I'll go early - if it starts at 8, Chad'll be done a bit after 11. Chad - cool shirt! Just know you'll have a lot of people behind you going :finger:
Hey, tri-man, I hope to see you down there. Just FYI, the race starts at 7:30 this year, not 8:00.
Question for physicaltherapistguys:

I'm normally about a 25 mi/week recreational runner. About six weeks ago, I started having pain on the medial side of my right knee, below the kneecap. It was worst the morning after a run so for a while, I cut out back-to-back days and tried to run through it. Of course, that rarely works so I ended up walking home from a planned 8-miler last month. The pain wasn't unbearable but it was enough to convince me to try staying off it for a while. I've had some problems with ITBs in the past so I know it's not that. The pain is on the other side of the knee. I can extend the knee fully now but before it hurt more when my leg was straight.

It's been four weeks as of Saturday and I'm itching to get back on the road. It doesn't really hurt now but I know it's still there. Anybody have any amateur diagnoses? Am I risking more serious injury by resuming my routine? Are there any stretches I can do to manage it better?
Is it below the kneecap or to the side? The MCL attaches on the inside there. Also, your sartorius muscle wraps around and connects over that way, as well. Of course your patellar tendon connects there, as well.Nothing but rest helps and MCL, dunno what to do with a sartorius pull.

Diagram: http://www.medical-look.com/systems_images...and_the_hip.jpg

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Hey, guys. Here's the customized singlet my sister made me for Chicago:



Love it!! :excited:
As a Bear fan, I truly hate the singlet. I also feel that Brady/Rogers is a wash, though I like Brady against Jax in week 16 a lot more than Rogers against Seattle at Lambeau (= most like a run it all day, day).Eephus: it sounds like it might be "Runner's Knee" also called chondromalacia. It typically occurs from over-training, and can be onset with changes in the weather. Glucosamine Chondroitin should become your best friend if you are having it.

My Update:

I'm hoping to get an 18 to 20 miler in tomorrow morning, but it looks like rain all day, and temps in the 40's (Im in Milwaukee). It wil be interesting to see how my training in the heat will translate to the cold :fingerscrossed:

Can't wait for updates from the racers this weekend!!!


Question for physicaltherapistguys:

I'm normally about a 25 mi/week recreational runner. About six weeks ago, I started having pain on the medial side of my right knee, below the kneecap. It was worst the morning after a run so for a while, I cut out back-to-back days and tried to run through it. Of course, that rarely works so I ended up walking home from a planned 8-miler last month. The pain wasn't unbearable but it was enough to convince me to try staying off it for a while. I've had some problems with ITBs in the past so I know it's not that. The pain is on the other side of the knee. I can extend the knee fully now but before it hurt more when my leg was straight.

It's been four weeks as of Saturday and I'm itching to get back on the road. It doesn't really hurt now but I know it's still there. Anybody have any amateur diagnoses? Am I risking more serious injury by resuming my routine? Are there any stretches I can do to manage it better?
Is it below the kneecap or to the side? The MCL attaches on the inside there. Also, your sartorius muscle wraps around and connects over that way, as well. Of course your patellar tendon connects there, as well.Nothing but rest helps and MCL, dunno what to do with a sartorius pull.

Diagram: http://www.medical-look.com/systems_images...and_the_hip.jpg
thanks. My pain is off to the side (medial) below my knee. On the drawing, it would be at the lower right corner.
New to this thread and have only seen the last couple of pages. I'm running quite a bit (4-8 miles per day, 6-7 days per week) and have signed up for a half in January. I've never done a race before and have a couple of questions:

1) Should I reduce the number of days I run in the weeks preceding the race (and potentially increase the miles per run)? I feel comfortable doing 8 miles, but 13 seems like a helluva grind.

2) What's the appropriate diet the night before / morning of the race?
Hello, Newman. ;) Where are you from, and which half are you doing??

To answer your questions:

1) The key to the taper is reducing volume while maintaining intensity, but with a half marathon, there's typically not a big taper involved. It's really just a matter of backing off a bit during race week. Since you've never done a race before, I'd suggest following a training plan. When I did my first marathon, I used Hal Higdon's "novice" plan with good sucess. He also has novice, intermediate, and advanced plans for half marathoners. You can check them out here.

2) In terms of nutrition, I like to have my pasta dinner 2-3 nights before the race. For example, I'm running Chicago on Sunday, so I'll try to have a nice pasta dinner either tonight or tomorrow night. On Saturday night I'll eat something light--probably just a sub or something like that. Race morning? Again, not a lot. Probably just a bagel, a can of AMP Energy, and some Gatorade/water. But this is definitely an area that is different for everybody. It's really more trail and error than anything.

Good luck with your training, and let us know if you have any more questions. Lots of smart people around here. And "experienced" people like tri-man, too. :lmao:
Thanks for the advice - very helpful. I'm in Dallas and am doing the Texas Half at the end of January (at White Rock Lake for those familiar with the area). The weather here at that time of year is pretty much a crapshoot - could be anywhere from 30 to 80 degrees, probably somewhere in the middle, which would be fine with me. I'll probably have more questions as the race approaches. Good thread.
Got my 5 miler yesterday and lunch and have planned on doing the same today. Treadmill work. I hate it, but it does get the easy miles out that I am looking for now. It is raining buckets here the last two days. I will have to take a canoe out tomorrow for my easy 4 miler.

Good luck to all you Chicago guys this weekend. I will be thinking about you guys while I am running around the pumpkin patch chasing after my two rugrats and eating smores.

What was supposed to be a 6 mile tempo run (8 miles total) turned into an hour on the treadmill this morning due to the rain. Like pmbrown_22, I hate running on the treadmill, but I just didn't feel like running in mid-40 degrees in the rain. I'll HTFU another time, thanx!

It looks like the Chicago weather is going to be perfect marathon running weather on Sunday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the low 40s.

Good luck to all of the runners and enjoy the experience that is the Chicago Marathon!!

Got my 5 miler yesterday and lunch and have planned on doing the same today. Treadmill work. I hate it, but it does get the easy miles out that I am looking for now. It is raining buckets here the last two days. I will have to take a canoe out tomorrow for my easy 4 miler.Good luck to all you Chicago guys this weekend. I will be thinking about you guys while I am running around the pumpkin patch chasing after my two rugrats and eating smores.
Am I the only one that finds the treadmill harder than the road?I loathe the treadmill and find myself struggling much more there than pretty much anywhere else.
I posted a few weeks ago about running my first 5K and since then I've got bitten by the running bug. I have decided to start working toward running the Little Rock Half-Marathon in March 2010. I need some help with a training schedule, though. I have quite a bit of time (20+ weeks) but currently am only logging about 10 miles per week. I want to start building up my endurance but want to make sure I do it slowly so I don't get injured.

Any thoughts on either of these programs?

Cool Running Half schedule Specifically, what do you think about the pre-training recommendations? I could do that for 6 weeks before starting the actual training program in December.

Hal Higdon Half schedule

Other sources you would recommend? TIA.

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Am I the only one that finds the treadmill harder than the road?I loathe the treadmill and find myself struggling much more there than pretty much anywhere else.
:lmao:I bought trail runners with a rear snow pad so I could train for my April marathon last year in the snow versus the dreadmill. It kills my legs and destroys my toe nails (or lack thereof after). As long as there is not a tn of ice out side, that is where I am running (including in the rain & snow).
Good luck to all of the runners and enjoy the experience that is the Chicago Marathon!!
Just back from a week long training class and watned to be sure and get my good lucks out to you all who are going for it this weekend!!!! gruecd, if you could Facebook your splits in race so I can check on my wife's account, I'd appreciate it so I don't have to sign up for the email updates (it was rather strange to see you mug on her page :) ). Give'em hell Sunday.
I posted a few weeks ago about running my first 5K and since then I've got bitten by the running bug. I have decided to start working toward running the Little Rock Half-Marathon in March 2010. I need some help with a training schedule, though. I have quite a bit of time (20+ weeks) but currently am only logging about 10 miles per week. I want to start building up my endurance but want to make sure I do it slowly so I don't get injured.

Any thoughts on either of these programs?

Cool Running Half schedule Specifically, what do you think about the pre-training recommendations? I could do that for 6 weeks before starting the actual training program in December.

Hal Higdon Half schedule

Other sources you would recommend? TIA.
I used for my 1st 1/2, and continue to refer to the book Marathoning for Mortals. Looking back, it did a lot more for me that just gving me a running schedule. It has a bunch of real life stories about all kinds of runners and the struggles and successes and also have multiple training schedules. Many times in race, good or bad, I'll think of something out of the book. I am an easy access internet kind of guy, but this was a great buy and a great read. PLUS, my wife and I have motivated bunches of other runners and have loaned them them book. It cool to share your running (or swiming or biking, etc bug with others.
Got my 5 miler yesterday and lunch and have planned on doing the same today. Treadmill work. I hate it, but it does get the easy miles out that I am looking for now. It is raining buckets here the last two days. I will have to take a canoe out tomorrow for my easy 4 miler.Good luck to all you Chicago guys this weekend. I will be thinking about you guys while I am running around the pumpkin patch chasing after my two rugrats and eating smores.
Am I the only one that finds the treadmill harder than the road?I loathe the treadmill and find myself struggling much more there than pretty much anywhere else.
Mostly for me it depends on what is sitting in front of me when I run. We have TVs at my work gym and most of the time they have ESPN on or something interesting. That usually passes the time quite nicely. Not a lot of eye candy (quite the opposite in fact) so there is not much help there. If there is nothing good on, then it feels like a lot longer of a run. The other thing is that I do not go as fast as I do outside for no other reason of fear of hitting the side of the treadmill and shooting through the wall in the back. I saw this happen one time and could not believe what I had seen. The guy got up and continued running like it was no big deal. I could not look at him for fear of laughing in his face. Not nice, but I just could not help re-playing the scene in my head. I don't want to be that guy.

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