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Rep. Steve Scalise, multiple aides shot at Congressional baseball practice (1 Viewer)

fyi - don't watch FOX news coverage of this situation unless you want to believe the 3rd world war is about to kick off

tune in to any other station for more rational, reasoned coverage
Or just watch whatever channel you want since they all have some flipping bias behind them.  Nice try though

Of course, that may have been the aim, but we have to wait & see who this ******* is.
Agreed...no doubt...facts are still unknown but the thought of 45 members of congress getting gunned down in cold-blood should frighten the hell out of everyone...that is Joe Stalin type of insanity... 

Is it possible to get all the extreme left and right that post on this board and just banish them to one thread and let them scream at each other? Can we make that happen?
So many people want to eliminate the right to speak about opinions around here, while claiming they are so righteous and American. 

Going to give my usual advice. Everyone should really wait at least 24 hours before deciding what did or didn't happen here. 

Anything beyond expressing your well wishes has a good chance of being wrong until we get some facts. And that usually takes longer than a couple of hours.

So I'll wait to comment beyond saying I am glad no one was killed and I wish everyone a speedy and full recovery.

Or just watch whatever channel you want since they all have some flipping bias behind them.  Nice try though
i did that this morning.

FOX was a ####show. just terrible coverage. not because of any perceived liberal/conservative bias (nice try, though!) but because of how they attempt to fan the flames and sell the gore.

ABC was running the same coverage without all the stammering nonsense that FOX was vomiting out.

Thanks for the wishes on staying safe.  Lockdown was lifted about 30 minutes ago, and we're all safe.  Decided not to get any closer to investigate, since I was already too close for comfort.

I noticed the road that I usually drive down to get to the day care was closed, so I drove down to the next block to get to it.  So, I basically drove even closer to the eye of the storm.  I didn't know there was a shooting until I got into the day care and they told me about the lockdown.

I could use a stiff drink right now.
:banned: :hifive:   glad your safe.

i did that this morning.

FOX was a ####show. just terrible coverage. not because of any perceived liberal/conservative bias (nice try, though!) but because of how they attempt to fan the flames and sell the gore.

ABC was running the same coverage without all the stammering nonsense that FOX was vomiting out.
Now imagine the Dems got shot up by a nutbag righty 

Im assuming the coverage would be a little different 

and Mavis would care 

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The takeaway is look at how vicious everyone is being to each other in this thread.   Everyone is at each others throats.  Politics is at a wildly heated level right now.  This is as bad as ive seen.  
Meh.  I remember seeing Sen. Charles Sumner get his #### WHUPPED in the Senate Chambers by a member of the House of Representatives back in the day. Guy got KNOCKED THE #### OUT!

Capella said:
What opinion is going to change 24 hours from now? Some lunatic pulled a gun and shot innocent people. I don't really think we need time to marinate on that. 
You don't even know why this happened but you have an opinion on it? Which then turns into back and forth sniping which leads no where and accomplishes nothing. I like to deal in facts not the emotion of the moment personally.

But you do you it was just an offer of advice 

There's probably nothing that could be said by anyone from any part of the political landscape of this country that would dramatically change an opinion. Not anymore, at least. Many of those opinions have been adopted as ideals and I suppose that's fine. Where I get confused and angry and depressed all in the same breath is times like these where we're all so conditioned to protect our version of liberty that we start seeing enemies in our neighbors. It's not healthy. We've been exposed to it now more than ever with the the 24 hour news cycle being used as a weapon as much as anything else. 

I used to think this place was a great place to share ideas and even a safe place to disagree or try to understand where others were coming from. There used to be a great honesty in the  anonymity here. Not so much anymore. I sincerely hope today might wake a lot of you up to your gross misuse of a tool like this forum and start trying to truly understand where your brothers and sisters are coming from as opposed to coming here to fight. 

If you really want a fight, keep this garbage up. You just might get your wish. 

If politically motivated it won't be surprising. The rhetoric from the looney left is beyond anything we've seen right now. The threads on this board are perfect examples of just how far gone these types are. 
This was the act of a nutjob. He is not speaking for anyone on "the left" outside of a minuscule portion of insane #######s. This one happened to own a high powered rifle.

This is a time when everyone is on the same side.

This was the act of a nutjob. He is not speaking for anyone on "the left" outside of a minuscule portion of insane #######s. This one happened to own a high powered rifle.

This is a time when everyone is on the same side.
Again, assuming he's from the left.  Reports seem to indicate a chunky white male...which, percentage wise, could easily push him to the right.  But at this point, until info comes out, there's little use in speculating other than to say that what he did was horrible and to hope the victims end up recovering fully.

Again, assuming he's from the left.  Reports seem to indicate a chunky white male...which, percentage wise, could easily push him to the right.  But at this point, until info comes out, there's little use in speculating other than to say that what he did was horrible and to hope the victims end up recovering fully.
It doesn't matter what his political leanings are.  He's a nutjob who doesn't represent the feelings of either side.

Today is Flag Day. I'd probably be flying Old Glory anyway but today it will be in solidarity with my fellow Americans of all stripes, the people of DC & No. VA and the public officials and the federal and city security in DC and VA. That's what will be on my mind. DC is a special city and it's worth remembering that the people of the DC area always carry with them the knowledge that their home can be the target of something awful like this. And this is someone's home, not just our capitol. Unfortunately when political violence is involved and politics is a motive, then politics is unavoidable, but that's when it comes to talking about the perpetrator, not each other, When it's your home being discussed, it's different. Just keep that in mind.

Again, assuming he's from the left.  Reports seem to indicate a chunky white male...which, percentage wise, could easily push him to the right.  But at this point, until info comes out, there's little use in speculating other than to say that what he did was horrible and to hope the victims end up recovering fully.
Plenty of fat white liberals out there. It doesn't matter if this guy is left or right. 

Normal, sane people need to not overreact and get hostile with "the other side". This was a random act by a crazy **** who unfortunately has way too much power to affect the rest of us.

Capella said:
You know, I deleted my comment but WHO CARES why it happened. Your comments seem to think that you believe there is a justifiable reason for what happened and maybe it'll come out later. There's not. What are you even talking about? This isn't a hot-button political issue we all need time to think about. Innocent people got shot by a loon, period. 
And now attacking me because before I discuss something I like to know the facts. I never said shooting anyone was justified. What I said was dealing in the emotion of the moment rather than dealing in the reality of what happened is counter productive. Motivation does matter it provides a context in which to have a discussion about what happened and why it happened. 

But keep swinging my friend if it makes you feel better.

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This was the act of a nutjob. He is not speaking for anyone on "the left" outside of a minuscule portion of insane #######s. This one happened to own a high powered rifle.

This is a time when everyone is on the same side.
Oh I don't think he would be speaking for the left. I just meant the rhetoric from the left is so inflammatory right now that in the ears and mind of a legit loon it could motivate. 

And now attacking me because before I discuss something I like to know the facts. I never said shooting anyone was justified. What I said was dealing in the emotion of the moment rather than dealing in the reality of what happened is counter productive. Motivation does matter it provides a context in which to have a discussion about what happened and why it happened. 

Buy keep swinging my friend if it makes you feel better.
So come back after you get the facts?

This was the act of a nutjob. He is not speaking for anyone on "the left" outside of a minuscule portion of insane #######s. This one happened to own a high powered rifle.

This is a time when everyone is on the same side.
American Press would clearly label this terrorism if it happened on foreign soil. I wonder why we are so hesistant to label these acts domestic terrorism. 


FBI agent: "No, it's not an assassination attempt" Dismisses account that shooter asked for party IDs "not aware of that at all"

I mean you guys seem to have already decided this guy's political.affiliation and last I checked we don't even know his name. 

Oh I don't think he would be speaking for the left. I just meant the rhetoric from the left is so inflammatory right now that in the ears and mind of a legit loon it could motivate. 
Sorry. Didn't mean to overstep there. Thank you for clarifying though.

This is so far beyond normal it can't even be measured. Even the most left leaning, aggressive talking heads will agree.


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